The Magicians Diary (Glass and Steele, #4) by C.J. Archer

The Magicians Diary (Glass and Steele, #4)
Title : The Magicians Diary (Glass and Steele, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
ISBN-10 : 1230001716788
Language : English
Format Type : ebook
Number of Pages : 400
Publication : First published September 5, 2017

India und Matt glaubten, sie m�ssten nur Chronos finden, um all ihre Probleme zu l�sen. Doch der Uhrenmagier wirft ebenso viele Fragen auf, wie er beantwortet, und bringt noch dazu Schwierigkeiten mit. Um Matts magische Taschenuhr zu reparieren, brauchen sie das Tagebuch eines vor Jahrzehnten ermordeten Arztmagiers. Die Suche danach f�hrt zu einem schmutzigen Geheimnis, in das zwei von Londons Handwerksgilden verwickelt sind. Als alte und neue Gegner auftauchen und ans Licht kommt, was lange verborgen war, m�ssen Matt und India besser zusammenarbeiten denn je.

Doch als sich zeigt, weshalb Indias Magie so stark ist, will sie weitere Magier an die �ffentlichkeit locken, w�hrend Matt die Magie verborgen halten will, um sie zu sch�tzen.

Ihr Plan geht nach hinten los. Sein Plan l�st sich in Luft auf. Und die Gefahr klopft an ihre T�r.

The Magicians Diary (Glass and Steele, #4) Reviews

  • Phrynne

    My least favourite of the series so far. It seems that the author is reluctant to move the main themes forward and is marking time, with India and Matt running round in circles and not actually going any where.

    Towards the end of the book things do start to happen. There is a beautiful twist where a character turns out to be someone else altogether. I did not expect it and it brightened things up for me considerably.

    I seriously hope the next book gains more momentum and even more importantly, that the author stops saying that Matt purrs. Please.

  • Mari

    I'm still liking the characters in this series. After solving an old murder mystery all Matt and India need is a medical magician and they can save Matt. I am getting weary of India putting Matt off. He keeps trying to engage her in conversation as to why she doesn't want a romantic relationship with him. She's clearly attracted to him. Since he's American he doesn't care about societal norms. India needs to be honest and tell him she doesn't feel good enough. I think the romance needs to be resolved. It's beginning to stifle the series.

  • Serena Gifford

    One of my absolute favorite book series!
    Thoroughly enjoyed this latest addition to Glass and Steele.
    The story and characters were so well written and have you dying for the next book in the series. Can't wait!

  • Donna Thompson

    It's hard to say much of anything beyond, "I loved this book." Because that really does sum it all up. Everything that C.J. Archer writes is beyond wonderful, but with the Glass and Steele series, she really outdoes herself. In "The Magician's Diary," the hunt is still on for the fix for Matt's watch. And in the meantime, we get to see the interaction between India and Chronos, as well as some of the secondary characters, all the while side-stepping danger at every turn. The author keeps a fast pace throughout and you won't be disappointed with this one. In fact, you'll be eagerly awaiting more.

    **This honest review was based on an ARC copy I received from the author**

  • Elizabeth Dragina

    Enjoyed the adventure.

    The amount of times C.J. Archer uses the Lord’s name as a curse word seems to be increasing and I’m not a fan.

    Content: Profanity, sexual tension, and violence.

  • Catherine  Mustread

    Read the first six books in this series right after one another, so seemed like one long book with a few continuing themes. Each individual title focuses on a different aspect of magic and a variety of British trade Guilds in the late 1800s. Combining history, suspense, romance, London society, hints of wild west America and a variety of magical abilities these are quick and entertaining reads. [Posting the same review and the same # of stars for each of them.]

  • Andrea Johnson

    This series definitely has weak spots and some recurring eye-rolling patterns, but overall engaging enough that I want to find out what happens next. The fact that each book ends with a cliffhanger might have something to do with that, too. :-)

  • Cece

    No resolution.

    The story keeps on dragging on and now it has become annoying. I’m not sure I care anymore since I can assume there will eventually be a happy ending.

  • Jennifer

    There was decent story arc development in this installment which made it easy to hand wave away the lingering romantic angst between the two characters. It actually helps that the romance is really downplayed in this series since the ongoing barrier between the two of the MCs is really annoying.

    I did not see the twist at the end coming and that's what bumped the rating up a star. To be honest, the series has lost a bit of its shine for me; many of the characters have really started to annoy me: Willie, Miss Glass, Lady Rycroft and her daughters, etc. But the twist at the end has successfully hooked me into at least the next installment. I hope that the romance is figured out soon and that serious headway is made in the world of magic.

  • Zenda

    The search continues

    India is beginning to irritate me a little. Her refusal to talk to Matt is ridiculous, and I think it is a shame that all those around him are telling her she is not god enough. I did like the intrigue around Jack Sweet. It was a very b unexpected twist in this story. I was hoping to either shave the watch or their relationship solved at this point as I don't want it to be the focus of every single book. That will only make them repetitive.

  • Julia

    The plot was a bit predictable, to me at least.

  • Quick

    Still a fun audiobook series, although drifting more into soap opera so I might not make it through!

  • Erin

    Fourth book in the series very similar to the other two. The Magician's Diary continues to focus on the overarching mystery of finding out someone to help Matt fix his watch. I was glad to get back to the main mystery and want it to be solved soon!

    SPOILERS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Okay, little angry that India is doing the whole, we can't be together because of our social status, thing. Her character seems to fight against all of these societal things holding her back. She has never been too concerned about it before, but is in regards to Matt. It just bugs!!! I just want them to get together and I hate that the aunt is acting all self-righteous about it. First it was because he was too sick and now this. And he can't even tell why! Come on!

    The same thing is happening with Matt and his watch. Each time they think they have figured it out, there is something else in the way. It just gives me panicked vibes. I want him to just be healed and the two together. I mean there is the whole other mystery and struggle with magic coming out in the open. That should be the focus, but I can't concentrate when there are these other problems.

    And once again India opens her mouth and shares too much information. Obviously the news reporter was going to write about it. It shouldn't have come as such a shock.

    I liked the fact that Eddie ended up being a bigger part than we thought. Mainly I am just glad he is out of the picture. Now if they could only get rid of Abercrombie. I also don't understand why Chronos left. His character was interesting and I wanted to see what else was going to happen.

    I do like that as the books progress we get to know more and more about the side characters. I really like Cyclops, but I feel bad for Duke because I have some ideas about what Willie is hiding and I don't think he will get his happy ever after. If I get to book eight and Matt and India aren't together and Matt isn't healed, imma be angry.

    re-read 2/6/2021

    I really like this one in the series. I feel like the mystery is one we can go along with and solve. I find the fact that the villain is a twist we don't necessarily see coming, but makes sense.

  • Shavon Brown

    So many twists and turns in this book and I loved every single one of them. So many cliff hangers, so many details, I continue to love this series and these characters as we learn more about them. CJ Archer is an amazing author who takes you on a magical journey. So many things in this book lets begin
    1. Chronos is finally found, and it is India's grandfather. While he seems like a jerk he also seems like he has good intentions. But with his presence comes more threats and blasts from the past then anyone can see.
    2. Ambercrombie is still up to his games of trying to keep Ms. Steele down and make sure that he continues to stay on top.
    3. Oscar Barratt, What to say about this guy, shows genuine interest in India just to betray her by writing an article about the proof of magic existing. This in itself causes a fleet of problems and gets all of London talking.
    4. The most interesting twist in this story is oddly enough Eddie aka Jimmy Sweet. He starts off being a puppet only to find that he has in own reasons for wanting Chronos like the fact that he is responsible for his father's/uncles death.
    5 .And finally my favorite twist/ what we have all been waiting for since the first book. Matt finally expresses his feeling towards India. He is ready to make her his wife and while we know she also has feelings for her, Mrs. Glass words ring in her ears of how she is not good enough b/c of her station in life. That is the twist they leave us on which is why I am already to pick up the next book in the series.
    6. The last thing this book does, its gets us one step closer to finding the magical doctor we need in order to save Matt's life.
    7. What is up with Willie, she is spending more time at the doctors and being very mysterious about it, not tellling anyone. We still have no idea what is going on as she avoids answering the straight out question from anyone asking.

  • Sandy

    I enjoyed the 1st book of this series but although the book is easy to follow and the storytelling is engaging, there is little or no character development, which has been the case for each volume. In addition, the plot of each book follows a similar pattern and consequently I have the sensation that I have read the same book several times.

  • Lindap

    4 Stars

    Matt and India are slowing pulling the pieces together in their search. They have one part of the duo needed to repair Matt's magical watch. The other still eludes them. Eddie, her ex-fiance plays a larger roll in The Magician's Diary, and of course he and Abercrombie do their best to thwart their investigation. This time Matt and India are trying to solve a murder that happened 27 years ago, and it has to do with the death of the doctor that help Coronas with his experiment.

    Again...the story is good. The characters likable. Although the aunt didn't do a lot of pushing of young women (and a widow) onto Matt, his niece Hope is a sneaky, conniving girl. She will do anything to trap him. The fact that Matt gives her such leeway is a bit irritating, he's smarter than that. As a friend of mine said in her review "the romance needs to be resolved", it is taking away from the story itself.

  • Alex in Spades

    3,5 Stars

    It was all fun and games but it kind of left me frustrated. The tension between Matt and India is just simply killing me. I honestly don't know if I can take any more of this. The ending simply killed me...

    The plot was pretty engaging in this one. I liked how everyone was looking for the diary, also the character of Chronos was an interesting one, for the lack of a better word (well I hated the guy if I'm being honest, but he was a great addition to the action).

    Overall I liked it, and I'm definitely looking forward to the next book.

  • Carol

    C.J. Archer an independent author living in Melbourne, Australia writes a book , (The Watchmaker's Daughter)that I find at the local Goodwill in the Midwest and the rest is pure magic. Number four in her Glass and Steele series. It is 1890 and Spring has come to London where India and Matt have found Chronos the Watchmaker. Has he brought the cure they seek or has misery followed him?

  • Elenariel

    2.5* again.
    Almost anything new in the main plot. Chronos is now useless and we have to start looking for another magician, while the main characters focus on other misteries.
    I think each book will have the exact same pattern, with little to no progress for what's important.
    But I find myself entertained anyway. For now.

  • Laura Agnella

    Another series I love and which follows the genre trend I have been prominantly on of late. This is the 4th book in the series and I am so excited for the 5th.

  • Danielle

    Wow, I am burning through this series. It’s my Crack right now, I love it but I don’t think I even know why

  • Bookjazzer2010

    3.5 Audiobook for listening while walking. Another book in this series is coming...

  • Mary

    Love these Glass and Steel Books! Ready for the next one.

  • Caitlin O'Neill

    I'm seriously addicted to this serious and cannot wait to read the next one. The character relationshipa continue to get more interesting and so do the twists and links in the plot.

  • Roberta

    The fun continues! I enjoy these characters...