Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals by Michael Hyatt

Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
Title : Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0801075254
ISBN-10 : 9780801075254
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 272
Publication : First published January 2, 2018

We all want to live a life that matters.

Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals Reviews

  • Jami Balmet

    Based on Michael’s first two books that I loved (Platform and Living Forward), I had high hopes for this book. But I was very disappointed. Michael use to teach solid, step by step approaches to creating a platform, writing, and setting goals. But like his podcast that I seldom listen to anymore, this book was more fluff and stories than anything else. For anyone who has ever read anything on setting goals, you can probably skip this book. I kept waiting to get to the meat - but sadly never did! Maybe I missed the point of this book, but I didn’t have any practical take aways. I’m confused at the hype of the book honestly 🤷‍♀️

  • Kelly Lynn Thomas

    Nothing groundbreaking here. Lots of secret Jesus though. It felt like he brought god up in every other page. Also used lots of Bible anecdotes. Sorry, no, if I want to read the Bible (I don't), I'll read the freaking Bible. While there are lots of concrete, action-oriented points in here, there's also a lot of positive thinking nonsense. He cites a lot of research studies with small samples of mostly college students, and the whole book felt very White and Privileged (tm) in a way that made me want to toss it across the room. I have no idea why people like this book so much.

  • Anna LeBaron

    I am delighted that Michael Hyatt's "Best Year Ever" program is now in book form!

    I have used his program for five years in a row to set goals for each year and then accomplish so many of them, year after year! This has been a game-changer for me. Actually, a LIFE-CHANGER! Since I began using these proven methods I have become a published author and started a new career!

    Imagine setting goals and then actually following through and doing the work required to reach them! How would that change your life?

    Michael Hyatt will lead you though his "5-step plan for achieving your most important goals".

    In doing so you will discover:
    * What's holding you back right now
    * How to overcome your past setbacks
    * The seven attributes of effective goals
    * How to quit-proof your goals
    * The role of habits in personal achievement
    * What to do when you feel stuck

    I recommend that you not rush through the reading of the book. Instead, read it thoughtfully, and invest the time to complete each Action Plan as you go through the book. I also highly recommend doing this with a friend. Having someone to celebrate your achievements with makes the rewards of accomplishing your goals that much richer!

  • Vanya Prodanova

    Идеалната книга за приключване или започване на Нова година. :)

    Обикновено поставянето на цели представлява малка глава от книгите за самоусъвършенстване и се засяга само един аспект от цялата тема за целополагането. Затова и много отдавна исках книжка, която да задълбава в темата сериозно, тъй като някак си имах усещането, че мога и много по-добре да се представя в тази посока. И напълно случайно (или не?! XD) книгата ме намери благодарение на една моя много любима и прекрасна книжна дама - Мила.

    Та, за книгата - добра е. Не са просто нормалните думи за надъхване, а практически насоки. Всяка дума вътре "крещи" действие. Дори накрая има много добри примерни шаблони, които могат да се ползват за вдъхновение и образец.
    Очаквано, се активирах. Предполагам фактът, че е идеалният момент за подобен тип четиво, също изигра роля в активирането ми. Реално бях готова с целите и проектите си за 2019-та, но докато четях книгата и започнах малко по малко да пренаписвам и преправям нещата. Винаги има място за подобряване и развитие, ако си позволим да приемем, че има още какво да научим.

    Има само две неща, които доста ме напрегнаха, но това си е до лични предпочитания: Не ми допаднаха примерите, обвързани с религиозна и спортна насоченост, най-вече с религиозната. Не са прекомерно дразнещи, но все пак ти се набиват в очите, че са твърде често споменавани елементи.

  • Trisha

    I think a healthy suspicion of any guarantees of making a certain life for ourselves is good, unless what's being offered are promises from God's Word. We are not the captain of our souls, even though many live as though we are. This type of book is somewhat of an unusual read for me, but after seeing it recommended a couple of times by a teacher I greatly admire, I decided to give it a read. We make our plans, and God directs our steps; that reminder was never given in this book, at least not in those terms. Still, we should make our plans, and I think Hyatt does a clear job of laying out a very doable plan for making goals and pursuing them. If you've struggled with this in the past, I think Hyatt's plan would be helpful.

    I especially appreciated his scarcity vs. abundance thinking, and his recommendation to consider how our past failures keep us from future goals. His advice to not "eat that frog" and instead do smaller actions to fuel the harder ones is helpful, too. He's quotable and engaging. He outlines all of the steps thoroughly and provides planning templates as well. There's much practical advice here, but don't look for something deep spiritually. For example, the exhortation to practice gratitude comes across as the popular, generic trend that it is instead of a purposeful giving of thanks to the Lord that flows from a love for Him, and God's promises are not the focus at any point. Those endorsing Hyatt's book include the range of Tony Robbins to Andy Stanley to Donald Miller, and Hyatt references Brene Brown multiple times. Such a wide range of company is quite telling in itself.

  • Dilyana Deneva

    Книгата е много надъхваща и ми припомни още веднъж необходимостта от конкретика, когато искаме нещо. Някои от идеите и примерите вътре ми бяха познати, други - не. Личи, че авторът е от сериозно подготвените мотиватори - цитира изследвания, данни, но в книгата си предлага много синтезирани резултати и идеи. Написана е в духа на съвременния свят - без лирични отклонения, право на въпроса, с графични примери, кратки изречения, изводи в подточки. Всеки може да си вземе нещо (набързо) от книгата и да тества какво ще стане, ако го приложи - в бизнеса или личния си живот. Ами ако действа?

  • Misty Beller

    An exceptional book for anyone. Whether you're a go-getter and want to move to the next level personally and professionally, or whether you're just tired of slogging through the same ol' rut, this book is a must-read.

    I've set goals for years, some I've accomplished and some I haven't. I love the way the author gives tools to examine all aspects of our lives and find the areas where we want to take action. The book then takes us step-by-step through creating goals that stretch us, then developing a game plan to make them happen. I'm already starting my new goals and thrilled to see the progress I'll make!

  • Alexander Krastev

    Ако годината ми започва с толкова желание за четене, както към тази книга, наистина ще е най-силната! Издание, посветено на целеполагането, което методично проследява всяка стъпка към постигането на набелязаните цели. Имам нещо като 60 пасажа, маркирани в четеца, така че определено ще има доста за разказване, включително и визуално. Както винаги, успоредно с четенето мислех кое как може да бъде приложено не в лично качество, а в бизнес отношение, и да - спокойно можете да приложите наученото и в годишното развитие на своята компания или най-малкото на следващия си проект.

  • Andrew

    Read this with a book study crew l and although the conversations we had were great, I feel the book is very mediocre. Singing the same tune of other business minded achievement books. Not unhelpful information, just ideas I've heard from others put into his own words. There were a few times when I literally would yell out in confusion as to what he was saying, buuuut it wasn't a bad book.

    Some books have nuggets of gold on them, this however had a few nuggets of weird goop. Should I give it a 2? Ahhhhhh, errrrrrrr, well.... nah, I'll keep it at 3

  • Allysia K

    Loved it! I'll be reviewing this closer to the end of the year to really get clear on my 2019 goals, but I did a lot of work and journaling as I read this book and I'm already super pumped for next year.

    The first few chapters on an abundance mindset and perspective was something I'm well-versed in already, but I see the importance of starting with that. Michael is a practical writer who gives clear action steps, which is exactly what I was looking for.

  • Joli Hamilton

    Excellent strategy guide for developing new habits and achieving goals. I only wish Hyatt didn’t fall into the trap of using almost all male examples in his anecdotal case studies. It sticks out like a sore thumb and becomes grating quickly. That said, the info is solid and tracks to my prior knowledge of growth oriented research results, so I will keep it on my coaching bookshelf.

  • Nopadol Rompho

    If you always fail whenever you set your goal, you might want to read this book. Your Best Year Ever tells you how to set and implement your goal successfully. Strongly recommended.

  • Melissa

    Given the time of year, I picked up this book to add to what I already know about goal-setting and to hopefully learn another approach. The trick will be whether I go through the steps Hyatt lays out moving into 2019. He provides simple enough examples throughout, as well as sample templates for the two types of goals he mentions in the book within the appendix (Achievement Goals and Habit Goals).
    I would recommend this book to individuals exploring options to improve goal setting and follow-through. There are also insightful aspects around our individual thought processes that can get in our way with following through and achieving our goals. Many of these have been repeated themes for me this calendar year.

  • Brandon Kelley

    This book has helped me gain clarity for 2018 and has given me a great process for taking steps toward the things I believe God is calling me to in the next 12 months. Whether you've given up on New Year's Resolutions/Goals or if you're a goal-setter already, this book is a great tool to move forward personally, professionally, and even putting together a plan to grow your faith. Highly recommended.

  • Karin

    So, I feel like you can't really review a lifehack/ self help book immediately upon completion, but I really like how action oriented this book was. This is a very clear action path for how to make changes over a year by analyzing your current situation, goal setting and periodic review. I did follow along with the exercises, so I guess I'll know for sure in a few months! Very easy to process through audio imo.

  • Petrucha

    Prakticka & motivujici. To jsou takovy dva zakladni rysy tyhle knizky.

    Miluju Hyatta kvuli tomu, ze vsechny jeho knihy jsou svizny, motivujici a hlavne prakticky. Po docteni vam nezbyde nic jinyho, nez se zvednout a neco delat, protoze vas k tomu proste nakopne. (I kdyz s nim uplne nesouznim na te spiritualni urovni, dokazu ji pochopit.)

    Cist Nejlepsi rok tveho zivota zrovna v roce 2021 asi trochu zavani absurditou... ale neni to tak. Okolnosti nikdy nejsou zakladem toho, jak vypada vas zivot. Je to zpusob, jakym na ne reagujete. Takze - aniz bych zlehcovala vsechny hruzy, co se kolem nas deji - proc se nehecnout a nerict si ok, konec cekani, zoufalstvi a apatie, jdu se soustredit na veci, ktery muzu zmenit!

    A pssst, neco mi rika, ze tohle brzo vyjde cesky v jednom super nakladatelstvi :D

  • 侯 二六


  • Ericka Clou

    I think that if you like books in this goal-setting genre, this one is pretty good. I'll probably also buy a copy for reference. I have to admit, I really love the title (maybe to a bias-forming level). *Warning! This review is more like note-taking on the book than a real summary. It's definitely more valuable if you take some notes on it.

    Some of my favorite parts of the book were in the first introductory chapter:
    1. Starts with a story about the amazing results of resilience. "Stay in the game and keep pushing" even if you're behind, you can still achieve your goals.
    2. Set more than a few goals. Imagine accomplishing ALL of your goals a year : Health: best health of your life, energy to spare. Relationship: deepen your relationship. Finance: Debt-free with deep savings, money leftover and protected from emergencies. Spiritual: Feeling a connection to something greater and feeling grateful every day.
    3. Document your baseline in the 10 domains so you can see your progress.

    Ten Domains: Spiritual, Intellectual, Emotional, Physical, Marital, Parental, Social (friends), Vocational (career), Avocational (hobbies), Financial. Although I notice that home management seems to be missing from his list.

    Usually, I give my thoughts on the books instead of summaries, but I wanted to record this for myself. So here's my little summary.
    1. Believe the possibility- overcome doubts, be positive and abandon scarcity thinking, what's lacking and imagine putting it there, don't limit your goal based on your resources
    (A bit repetitive: a. Recognize the limiting belief, b. Record it in writing, c. Is this belief helpful? d. Reject or reframe the belief. e. Revise the belief turn into liberating truth, f. Implement the new way of thinking.)
    2. Get closure on the past and develop gratitude. After action review- write it down: What happened, why it happened, and what you can do to improve. You can do this with last year's goals. Adjust your beliefs and behavior. Gratitude makes you resilient and reminds us that we have agency. (A little repetitive here.)
    3. Set goals that really work (Chapter 7)- Specific and measurable, habit goals, but also risky goals that stretch and challenge you.
    4. Find your motivation to achieve your goal (this was my least favorite part). Find an accountability group.
    5. Make it happen (Chapter 13-14): a. Start with the easiest /smallest part first for big projects (instead of eating the frog)- warm-up and create a positive feedback loop, if you get stuck try something else. b. seek outside help. c. Fully commit and schedule parts on your calendar. d. Activation triggers or cues to make responses easier. (Brainstorm triggers that are easier than your goals, optimize your activation triggers by automating them or taking them out of your control, decide in advance what to do if you're blocked, revise your activation trigger if it's not working.) e. Regular review of our goals: Daily review of all your goals (7-10 goals)- look for daily 3 actions; Weekly review: look for next 3 big actions and check at next weekly review; Quarterly review: rejoice your milestones, recommit to your goal- reconnect to your "why," revise your strategy or goal if it's not working, or remove the goal if you decide it's not worthwhile. If you remove it you might want to add a new one.

    Celebrate your wins- both the overall goal and the milestones.

  • Jay French

    I have enjoyed listening to Michael Hyatt’s low key success podcasts and listening to his self-narrated audiobooks. He has a comforting voice with a bit of contagious call to action that he adds to what he publishes. Given his earlier book called “Platform” described how he had combined all kinds of media to get his message across and build his business, it’s no wonder that this platform master needs to create content for his own platform – his mix of social media, podcasts, books, training, email lists, etc. This book came about as his daughter suggested he create a class on personal planning. After running the class and based on feedback, Hyatt cleaned up his advice and packaged it in this book. Like all Hyatt books, he includes many personal anecdotes to illustrate his topics, in addition to using business examples and in this case, examples from former students of his class. I found these examples to be the best part of the book. Most of the advice is similar to that of other goal planning books I’ve read. He includes the concepts of having set goals, like saving $20,000 by December 31, and having process goals, like reading a business book a month. He pulls in other common topics from planning self-help books, like habits, SMART objectives, etc. Again, if you are well read in personal goal setting, this is of a kind. If not, this isn’t bad, and has a friendly voice.

    Interesting: Hyatt ran Thomas Nelson Publishing for many years. He mentions in this book that he had a dog named Nelson. Strange that he had a dog with the same name as his employer. I’m now thinking of naming my next dog System.

  • Arun

    The latest from leadership developer and writer Michael Hyatt, Your Best Year Ever is apparently a companion to an online course called “5 Steps To Your Best Year Ever”.

    The book read quickly, each part is comprised of several chapters and capped by a multi-step “Action Plan” that distills the advice you’ve just read into a checklist of sorts. I liked the practical nature of the book and will likely use some, if not all, of the action plan steps in the coming months.

    For negatives, I think the biggest one is a surface-level treatment of the concept of “limiting beliefs” and how we can approach productivity. Hyatt’s writing and products often presume you are your own boss, and so in control of your own feedback loop and what a typical workday looks like. I don’t believe this is the common example and so he loses me as an audience at times when he seems to be writing more for CEOs and higher-end business leaders than for the ‘average’ professional looking for more from life and to live it more fully.

  • Anick Globensky-bromow

    I am usually a big fan of the content Michael Hyatt puts out. But this time, I did not find the value in the content. I also bought his course, 5 days to your best year ever, and was disappointed that I did not learn a thing, except from his acronym SMARTER which basically added two letters to a wildly known SMART goal. Nothing groundbreaking here. Maybe I read too much about goal setting in the past, but I felt like this book was just putting together what others have already taught about goal setting. I was very disappointed by the lack of new material and would not recommend this book to a seasoned goal setter. Sorry Michael, I used to love your content, but this one missed the mark.

  • KC

    On the heels of "Atomic Habits," I read yet another "live your best life now" kind of book, this one with more of a focus on goal-setting, although habits still make up a good deal of the discussion.

    My favorite takeaway is about optimizing activation triggers using one of the three recommended methods: elimination, automation, and delegation.

    There's a decent foundation in psychology and clinical behavioral therapy, but in the end, it is really just the same old recommendations about achieving what you want in life: plan, execute, and maintain. Master that, and you've mastered life.

  • Sarah

    I think this is probably going to be a better book to read than a lot of other books in this genre. Your Best Year Ever not only encourages personal responsibility but also emphasizes how thankfulness is key in completing your goals.

    The book is easy to read and Hyatt is a sraight-shooter. You won't be wasting your time.

  • ScienceOfSuccess

    Yet another typical Self-help book, with some stories from Michael's life.

  • Jason Hoschouer

    I have been a follower of Michael Hyatt's for years. His no-nonsense approach to goal setting is second to none. The timing of this release is perfect as it will allow me to finish out 2017 on a high and jump into 2018 with clear direction and purpose.

    The best part of this book is Hyatt's assertion that goals often bleed into one another and setting a single goal isn't particularly realistic. When I'm focusing on something personal, I need to realize it may be impacting my work life as well. Striking that balance and understanding the ebb and flow using the LifeScore Assessment was eye-opening!

  • Patricia Sutherland.

    Si te interesa el tema de planificación de proyectos y administración del tiempo, en este libro encontrarás información muy útil. De hecho, encontrarás un plan completo para desarrollar tus objetivos paso a paso. Lo novedoso respecto de otros libros de su clase, es que el plan no comienza por elaborar tus proyectos a futuro, sino por una evaluación de lo que no ha funcionado bien en el pasado -objetivos no conseguidos- y por qué.
    Como me ha sucedido con otros textos suyos, me "puso las pilas": mi cerebro empezó a bombardearme con ideas y he llenado el ebook de notas. Fue exactamente del tipo de lectura que disfruto a fondo.