Title | : | Tutorial (Rules-Free VRMMO Life, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 102 |
Publication | : | Published May 12, 2017 |
Unlike VR games before it, AAO promises a 110% 'Better Than Life' realism experience, and to showcase this, Icestorm announces that AAO will have no 'Out of Character' rules, save for actions like hacking or exploiting system errors. Players can do anything to NPCs and even other players, and there will be no consequences save what one may suffer in game. "Do what thou wilt, but it may be done to you in turn."
Mike Greene, better known in WoD as Torgan, a max level Paladin and leader of the Lords of Light, one of the top 'light side' guilds in WoD, now sets off on a new adventure in AAO.
Author's Note: If you haven't guessed, there's going to be all kinds of nastiness in this story. Violence, language, racism, sexism, sex, gore, vore, and more! If you have triggers of any kind, this is your warning. If you're looking for a nice, heartwarming tale like Sword Art Online, keep looking. There will be 'good guys' as well, but this is a story where Might IS Right. However, if you've read Watchmen and Wanted, and like what you read (READ, not the movies!), then you just may find this story in your strike zone. And for f*ck's sake, this is just a story! Don't take this as an endorsement of any of the actions in this story.
Tutorial (Rules-Free VRMMO Life, #1) Reviews
So good.
I'll definately be keeping up with this series. The Dolcett stuff is a bit much, but it's nice reading a story with such an unashamedly evil main character. -
This litrpg porn. This is the only apt description I can think of for the moment. 2 is already plenty. And this book is already the greatest in the series. There is so much wrong packed in to this novel.
1. Misogyny
2. Rape
3. Hollow and perverted protagonist
4. Convenience for OP protagonist. Plot armor.
5. Idiotic side characters
please skip this one. Novel doesn't get better. I read till book no. 15 and hated every moment. You've been warned. -
This is the story I have been waiting for. This is not told for the side of the hero, but the side of the villain. This is a guy who's been playing VRMMORPG's for a while (16 years in the story) and he's tired of always being the good guy. He's going into this game as a total dick. And he succeeds. This book makes it abundantly clear that it's all about how big the slong is (no literally). The guy in game is playing a incubus. With that said, this book has quite a few litrpg elements in it and it also has a LOT of sex. (The way the villain dies at the end is brutal af. No, really.) So, if you don't like harems, a LOT of sex, brutal endings to people. I'd skip this one. I just got the rest of the series.
FYI. This is a relatively short book. -
23.3.2018 - 3,5*
Kniha ve dvou bodech:
- úžasný nápad s potenciálem a možnostmi
- pomalu to spěje v porno v knize (pro chlapy)
Není to ani tak celá kniha jako první kapitola.
Mám slabost. Kniha může být příšerná, může mě neskonale iritovat, dohánět mě k zuřivosti, ale jakmile má nějaký zajímavý koncept, magii především, nedokážu si pomoct a chci to dočíst.
(A tento příběh naštěstí není tak zlý. Jen... zatím plochý. A nepříliš realistický, i na hru. A psaný se zaměřením na chlapy. Nebo možná dospívající. S rozbouřenými hormony. Hm.)
Je to napůl porno v knize. Není tam sex až tak graficky, rozhodně ne na několik stran, je to nakonec akční litRPG, ale damn... je to porno v knize. S diskutabilním morálním náhledem. Ale jelikož jsem věděla, že jdu do knihy o zlém charakteru, tohle mi až tolik nevadí. Když nad tím tak uvažuju, nejvíce ze všeho mě irituje zpracování. Což mě mate, jelikož autor vypadá, že psát umí. Ale ta rozbouřená adolescentní nota těsně pod povrchem mě irituje a ničí tak požitek z nápadu, nad kterým bych jinak byla nadšená.
Přestože je hrdina trochu povrchní a jako holčina se nedokážu totálně ztotožnit se sexuálními fantaziemitohotosingle chlapa, stejně to v sobě něco má. Jelikož to možná stojí na sexu a MC si pomalu staví harém (jakkoli nepravděpodobný), ale, well. Fakt je, že to dává smysl. Úplně mi to nesedí. Není to extra promyšlené litRPG, aspoň to tak zatím nevypadá, ale jsem nakonec na "začátku knihy". A kvůli mé zpropadené zvědavosti budu číst dále, jelikož chci vědět, kam autor tu myšlenku dokáže dotáhnout. A doufám, že se to nezmění v plné porno v knize. Jelikož na to mám jiné autorky. *smích* -
I should have read the reviews
I have read other books by this author and have enjoyed them. They were different and also interesting. I figured I'd give this one a try even though it's much shorter than books I usually buy. The combat was lame. At one point the mc is near death but you wouldn't even know he was hurt if he didn't say so. The MC is terrible, and not just because he is evil. He is uninteresting and has no real depth or substance. He isnt a person or even personable. He is a teen going through puberty with raging hormones. I understand that it's just a story, but you can tell whoever wrote it doesn't get very much "female company", or at least that's how it comes across. Garbage Litrpg book. -
This left like poorly written fanfic without any sort of direction. Also, this was one of the first litrpg books I've read, but I am glad I stuck with the genre. Also the other books I've read by Stuart Groose was 1000% better.
Harem bondage rape fantasy. No thanks.
Good first chapter
Interesting beginning, a bit rough in places and could probably use the services of an editor. But the basic premise is good and the story moves at a good pace -
Too dark for me