Title | : | The Breakfast Bible: 100+ Favorite Recipes to Start the Day |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1681882914 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781681882918 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 128 |
Publication | : | Published January 9, 2018 |
Featuring a comprehensive collection of classic and contemporary breakfast recipes, easy-to-customize options for morning favorites, simple tips and techniques, and gluten-free alternatives, The Breakfast Bible has everything you need to prepare the most important meal of the day. Whether you want to host a weekend brunch with a DIY Bloody Mary bar, treat someone to breakfast in bed with homemade waffles, or take something to go, there’s a for everyone in this diverse recipe collection.
Additional recipes include: Orange Marmalade Bread and Butter Pudding, Raspberry Lemon Muffins, Almond Streusel, Egg-topped Asian Noodle Bowl, Mediterranean Strata, Honey Butter, Fingerling Potato, Green Onion, Bacon & Rosemary Frittata, Smoked Salmon, Crème Fraiche & Chive Scrambled Eggs, Classic Buttermilk Pancakes, Buckwheat Crepes, Banana, Almond Butter, Date & Cinnamon Protein Shake, Maple Pecan Coconut Granola, Breakfast Yogurt Parfaits and many more!
The Breakfast Bible: 100+ Favorite Recipes to Start the Day Reviews
Nice read...pretty photos.
Good recipes even...I just don't see me reaching for this book at breakfast time...plus most recipes I wouldn't have the staples for.. therefore requires planning.
Hence the 3 stars.
Nice book for entertaining guests though. -
There were some really yummy sounding recipes in here, like waffles topped with prosciutto, pears, and maple syrup, and then the quinoa, butternut squash & kale breakfast bowl. And then the pictures of the breakfast sandwiches were just mouthwatering, the breakfast cubano, grilled cheddar sandwich, breakfast banh mi with Sriracha mayonnaise, and the croque madame, looks just like the croque monsieur but it's topped with a fried egg. Ummm, yes please!
The only reason I gave this 3 stars is because it's filled with fabulous food that I would love to order in a restaurant, but I would never bother to make on my own. Too many ingredients. Call me lazy, but that's the way it is..... -
Not a bad book, but not what I was looking for. This is geared towards people who have time for a sit-down meal in the morning, which I do not.
Some decent sounding recipes inside with a lot of helpful information, too.
V novej kuchyni chcem mať malú knižnicu/otvorenú policu v úrovni očí na všetky moje terajšie a budúce kuchárske knihy. To len taká malá vsuvka o mojich plánoch a láske k tomuto formátu kníh (prvú kuchárku som na vlastnú žiadosť dostala už ako 8. ročná).
No, ale poďme k dnešnej knihe. Raňajková biblia už pekne v názve jasne popisuje obsah.
Čo je lepšie, ako začínať dni s dobrým jedlom? Kniha je plná receptov na slané a sladké raňajkové delikatesy (rýchle na prípravu).
Krásne fotografie, dostupné ingrediencie. Inšpirácie plné stránky a na nás už ostáva len zdvihnúť ráno zadok z postele a venovať pár minút dobrému začiatku dňa.
A ak mi budeš oponovať, že vstávaš o štvrtej ráno a na jedlo tak skoro naozaj nemáš chuť, čo tak si pripraviť aspoň príjemný víkendový rituál? My sme to mávali doma tak, že jeden spraví čaj, “štukne” kávu (doslovný výraz obsluhy kávovaru v našej rodine), druhý prestrie stôl a tretieho chudáka pošlú kúpiť čerstvé rožky (väčšinou mňa).
A prečo je práve táto kniha zaujímavá? Obsahuje raňajkové recepty z celého sveta (k tomuto bodu sa ešte vrátim). Poskytuje postupy práce so surovinami. Naučí ťa základy. Ako správne pripravovať vajíčka (pri dnešných cenách to musíš brať ako luxusnú komoditu), obsahuje recepty na rôzne pečivá, naučíš sa, ako si môžeš pripraviť domáci chlebík (jasné, že dopredu a nie pol hodinku pred raňajkami) a nájde sa tu aj pár bezlepkových obmien.
K tej rozmanitosti. Píše sa o receptoch z celého sveta, no mám pocit, že cielene bude vyhovovať najmä Európanom a ich chuťovým pohárikom. Sú to hlavne recepty vhodné do nejakých kotinenatálnych rozšírených raňajok. Typický Slovák si pochutí. Tak to uzavriem.
Inak v našej rodine sme si okrem klasicky pripravovaných vajíčok celkom zgustli na rôznych nátierkach. Čo neskonzumujeme ostáva na pondelok a o problém postarané. -
Z wanted a Breakfast recipe book for her 14th and after looking at lots I chose this for M to give her. It’s packed full of different recipes, both savoury and sweet, with pages of ideas for toppings for pancakes and waffles etc.
The book has really good quality photos of many of the finished items. It’s a lovely hardback book and special enough to give us a gift.
(She has just sent a little video and a photo of a bowl of the Almond & Apricot Granola she’s baked and served with raspberries, mixed seeds and yoghurt. Delicious!)
I’m now adding it to my wish List. -
DUDE!!! I am totally buying this book!!! I love breakfast and this is the perfect book for all things breakfast. There were lots of pictures and all of the recipes seemed very reasonable. There were healthy and non healthy options. Most of the recipes called for ingredients that were readily able to be found at the store. I want this book so bad!!!!!!!!
My goal for 2019 is to cook breakfast *most* days of the week. This book is going to help me achieve that goal! Beautiful photographs and yummy recipes.
Captivating, colourful photographs with easy-to-follow recipes that inspire you to make a holiday-worthy breakfast for your love-ones.
Lots of delish
Many interesting sweet or savory recipes to try. Something new everyday for a couple of years of breakfast. Fun. Some really easy some more involved