Title | : | Life to the Fullest: A Story About Finding Your Purpose and Following Your Heart (Sports for the Soul Book 4) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 275 |
Publication | : | Published December 7, 2017 |
“Never let the odds keep you from pursuing what you know in your heart you were meant to do.” - Satchel Paige
The world’s happiest and most successful people tell us it’s ESSENTIAL that we find our true purpose in life. But how, exactly, do you find your purpose? And, once you find it, how can you be sure that it’s “safe” to follow that path in life? This book answers those two life-changing questions.
Written as an inspirational fable in the style of previous Sports for the Soul books, Life to the Fullest reveals a powerful five-step process for finding your purpose while also dealing with the questions we all have about whether it’s “safe” to follow the dreams in our hearts.
In a story that pays homage to the holiday classics, It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol, John Callahan is a man who has spent his life listening to his heart and following his passion as a high school football coach just like his legendary father. But his dream life is suddenly being crushed. Just days before the state championship game, John receives news that his beloved school is declaring bankruptcy and will be shutting down at the end of the year.
Everything John has worked his whole life for—his team, his community, his pension—is being taken away from him. John now finds himself angry at his long-deceased father for advising him to follow his heart and he’s angry at himself for not taking “better” opportunities when they came along.
When all hope seems lost, John receives a miraculous visit from his father on the eve of his team’s final game. John is given the opportunity to revisit past moments in his life and to see how things would’ve turned out differently if he had chosen more “practical” opportunities.
This is a story about fathers and sons. It’s a story about faith, family, and community. Most of all, it’s a story about having the courage to follow your heart and live your true purpose.
As this story plays out, you will find the answers to two of life’s most important questions: How do I find my life’s purpose and is it safe to follow that purpose once I find it?
Life to the Fullest: A Story About Finding Your Purpose and Following Your Heart (Sports for the Soul Book 4) Reviews
I wish every high school sports program in America had access to these books. They are so incredibly well written and contain such vital truth needed to succeed not only in school and in sports, but in life. Replete with real life and real world situations of defeat, setback, and heart-break, in Life to the Fullest, Darrin Donnelly tackles masterfully the question of purpose and ultimately what is truly important in life despite all of the inevitable highs and very low lows. I cannot recommend more highly these Donnelly books for any student athlete of any age, middle/high schooler, and/or person who knows of the intricate parallels that exist between life and sports. I can’t wait until these books become either a movie and/or tv series. They’re that good. Enjoy! And live YOUR life to the fullest! -
May faith return
Another inspiring tale by the author. It is better for our spirits to dream such miracles could happen than carrying around a burdensome pack of negativity. It makes me pray for faith and trust in God returns to communities across America. I live in a small dying community that could use a glimmer of light amid ever increasing poverty and hopelessness. What if?... -
Inspiring story
I have enjoyed reading all four of Darrin's books. I find them so inspiring. I relate to and learn something from each one. If you find yourself feeling stuck in life and need some inspiration you can't go wrong with these books. -
Muy buen libro y como siempre, excelente historia para entender el mensaje. Al igual que sus otros libros, es muy difícil dejar de leerlo. -
Great writinf with lots of motivational and inspirational thoughts, I recommend everyone who struggles in life.
A good book for a midlife crisis. Helps you think and prioritize and establish values to live life by - although it’s a story about football in a Christmas Carol format, the point is to teach lessons through a story. Darrin Donnelly has several books like this that Glenn loves and he has read them to stafford which has really helped him.