Title | : | Coen Brothers: Five Films: An Analysis (What Does the Protagonist Want? #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 162 |
Publication | : | Published October 24, 2017 |
Coen Brothers: Five Films: An Analysis (What Does the Protagonist Want? #2) Reviews
For viewers who've seen these films and particularly viewers who are opinionated about the Coens, this is an interesting series of essays. Although each is dedicated to a film, they use that film to bridge the works thematically.
I think different readers will appreciate different essays more than others. I thought the essay on "No Country" was exceptional but could easily see someone disagreeing.
Very much worth a read of you've read this much of the review. -
I am in love with Coen's universe. And this book is the icing on the cake. A very good amd short analyze by a screenwritter about one of most interesting Coen movies:
-No Country For Old Men
-A Serious Man
-True Grit
-Inside Llewyn Davis
-Hail, Caesar!
All the analyses start from a simple question, what does the protagonist want? More of that, the author talks about the connections betweem others Coen's movies or even others movies.