Title | : | Survivor |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0393355934 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780393355932 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 304 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1999 |
Awards | : | Oregon Book Award Fiction (Finalist) (1999) |
Tender Branson—last surviving member of the so-called Creedish Death Cult—is dictating his life story into the flight recorder of Flight 2039, cruising on autopilot at 39,000 feet somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. He is all alone in the airplane, which will crash shortly into the vast Australian outback. Before it does, he will unfold the tale of his journey from an obedient Creedish child and humble domestic servant to an ultra-buffed, steroid- and collagen-packed media messiah, author of a best-selling autobiography, Saved from Salvation, and the even better selling Book of Very Common Prayer (The Prayer to Delay Orgasm, The Prayer to Prevent Hair Loss, The Prayer to Silence Car Alarms). He'll reveal the truth of his tortured romance with the elusive and prescient Fertility Hollis, share his insight that "the only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage," and deny responsibility for the Tender Branson Sensitive Materials Sanitary Landfill, a 20,000-acre repository for the nation's outdated pornography. Among other matters both bizarre and trenchant.
Not since Kurt Vonnegut's Mother Night and Jerzy Kosinski's Being There has there been as dark and telling a satire on the wages of fame and the bedrock lunacy of the modern world. Unpredictable, compelling, and unforgettable, Survivor is Chuck Palahniuk at his deadpan peak; and it cements his place as one of the most original writers in fiction today.
Survivor Reviews
I'm going to be honest, I'm starting to become less and less impressed with Palahniuk's work in general-- and it saddens me to admit this. I've read five of his books now (one non-fiction; one too plodding to even finish), and it's becoming too obvious that every character voice is exactly the same. They are all written the same, they all have the same delivery of speech and thought patterns, they are all perfectly one-dimensional. Blank, emotionless, cruel, somewhat hateful. Disenchanted with the world, anti- and asocial. There's no depth of feeling; even when Palahniuk attempts to create a characteristic turn-around, it falters and falls short (with the singular exception of Fight Club). The "hero" always knows a handful of miscellaneous facts that loosely relate to the content enough to serve as cynical metaphor (how to make soap, how to clean up evidence of violence, etc.); this miscellany is always interspersed with social commentary and scraps of dialogue, absolutely routine by now. It works for one book, creating such a by-the-book nihilistic protagonist through disjointed prose, but when every. single. character. is a misanthropic maggot, it gets old.
The writing is still "sharp," if you want to call it that, but completely formulaic. Disappointing to discover this about Palahniuk's style.
That said, this one is at least holding my attention a little more than Diary, so I'll probably finish it. -
A book much better appreciated on a second reading. An early Palahniuk heavily dead-pan / dark satire on the nature of fame and worship, as well as a beautifully unnerving attack on American cults! Definitely one of the must-reads of his works. A well deserved 7 out of 12 from me, 3 points more than what I gave it when I first read it in 2003!
2018 read, 2003 read -
رواية مختلفة في الفكرة وطريقة السرد.. الكاتب استطاع أن يشد الانتباه من السطور الأولى للرواية
في طائرة بدون طيار يجلس بطل الرواية وحيدا وفي هدوء يحكي عن حياته
كيف تحول من عامل بسيط يتبع تعاليم طائفته الدينية إلى شخص مشهور إعلاميا يملك قدرة التأثير في الناس
سخرية من صناعة الرموز في الإعلام ومن الشهرة المزيفة وتسويق الأوهام
رواية تكشف عن الواقع وعن الهوس بالظواهر غير الحقيقية في المجتمع
الأفكار المطروحة في الرواية مهمة وأسلوب بولانيك في التعبير عنها ممتع
لكن التفاصيل في بعض الأجزاء كانت مطولة, والترجمة ممتازة لهشام فهمي -
When you open this it soon becomes bewildering. It's impossible to find continuity between one page and another. It took me about fifteen minutes to discover the trick of reading it. You have to start at the last page and read backwards from right to left. The narrator is one of the last surviving members of a religious death cult and those few who didn't commit suicide at the appointed hour are being hunted down and murdered. He tells his story from the cockpit of a plane he has hijacked and which will crash when it runs out of fuel.
It's a madcap and often very wise and funny satire of the modern world and its support system. My only reason for deducting a star was occasionally I felt Palahniuk got carried away with his searing lunatic vision. One image I'll never forget is the detailed instructions on how to eat a lobster. It's one of those most macabre horrifying things I've ever read! -
" هي رحلة مضطربة هائجة عن تقلبات الشهرة وطبيعة الإيمان " ...
هكذا قالوا عن الرواية...
هي رحلة تبدأ من نقطة الصفر من قبل أحد آخر أفراد طائفة دينية.. الرحلة الانتحارية على متن طائرة ركاب متجهة نحو غياهب الصحراء الاسترالية..
أما عن مدى إضطراب الرواية فحدث ولا حرج كأنك تقرأ على الرواية على لوحٍ خشبي في وسط البحر،، الكرديشي المجنون (الناجي الأخير) الذي تتحول حياته من طفل منبوذ الى خادم في منزل ثري ثم مستشار نفسي الى قائد ديني تتصدر كتبه قائمة المبيعات بتلك الادعية الغريبة ..
التفاصيل تغلب على الرواية دون الاحداث.. تفاصيل، تفاصيل ،سرد ،تفاصيل يقود نحو الجنون.. تفاصيل عن أي شئ يتخيله العقل وما بعد العقل..
النقطة البارزة في الرواية هي التحدث عن الجماعات الدينية الغريبة وطبيعة الايمان فيها وغرابة البشر في إختراع طرق للأيمان والعادات والتقاليد المصاحبة لها..
النقطة الثانية عن عزلة الانسان في بيئة تمارس تقاليد معينة ثم إنتقاله الى صخب الحياة في المدن..
الثالثة عن الشهرة،، الصعود نحو الى القمة ثم الهبوط نحو أسفل سافلين..
الرواية مجنونة هائجة بكل حذافيرها تضيع القارئ في متاهات التفاصيل وطرق السرد الملتوية..
~* ملاحظة *~
" عزيزي القارئ إذا أردت الحفاظ على سلامة عقلك فلا تقترب من هذه الرواية ،،رجاء " -
Chuck Palahniuk is my guilty pleasure. His books aren’t good or anything but I just like reading them ironically. They’re palate cleansers y’know. This one is basically Chuck trying to write Fight Club again but it isn’t really working. It’s handy that the page numbers are backwards because then you know how many pages are left. Ugh. It’s fine.
Palahnuik has a formula to his story-writing, and it's becoming more and more clear that every work becomes less and less impressive upon further examination. Every main character seems plagued by the same sense of nihilism and self-defeat like his Fight club protagonist, as well as the same delivery of speech, and thought patterns.
So. After reading about 3 books in a row with this consistent formula, I was about ready to abandon my faith in him.
But. Then I read this book, and what a fresh breath of air it was. Yes, it applied the formula. Yes, it had the same nihilistic, disenchanted, one-dimensional main character, but it also didn't try to surprise me with the ending like most of his books usually do. (i.e. 'Lullaby', 'Diary', and 'Choke')
I truly believe that because of this, the novel was saved from being a duplicate, boring disaster. This book was compelling, albeit slow to start. You really won't feel interested until probably half-way through. But it's well worth the wait.
If there's two books you read from this author, I would suggest 'Fight Club', and 'Survivor'. In that order. -
YouTube kanalımda Gösteri Peygamberi kitabını önerip yeraltı edebiyatını anlattım:
Bu incelemeyi beğen. Bu hesabı takip et. Bu kitabı oku. Ahlak bekçiliği yap. Mutluluğuma ortak ol, çünkü sen de mutlu olmak istiyorsun, biliyorum.
Bu incelemede sana gösteri peygamberliği yapacağım. Sana ne yapman gerekiyorsa hepsini ben söyleyeceğim, çünkü senin aldığın kararlar bugüne kadar pek mantıklı değildi. Bunu en iyi sen biliyorsun. Ama maalesef yine en iyi sen bilmiyorsun. Kendi düşünce evrenini kendi kendine oluşturabileceğin söylenmedi, bu yüzden sen de onaylanmak, beğenilmek, tanınmak ve sıradan olmamak istedin. Çünkü mutlu olan ve sıradan olmayan insanı severlerdi, bilirdin.
Olay sadece ne kadar gözün senin üstünde olmasıyla ilgili, olay sadece bu incelemenin beğeni butonuna tıkladığın ve benim dediklerimi onayladığın kadarıyla sınırlı. Çünkü beğeni butonuna tıkladığında esas kalbinden geçen duyguyu değil sırf beğeni butonuna dokunmak için bunu yaptığın zamanlar olduğunu sen de çok iyi biliyorsun. Gerisi benim yeraltı dünyam.
Umarım şu ana kadar duymak istediklerini söylebilmişimdir, çünkü seni mutsuz edecek ve esas gerçeklerin farkına varmanı sağlayacak şeyler söylemeyi istemem. Seni yeraltındaki saklı dünyamla tanıştırmak istiyorum...
Evet, bu kitaptaki Creedish gibi bir tarikat ya da mezhebe bağlı olmayabilirim. Fakat size sadece duymak istediklerinizi söylememle ve sıradan olmadığımı kanıtlamamla bana tapma ihtimalinizin bulunduğunu biliyor musunuz? Ben, şu an bir tarikat kurup, başıma da şeyhlik yapacak bir gösteri peygamberi bulsaydım sizin mürit olmamanız için geriye hiçbir sebep kalmamış olurdu. Çünkü medyanın benim çıkarlarıma bu kadar yardım ettiği bir çağda çok rahat manipüle edilebilirsin, çok çabuk beynin yıkanabilir ve toplumun sorgulamadan onayladığı bir insana Tanrı özellikleri atfedebilirsin.
Evet atfedebilirsin, çünkü Hitit mitolojisindeki yeraltı dünyası da böyledir. Yeraltına inmek onlar için sadece ölmekle mümkün olduğu gibi geriye canlı olarak çıkmak Tanrı bile olunsa mümkün değildi mesela. Bir kere gösteri peygamberi oldun mu, artık mürit toplamaya ve beyin yıkamaya bakmalısın. Ne kadar çok yıkanmış beyin varsa elinde de o kadar güç var demektir.
Evet güç var demektir, çünkü Yunan mitolojisindeki yeraltı dünyası da böyledir. Zalim bir tanrı olan Hades’in hüküm sürdüğü, gölgeler halindeki ölülere terk edilmiş, her girenin kabul edildiği ama bir daha asla dışarı bırakılmadığı acımasızlıkla yönetilen bir dünyadır yerin altı. Ben henüz o kadar acımasız olmayı başaramadım.
Sana bu kitaptaki gibi yalancı İsalık yapmak istemem, çünkü yeraltı, hem Batı'da hem de Anadolu’da karanlık çıkar hesaplarının görüldüğü yer olarak bilinir. Eğer aramızda karanlık herhangi bir çıkar gütme olsaydı adımız okur olmazdı zaten. Palahniuk'un kurguladığı yeraltı dünyasının aslında dini eğitim sistemlerine, klon çocuklar yetiştirmenin sebebi olan niteliksiz eğitim sistemlerine ve salt haz odaklı modernist topluma eleştiri olduğunu da anlayamazdın.
Seçim tamamen senin, bu bir metro reklamı değil. Yeraltını yanlış anlamamalısın ve bu incelemeyi beğenmelisin. Çünkü yapman gerekenler sana söylenmeden bir şey yapamıyorsun. Korkaksın. Zaten bu kitaptaki baş karakter olan Tender'ın kelime anlamı da, genç ve zayıf demek. Sen de öylesin, zayıfsın ve seni güçlü hissettirecek ego tatminleri istiyorsun. Spiritüelizm istiyorsun. Sevgi ve ışık istiyorsun. Cinselliğin kapılarının kilitli olduğu bir ev istiyorsun. Mutlu görünmek ve sanal gerçeklikler uğruna kendi gerçekliğini küçük karşılıklarla değiştirmek istiyorsun. Çıkışı olmayan bu sistemde popüler kültür ve medyanın boyunduruğu altına girip sen de gösteri peygamberlerinin sıradan bir müridi haline geliyorsun.
Yoksa sen de mi bir gösteri peygamberi olmayı arzuluyorsun?
O zaman bu incelemeyi çok iyi okumalısın.
Şimdilik yer üstünde yaşıyor olabilirim, karanlık çıkar hesaplarım yok, yüzümdeki mutluluk saf bir mutluluk ve mutlu görünmek için değil gerçekten mutlu olduğum için öyle gülüyorum. Ama eğer ki bir gün kendime tapılmasını istersem bu ülkede mürit bulabileceğimden de hiç şüphe yok. Çünkü çok rahat manipüle edilebilirsin, çok çabuk beynin yıkanabilir ve toplumun sorgulamadan onayladığı bir insana Tanrı özellikleri atfedebilirsin. Bunlar senin tarih boyunca yaptığın şeyler insanoğlu.
Bu incelemeyi beğen. Bu hesabı takip et. Ahlak bekçiliği yap. Yapman gerekenlerin hepsini ben biliyorum. -
این کتاب رو پارسال خووندم، ریویوش هم در برنامه یادداشتهای موبایلم نوشتم، تکههایی از کتاب هم برداشتم... اما گوشیم رو ریست کردم و منِ بیحواس باعث شدم که تمام یادداشتهام در مورد کتابهام بپره 😕
اما میدونم که کتاب فوقالعاده و بسیار خاصی بود و خیلی پیشنهاد میکنم این کتاب رو بخوونید و حتی بخرید 📚
البته اینم بگم که جـلد کتاب فاجعهاس و نمیدونم بر چه اساسی، برای همچین کتابی، این جلد کودکانه رو قرار دادند :| -
Ο τελευταίος νεκρός επιζών. Ο επιζών της αίρεσης των πιστών μιας αυτοεκπληρούμενης προφητείας μαζικής αυτοχειρίας και απελευθέρωσης.
Το σύνδρομο απόσυρσης προσοχής πλημμυρίζει τον μοναδικό επιζώντα, ο οποίος βρίσκεται να ταξιδεύει
με την πτήση 2039 ενός Μπόινγκ 747-400
στον αυτόματο πιλότο, κατευθυνόμενος προς την Αυστραλία, προς το τέλος του βίου και της πολιτείας του, σε μια ευθεία γραμμή με νοτιοδυτικό προσανατολισμό μέχρι να σταματήσουν απο έλλειψη καυσίμων και οι τέσσερις μηχανές του αεροσκάφους.
Απο τον καταγραφέα της πτήσης 2039 ακούμε
σε πρώτο πρόσωπο όλη την ιστορία της ζωής του Φροντιστή Μπράνσον, μέλους της μυστηριώδους αίρεσης των πιστών αναχωρητών, της βίας, της σκλαβιάς, της ατίμωσης, της καταπίεσης φυσικών ενορμήσεων ψυχικών ή σωματικών και της σεξουαλικής παράλυσης μέσω φιλήδονων κανίβαλων παιδικής σάρκας.
Μια θρησκευτική αίρεση απόλυτης εγκράτειας για ζωή και λοβοτομημένης κυριαρχίας αυτόκλητου θανάτου.
Από το μαύρο κιβώτιο της εσχατιάς θα αποκαλυφθεί
με κάθε λεπτομέρεια η ιστορία του τελευταίου επιζώντα που πήρε απροσδόκητη φήμη και δόξα,
που αναγνωρίστηκε ως θρησκευτικός ηγέτης, προφήτης, μάγος, μεσίας, ιεροεξεταστής και δικαστής μέσα απο μια μαύρη καυστική σάτιρα για την ανθρώπινη, ανίατη, παραισθησιογόνα, ματαιόδοξη και πανδημική ασθένεια της φήμης, της θρησκοληπτικής δουλείας και της υπεροχής.
Αυτό το μυθιστόρημα κάνει έγχυση αναισθητικού και αντοχής σε κάθε λέξη, ανοχής και κατανόησης σε κάθε παραγράφο, χαρμολύπης και αυτοπροσδιορισμού σε κάθε σελίδα,καθώς εξελίσσεται απο το τέλος της φυλλομέτρησης προς την αρχή
και απο την αρχή μέχρι το τέλος της ιστορίας,
είναι σχεδόν αδύνατο να επιτραπεί
απόσπαση προσοχής μέχρι να φτάσουμε στην τελευταία του φράση.
Πρωτοποριακή και πρωτότυπη γραφή απο ένα αξιολάτρευτο συγγραφικό ταλέντο.
Υπάρχουν ελάχιστοι συγγραφείς που μπορούν να προσφέρουν την ίδια εξελιγμένη άμβλυνση της κριτικής τους τόσο για τις υπερβολές, όσο και την ρηχή,
εμμονική σκέψη της σύγχρονης αμερικανικής κοινωνίας, της μάζας, του πολλαπλού κερδοσκοπικού και φαινομενικού οργασμού.
Ο Πόλανικ ρίχνει τα ��τυπήματα του παραδίδοντας μαθήματα ψυχικής διεργασίας και σκέψης, χρησιμοποιώντας έναν εκπληκτικό συνδυασμό υπερβολικής λεπτότητας και γελοίας περιφρόνησης.
Βλέπει την ψευδαίσθηση της σύγχρονης ζωής και την αναλύει με μυσταγωγική σάτιρα φιλοσοφημένης σκέψης αλλά και με μεγάλη ευαισθησία και ομορφιά τέχνης.
Η Αμερική έχει χάσει τα πάντα ανάμεσα σε ψευδαισθήσεις και όνειρα διαφημιστικών παρεμβάσεων και χειρουργικών επεμβάσεων.
Ο Πόλανικ δεν φοβάται να παει κόντρα στην
πολιτική ορθότητα και να απεικονίσει την πνευματική ανατροπή της χώρα του.
Χωρίς ηρωισμούς εσωτερικής κατολίσθησης, χωρίς καταθλιπτικούς οραματισμούς, φτιάχνει το έργο του με άρωμα αισθήσεων μοναξιάς και γεύσεις απο πικάντικες ελπίδες.
Προσπαθεί να φθάσει στην θέωση της υπαρξιακής οντότητας εκθέτοντας στιγμές περιπλάνησης κάπου μεταξύ της βούλησης, της άνεσης και της αγάπης, χωρίς πλαστικές χειρουργικές αξίες και υψηλή θεαματικότητα αλλοιωμένης ενημέρωσης,
που χαρίζουν αθανασία και πουλάνε λιωμμένα κεριά
σε ναούς πιστής ακολασίας και πλαστικά λουλούδια για ψεύτικες προσευχές σωτηρίας και αναξιόπιστες θεϊκές παρεμβάσεις σε σώματα εξιλαστήριων θυμάτων και ακατανόητων συμβόλων και συμβολισμών.
Το νεκροταφείο των επιζώντων έχει οικουμενική θνησιμότητα μυαλών και οι στοχαστές που θα μας σώσουν έμειναν να θαυμάζουν την εποχή της Αναγέννησης
Καλη ανάγνωση.
Πολλούς ασπασμούς. -
”Testing, testing. One, two, three.”
This plane is going down, but before it does Tender Branson is going to tell you his tale. He will lay it all out and explain, if he can, just how he ended up here alone to die like the fellow Creedish brethren before him, though in far bigger fashion. The how is pretty out there. The why is more so. Who he is may make you hate him, but probably not.
While reading this Palahniuk story, I happened to think of Philip K. Dick. They don't write in the same voice, or even about the same topics, but both have spin (spun) plots as imagined and fantastical as I've read, with each being grounded in social questions and reasoning. I cannot claim to explain every detail within their stories, and you know, maybe that's just the way of it. I will tell you that Survivor is a dark, often funny, satiric comedy about those fifteen minutes of fame people often seek, or create. Palahniuk doesn't seem to write a book that doesn't use satire. The vice here is ultra commercialism (in this world, don't we know all about it?), and the excess we find in just about anything these days. It's all explained by way of Tender Branson's rise from nothing-to-something, him being the last remaining member of a fanatical religious sect, whether it's his idea or not, whether he wants it or not. Sound unusual? It is.
PS. People say that the ending may not be what you think. I didn't see it that way. Then I read that I was wrong. -
You will like this story if:
1) You enjoy anti-social, nihilistic, misanthropic, sociopathic protagonists.
2) If you desire to have someones (the authors) narrative of socio-political dogma and doctrines drilled into your ear in a very repetitious, ridiculous and unbelievable package disguised as a story.
There are moments when the story has a bite of sarcasm that can be found amusing. It's just unfortunate that it's repeated ad nauseam.
I actually felt dumber after reading this book. There was very little to like about the story. It's violent, vulgar and often disgusting. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by reading this story. Do yourself a favor and read the contents of a soup can. ;-) 1 star, for the nice silver cover. -
I can't be entirely objective when it comes to this book, but hear me out.
Of course I watched Fight Club in 1999. It gave a name to all of the existential dread I felt at the time as a homeschooled Mormon teen who was just starting to realize something was wrong with my upbringing. I was about to turn fifteen, so I couldn’t yet see an R rated movie on my own, but my brother was nine years older and took me to see it with his boss and his boss's boss's hyper-evangelical teenage son. The options at the theater were slim: Bringing Out the Dead, The Omega Code (evangelical kid had already seen it, of course), and something called Fight Club that nobody knew anything about. My brother and I pushed hard for Fight Club, and his boss was the swing vote.
This movie rocked evangelical kid to his core. I remember he walked out of there with a thousand yard stare, looking like he wanted nothing more than to go home and beg forgiveness. For me it was kind of an awakening. I latched on hard to the counter-capitalist, anti-marketing, anarchist, fuck you attitude it embodied and lived on those fumes for the next few years. I had finally found something that I related with. I wanted more, as soon as possible. But mostly, I wanted to understand the themes and how they related to my experience.
My girlfriend at the time was busy being dragged across Ireland by her uber-wealthy high school friend on vacation, and I had nothing else to do but work my full time job as a prep cook in a psuedo-restaurant in the mall (not strictly legal at fifteen, but they didn't care, until they were fined for breaking child labor laws), make bad ripoffs of Crystal Method and Prodigy songs in demoscene trackers on my family's Pentium II, and drive around in my 1987 Ford Tempo, blowing my disposable income on cheap clothes and entertainment. It was around this time I learned that Fight Club was based on a novel by Chuck Palahniuk.
At that point in my life, I wasn't a big reader. Publishers hadn't yet realized that YA was a marketable category, so instead of the ridiculous variety of options teens have now, I faced a huge gulf between kids’ books and adult books, neither sounding interesting to me. With the new found freedom of my driver’s license and a barely functioning vehicle, I drove to Barnes and Noble and picked up a copy of Survivor, newly out in paperback.
I devoured it.
It fed the still small voice in me that was saying “You’re in cult” and “This is not normal”. Of course, my upbringing wasn’t nearly as harrowing as Tender Branson’s, but Survivor was a safe way for me to explore the darker corners of my world, and my own experience through the lens of something much worse.
More than twenty years later I’m finally rereading Survivor, and it’s impossible to not experience it as a period piece of the late nineties/early aughts. The consumerism and problems of the late nineties that it is concerned with come across as quant compared to the myriad problems facing Zoomers today. It’s almost adorable now, considering how unbelievably fucked the world has become in the last twenty-two years. The core of the story still works though, which is a character dealing with disillusionment, desire, and sudden celebrity in a world that seems entirely alien to them.
This could be made into an unbelievably engaging TV series. It is so ripe with adaptive potential. For a while in 2001 Francis Lawrence had optioned the rights, and Trent Reznor reached out, looking to get into film scoring, and then 9/11 cancelled any project that involved plane crashes. It bounced around from producer to producer over the last two decades, never getting off the ground. At one point, Fight Club screenwriter Jim Uhls was even attached to it. In late 2019 it finally found its way back to Lawrence, who announced that he was planning to approach it as a TV series. Hopefully he remembers and reaches back out to Reznor, now one half of the most in demand composer duo in the world, to bring the score to life.
That is, of course, if it can gain flight this time.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for a peek into what was going on among the collective dissatisfied counter-culturalists of the late nineties, Survivor is a brisk, worthy read. You can probably knock it out in an afternoon. Just be prepared for a lot of repetition, nihilistic malaise, and general unsatisfiedness from all characters present and accounted for.
Dial back the clock twenty years. It’s a fun ride. -
Cat (te) costa sa fii celebru? te intreaba Palahniuk in acest roman.
Autorul este baiatul rebel al literaturii cu romanul sau cult "Fight Club", devenit un fel de biblie al nonconformistilor, o carte originala si provocatoare ce a fost refuzata de edituri fiind considerata "prea intunecata si prea riscanta".
Romanul de fata il are in prim plan pe Tender Branson care tocmai deturneaza un Boeing, debarca pasagerii si pilotul sub amenintarea pistolului si ramane singur in avionul condus de pilotul automat. Mai are combustibil cat pentru 7 ore de zbor si curand va incepe sa piarda rand pe rand din cele 4 motoare.
Tender incepe sa-si spuna povestea vietii care se inregistreaza in cutia neagra a avionului. Aflam astfel ca a crescut intr-o colonie parohiala, intr-un fel de secta, de unde pleaca la 17 ani si incepe sa faca curatenie prin casele bogatilor (Numele sau vine de la verbul "tend"). Se pare ca este ultimul Supravietuitor dintre toti cei care au parasit colonia, caci cu totii ori s-au sinucis ori au fost omorati de un criminal in serie.
Intre timp se indragosteste de Felicity, o tipa care il considera urat si ratat, insa are o capacitate aparte: poate sa prevada dezastrele inainte sa se intample. Cei doi au obiceiul sa se duca la locul dezastrelor ca niste observatori si aici ne aducem aminte de Fight Club si de Rant.
Fiind ultimul Supravietuitor Tender ajunge celebru si apare la televizor, la radio - peste tot; curand are propria lui carte, emisiune, reclame - tot pachetul de celebritate. El devine astfel un fel de superstar pop, un fel de Mesia. Evident, cu asta vine si transformarea: i se pun botox, implant de par, dinti de portelan, slabeste, are patratele la abdomen, bronz la solar, haine de branduri celebre la vedere, etc. - o transformare in plastic atat de ceruta in ziua de azi.
Romanul este inedit, capitolele si paginile sunt numerotate invers, asadar citim romanul de la coada la cap. Este amuzant, ironic, inteligent, creativ, original si foarte distractiv. O satira foarte reusita a culturii pop, a mass-mediei americane si a celebritatii.
Desigur ca s-ar putea face un film foarte reusit dupa acest roman, dar in ziua de azi nu se mai pot face filme care sa deschida ochii maselor...
Tender este simpatic si are indeletniciri amuzante a la Tyler Durden ori Rant. Enumar cateva pe care le-am retinut:
- arunca pastila de Valium pestisorului din acvariu pentru ca acesta inota "ca disperatul".
- se angajeaza la McDonald's pentru ca acolo sunt recrutate fete de diferite rase si verificate sa nu aiba boli venerice. I se pare ca e mai sigur sa agati asa decat de pe strada.
- oamenii il suna cand vor sa se sinucida ca sa-i convinga sa se razgandeasca, insa el le spune sa se grabeasca odata cu sinuciderea caci nu poate sa gateasca snitele cu o singura mana. :)
- fura flori artificiale de la morminte pe care le planteaza in gradinile unde lucreaza drept gradinar. Periodic le revopseste si parfumeaza. Oamenii nu observa ca florile nu sunt vii si se mandresc cu gradinile lor.
- cumpara din magazine o cutie de vopsea in care doseste un obiect valoros, caci stie ca razele X de la scannerul de securitate nu trec prin cutia de fier a vopselei.
- recomanda sa duci o pisica bolnava de leucemie la veterinar pentru ca acesta ii prescrie steroizi superiori asemanatori cu cei umani. Astfel faci rost de aceste suplimente la discretie.
In incheiere atasez mai multe citate inteligente si oarecum amuzante ca 'ponturi pentru agatat':
"Nimeni nu vrea de fapt sa-si rezolve problemele. Dramele. Disperarile. Sa-si aline necazurile. Sa scape de toate porcariile. Daca ar face-o ce le-ar mai ramane? Doar ditamai necunoscutul, mare si infricosator."
"Ii spun ca lumea nu-i asa de frumoasa incat sa merite sa traiasca si sa sufere. De fapt, nu prea e nimic de capul lumii asteia."
"Iar orice gentleman care a fost vreodata zgariat de inelul cu diamant al unei doamne care i-a aplicat un dos de palma trebuie sa stie ca un creion hemostatic opreste sangerarea."
"Asa ca am un plan, un plan teribil: s-o fac sa ma urasca si, totodata, sa se indragosteasca de mine. O contraseductie. S-o fac sa nu se simta deloc atrasa de mine."
"Marele meu plan nu presupune sa arat bine. Marele meu plan presupune sa arat ca si cum as ascunde un potential imens."
"Iti dai seama ca n-are rost sa faci nimic daca nu e cineva care sa te priveasca."
"Potrivit agentului, secretul ca sa ajungi celebru e sa spui tot timpul da." -
بعد الرواية دي أعتقد أني فعلاً بحاجة لرؤية طبيب نفسي للمرة الأولى، ليصلح ما أفسدته فيّ.
الرواية مضطربة بجنون، شخصيتها مجنونة، وربما العالم هو المجنون، وكان تندر برانسن، بطل الرواية، هو العاقل الوحيد؟
يحكي بالانيك قصة تندر برانسن، ورحلته من فتي كريدشي مطيع يجز العشب وينظف البقع إلى "الناجي الأخير" من طائفة الكريدش الانتحارية والقائد الديني الملهم.
ويقدم بالانيك شخصيات مثيرة مثل فرتيليتي الغامضةالتي تتنبئ بالمستقبل، آدم الضال، موظفة التحريات الاجتماعية التي كانت بحاجة شديدة للمساعدة قبل أن تساهم في مساعدة أحدهم وغيرهم من شخصيات بالانيك التي وإن تشابهت في امراضها النفسية إلا أني سعدت بقراءة ما يفكرون فيه، في لحظات ما قبل الموت، من خلال تندر بالذات.
تندر برانسن شخصية معقدة ومضطربة، لا تتضح أسباب هذا التعقيد إلا بعد قطع شوط كبير من الرواية، ولكن مع بداية الصفحات الأولى ونشاطه "الهاتفي" ويظهر كم معقد هو، وما أنت على وشك ان تقراه ليس عادي.
سمعت الكثير عن أسلوب بالانيك المشوق، ورواية "نادي القتال" على قائمة قرائاتي منذ فترة طويلة، ولكني سعيدة بان هذه أول قرائاتي لبالانيك، كنت بحاجة بشئ مختلف وأعتقد أنني وجدته في كتابات هذا الرجل.
الرواية تتعامل مع "الدين" كفكرة وكمعتنق وكوسيلة يتلاعب بها الآخرون بالناس سواء عن طريق الدعاية أو التسويق أو عن طريق الإرهاب العقلي والجسدي. عن مدى فهمنا ووعنا للدين، وعن حد التدين المناسب في المجتمع، وما الفارق بين كل متدين "بطريقته". وبهذا يصبح الدين الموضوع الأساسي للرواية، وبوجود الدين لا بد من وجود العنصر الثاني "التابو" في أي رواية وهو الجنس. الجنس في هذه الرواية يتم التعامل معه كشئ حرمته ديانة معينة، لما وكيف حرمته، كيف أرهبت أتباعها من ممارسته، من فكرة الزواج أصلاً، هي محور آخر للرواية.
التحول المفاجئ في حياة تندر من خادم إلى قائد ديني ومن ثم إلى لا شئ مرة أخرى، من الصعب إحتماله دفعة واحدة. فتندر المغلوب على أمره على الدوام يمتثل لأوامر أي شخص، وبعد إختفاء راعيه، يبدأ بالبحث عن شخص آخر يبدأ بإعطاؤه الأوامر كان مستفزاً في أحيان كثيرة، ولكنني كنت متشوقة دومًا لمعرفة "ماذا سيفعل الآن".
وبالطبع من أهم مميزات الرواية هي الترجمة، فعندما يكون المترجم معجبًا كبيرًا بالرواية والكاتب أصلاً يبدو هذا واضحًا من المجهود المبذول في الرواية. وهشام فهمي من الواضح أنه معجب لأقصى الحدود بأسلوب بالانيك، فمجهوده في الترجمة أمتعني لدرجة لم أكن أعتقد أني كنت لأستمتع بها لو قراتها في لغتها الأصلية.
رواية مفاجئة وصادمة وليست مناسبة لجلسة قراءة خفيفة، وقد تحتاج لطبيب نفسي بعد انتهاؤك منها. -
Vonnegut,Kozinski,Christopher Moore and now Chuck Pahlaniuk have tapped the black humour of all the mainstream sacred cows, with stylish grace and the prescient ability to extrapolate the consequences of our most innocuous acts.
Another commonality: they all have the uncanny ability to transform our feelings for their ungainly, unlikely, unlikable, sometimes even rather repulsive oddball freak heroes from clinically detached to warm and fuzzy. Quite a class act.
We may not like them, but they are us. No matter that we are not flitting about in our private jet nor yet hijacking someone else's flight, not slogging through dense undergrowth or along remote mountain passes, we can see the logic in the extreme actions of the characters, and can easily place ourselves in the action.
If you can get past the truly awful bits at the beginning and want to know anything more about a powertripping,manipulative, emotionally stunted slob, you may read on to reluctantly accept that this is an apt archetype for the kind of people the system (church,state, and economic)are churning out. CP has brilliantly exposed the paradoxes of power and the vacuum in the soul of American culture.
CP's irony is consistently in your face but he can also be subtle. His trick of pagination starting at the beginning of the end with the countdown to zero, was not something GR could handle. My reading graph for this book is hilarious. But how fitting the metaphor for societies negative progress.
The Irony of Names...
First, the irony of Tender being the generic name for boys brought up to obey without question,the authority and the rules instilled in them by their elders.This entailed suppression of all the qualities, compassion, emotional depth and sensitivity to ones own as well as primarily the feelings of others,that most prominently define the original meaning of the word.
That Our Hero continues to use this name, almost as a pseudonym,even when discarding his uniform of faith, confirms his passive/accepting character. He is lost without instructions, yet he feeds on praise and goes through severe withdrawal when deprived of his audience.
That our unflappable heroine, the plucky and prescient Fertility Hollis, believes that she is sterile,gives her the protection she requires for the most distressing aspect of her job as a surrogate mother, the possibility of actually having to conceive and carry off a pregnancy. I think CP is rubbing it in here with his imagery of a depraved and barren aspect of the abundance that surrounds us, always hungry for more. I found it rather chilling that Fertility achieved her blase attitude to the disasters she predicted by accepting the fact that it was useless to warn people because not only would they not believe her, they would question her ability.
It is interesting to note the wide variety of responses posted for this book on GR.I can see that some people might get bogged down in being offended. I thought it was great reading and a wickedly accurate assessment of the situation here as it is evolving.
There are also scattered about this terrific, provocative book some really basic and practical helpful hints for stain removal and basic household micro management. -
Uno, due, tre. Prova.
Uno, due, tre. Prova. Prova.
Forse quest'affare funziona. Non lo so. Neanche so se riuscite a sentirmi.
Ma sono qui per raccontarvi la sua storia, la storia di Tender Branson. Tender che non è il suo nome ,ma lo status datogli dalla setta Creedish in cui è cresciuto, dove è stato indottrinato per 17 anni, dove il suo scopo nella vita era servire il mondo, lavorare per "quelli di fuori" come schiavo. Già uno schiavo della vita e dalla quale non ha avuto nulla fino allo sterminio di massa che l'ha reso l'ultimo...il sopravvissuto.
Fin dalle prime pagine Tender entrerà a pugni tesi nella tua di vita, ti prenderà a scarpate sugli stinchi e ti farà dire :" Come costruisce anti eroi Palahniuk nessuno mai" e qui di anti eroi non c'è solo il povero, sfigato, stupido, plagiato Tender, ma anche Fertility. Una ragazza straordinaria nella sua stranezza, certo non poteva che essere così.
Chuck riesce ad inserire in tutti i suoi libri temi molto delicati e lo fa con un umorismo nero tutto suo. Anticonformista, narcisista e accomodante è la società descritta, ma qui parliamo soprattutto di un mondo dove la fede viene sfruttata. In un mondo che cade a pezzi, la gente cerca un messia, un salvatore e se non lo trova lo crea.
C'è gente pronta a morire per i brutti voti a scuola. Per i litigi in famiglia. Per i problemi col fidanzato.
È soltanto con le droghe o con la morte che vediamo qualcosa di nuovo, e la morte è un po' troppo definitiva. La nostra sfiducia nel futuro ci rende difficile il distacco dal passato.
No, tutti pensano che la loro vita dovrebbe essere divertente almeno quanto la masturbazione.
Nella toilette dove sto io c'è scritto, Storia della mia vita.
Accanto c'è scritto, Baciami il culo.
Accanto c'è scritto, Con piacere.
Sul muro è inciso, Sai come finiscono sia la vita che i film porno. L'unica differenza è che la vita comincia con un orgasmo.
Amen -
A morbid dark sense of humour required for this one. Like Fight Club, this is a full frontal satire that attacks from all sides - death cults , body image, celebrity & fame, religion, consumerism, greed, nihilism, porn, diet, messiahs, face creams, steroids, the media, and more.
I actually preferred this to Fight Club. Its darkly comic vibes hit in all the right places, I found this a lot harsher, more disturbing, more poignant - yup, chuck can be poignant too - and razor-edged when it comes to sarcasm. Chuck always seems to throw in a surprise when it comes to novel structure, and here it's in the form of descending page numbers. This works great, as basically it's a count down. And yes, the cover is a big give away. It's a wild ride at times, and yet never loses its awareness when it comes to holding a mirror up against the modern world and human nature.
I loved it. Chuck had me right from its opening few sentences. I stand up and give him a one man round of applause. This is some 100 pages longer than Fight Club and yet it whizzed on by. When I think of him in general though after six novels, he is still very much hit and miss for me. -
جوهر هذه الرواية تتكلم عن نظام التعليم ، الاطفال لا يتم تعليمهم أو تدريبهم إلا لكي يصيروا أفضل تروس ممكنة في ماكينات الشركات الكبري لا أكثر ... أنهم لا يتعلمون أبدا كيف يصبحون أقوياء فعّالين وكيف يفتتحون شركاتهم الخاصة في سبيل أن يشّكلوا حياتهم ويقرروا مصائرهم بأنفسهم
إنهم يعلمونهم أن يكونوا مجرد موظفين مجتهدين لا غير ... أن يصيروا جزءا من القطيع
عندما تكون مقدمة رواية مثل هذه فأعلم ان كاتب نادي القتال يقدم لنا رواية مختلفة مميزة كعادته تجعلك تعيد تفكيرك في كل شى حولك..الرأسمالية ..وكيف يبيعون لك الوهم حتي في الدين...الإعلام ...كيف يجعلوك سلعة..كيف تسمع كل ما يقال لك وتبرمج علي ان تنفذ الاوامر طوال حياتك بدون حتي ان تفهم أنك بالنسبة لهم مجرد عبد يتم تجهيزه لبيعه بأفضل سعر
كلنا نشاهد البرامج التليفزيونية نفسها ، نكرر نفس الكلام لبعضنا البعض ، حياتنا كلها برامج معادة ، كلنا تربينا علي نفس البرامج والمسلسلات، كأن هناك شريحة ذاكرة صناعية مزروعة في دماغ كل واحد منا لا تختلف الواحدة منها عن الاخري ، اننا لا نذكر شيئا تقريبا عن طفولتنا ولكننا نذكر كل شئ حدث لهذه العائلة او تلك في المسلسل ، كلنا لدينا الاهداف والمخاوف الأساسية نفسها
رواية تقرأ وتقرأ نقدي لنقطتين فقط : أولهم لا استطيع أن أجزم ولكني في بعض السطور شعرت انه يوجد بعض النقد لتعاليم الدين عموما ، وثانياً يوجد بعض الملل والتفاصيل في اول الرواية ولكن نصيحة لاصدقائي هي اولها فقط وسريعا ستشدك الاحداث وتندمج معها
تقييمي 3.5 -
الناجي الأخير
من يذكر (نادي القتال) سيجذبه اسم تشاك بالانيك، كلنا شاهدنا الفيلم الذي لعب بطولته إدوارد نورتن وبراد بت والذي اعتمد على رواية لبالانيك، كان لهذا الكتاب أن يتحول لفيلم بدوره وقد نشر في نهاية التسعينات، ولكن مشروع تحويله لفيلم توقف بسبب أحداث 11 سبتمبر، وخاصة أن افتتاحية الرواية ليست إلا مشهد خطف طائرة يقوم به البطل، والذي من خلال اختطاف الطائرة والسير بها لإسقاطها في صحاري أستراليا، بعدما أنزل كل الركاب وحتى الطيار، يروي قصة حياته للصندوق الأسود، إنها قصة طويلة، لشاب من طائفة دينية انتحارية تدعى الطائفة الكريدشية، وهي طائفة يصف لنا البطل طقوسها واعتقاداتها، ومن ثم ولأن البطل واسمه تندر برانسن هو الناجي الأخير من الطائفة بعد انتحار البقية، تحوله الرأسمالية إلى رمز ديني، وتقوم بتغييرات شكلية كبيرة له، ويحقن بأدوية ومنشطات لا نهاية لها، إنها سخرية مريرة من تسويق الرأسمالية للخرافة، واستغلالها حتى لما يفترض به أن يكون شأناً روحياً، نتابع قصة تندر وعلاقته بفتاة متنبئة تدعى فيرتيلتي هوليس، الرواية لا بأس بها، رغم مذاقها الأمريكي القح والذي يجعلك تشعر بأنها كتبت للشاشة أساساً. -
palahniuk’u türkiye’de pek çok kişiyle tanıştıran ve bir anlamda “moda yapan” kitabı fight club’dır elbette. sıradan, popülist ve klişe edebiyattan sıkılan kitap okurları palahniuk’a adeta “saldırmış” ve genel algıların dışına çıkan tarzına; sert üslubuna hayran kalmış.
ancak, en az fight club kadar sistem karşıtı, ve en az onun kadar sarsıcı bir romanı daha var: gösteri peygamberi.
dünyadan yalıtılmış, belli bir algı çerçevesinden hiç çıkmamış aslında tamamen “sıradan” olan birey, korkunç tüketim toplumu içinde bir metaya dönüşmeye başlıyor. ünleniyor, ünü yükseldikçe insanlar onun üzerine daha fazla gidiyor. üzerindeki gizem, popülaritesini artırdıkça artırıyor.
sonunda, kas geliştirici destekler, makyaj, ilaçlar, aminoasitler, takviyeler vs derken aslında çift taraflı bir bağımlılık başlıyor. kahramanımız da tüketim toplumuna bağımlı hale geliyor.
palahniuk, bizi bu “zavallı” ünlünün dramı ile başbaşa bırakıyor.
tüketim toplumunun karanlık yönlerini tüm çıplaklığıyla önümüze seren yazar; kitabına hayata dair pek çok ilginç bilgiyi de yazmadan duramamış. aynı şeyi fight club, choke gibi romanlarında da görüyoruz. palahniuk bunu seviyor, örneğin karides nasıl pişirilir, halıdaki kan lekesi nasıl temizlenir gibi gündelik bilgilerin yanı sıra; napalm nasıl yapılıra kadar pek çok şeyi kitabının orasına burasına sıkıştırıyor. elbette “akıcılığından” ödün vermese de, kimi okurlar bu “öğretici” üslubun rahatsızlığını çekiyor. bazı insanlar bunu bir tür bilgi gösterisi veya öğretmenlik küstahlığı olarak görebiliyor. ben böyle düşünmüyorum, bana göre palahniuk’un tarzı zaten “başka insanlar ne düşünür” üzerinden gitmiyor. o akıcılığından ödün verseydi bile bunu yapardı.
kitabın pek çok şeyi birden eleştiriyor olması onun bir başka başarısı. tüketim toplumu içinde hızla yükselen masum ve zavallı bireyin üzerinden aynı zamanda ona korkunç bir savunmasızlık ve saflık veren “kapalı mezhep toplumu” da eleştiriliyor. çocukken cinsellik hakkında verilen yanlış bilgiler, onu korumak için yapılmış olsa da onu korkunç bir savunmasızlığa itiyor. bu bana, köyden kente göçen masum genç kızların güzellik, moda sektörü içinde harcanmasını hatırlatıyor.
kitapta bahsedilen tarikatın ilginç bir ilkesi var, bu da dış dünyaya kapalılık. her tür teknolojik aletten, dış dünyadan gelebilecek veriden uzak durmaya çalışıyorlar. bunda bir “düzen bozulmasın” dan çok fazlası var, bu adeta dinin kendisi haline gelmiş. tabi, satır aralarına gizlediği şöyle bir cümle ile bunun tüm dinlere karşı olduğunu anlayabilirsiniz: “kitab-ı mukaddeste insanlar sürekli bir yerlere kaçıp dururlar”. evet, din; bir kaçıştır. ama iki ucu uçurum olan bir süreç; palahniuk’un kafasındaki din-medya ikilemi. bir ucunda çılgın tüketim toplumu var; diğer ucunda ise kaçan ve dünyaya kendini kapayan asketik bir sefalet. palahniuk, bize doğru yolu göstermiyor. bize yol olmadığını gösteriyor, bu nietzsche’nin şu sözünü yankılatıyor:
“bana yol soranlara şöyle dedim,
yol mu? yol diye bir şey yoktur…” -
""And he has these gross little monkey hands."
Right now, getting killed would be a breath of spring.
"That's supposed to mean he has a little wiener dick."
If Fertility keeps talking, my caseworker will have one less client in the morning.
"And he's not obese," Fertility says, "he's not a whale, but he's too fat for me."
In case there's a sniper outside, I open the blinds and stand my gross obese body in the window. Please, anybody with a rifle and a scope. Shoot me right here. Right in my big fat heart. Right in my little Wiener."
Oh Chuck. what the f...? I love it. I can get a great discussion on comedy and tragedy from Dante if I want, but in this 21st century I think I prefer Palahniuk's version. Chuck doesn't deliver thoughts, emotions, real life experiences with kid gloves. No, he throws them right in your face like a big cream pie.
If I wanted a discussion on the negative liabilities of religion and ensuing corporate greed I could browse some Dawkins. But again... I very much enjoy Chuck's version.
A satirical punch in the gut look at cults and the flock of sheep that follow modern days greener grass.
This is my 5th Palahniuk novel and I am starting to think I would like to read all his novels. -
"If you worry about disaster all the time, that's what you're going to get"
Ovo je bila turbulentna vožnja!
Na početku romana Palahniuk je napisao napomenu: "The books are never about what you think they are about", i da je ovaj roman ponajviše o (američkom) školskom sustavu koji djecu uči da se uklope i budu dobri radnici, odnosno: "to be the best possible cogs in some big corporate machine", a ne da razmišljaju svojom glavom i osnuju svoje firme i upravljaju svojim životom. Iako i nije baš o tome. Roman obradjuje dvije teme: 1. šta se dešava kada se vjerskoj zajednici dopusti da imaju potpunu kontrolu nad edukacijom djece, 2. kako je društvo opsjednuto slavnim osobama.
“Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?”
Roman je satira pa su neki dijelovi karikirani pa i nadrealni, ima tu i paranormalnog, ma ima svega i zabavno je, ali mislim da se malo previše udaljio od realnosti da bi ovo bila ozbiljna kritika bilo čega. Također se ponavlja... i ponavlja. Čak i dobra fora postane naporna kada dodaje punchline na punchline.
No, općenito mi se sviđa njegov stil pisanja. Jednostavan je i živahan. Palahniuk u svoje romane uvijek ubaci zanimljive informacije ili priče koje čuje od poznanika i prijatelja. Podsjetio me na Camusa i njegovog
Stranca kojeg sam nedavno čitao i to ne samo po jednostavnom stilu pisanja nego i po nejasno definiranom glavnom liku. Kasnije sam pročitao da je i sam Palahniuk naveo Camusa kao jednog od svojih glavnih uzora.
“Since change is constant, you wonder if people crave death because it’s the only way they can get anything really finished.”
Dakle, roman svakako vrijedi pročitati. Kratak je i ima tu stvarno za svakoga ponešto. Kritizira ono za što mislim da bi i trebao kritizirati, no likovi i radnja jednostavno nisu dovoljnu uvjerljivi i zanimljivi da bi me potpuno uvukli i zainteresirali. Tako da je ovo slaba četvorka. Možda bi bolje funkcioniralo kao malo duži esej.
“I shvatite kako nam upravo nepovjerenje spram budućnosti toliko otežava odricanje od prošlosti. Ne možemo se odreći vlastite ideje o tome tko smo bili. Svi oni odrasli koji se igraju arheologa po buvljacima i tragaju za predmetima iz djetinjstva, igricama, čovječe ne ljuti se - svi redom su prestravljeni. Smeće se pretvara u svetačke relikvije. Monopoli. Hula-hop. Nostalgija za onim što bacamo u otpad samo je prikaz našeg straha pred vlastitim razvojem.” -
The only Palahniuk book I've read to date is "Fight Club" - and that is such a great book with such a great movie adaptation (watched it before I read it btw).
"Survivor" was an interesting story, with the (somewhat gimmicky) page numbers going backwards (to compel you to get to the end?). Haha. What was this about? A poke at marketing-driven franchises? The sorry state of money driven religions/churches? A handbook of cleaning tips (a part of me was hoping for the secrets of the removal of chewing gum from clothes would be mentioned somewhere - no such luck, I was tempted to take notes though)?
The voice is actually quite similar to "Fight Club" in feel. Endless rattling of anecdotal statistics/facts in between commentaries and it even has it's own version of Marla and Tyler Durden type characters.
Quite an interesting read actually. Liked it.
Writing: 5, Story: 3, Cleaning tips: 4 (chewing gum, man, chewing gum!). So... 4?
I am interested to see how Palahniuk's other titles read now, I wonder if they all sound 'similar'. Hmm... -
Mi è piaciuta la questione sul sesso.
Mi è piaciuta anche la vicenda dei medicinali finti zuccherini placebo che verranno.
Mi è sembrato però un dlc di Invisible monster. -
“People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown.”
― Chuck Palahniuk, Survivor
Survivor Chuck Palahniuk , a brain parked funny as hell story, a wound up so tight virgin Tender Branson the whiniest, wimpiest, complainiest guy ever created, sole survivor of a mass suicide religious cult reminisences his short life while his hijacked plane slowly runs out off fuel and you know crashes. Its pretty much got it all, cynicism, sarcasism, narcism, sexism, few other isms I can't remember, bit of pyschology astrology, supernatural predictions, bible bashing, you know all that good crazy as heck fluffy stuff, enjoyable as a 3rd wheel, like watching a train crash in slow motion.
Kind of similar but not really to the cult film, Fight Club, one with Brad Pitt, the one with the big rule, first rule of fight club you don't talk about fight club, haha really. The similarities and differences are a treat, so many one liners full gambit from crap to really crap. Dark Comedy at its 80s Young ones best mostly. -
بازمانده، داستان زندگی " تندر برانسون " است. پسری که از بدو تولد تا هفده سالگیاش را در یک کلیسا با فرقه ای ساختگی به نام کریدیش سپری کرده و تحت تعالیم سختگیرانه و افراطی کلیسا پرورش یافته است.
تندر به عنوان خدمتکار از طرف کلیسای کریدیش مامور شده تا بیرون کار کند و عایدیاش را به کلیسا بدهد.
او از بازماندگان یک خودکشی داوطلبانه دسته جمعی کلیسایش است.
فصل های داستان از انتها به ابتدا میروند و فصل یک داستان در واقع فصل انتهایی است.
این داستان دورنمایی رعبآور و مسخره از زندگی مذهبی افراطی و قید و بندهای خودساختهی انسان امروزی میدهد.
۱۴۰۰/۱/۵ -
I have been told by SO MANY PEOPLE to read books by Chuck Palahniuk! I do enjoy the twisted irony in writings such as Kurt Vonnegut, and other similar authors, so I came to this book WANTING to LOVE it...and it "fell" flat.
What I disliked in the book was the complete disregard for reality/common sense, when convenient, or necessary for plot. Now, I know it's fiction, but if you are going to write in a realistic style, then you can't just have someone hijack a plane in a book (before he's even ON the plane...as if the security would actually let Tender board the plane...he would have been shot dead on the spot in real life!)and get away with it, or have a formerly devoted religious cult member become a mass murderer, then suddenly lack the balls to shoot his own brother. If Adam was really this embittered killer, he would have been able to blow away Tender with no problem... and Fertility as well. And Fertility...how can she pretend she's a surrogate mother, but really be barron? How would she keep getting clients?? It's nagging questions like this that truly kept me from enjoying the book.
Sure, the shock factor was there, and sometimes it was more than predictable (I'm sorry, but I KNEW that lobster was gonna be alive!!). Survivor was definitely an entertaining read, but it didn't have this lasting affect on me, as it did for many of my friends.
I am an artist/visual person, I can really get into Palahniuk's imagery. That was totally his
saving grace in this book. The flowers, the lips and the gun, the porn, the statue of Tender, the telephone...all of these images were really striking and I can see why this book is being used for a movie. It will be as good as Fight Club, I predict. Strong imagery sticks in your subconscious and if this book is lasting for me in any way, it's several scenes that I can see as perfectly as a picture or a film real.
But honestly, I think he's overrated. That's just my opinion. I'm debating whether or not I want to go into another book of his. I feel that I will know what to expect,and find the same characters, slightly altered...with a different name, maybe a hat, but the same critical flaws. At least Kurt Vonnegut had some original concepts in his books!! -
La scrittura di Chuck Palahniuk sembra volerti prendere a schiaffi e farti svegliare. Ha un ritmo serrato e coinvolgente e con il suo humour caustico mette in luce alcune assurdità della società. Il protagonista comincia la sua vita come schiavo di una setta religiosa e, quando rimane l'unico sopravvissuto a un suicidio di massa, finisce col diventare un santone mediatico acclamatissimo. Tutto il libro si focalizza sulla critica alla nostra società dove la vera religione è diventata l'apparenza e il culto più seguito è quello del corpo. Tender passa così da essere uno schiavo della setta in cui è cresciuto a schiavo dei riflettori. Non è mai libero perché non riesce a spogliarsi dai modelli che gli vengono imposti, che sia la vita Creedish dell'ubbidienza o il mito della perfezione estetica necessaria per il successo mediatico.