Title | : | The One Hour Content Plan: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 108 |
Publication | : | First published August 17, 2017 |
1. You NEVER know what to write
On most days you struggle to come up with blog post ideas and haven’t planned in advance what your content is going to be about. You're always looking to fill a publishing queue.
2. You chase after content trends
You go after what you think will make your post go viral or get more shares. There isn’t necessarily a thread in any of your content pieces.
3. Your content doesn’t have a strong link to the products or services you offer
You’re not sure how to create content to promote your products or services.
If you’re nodding yes to any of the above, The 1- Hour Content Plan will help you generate COUNTLESS ideas. To be exact, a full year’s worth of traffic building and sales boosting content ideas in 60 minutes or less.
Imagine for a minute how your blog and business would change if you NEVER run out of blog post ideas…
You know exactly what to create, when and what results it’ll drive.
Your offers (paid and free) become SEDUCTIVE magnets of YES! that readers cannot resist.
Every single piece of content has a purpose in growing your blog and business, sells your products and services for you and builds your online presence…
That’s the power of a content strategy and the promise behind the ‘One Hour Content Plan.’
Intrigued yet?
Then scroll to the top and click or tap "Buy Now".
Get your content to work harder for you with the One Hour Content Plan!The One Hour Content Plan: The Solopreneur’s Guide to a Year’s Worth of Blog Post Ideas in 60 Minutes and Creating Content That Hooks and Sells Reviews
Very well written. Even better, very very easy to skim. It took me around 90 mins to read this. The author knows what she is writing about. I have read a lot of books on similar topics but there are a lot of tips within this work that was pretty new to me. Really enjoyed it. All the Best Meera.
Straight-forward, easy to follow, and chock full of useful information for beginner and experienced bloggers, content creators and entrepreneurs alike. The knowledge in this book really helped me to get better organized by guiding me to create a focused and targeted content strategy. If you're feeling like you're all over the place with your content creation, this book will help you get your stuff together. In addition to her helpful tips, Kothand also offers links to a number of resources to assist with easier content creation and implementation of your creation/promotional strategy. This is a solid guide that I will absolutely be returning to on a regular basis.
หนังสือเล่มบาง ๆ ที่แนะนำวิธีการเขียนเนื้อหาลงเว็บตั้งแต่ยังไม่มีไอเดียไปจนถึงวิธีการโปรโมท ข้อดีของหนังสือเล่มนี้คือไม่ได้โฟกัสที่เครื่องมือชิ้นใดชิ้นหนึ่ง แต่เน้นเรื่องการสร้างเนื้อหาอย่างไรให้น่าติดตามมากกว่า มีตัวอย่างให้เห็น มีการแนะนำเครื่องมือช่วยเหลือในจุดที่จำเป็น แม้จะแอบขายของบ้างแต่ไม่น่าเกลียด เนื้อหาในเล่มก็ไม่ได้ยาวเกินไป และเก็บประเด็นสำคัญครบถ้วนดี
An unexpected read. While searching for another book in Amazon, came across this one. Catchy title and easy read. I like what I read. I will come back again to this book as I want to create a website/blog.
I’ve been following Meera’s blog for several months and it’s one of my favorites. Her posts are always top-notch - well-written, and chock-full of amazing content and actionable steps. So when I saw she was publishing a book on the system she uses to consistently come up and plan with so many ideas, I knew I had to read it.
The 1 Hour Content Plan totally delivered on Meera’s crazy promise of 1 year of content in an hour! Before I read it, I had a few ideas for blog posts on my business site, but they were scattered, inconsistent, and not bringing in much traffic. By the time I was halfway through this book, I had over four pages of notes, front and back, with ideas for posts and steps to take to create them. I was actually excited to start executing these ideas and finally have a consistent plan and blog posts that people would want to read.
If all this book contained was a system for generating that many ideas, it would already be fantastic. But Meera also included tips on branding, how to find your ideal reader, and suggestions for marketing and promoting it. Now, if she would just write a book on how to write those blog posts in an hour, I’d be all set! -
I wanted to start a casual blog for fun and this is more about running a blog as business and selling products so not super useful for my specific goals but theres some good stuff in here regardless
I'm impressed. One of those very few books on a topic which actually are useful.
I completed the most of the tasks while reading the book yet it wasn't one hour for sure. Still, I'm very happy with what I created there guided by Mira's advice. It's not smth magical what I discovered but as Meera herself says, it is not something unique and very new. It just helps to put the thoughts in order.
AND I loved the tone of the book. Usually these kind of books are annoying with these 'Do this and you'll be a millionaire by.. Tomorrow! '. That's not the case.
The last thing which I really liked - no unneeded chapters and information that feels to be in the book just for the sake of being there. The book is short, straight to the point & useful. Recommended for beginner Bloggers! -
Многие хотят больше писать в соцсетях и давать полезный контент людям. Но одного желания, как и в любом деле, недостаточно. Нужна система. Автор дает нам краткое руководство о том, как систематизировать свой личный контент-маркетинг.
- Улучшить свою личную систему написание постов и создания публикаций в соцсетях.
- Контент, которым вы хотите привлечь всех, в итоге не привлечет никого. Это как в бизнесе, когда компания не может быть “всем для всех”.
- Надо задать себе вопрос о том, как я хочу изменить читателей с помощью своих постов. Мои посты – это не “контент”, а катализатор изменений в бизнесе моего целевого читателя.
- Каждый автор должен сделать описание своего идеального читателя и всегда писать именно для него.
- Контент стратегия похожа на стратегию компании. Посмотрите на 3 года вперед и представьте себе, с какой темой вы хотите ассоциироваться у читателей.
- Если вы хотите пользоваться авторитетом у своих читателей, то вам нужна своя яркая и отличительная позиция на ту тему, о которой вы пишите. Только тогда вас заметят и запомнят.
- Сделаю чек-лист, чтобы проверять каждый свой пост перед публикацией.
Brendan Kane "One Million Followers» -
Neat and structured! I love how organized and to the point this book is. Meera did a great job sieving though a ton of information and selecting every word to put into this book. Nothing extra, only business. Ideal for beginners/Intermediate who want to start their blog and do it right.
I will re-read the book again to make sure I didn't accidentally skip some notes and will create a checklist to critically analyze each of my post before publishing. -
This book is good for the inexperienced audience. It gives a basic outline of what to include and what tools to use.
For anyone searching for more in-depth strategies, this is not it. -
A very good book on the subject of content planning.
One of the most useful guides on effective content planning. Even though I have been already familiar with many ideas and tools, this book made me look at content through different perspective. Short, focused and valuable for anyone working with content.
Clear, concise and good advice!
Whether you are just getting started or a content marketing veteran, this is a helpful book! I would recommend it! -
An excellent guide for beginners or seasoned creators
A practical and easy to read book for anyone and everyone working in the content business, full of too!s and support -
Meera knows her stuff.
The best book I've read on content generation
This is a book that anyone who has a blog, or is considering starting one up, should buy. After reading it, I was able to come up with over a year worth of blog post ideas-- and they had substance! I have struggled with getting my blog to "work." I was easily able to identity several things I've been doing wrong, as well as how to fix them.
The book not only covered content, but also how to develop the "voice" you want your audience to hear.
The thing I appreciated most was that this book delivered on it's promises and more! I've read too many advertisements wrapped in the trappings of an ebook. Finally, a real book for bloggers! -
In The One Hour Content Plan, author Meera Kothand describes things like “Ten Types of Posts” and “8 Components of a Blog Post.” The author talks about setting goals and then planning your blog content to achieve those specific goals. I, for one, took that point to heart as something I need to do better at on a regular basis.
The thing I disliked about the book was constant references to go download various forms and documents. The author didn’t merely do this as a convenience to help you print forms you have already seen in the text. No, the forms were not even shown or explained in the text, so unless you went to get the various forms, the content was mostly unusable. It came across not as helpful, but as a ploy to get readers to a signup page (which I did not). -
As a content marketer myself, I wish I'd written this book.
For any intermediate or beginner level digital marketing person, this one is a recommended read.
I have planned out my content calendar using a couple of strategies mention in this book.
Hope to read more of Meera's work asap. -
This is an accessible introduction to content marketing (and planning) for people starting from scratch. I paid all of $1.49 AUD for this book, and it will arguably pay off in that sense.
Do not rely on this book for writing advice. There are many excellent books out there about the art and craft of writing well. My reading history in Goodreads is peppered with many of those works, if you're interested.
The book appears not to have undergone any editing, or else the editor and typesetter did a poor job. For example, a chapter heading contains "EADERS" instead of "READERS". The automation tool "If This Then That" (IFTTT) is referred to only by acronym until very late in the book when its full name is finally provided. Obvious punctuation is missing, which undermines readability.
Kothand's writing advice is conflicting and confusing, and doesn't appear to be applied to the book itself. For example, readers are encouraged to use the Hemingway app to detect and eliminate passive voice, but we're told in the next breath to "Take [its suggestions] with a grain of salt." Which is it? Grammarly is recommended, too, but I doubt this book would scan clean in terms of grammar and punctuation.
The advice to make one's sentences memorable is sound, though the examples are trite and riddled with cliché: "Blood, sweat and tears," and "Past, present and future" to name two. Your voice and style will be undermined by heavy use of cliché. -
Some reviewers wrote that it isn't possible to use this book and write a content plan in an hour. I actually managed to write up a content plan reading this book in one sitting. Having said that, I also understand why some people thought it took longer. The book is packed with information, a lot of which is useful. What allowed me to complete the plan in one sitting though was having a clear picture of what I wanted to do prior to picking up the book.
Meera does a good job in going back to basics and establishing a foundation to build up your plan. She doesn't tell you immediately how to write the plan. Instead, she filters your thought process from scratch and then builds a plan based on these questions and answers. She accompanies the book with supplementary materials (sent by mail once you subscribe) with prompts that can help you go through these initial stages' thought processes.
My only issue is that at times I feel her writing is slightly amateurish. She overstressed the importance of how she's saying (for example coining herself a lot of terms needlessly, giving a lot of definitions-- basically talking too much). I still don't see how anyone wouldn't benefit from this book especially if you're just starting out. -
This is just the kind of book that'd I'd recommend to all the budding bloggers out there. Not only does it spare you the usual clickbaity content that non-fiction books of today tend to have, but it also serves as an effective, genuine tool kit for solopreneurs to make use of.
I thought I could skim through the content and make a mental note of the useful points. But I ended up creating an Evernote account just to jot down the tips and tricks.
Also, It isn't filled with technical jargons and most importantly, you can finish this book in 1-2 hours and close it with the satisfaction of having learned something vital.
Some of her tips might not seem new to most of you, but the way she presents her ideas and suggestions is something that should be given a second look.
As a wannabe blogger, I would adopt some of her recommendations and try to establish a decent blog in the near future.
If you're a blogger looking for content ideas, then this book that you should definitely take a look at. It provides you so many templates to help you get started. -
I give this book 3.5 stars. I read this book during my treadmill time through Kindle Unlimited. It helped me confirm the process of how to create blog content but did not necessarily give me any information that I hadn't already read from the bajillion infographics and blog posts I had already scanned on the internet. I do enjoy the author's concise, coherent, organized, and direct means of providing the necessary information. I have not downloaded the free worksheets that are available with the book and I do not think that I will, as I have plenty of guidance from my book highlights. I will state that if you read this book first, before doing any other internet research on the subject, you won't actually have to do any research as it covers everything you need to know on how to settle down and create content that answers the questions of your ideal reader.
Livro curtinho com dicas práticas que podem ajudar aqueles que não têm muita clareza na criação de conteúdo. Certamente uma boa ideia para blogueiros, youtubers e outras categorias que enfrentam diariamente a batalha de criar coisas novas.
Senti que algumas dicas eram muito específicas para o público norte-americano ou grupos específicos (como o uso de plugins para o compartilhamento através do Twitter). Porém, é importante entender o conceito e aplicá-lo de acordo com a sua realidade.
Recomendo muito este livro para aqueles que estão se batendo para a criação de conteúdo. Contudo, ainda é preciso muita força de vontade para colocar a mão na massa e fazer acontecer. Isso a obra "The One Hour Content Plan" não vai fazer para você. -
Excellent! This is one of the most in-depth books on content creation that I've read. Some of the information is similar to what others have written on the subject. However, the author of this book breaks it down into step by manageable step. The bonus worksheets are an excellent tool for keeping your blog post ideas organized. The book and bonuses are packed with value.
I am finding the ideas and worksheets in this book very useful. Although I have read about these ideas elsewhere; this is the first time I have been able to implement it. Because the author gives very detailed and specific information on the steps you are supposed to take. Great guide for content creation. Especially if you are just starting out. -
An interesting read for bloggers new and old
I've been blogging for a while now and I read this out of interest in hopes of developing a more coherent content plan...
The material is presented in a well thought out and clear manner, which made it an easy read.
I can see this as a book that would be of serious help to someone wanting to make money off their blog. However I'm more interested in growing my readership, and I found the information inside less useful in that respect.
That's not to say that I didn't learn some useful tips for planning ahead on my blog, but I probably won't be using much of what was covered in the book. -
Wanna Get Your Blogging Process Unstuck? Read This Book
Look, generating blogging ideas is hard. Generating awesome blogging ideas is even harder. And trying to do it consistently without a well thought out process that doesn’t shackle your creativity is damn near impossible. You might be able to pull it off a couple of times, but on the long run it’s just unsustainable.
That’s why Meera’s book is so helpful. Without much fanfare she gets you up and running in no time. This is a quick read full of actionable ideas that build on each other and guide you at a brisk pace.