Blood is Thicker (Montague \u0026 Strong, #3) by Orlando A. Sanchez

Blood is Thicker (Montague \u0026 Strong, #3)
Title : Blood is Thicker (Montague \u0026 Strong, #3)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 275
Publication : First published September 24, 2017

A Broken Pact. An Ancient Enemy. A Bitter Betrayal.

What does a vampire fear more than sunlight? The Cazadoras Sangrientas-Blood Hunters.

Michiko Nakatomi has led the Dark Council for over a century, maintaining the uneasy truce between humanity and the supernatural. But when an ancient enemy returns the delicate balance is shattered and vampires start dying.
Now, Michiko must fight for her life and the survival of the Council. She has no one to trust. Her inner circle is destroyed, the Council is on the verge of collapse, and her only hope lies with Simon and Tristan.
Join the Montague and Strong Detective Agency as they face off against the Blood Hunters to prevent them from destroying the Dark Council and plunging humanity to its doom.

Blood is Thicker (Montague \u0026 Strong, #3) Reviews

  • Deborah


    I’m enjoying this series. It’s totally crazy, laugh out loud funny in places. And there’s never a dull moment and I do mean that. It’s nonstop action. I wish sometimes they’d get a minute to just take a breath.
    This one however is not my favourite so far.

  • Lianne Pheno


    Pour la première fois depuis le début de la série, ce tome ci ne fait que commencer son intrigue. Il se termine sur un cliffhanger.
    J’avoue que j’ai un peu moins aimé ce tome que les précédents. Sans doute ce coté non terminé a joué son rôle, mais le principal défaut pour moi était le fait que j’ai trouvé ce tome trop porté sur l’action. On n’a pas un moment de calme durant tout le tome et il m’a manque ce souffle.

    Pour rappel nous suivons deux protagonistes : Montage, Monty pour les intimes, un mage renégat qui a quitté son Cercle, et Strong, un ancien inspecteur qui a été maudit et est devenu l’immortel vassal de la déesse Karma.

    Dans ce tome les mages de l’ancien cercle de Monty ont décidé que le moment de la discussion était terminée. Vu qu’il refuse de revenir vers eux, maintenant ils emploient la manière forte pour tenter de se débarrasser de lui. Du coté de Strong, tout n’est pas rose non plus. Son employeur, la vampire Mishiko, qui est actuellement à la tête du conseil des surnaturels du coin, est attaquée alors qu’elle le rend visite. Elle est enlevée sous leurs yeux.
    Il semblerait qu’il y ai des Blood Hunter dans le coin (des chasseurs de vampires). Et en plus il s’agit de la Cazadoras Sangrientas, le groupement le plus violent d’entre eux.

    Mais si la situation n’était déjà pas assez compliqué, voila qu’en plus le marché noir est inondé de sang de vampire en vente, qui est une drogue pour les surnaturels, mais qui malheureusement est mortel quand il est trop puissant et rend fou les surnaturels qui en prennent.

    Le chaos s’installe en ville, alors que la drogue se répand de partout et que le conseil est paralysé par l’absence de sa dirigeante.

    La Cazadoras Sangrientas ne maintiendrait jamais de vampires vivants, surtout pour le gain si faible de la revente de leur sang. Ce n’est donc surement pas eux qui sont derrière cet arrivage en masse. Mais ils ont Mishiko, et ils veulent en échange les lames noires qui sont présentes en ville. Mais le problème c’est que l’une d’elle est déjà liée à Strong, et que la seule façon de la leur donner serait de le tuer. Seulement, Strong est justement immortel …

    Il ne reste plus qu’a Montage et Strong de trouver un moyen de délivrer Mishiko avant que les chasseurs de vampires ne finissent par en avoir marre de maintenir un vampire en vie , en espérant que la libérer suffise à rétablir l’ordre …

    Un tome ou tout arrive d’un coup. Nos deux héros ne savent plus ou donner de la tête.
    Surtout que leur contact dans la police humaine, au courant de l’existence des surnaturels, devient fou car les signalements arrivent de partout et que ça met en danger la vie de tout le monde.

    Bref, un rythme effréné, une intrigue qui ne fait que commencer. J’ai lu ce tome en 2-2, ça se dévore, c’est court et ça change rien les idées.
    Si je devais trouver un défaut à ce tome, c’était surtout que l’ensemble faisait un peu chaotique. Le fait que tout leur tombe dessus en même temps fait qu’ils passent d’un problème à l’autre sans avoir le temps de souffler et que la situation ne fait que devenir de plus en plus instable au fur et à mesure. On ne sait vraiment plus ou donner de la tête.

    Déjà je trouvais que le tome précédent était limite un peu trop porté sur l’action pour moi, moins équilibré que le premier qui m’avait bien plu. Mais la c’est l’apothéose. Après ça s’explique par la situation, et c’est totalement fait pour. Mais rajouter un coté chaotique à une série déjà très portée sur l’action, ça fait peut etre un peu trop pour moi.

    Néanmoins je le sais maintenant, ce qui fait que je peux caser le tome suivant au bon moment.
    Je n’en suis pas encore au point de vouloir abandonner.

  • Cherry Mischievous

    My Thoughts:
    In this book we acquired a Gandalf! (Not literally, but metaphorically speaking.) It remains to be seen if this Gandalf character is going to be a positive addition to the series or not...

    The plot has kind of slide down a little bit. It seems to me that Simon and Tristan are just running around chasing their tail in the story... What is that all about?! At least Peaches got his priorities straight!

    This is the first
    Montague & Strong Case Files
    book without an audiobook version at the time I read this book. I was annoyed about that... Even though... with all that moaning, I still enjoyed this book. Very much! So this book gets a four with me.

    Empirical Evaluation:
    Story telling quality = 4.5
    Character development = 5
    Story itself = 4
    Writing Style = 4
    Ending = 4
    World building = 4.5
    Cover art = 4
    Pace = 3.5
    Plot = 3

    Overall Rating:
    4 out of 5 cherries

  • Ladyhawk

    This is a fun, entertaining little series. I would think it's difficult for authors to come up with new ways to tell stories of preternatural creatures. I appreciate how Orlando Sanchez thinks! His story lines are unique, his characters distinct! Keep me coming back for more!

  • Shelly

    ‘ “Have I told you how scary you are?” I opened the back door and let Peaches into the car. I slid into my seat, as he rocked the suspension while settling into his backseat sprawl. “Repeatedly and in great detail,” Monty said, pulling out the bullet again and examining it. “I’d say it’s a bit hypocritical coming from a time-stopping immortal who’s bonded to a hellhound that regularly winks in and out of existence, trying to gnaw on whatever it can get its jaws on. But who am I to judge?” “My point exactly,” I said as we sped uptown. “You’re definitely scarier than that.” ‘ (Quote from ‘Blood is Thicker’ by Orlando A. Sanchez)

    I just thought this passage was hilarious!!! This is a excellent series!!!! The author even humorously references (not by name), the guys from Chicago and St. Louis, from 2 other series by other authors I have read and love!
    If you liked the Dresden files or the Nate Temple Chronicles, you will love these. Definitely recommended!

  • Gail Daley

    A really great series

    This is a great new series, but a it does read like those old time stories that used to appear in theaters after the movies in the 40s and early 50s. In other words, each book ends with a cliffhanger. While each book solves the main issue, so far nothing has been resolved about the main subplot. I do enjoy the veiled references to “the wizards in Chicago and the one in St. Lewis”. The heroes constantly tumble from frying pan to fire in each story: so far there has been an encounter with Hades, Hel, the Morrigan, among other. Well worth a read.

  • Teri

    Mega cliffhanger, a lot of action, but the plot/action seems to run in circles with no discernable advancement of the story.

  • Boingboing

    Okay, first...downside.

    OMG CLIFFHANGER! And I don't mean the 'some open loops from the story that will get answered through the series' kind.

    Nope. Serious action ending at the key moment full stop of the book. GAH! I really hate those. is per usual for readers, I'm invested enough in the series that while I curse the author's cliff, I did immediately start the next book because I HAVE TO KNOW.

    The upside.

    There was a lot of magic slung around in this book and I liked it! If you're going to have magic, use the magic and Monty delivers that by the bulldozer load. He's in trouble and the Golden Circle wants him brought in/dead and they keep having to send more and more powerful mages after him to do the job.

    The beautiful thing is that Monty goes head-to-head and doesn't Gary Stu out of the confrontation. He's not as powerful as some of the mages gunning for him. It's a lot of quick thinking and much running to stay ahead while they try to figure out what's happening and who the major players are in the city who are bringing a supernatural war.

    Our boys end up hurt. A lot. Even Peaches. But Peaches appears to be indestructible, which is good. He is the real hidden hero after all. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    And our baddies did a stupid thing in making an enemy of Michiko. She's one bad ass. Good thing she likes Simon.

    The author is really reaching his stride as far as writing goes. The story is compelling and keeps piling things on for our heroes, not making it easy for them to wiggle out.

    So, yes, the cliff had me scrambling for the next book. Will have a review in a day or so as I blow through this next book 4.

  • David

    Third entry in
    Orlando Sanchez's 'Montague and Strong' series, which I - accidentally - picked up alongside
    The Date A Montague & Strong Detective Story: Montague & Strong Case Files thinking this was also a short story (which it's not).

    I say accidentally, but only in thinking it was a short story: I had fully intended to pick this up at some stage, based on my experience of the previous two full length stories (
    No God is Safe: A Montague & Strong Detective Story and
    Full Moon Howl: A Montague & Strong Detective Novel), with this picking up almost immediately after the events of the latter, with said events having repurcussions in this and with further background being given to the (supernaturla) world in which the two main characters move.

    I have to say, thought, that I found the ending of this one - obviously setting up the sequel - to be rather abrupt!

  • Cyrene Olson

    You would think, that as you get further into a series, storylines will start overlapping, things won’t be fresh and exciting, but that’s not the case of this series. If anything, it just gets better and better. The brilliant action scenes, some of the best dialog I’ve read in any urban fantasy and great plotlines. I don’t what goes on in this author’s mind, but I’ll bet that it’s a riot.
    Blood Hunters out to destroy all vampires are spreading Bloodrum as a drug in the streets. Their aim is to take out all vampires – but at a cost to both vampires and human casualties. When they also kidnap Michiko – the target is now on the Dark Council. And on top of it all, Tristan has a price on his head from the Golden Circle. We also meet Dex, Tristan’s uncle, and a powerful mage with connections to Morrigan…yes THAT Morrigan.
    This is a full-fledged urban fantasy series that will keep you pulled in to the pages and won’t let go. This one ended on a cliffhanger – but this series is 7 books strong, so it didn’t bother me too much and the first chapter of the 4th book is included in the back. If you love urban fantasy, you won’t get much better than these. Reviewed by Cyrene

  • Maryann Sims

    This is the third book in the series and it just keeps getting better and better. We find out more about Monty's family as one of them shows up to help. Which does Monty feel like he doesn't need, in typical Monty fashion? But he has ticked off someone back home and his father felt he needed the help.

    Simon is Simon, and you still want to tell him to be quiet, but where is the fun in that? Peaches are still always hunger.

    But there are some new problems with Simon's love life as Chi gets kidnapped by the Blood Hunter, who are flooding the streets with Redrum, in hopes of being needed by the city to fix the mistake.

    All in all another great installment can't wait for the next one to come out.

  • Sam Martin

    Getting Good

    Bad news is this book leave you in a cliffhanger. The good news is the next book is out and you don’t have to wait to read it. I’m enjoy listening / reading this series. I love Simon and his smart mouth. It get him in trouble. The series keeps getting better and leave me wanting more! Can’t wait to listen to the next book.
    Unfortunately after that I’ll have to wait for the next one come out on Audible. There are 10 books in the series and I wish I had the time to read the books. I listened to audible books and this narrator is good. I switch from book to audible when I on the go. This book is not Whispersync. Where you can switch between audible & kindle book for Audible keeps the Story Going when you not able to read kindle books.

  • Carrie O’Leary

    Blood is Thicker is the third full length novel in the Montague and Strong series. Mr Sanchez has the talent for exciting storytelling with plenty of action and a good bit of humour to boot. Due to the continuing theme in the stories it is better to read them in order. The characters all have their own individual strengths and they compliment each other well, all the old ones are there, and we are introduced to some new ones, including Monty's uncle who adds even more humour to even the most serious of situations. Definitely recommended for those who love a high action, paranormal adventure story that's fast paced and great fun to read

  • Denise King

    Fast paced Magical Action and Adventure that can't be beat. W O W is the first thought that comes to mind when describing this mind blowing Lethal Weapon turns magic. Action, wit, gumshoe smarts, mysterious Mage, and the best kind of male bonding partnership as they work together to not only save Simon's soul mate (bad ass lady vamp keeping tight leash on the safety of their city) from an ancient and unexpected foe but also dealing with new threats to Monty and trying to keep their city safe without her. Excellent tale with a brand new, and hilarious, addition to the team with Monty's uncle popping up. Can't wait for the next one!!!!!

  • Natalie Fallon

    Wow this series just keeps upping its game! Blood is Thicker is the 3rd book in the Montague & Strong series (Tombyards and Butterflies being the 1st) which already started off well but gets even better with every book. This book is full of action with a slightly warped sense of humour. As we catch up with Monty and Simon we find out more about their dysfunctional family as this story goes more in depth into characters you already knew as well as introducing you to new ones with potential to be seriously interesting. You probably ought to set some time aside as once I started reading I really didn't want to stop!

  • GP

    A solid addition to the Montague & Strong series.

    The good: fast-paced with plenty of the destructive action you came for. The stakes are high, the banter is... reasonably witty. More of the world is explored. The bad: the denouement is unsatisfying, feeling rushed with the chief baddie getting comeuppance a little too easily. I also remain unconvinced that these images aren't in the over 9000 camp. I mean, come on, each one is more & more powerful. And the Easter eggs are more dad jokes after a while. We get it. We've read/watched/etc. too. As complaints go, that's pretty mild. I enjoyed it & am looking forward to the next book.

  • Diane

    I like this series quite a bit and intend to read all of it. I like the two main characters, Simon and Tristan. The supporting cast is an intriguing bunch (especially Peaches!). In this, the third book of the series, Michiko (Chi) is nearly killed and kidnapped. Monty and Strong do what they do best (mayhem!) to try save her and the world from the Blood Hunters who seek to destroy all vampires. The story moves at breakneck speed, lots of action and humor. It seems like the guys get beat up a little too often, but manage to hang in there. This one is definitely a cliff-hanger. Thank goodness it's on KU!

  • Emmalynn

    😮.😮.😮.😮 how dare this book end on a cliff hanger 😮😮😮 this is seriously unacceptable!! I need to know

    What happened to Uncle Dex
    Where did the circle take them
    Is Simon close to figuring out the riddle Karma smacked him down for doubting her abilities to reign chaos- seriously Simon, what were you thinking?
    Is Peaches ever going to get more sausages or pastrami?

    This book was a rollicking good time of fun, murder, vampires ( Nick got what he deserved by the way), destruction galore, rage, magic, Simon testing everyone’s patience with his runaway mouth ( nothing new to see here 🙄😁) so moving along, Ramirez threatening bodily harm to Simon ( when isn’t he?) and all the good things that continue to make this series fun…. Except for that CLIFFHANGER!!!

    😒😒😒 4.5 stars

  • M

    Annoyingly abrupt cliffhanger

    I wanted a lighter read with a bit of snark, so I chose this UF, which I read three years ago, and must admit I can’t remember the storyline. Looks like I didn’t leave a review, probably because Blood is Thicker has a cliffhanger ending—which really annoys me, especially when I’m not expecting it. Depending on my aggravation level, I knock off 1-2 stars.

    This time I listened to the audiobook version, because Kevin T. Collins is an excellent narrator. Mr. Collins gets 5 stars. Mr. Sanchez gets 3 stars after I docked 2 stars for the thrown-off-a-cliff ending.

  • Jack Cross

    This is be the last of these case files I will be reading.
    The first novel, doesn't really read as the first book in a series.
    The main charater has powers and explaination.
    The second novel improves on the first and was good.
    This book's ending is the end for me. Spoiler:

  • Claudia

    Why???? Why end on such a cliffhanger??? Now I need to run to listen to the next book!

    That said, this book has the usual non-stop action but I felt like the plot went a bit slippery-slope, with Simon and Monty running around in circles, without a real plan.

    I still enjoyed it, though, and I still adore Kevin T. Collins' narration. And it's nice to see that Simon really cares about Michiko, strange as it may seem :P

    On to the next book, now!

  • Beverly


    A fast paced and exciting third installment to the Montague and Strong series. Magic, monsters, and mayhem with a good dose of humor! Everything you desire in an urban fantasy novel.

    This series has become a favorite in my list of light, fun reads and I have placed it in my TBRA (to be read again) category .

  • Larry Tushman

    Absolutely chaotic romp in this hilarious series. I highly recommend reading this. Monty Strong get to face a new, mysterious enemy thought extinct. Further intrigue abounds on Monty's side as his former order turns up the heat to bring him in. They get backup from an unlikely source. And Peaches gets to eat.

  • Robert Luna


    I wonder how Monty’s Mage bars would taste like and also Simon’s awesome Valhalla Java.
    From start to finish it felt like watching Casino Royal only with injected supernatural themes and amazing dark humour.
    I can’t wait to start on book 4 once I get a day off ;)
    Cliff Hangers serve to whet a Bookworms appetite after all.