恋は雨上がりのように 4 [Koi wa Ameagari no you ni 4] (After the Rain, #4) by Jun Mayuzuki

恋は雨上がりのように 4 [Koi wa Ameagari no you ni 4] (After the Rain, #4)
Title : 恋は雨上がりのように 4 [Koi wa Ameagari no you ni 4] (After the Rain, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 4091874177
ISBN-10 : 9784091874177
Language : Japanese
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 157
Publication : First published January 12, 2016




切なく甘酸っぱく 透明感溢れる


恋は雨上がりのように 4 [Koi wa Ameagari no you ni 4] (After the Rain, #4) Reviews

  • Frédéric

    The no-romance quietly follows its snail paced course while the characters are individually developped.

    *Spoiler alert*

    Masami, a kind hearted gentleman if ever, is conscious of the awkwardness of the situation but is also kind of happy to feel somewhat indirectly young again. Meeting his former college best friend, now a published writer, somehow rekindles something in him.

    As for Akira her broken dreams as a runner made her aloof. She didn’t realize it was slowly breaking her friendship with her best friend and belatedly starts regretting it.

    Both are touching in their loneliness and insecurities but somehow a love story between these two doesn’t seem to be the solution to fix them,

  • Nicolo

    One reason this series has not degenerated into a cringe-fest is that the older man is dense but kindhearted. He's definitely less of a scumbag than the college guy who blackmailed Akira into a date.

    This was a pretty good volume, since we get to see Akira and Masami developing into a real friendship. In that vein, chapter 25 really stood out as well.

  • Marianna Rainolter

    In questo volume Akira vuole sfruttare il fatto che lei è il signor Kondo sono diventati ufficialmente (?) amici per approfondire il loro rapporto. Inoltre ricompare Kiyan e le due ragazze cercano di far si che il loro rapporto torni come prima. Interviene anche il signor Kondo, anche lui alle prese con un suo vecchio amico che aveva perso di vista. Un bel volume, con l'amicizia come tema principale che emoziona e piace molto, sono curiosa di vedere come proseguirà la storia.

  • Pflanzis

    Es gefällt mir, dass sich die Geschichte auch so einfühlsam mit Freundschaften befasst. Wie man sich entfremden kann, wenn man plötzlich viel weniger Berührungspunkte hat, aber das dies nicht bedeutet, dass die Freundschaft weniger wertvoll war oder in Zukunft sein wird. Dass man sich auch nach 10 Jahren, in denen man keinen Kontakt mehr hatte, wiedersehen kann und es genauso ist wie früher. <3

  • Frankie Frabizzio

    that ending was so sweet >.<

  • Yeon

    bộ này đọc cứ thấy buồn buồn, chỉ có gái là xinh lên theo thời gian

  • Emi

    Este tomo me ha gustado más que los anteriores. Me ha parecido más "entrañable". También me encantan los secundarios. Algunos salen solo en dos o tres viñetas, pero son geniales.

  • Tamara

    I’m in love with these series ❤️

  • Jon Ureña

    Except for the very beginning of the volume, this was the mildest so far. This is all act two stuff, so spoilers.

    At the end of the previous volume, our seventeen year old high school student, who is inexplicably in love with her forty five year old boss, ventured through a typhoon to get to the guy's house and cry about how much of a pest she had been to him for pursuing him romantically. The guy had a fever at the moment, which made the scene more interesting. In any case, one of the main deals with our long-legged protagonist is that she has pushed deep both her grief and disappointment over having been forcefully stripped of her passion (she suffered a career-ending injury), along with something going on with her faceless father. Her pain is frozen, and this is the first scene in which it begins to come out. She's doubled over the guy's table and crying softly because she has begun to understand that she is just worthless and she's doing nothing but bothering the guy with her infatuation. But he's quick to clarify that she's wrong about that, that she's brightening his days, reminding him of his youth that he desperately wishes he could return to (plenty of unresolved issues of his own), and that if anything he's grateful that she wants to interact with him. He ends up hugging her because he can't deal with her crying, but he's quick to clarify that they are just friends. The author adds a few references to Naoki Urasawa's chilling epic
    "20th Century Boys", references that are completely obscure if you haven't read that series. The author also made a few "Berserk" references in previous volumes (which is curious, given that the initial run of "Berserk" couldn't be further from the tone of this series).

    In any case, the boss guy friendzoning our elegant protagonist sets the tone for the scenes during the rest of this volume: her strained relationship with her faceless father as well as her former best friend, and the boss' own relationship with a former college classmate, are explored. Regarding the protagonist's father, her parents are divorced, and the guy's face is for some reason obscured all the time. Their relationship is emotionless, but not particularly difficult. The author herself makes a point that the boss she's infatuated with doesn't resemble her father.

    We already knew that the protagonist's relationship with her darker-skinned former best friend was withering away because the protagonist's doesn't want to address her pains related to having lost her passion for running. The friend wants to go back to those happy times, but when they get to spend time together during a festival, things only get worse between them. The friend realizes that the protagonist is in love with a much older guy and she berates the protagonist for it, which annoys the protagonist and makes her grow colder still. In the end she says to her friend that things could never go back to what they were, and the friend leaves in tears. Our protagonist is curiously assertive for what most main characters tend to be, particularly in pseudo-romantic series. She knows what she wants, even though she can't deal with plenty of her emotions, and doesn't have trouble pursuing it. It's just that she either wants the wrong things or stuff that she can't do anymore (like track running).

    We learn that the boss is still writing even though he hasn't managed to finish his stories in five years. It's clear he won't publish anything unless he changes significantly, very hard at his age. He meets with his pal from college, who has published some YA stuff that has gotten him some high school aged fans. We see a new side of the boss. He used to be quite ambitious when he had the energy and the hope for it, but he gave up most of it to pursue a romantic relationship with someone who ended up divorcing him for whatever reason.

    By the end of this volume we see the boss in good spirits for having rekindled the relationship with his college pal, but the protagonist is down both because her former best friend is avoiding her and because her love interest has friendzoned her.

    Pleasant, grounded slife-of-life stuff with interesting psychological things added in.

  • SilverMoon

    Ultima lettura dell'anno,presumo,una serie che continuo a trovare gradevole,anche se silenzi e sguardi enigmatici non sempre mi sembrano efficaci.

  • Rach' B

    Nos cuentan la historia de Akira, quien antes era una atleta, pero debido a una lesión en su talón de Aquiles se ve forzada a dejar esto y es así como comienza a trabajar en un restaurante familiar. En el transcurso de su empleo como camarera sus sentimientos hacia su jefe van surgiendo. El jefe del restaurante lleva una vida honesta a sus 45 años, divorciado y con un hijo menor, apasionado por la escritura pero frustrado al no poder continuar su sueño.
    Las historias de ambos se ven unidas en el momento que Akira declara su enamoramiento a su jefe, las circunstancias los ven obligados a pasar tiempo juntos, es así como empiezan a conocer más del otro y poco a poco curar sus heridas y miedos juntos.
    Opinión personal: Esta historia es de las que realmente me encantan, el trasfondo de los personajes y como ese "enamoramiento" ayuda a ambos personajes a encontrar su verdadero camino. La historia en sí realmente te deja un sabor de boca bastante extraño, en el buen sentido. Toco mi corazón el como ambos se daban cuenta de sus sentimientos.
    El único "problema" que tuve era la diferencia de edad entre ambos, 17 y 45 años, aunque en una parte me gusto como al final colocaron partes de "que pasaría si él tuviera 17 años". Sin duda el final del libro de una forma u otra te deja con bastantes esperanzas.

  • Luana


    Probabilmente, questo è il volume che mi è piaciuto di più fino ad ora. Filo conduttore delle vicende narrate qui è il sentimento dell'amicizia, con Akira e il direttore che si ritrovano a vivere due situazioni simili, ma con un finale decisamente diverso: se il legame tra la ragazza e Kiyan, la sua migliore amica, sembra essersi incrinato in maniera definitiva (complice anche l'infortunio di Akira, che l'ha portata ad allontanarsi dal mondo dell'atletica e dai membri del club della scuola), il direttore rivede dopo dieci anni un vecchio compagno di università con cui condivideva la passione per la scrittura (passione che lui ha continuato a coltivare in segreto). I due si lasciano in amicizia, con la promessa di rimanere in contatto e rivedersi presto.
    Sul fronte sentimentale, le cose non procedono propriamente come vorrebbe Akira, visto che, Kondo, giustamente, non vorrebbe incoraggiare l'infatuazione della ragazza, ma nemmeno farla soffrire: e così, almeno al momento, i due si definiscono amici (per scelta del direttore). Vedremo se le cose rimarranno così o evolveranno ancora.

  • Cookie

    I'm reading these like I'm eating amuse-bouches. These are so good and captivating that I devour each volume in minutes...

    4.5 stars. My favourite one yet probably.

    I think it's the first time that I've come across a depiction of friendship that rung this true to life. Friendships are terribly difficult things, as bonds between humans generally are. Media generally depicts friends as selfless, will-always-be-there-for-you relationships. But in truth, these relationships are as delicate, fragile and imperfect as others. How do we navigate the little jealousies we feel towards friends, how do we deal when a friend is jealous of us, are we really friends then, how to deal with the guilt, with feelings of superiority or inferiority towards them, what to do when we feel the teeniest bit of satisfaction when we beat them or they fail or when we don't feel that happy about their success?

    All this to say that this was as refreshing as ever!

  • Denaiir

    I continued my binge-reading and this series exceeds all expectations, it has now wormed its way to a 5-star rating. I have never read such an original shôjô series and I'm loving it. It continues to be extremely atmospheric and I can't get enough.
    The emotion in this one PEAKED and I was on the edge of my seat! Such a good pacing and development of the relationships.
    Yui and Yoshizawa are awesome side characters too, they are the cutest!
    The friendships are once again at the center and I love how all the relationships are intertwined, with Kondo/Chihiro, Akira/Haruka, they are all dear to my heart.

  • Ana ★ Tesserell

    Am impresia ca se incearca o paralela intre barbatul pe care Akira il iubeste (destul de batran sa ii fie tata) si tatal ei?
    In orice caz, imi plac aspectele care tin de serviciu (Akira trebuie sa invete un nou fel in care sa aranjeze desertul pe farfurie, nu era in centrul preocuparilor mele sa ma gandesc ca cineva s-ar preocupa de asa ceva -in viata reala- pana acum) si faptul ca viata ei de dinainte nu este uitata (inca - sa speram ca nu se intampla ca in Sailor Moon (in anime) unde Naru este uitata undeva pe fundal mult prea repede).

  • Soobie is expired

    Mi sa che apprezzerò questo manga finché Masami terrà le zampe lontano da Akira. Già il fatto che l'abbracci non mi va tanto bene... Che poi lei si fa un sacco di pensieri strani.

    Si scoprono gli altarini di Masami: lui ha sempre . Insomma, anche lui sembra avere dei lati positivi.

    Mi piace vedere come l'autrice stia cercando di portare sulla scena anche la vita dei protagonisti, con le loro passioni e i loro amici.

    Si legge troppo velocemente però!

  • Tania

    Este me gustó más porque se enfoca en la amistad de Akira y Haruka después de que la primera dejara el club de atletismo. Aquí, se nota que Akira es quien se ha distanciado y Haruka no sabe cómo volver a acercarse ahora que su interés en común ya no existe.

    Por otro lado, el escritor era su amigo, no la esposa, pero ella también escribe al parecer.

  • Ann loves Cardan✨

    Qué tomo más bonito🥺
    Me ha gustado mucho que por fin nos cuenten algo más personal del encargado y que siga avanzando un poco la trama con la amiga de Akira🥺 El mensaje de las últimas páginas me ha parecido precioso💞

  • Carol


  • Medusa :)

    *3.5 stars*
    This volume was more interesting and focused a little more on the boss’ friend and Akiras friend.

  • peachie.


  • Solim

    A little more background on the manager. Tachibana is falling harder and harder with each volume and it is taking a toll on her personal life and friendship.

  • Kristin ✨

    "We are just friends"
    Sure you are.

    Love the past friend coming in and being like "You don't like him do you? He is so OLD"

  • Noa Seishu

    Amo las enseñanzas que van dejando a medida que avanza la historia❤️

  • Marc

    On sent que pour Akira cet été signe le passage de sa vie d’enfant à celle de jeune adulte.
    Ce tome se lit tout seul, c’est hyper fluide et contemplatif à la fois.

  • Eressea

    190626 2nd read
    190519 1st read

  • Oki Zukii

    Kisah gadis SMA yang J̶a̶t̶u̶h̶ ̶c̶i̶n̶t̶a̶ & berteman pada dudu berusia 45 tahun.

    ☔ Akira Tachibana si gadis SMA menjenguk bosnya, Masami Kondo si duda beranak satu yang sedang terbaring sakit di apartemennya. Kedekatan Tachibana yang terus menerus pun akhirnya membuat buih-buih cinta dalam diri Kondo membuncah. Hal yang tidak terduga pun terjadi.

    ☔ Kondo memeluk Tachibana! Jangankan Tachibana, aku pun kaget. Karena kupikir selama ini Tachibana yang selalu berinsiatif lebih dulu, bukan Kondo. Tapi si bos menegaskan bahwa mereka berteman. Hahaha friend zone. Dalam benak Akira Tachibana tentu ini menjadi kemajuan, ia juga beranggapan bahwa pertemanan dengan Kondi lebih spesial ketimbang pertemanannya dengan rekannya yang lain.

    ☔ Gelagat masa mudah kian mewarnai After The Rain, dalam jilid 4 pun dikisahkan akan persahabatannya dengan Haruka yang mulai merenggang, keluarga Tachibana yang lain. Masa lalu Masami Kondo juga mulai terkuak perlahan dengan kehadiran temannya semasa kuliah. Akankah friend zone antara Akira dan Masami bergelora ke arah hubungan spesial? Lanjut ke volume 5