Title | : | Shatter the Suns (Last Star Burning, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1481486160 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781481486163 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 400 |
Publication | : | First published December 4, 2018 |
Nobody she talks to has heard of Port North, and with only Tai-ge and June on her side, Sev fears Dr. Yang will find the cure first, and that he’ll use it to start a new world order under his rule.
With no leads, Sev is running out of options—until she discovers someone hiding in the cargo hold of her heli plane. Someone she thought was dead. Someone with maps that could point the way to Port North, if only she could read them.
Unfortunately, the one person Sev never wants to see again might be the one person who can help her find the cure.
Shatter the Suns (Last Star Burning, #2) Reviews
Shatter the Suns by Caitlin Sangster is the second book in the Last Star Burning series. The Last Star Burning series is a young adult science fiction/dystopian fantasy read that continues over from book to book with Shatter the Suns picking up right after the first book left off so it is best to read the series in order.
In the first book readers were introduced to Sev who was branded as a traitor and criminal when she was only eight years old, her only crime being her mother’s daughter. Sev’s mother had betrayed their entire nation and her body was displayed in a paralyzed half-sleep above Traitor’s Arch for all to see what happens when going against the city. Sev’s mother had brought the same plague into their safe zone that now keeps her on display reminding all those of her crimes.
When Sev was out with her only friend who still treated her as if she were still the same girl before being branded a bomb exploded injuring them both. When Sev awakens she found that the government was putting the blame for the bomb directly upon her so she had to either run or stay and possibly be killed for being a traitor, Sev chose to run and this installment picks up where the last left off trying to find the cure for the Sleeping Sickness.
Reading Last Star Burning last year the one thing I had absolutely loved with that opener to the series was that it had been non-stop action and adventure with a strong female lead. Starting out this second book of the series seemed the exact opposite of my feelings for the first book. The story seemed to drag on and not really want to take off and go anywhere this time. Really there wasn’t much in over a hundred pages and the one big thing that happened I was kind of scratching my head to remember as the author really didn’t do any kind of refreshing the story at the start of this book like most continuing series do. So it may seem really odd but this series went from a 5 star opening down to 3 with this second installment and hopefully it was simply a case of that dreaded middle book slow down.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.
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Perspective of a Writer...
No one is safe, not with the new strain of Sleeping Sickness tearing through the population. After fleeing the City with her friends, Sev has one goal: to find the cure her mother developed and put an end to the epidemic once and for all. But finding “Port North” is easier said than done. With only Tai-ge and June on her side, Sev fears Dr. Yang will find the cure first, and that he’ll use it to start a new world order under his rule. Unfortunately, the one person Sev never wants to see again might be the only one who can help her…
The short review...
I rarely rate books 2 stars... I feel like a book goes through a long vetting process, first with the author and their editing team and then with the publisher that most books really don't deserve that rating. Authors put their every effort into making their book the best it can be in the time they have allotted, especially when they are working on a sequel with their character babies and their crafted worlds. So its with a heavy heart I write this review.
I adored the first book, Last Star Burning and while thick with tropes I felt they were turned on their head in a successful way... That is not the case with Shatter the Suns... unfortunately, as I highly anticipated this sequel. Post Apocalyptic Dystopian is a genre I enjoy when its a little creative and has characters I enjoy. Alas everything that I thought was well done in the first book was a major flaw in the sequel.
On top of the problems I've listed below I was also so terribly bored. The pacing was terrible! Things that shouldn't even have been but mentioned in passing were long and drawn out. Other events that should have been exciting made me roll my eyes. And worse, poignant moments that should have warmed my heart made me feel impatient. Honestly I should have DNFed and left it at that. I've had so much success in the past pushing on and loving the book anyway that I just didn't expect to dislike Shatter the Suns as much as I did.
Cover & Title grade -> B+
This is personally a pretty decent rating from me for a cover. I give B+ grades when I can think of better covers but still like and appreciate the cover as it is. And I liked how Shatter the Suns cover corresponded with the Last Star Burning cover. That the girl feels the same and that it references the setting. I wish the planes were helicopters but at least it felt more like the dystopia book that it is. I really loved the red color as we are moving more into an aware state... Sev is going to war! I also loved that a story was shared in the book to explain the title! If only the story had lived up to the cover...
So what went wrong with Shatter the Suns after loving Last Star Burning so much?!
-I didn't like the Shatter the Suns version of Sev.
Sev in Last Star Burning was "clever, loving, resourceful, fierce, and loyal" but in this story she was boring, made stupid choices and was constantly whining. Her reasons for doing things was thin and didn't make sense and lacked true motives. This is the special snowflake that we avoided in the first book!! Somehow she reared her ugly head.
Without a protagonist I enjoy the journey got awfully hard to bear...
-The journey was long and boring, nothing like the relationship builder in Last Star Burning.
I personally feel like following a journey story with another journey story is not the best choice. This is because you not only have the challenge of making a journey relatable and fun, but you also have to make it better than the previous one because there WILL BE comparisons. And Shatter the Suns version did not measure up.
Unfortunately nothing happened in the first 25%! Nonsensical actions were made and then nothing much came of them except to waste time a page space. Honestly I wanted to DNF BEFORE this point. I waited around because I have been surprised before... And at 36% finally something happened. It was mild instead of spicy but better than what we'd gotten up to that point, so I tried to push on... Another mild plot point happens at 50% but its so random and Sev makes such a sudden about face that it was hard to believe. Still I'd heard the book gets started at 68% so I pushed on and something did happen... the story showed up.
At this point I decided I must finish this! I told myself, you can do this Dani!! Honestly I think this was the worst portion to push through. There are a couple twists, they didn't save the story but kept me from DNFing (yes I still thought about it this deep in the story). And the end was a total... honestly I can't find a word to describe how poor it was. I guess poor will have to do.
But even if the story was boring and not much happened at least the romance saved it a little... made it worth reading by making all the build up in Last Star Burning worth it?! Sorry to disappoint you...
-The love triangle made me want to gag because it was so obvious how it would all turn out...
Personally I didn't really understand what Sev was all upset about at the end of Last Star Burning. I like to rely on what I think about a person and NOT on what others tell me about that person... especially when I've had dealings with said person and don't see those things I'm being told. If however I did hear things I would simply ask that person and judge how I feel after I hear what they have to say. And I especially don't ONLY go on half baked conversations that I hear from eavesdropping! Things get taken out of context all the time.
So Sev's lack of trust for Howl is quite odd to me, I was willing to go with it but at the start of Shatter the Suns I knew she was wrong and it was hard to take that she didn't realize that she'd gotten really mixed up about who to trust. The farther into the story I got the less I understood why she felt pulled between Taige and Howl. It was clear by their treatment of her as a woman who Sev should trust! When the big confrontation happens I wouldn't have made the choice Sev does... in fact, it's highly irresponsible of her, especially after tying up so many people in this book!
And the sad thing is we start this whole thing with Howl and mistrust all over again, setting up the same relationship twist for the third book... like I'm going to fall for that again!! Please, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!
As a Writer...
The most glaring wrong in this book is how I felt like no character made a decision because it is what THEY would have done. I felt the author manipulating the characters to do things that just didn't fit who they are. Sev acted many times as if she KNEW something and the only way she could have is if the author told her it was important. That false emotion is something I can't abide in books. It's so fake. Characters don't have to be bigger and better than other characters, but they rightly should be themselves. This is THE most important aspect of a sequel and Shatter the Suns failed to do that with Sev.
As you can see I can't rightly recommend this book for any reason. I'm sad for fans of Last Star Burning because I would recommend you avoiding this book so you aren't sent into a deep reading slump like I have been. I can't even say that I am hopeful for the third book as the end of Shatter the Suns didn't leave much to work with... I am so mad at Sev's mother for this wild goose chase, except oh! she was only doing what her creator told her to do...
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐ Authenticity
⋆ ⋆ ⭐⭐⭐ Writing Style
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Plot & Pacing
⋆ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ World Building
Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. It has not influenced my opinions.
You can find this review and many others on my book blog @
Perspective of a Writer. See my special perspective at the bottom of my reviews under the typewriter...
Please like this review if you enjoyed it! *bow* *bow* It helps me out a ton!! -
*Source* Library
*Genre* Young Adult / Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic
*Rating* 3.5
Shatter the Suns is the second installment in author Caitlin Sangster's Last Star Burning series. The Last Star Burning series is a young adult science fiction/dystopian fantasy read featuring Jiang Sevvy (Sev). The story picks up right where Last Star Burning left off. In the first book, readers were introduced to Sev who was branded a traitor and criminal when she was only eight years old. Her only crime was being her mother’s daughter.
*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*
https://gizmosreviews.blogspot.com/20... -
I love coming back to a book page and finding that it now has a cover and synopsis =D
And it doesn't seem like a lot of my friends on here read the first book, I personally liked it and am interested to see where this all goes.
Also this: until she discovers someone hiding in the cargo hold of her heli plane. Someone she thought was dead. Someone with maps that could point the way to Port North, if only she could read them.
Unfortunately, the one person Sev never wants to see again might be the one person who can help her find the cure.
Dear god, I don't even know what to say.
Full review at
A Book Shrew
Maybe hallelujah I finally reached the end of a book that felt like it was 2000 pages long? I can't remember the last time it took me 3 weeks to finish a book I was consistently reading, but good grief was this the book that never ends. It wasn't a bad book at all, but looking back I should have DNF'ed at 50%. I wouldn't have missed a thing.
Let me be clear, I'm gutted that I couldn't get behind this book. The first in this trilogy was one of my favourite reads last year and set up for such a promising series. And then I started reading this one and everything just sort of went downhill. Sequel syndrome hit hard.
For starters, confusion was the riding emotion for the first 10%. For me, not the characters. I thought I remembered what happened in the first. I genuinely did. And boy was I wrong.
"Who is that character? Who the f*$& is this? Where the hell are they? WHAT IS GOING ON?"
Knocked a whole star off right out the gate.
Then came the constant conversations and discussions between Sev and Tai-ge and Sev and Howl and Sev and June. This book probably would have been far more enjoyable if it had been tightened up. Maybe a hundred pages less. It felt like nothing really happened because everything was bogged down by these conversations on trust or lack thereof. Like, we get it. There's trust issues. Moving on. Any action was just lost in all these touchy feely chapters that followed or preceded it. Another star lost.
Maybe it was the ARC version I got, but man there was a disconnect at times. Like transitions were missing. When was that decided? Why the heck is this happening? Then again, maybe I just drifted off and wasn't paying attention.
Let me repeat that this wasn't a bad book. Sangster has incredible writing and she gets to the root of Sev's thoughts, motivations and fears with surgical precision. She is still as witty and delightful as ever, as is Howl. There's a dumbass love triangle, but that was inevitable. And I'm not mad with how it panned out.
I really don't know if I'll look for the third. With the way this one went, I think it would have been better as a duology. -
Full of heart-pounding action and adventure, this book was reminiscent of the novels I read during the boom of the YA dystopian genre, yet it still felt new, original, and absolutely unputdownable.
It was fascinating to watch Sev struggle to decide who to trust in this broken world full of political deception and corruption, and Caitlin's writing kept me guessing through each twist and turn of this intricately-plotted story. I'm so excited to find out what happens to this extraordinary cast of characters in the final book in the trilogy! -
It was really good! It wasn’t amazing, but I would recommend it! I loved the way it fixed some problems from the first book, and I loved the plot. Didn’t like some of the characters, but it was great!
The sign of any good book is wanting to read it again. A great series is wanting to reread the first book so the newest book can be read consecutively. Caitlyn has delivered the makings of a great series with the second book of this series.
A perfect balance between detailed description and fuel for the imagination is beautifully presented in Shatter the Suns. Leaving my imagination fully enveloped while wondering if the author has actually been and seen the places and things she’s describing.
My heart is pulled in every direction as more is revealed about the characters while they continue to maneuver through impossible situations. This book is a fantastic mix of danger, hope, and adventure. I loved every page! -
A fascinating sequel that is more character-driven than plot-driven. As before, I loved the characters, and I can't wait to read the finale.
4.5 Stars
SHATTER THE SUNS is another roller-coaster ride of emotions as these characters struggle to find a cure before those who seek power do. A story full of non-stop action, continuous danger, and characters with choices that will greatly impact their world. Recommended to those who enjoyed the first book and Dystopian and SciFi YA fans.
"Maybe I have changed to fit into the places I've been standing."
This series... Intense. That's what it is. This second book moved back and forth from somewhat intense to more intense and back again. I did get a little frustrated in the beginning with Sev. I thought she'd be a little more sure of herself and a little more quick in defending herself, but she's pretty shook up and kind of all over the place. I also got frustrated by all the mistrust and trust where there shouldn't have been. I still love Sev though, and June, and Howl. Oh, Howl. He's just plain awesome. I love all the banter and teasing between this group of characters. And the constant tension. There were also all these fabulous little nuggets of wisdom (I've included a few quotes from the finished copy with this review). Then there's quite a few twists and a slight cliffhanger, which means I'm dying for the next book.
"You can't take back the worst things you've done unless the other person lets you."
In the end, was it what I wished for? This was a great sequel if you're a fan of the first book and are ready to find out more about this world and what happens next. A page-turner that is definitely hard to put down, and a story I thoroughly enjoyed diving into.
"Hope is something you fight for, Howl." He breathes again, deep. "I would do anything to have that kind of hope."
Content: Quite a bit of violence.
Source: I received a complimentary ARC through NetGalley, which did not require a positive review nor affect it in any way. -
3.5 stars.
This one started really slow, and it took quite a while for me to really get into it. But by the end I couldn't put it down! -
Once again, Caitlin Sangster does it again! I'm dying to know!!!! Argh! Having to wait for the next book to come out, torture! I love the imagery and imagination and the surprises throughout the entire book/series thus far. Often, as I am reading, I am wondering how in the world Sangster comes up with what she does! So clever! I can't wait for the third, like, literally. Hurry up!!!!
This is a pretty long book, but I read it in two days. I could not put it down! I loved that the action was almost non-stop. I also liked that I was surprised a couple of times. I was suspicious of a lot of characters and their choices, but only really surprised a couple of times, which was pretty fun. I like feeling like I know the characters well enough to predict what they will do, but also being surprised a little, so it isn't too predictable. I also did not see the ending coming, especially with everything you find out about Sev and Howl (no spoilers... so that's vague!). Anyway, I pre-ordered this one, because I was so impatient to find out what happened next. But I should have just waited for the third one, because now I'm feeling even more impatient! Honestly, I picked this series up because the author used to be my neighbor, but I really do recommend it! The world-building is impressive, the characters are dynamic, and the overall story is creative and exciting!
Well, if this book didn’t have my emotions in a stranglehold the entire time...!! Sometimes the second book in a trilogy is kinda slow and seems useless, but let me tell you, this was not slow. So much happens, and there are so many new revelations that tie in to foreshadowing from the first book, and so much character development. Honestly, I don’t know why this series isn’t more popular! The dialogue is also so good, like, probably a bit too sophisticated to be realistic for 16- 18-year-old characters, but it’s really clever and fit the group dynamic really well. I liked the action, the stealth, June’s character in general, obviously the romance, and also the themes of family, found family, change, etc. Tai-ge’s denial of the gores was pretty good too. Such dramatic irony! And goodness, there are so many characters who I couldn’t make up my mind about, whether they are trustworthy or not. I even have doubts about Dr. Yang, tbh. But we’ll see about that one.
All that being said, there were a few things I didn’t love. I gave this five stars because I loved it but it’s not perfect.
-One, for all their jokes about relieving themselves (the obvious lack of plumbed facilities prevents me from saying “going to the bathroom” lol) only one (1) person explicitly does so the entire book. Like, seriously, WHEN do they pee?? I know fantasy books ignore this often because it’s not important, but, the logistics of the events in this book made it seem kind of important!
-Two, poor Sev! Her poor head! She gets knocked out and kicked around just as much in this book as the first, and I’m even more convinced now that she’s permanently concussed (not that it seems to affect her judgment much, but still).
-Two and a half, there were one or two chapter transitions where she gets knocked out and wakes up in a new situation. I get it, things happen. But a bit more detail to ease the transition would’ve been nice, like instead of getting knocked out right away she could be half-conscious and hear stuff happening?? Idk. I’m just nit-picking.
-Three, the proofreader must have been half-asleep while doing the final check. The first half was fine but toward the end there were several misplaced quotation marks, a duplicated word, a misspelled homophone, etc. etc. Basically, I’m saying please hire me next time because I would do a much better job. Thanks. -
Still not great. So many things wrong with this book.
The primary antagonist (Yang) has maybe one appearance in the book. A minor complaint - everyone is referred to by their names except Yang is Dr. Yang. I don't know why this bothers me so much but it just reinforces the "evil scientist" stereotype throughout the book.
Another journey book. Basically nothing happens until the last 8 chapters, and then it's the plot of one book compressed into the ending. Everything happens at once - Tai-ge is revealed, they arrive at their destination, new semi-important characters are introduced, complications for the third book are set up. All at the very end of the book.
Nothing of importance happens before the ending. It's just Tai-ge and Howl dancing around Sev. Tai-ge and Sev fighting. Howl and Sev fighting. Xuan being a relationship counselor. Honestly, Xuan was my favorite character. He has his own self-interests at heart but isn't an asshole. His dialogue actually reveal him as an interesting character.
I've wanted to learn more about June. But this series just isn't having it. We get glimpses of her in scenes every once in a while, but she's mostly set apart from the main plot/action. She's not involved with Sev a lot. Sev is just projecting Aya onto June. It doesn't seem like they have too much of a real relationship, but that's just me. Sev spends all her time fighting/kissing Tai-ge and Howl.
This series has dragged out Howl's backstory, too. Unnecessarily. The reader is really able to piece things together on their own. The location of the Chairman's real son is unknown and it's unclear whether that will be important or not.
Had to force myself to get through this book. Probably not going to continue this series. -
I stumbled upon Shatter the Suns while perusing NetGalley, not realizing that it was a sequel, so I moseyed on over to the local library and checked out Last Star Burning (Spoiler: it was awesome).
While I flew through the first book, with no regard to the already sleep-deprived state I was in, its sequel seems to drag on at a snail’s pace; and I just could not keep my concentration long enough to finish more than 20 or so pages at one time.
What made the preceding novel in the series so engrossing for me was the dialogue among all of the characters. Every page had a conversation that spoke to relationships and family, forgiveness and distrust, love and betrayal. Contrarily, Shatter the Suns was mostly internal reflection and analysis through Sev’s very confused point of view. Any plot propulsion was missing until 65% of the way through the narrative, and though I stayed with it because I felt obligated to read the complete ARC before I give feedback, I don’t know for sure if readers picking it up after its release will be patient enough to stick it out.
That being written, because Sangster has given readers not one but two novels in the SciFi genre for young adults devoid of foul language and a profuse number unseemly sexual encounters, this series is ideal for advanced readers in the tweens or younger teens that need something rich in vocabulary and plot but less mature in content or older teens or younger twenty somethings who don't feel like reading any of that, either. -
Okay so I FINALLY finished this book 😫
Lemme start by saying with the world in a pandemic..
This book wasn’t entirely the book I was looking to read. But I started it before the pandemic was wide spread so I had to finish it. And I just have to say this book unfortunately was not NEARLY as strong as the first..
In my own personal opinion I felt like we were kind of going in circles. I was glad to see more character development with Sev and Howl and June. But Taige sucks!
They left in the copter. Thinking they were safe and off to escape and beat the evil Dr Yang in the race to the cure. But we quickly find out the cure isn’t as easily obtained as just finding it. What if the cost to finding the cure was destroying people you love? What if the cure came at the cost of your own life? What if those you thought you left behind somehow creeped back into your life. What would you do if the world depended on you?
Sev fights her past and present demons. Trying to track down where it is Sev’s mom told her to go. But Sev finds out people aren’t really who you think they are. And maybe the bad ones are actually good?
I won’t say much more.. just know it kinda leads on and is a slow build versus the first one. And the ending definitely gives us a solid lead to another book in the future! Fingers crossed that one’s a little stronger! -
Hmmmm... Well I picked up the second book! Once again the first 80 pages were kind of slow but then the book really picked up! I was actually excited. Howl shows back up and Sev is furious. They lock him in a closet and Sev and Tai-ge plan on leaving him there for the gores. Part of her feels bad but she also knows he deserves it. Although Howl ends up freeing himself and finding his way back to Sev. Lots of crazy things happen after that, with Tai-ge getting captured and Sev having to try to trust Howl... Ooooo its so interesting to see how much Sev and Howl really care for each other!!! But then Tai-ge ends up escaping with a Red and working together with him, now Sev is wondering if she can even trust Tai-ge.... So much excitement went on in this story!! And the love between Howl and Sev grows!!! I was just waiting for that moment when they admitted it to each other!! Of course that stuff always happens at the end... But even more worse things always follow. Now Sev is in danger and I don't know what's gonna happen now or how she's going to get out of this one!!! I honestly can't wait for the next book now!!! I gave it 4 stars only because of the slow beginning.
Shatter the Suns is book 2 of a trilogy by Caitlin Sangster. The first book pulled me in due to the cover alone and the story left me anxious for the next installment of this story. Shatter the Suns left my mouth open at the end and wanting Book 3 NOW!!! It was PERFECTION!!!! We are back with Sev, continuing the search and the riddle her mother left her in regards to the cure. You’ll be surprised with whose back, and big betrayal #2. I actually really like Sev. She wants to help people. She trusts people. She forgives and loves and fights for people. She ultimately makes a huge sacrifice that really shows how far she has come from Last Star Burning. I feel as if Sev and June have this adopted sister relationship that I absolutely adore. She grows so much in Shatter the Suns. And the ending….wow. Definitely recommend.
*Provided an E-arc through Netgalley -
This book swallowed me whole... in its immersive world building and twisty plot lines.
What I loved: 🖤🖤🖤
1. The romance is complicated and feels “earned”.
2. The book is told from Sev’s point of view, so you’re never sure about the other characters motivations or the depth of their loyalty.
3. Sleeping Sickness is an engineered disease that it used as a bioweapon. I loved the parallels with the Sleeping Beauty fairytale.
4. Xuan is a new character in this book and his humor perfectly offsets the serious storyline. I’m not saying he’s a “good guy”, just that he’s a “funny guy”.
5. Friendship and family are important in this book, but saying more would give spoilers.
The LAST STAR BURNING trilogy will shatter you in the best possible way. -
Not quite as good as the first. It was a little harder to get into, but still great! Sev was a little whinier, but considering the circumstances, I didn't mind. Though it's a couple hundred pages longer than the last one, I still managed to finish in a day. Albeit, I finished at 2:30 am, but still, I finished it. The endin though!!! I hate it so much I can't believe I'll have to wait a year or so for the next one! Can it just be out already? Not cool!!!
Still, a good amount of death and violence and a litte more kissing, but always just the right amount, never too much. Love triangle doesn't even get annoying like they usually do! It's a great read. Slow to strat but worth it to finish. Just, don't read it till they're all out, ok? Or else you might regret it. A lot. -
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the E-arc copy of this novel!
#ShattertheSuns #LastStarBurningBook2 #Trilogy
Sev and her crew are back for book two of the trilogy. Sev now faces a race to beat Dr. Yang to Port North for the cure, but stopping the epidemic is just part of her new challenges. Sangster delivers a action filled second novel that gives your favorite characters a lot to face. I can say that this is not a "filler" book by no means. Shatter the Suns is a full on trilogy with no punches pulled. A definite do not skip series with great characters, action, and plot twists. -
I do like the story (at least what I’m following—it’s a super complicated and complex plot) but this book clocked in at over 500 pages, which seemed unnecessary. I knocked off a full star just because of how poorly the book is edited. SO MANY errors. Still though, I like the characters (mostly) and will continue reading to find out how everything sorts itself out.
2.5 stars
This book could not end soon enough. I so wanted to love this book. It was just so darn slow, with soooo much talking and repetitive thoughts and conversations...snore. I found myself reading a chapter, putting the book down to go do something else, read another chapter repeat. Even the action parts were so darn full of talking it put me to sleep. -
Amazing! Really blown away! The romance is slow burning and not just handed to you. Great writing, realistic points of views and feeling among the characters. I’m in love with series and really hope it has a happy ending!
After book 1 I said I didn't know which characters could be trusted, turns out I was right. I did think the storyline dragged a bit and there's one character I absolutely can't stand. Gonna finish the series now.
A gorish display of claustrophobic redundancy and interim.
Loved it Caitlin! Derek read it too. He loved all the detail. I love how you weave the sleeping beauty book in throughout. Can't wait for the next.