Title | : | To Your Eternity, Tome 1 (To Your Eternity, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 2811635475 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9782811635473 |
Language | : | French |
Format Type | : | Mass Market Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 192 |
Publication | : | First published January 17, 2017 |
Un être immortel a été envoyé sur Terre. Il rencontre d’abord un loup puis un jeune garçon vivant seul au milieu d’un paysage enneigé. Ainsi commence le voyage de l’Immortel, un voyage fait d’expériences et de rencontres dans un monde implacable…
To Your Eternity, Tome 1 (To Your Eternity, #1) Reviews
I AM SO INTRIGUED. This was such a weird and unique tale. I cannot wait for the rest of the volumes to come out!
A case of I wasn't able to see the same in it that others saw.
An orb is sent to earth, where it takes the form of things it touches. First it becomes a rock, then a wolf that was hurt and lost. The wolf returns to its owner, who is stranded in an arctic village that everyone else either left or has died in. Together they go on a journey to find the boy's relatives in the land of mountains and fruit.
A little later there's a huge shift in the story and we meet a young girl that is eager to become a grown-up and be a mommy. But she's chosen to be sacrificed to Oniguma, the God of the mountains.
At some point both those stories intersect.
A tale of life and mortality that has some likeable characters but a narrative that ultimately left me cold. It happens. We were just not meant for each other.
My favorite panel: -
Was not expecting to enjoy this as much as I did.
This is actually mostly broken up into two sections. The first is about some type of creature falling from the sky, becoming a rock, then transforming into a wolf who had died, and then the wolf goes home to meet a boy who's one goal is to make it to a society since he's stranded in the cold with no one around. So their mission is to go out and try to make it. The 2nd half is about a little girl wanting to grow up but she instead is being sacrificed to a ancient bear in which will protect the village from more attacks.
These two stories connect in a surprising way that I won't spoil here. I also really loved the first half, as the ending hit me like a fucking train with emotions. The 2nd half is quite good too, with a lot of heart, and a bit of sadness. I really enjoyed the art too and some interesting designs for characters. The only negative is there is a shift here, and it takes time to get used to.
I really enjoyed this and right away ordered volume 2-5 online because I want more. I hope this story remains as good. A 4 out of 5. -
Well, those tears were unexpected.
Musical pairing: "Wait"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAwYo... -
Kind of a strange series. A "thing" gets put on this land and it slowly adapts to its surroundings, becoming things, then animals, then people. Takes place in some sort of primitive fantasy and it's quite clear that this is a harsh world. Very sad things happen but the "thing" also has a childlike innocence so it's not all doom and gloom the whole time.
This is miles away from her last series though,
A Silent Voice, though the characters all seem just as charming and complex.
3.5 for me -
So ein schöner, vielversprechender Manga! mir hat er so gut gefallen, gerade weil er eher ruhig erzählt ist und richtig unter die Haut geht. Ich freue mich schon auf Band 2 :)
Honestamente, no sabia que esperar, la portada me llamo la atención y dije, ¿Por qué no?
Es una historia muuy diferente a las que he leído, el protagonista es una energía/alma/ser que es capaz de transformarse en lo que toca, vemos como se va transformando en musgo, luego tierra, luego un lobo, ya que toma la identidad de uno que se encontró que falleció, en ese corto proceso vemos como tiene interacción con un niño que vive solo en una aldea abandonada en el frió invernal, el ser va aprendiendo cómo es esto de la vida humana. -
This was interesting. I particularly liked the change in the artwork when the place changes. It also was surprising moving in ways that I didn't think it would be.
★ 4.5 Stars ★
This story is SO beautiful. It can totally be read on its' own, as it's a contained story all on its' own. -
I'm really not sure what to make of this series yet, but I think I like it.
A formless supernatural being is sent to Earth and, after taking several different forms, ends up in the shape of a wolf when it first encounters a human in an arctic wasteland. Eventually the creature encounters more humans and becomes entangled in a human sacrifice to another supernatural beast.
There are interesting characters, some humorous fish-out-of-water gags, and nice art. I've no clue where this is going, but I want more. -
Faccio molta fatica a descrivere questo volume perché non assomiglia a nulla che io abbia già letto. È solo il primo volume quindi voglio continuare per capire dove andrà a parare l’autrice. Per adesso si presenta come una storia molto particolare e unica. Presumo che si approfondirà il significato di essere umani e provare sentimenti, visto che il protagonista è un essere venuto da non si sa dove e in grado di mutare forma. Devi pensarci un po’, ma la recensione arriverà presto
4.5 stars
I owned this volume for four months and I’m kicking myself for not picking it up sooner.
This was imaginative, original and engaging. I’m super invested into the story and the characters.
Yoshitoko Oima is well known for her A Silent Voice. I adore that manga and I was curious to dive into her other work. And oh boy. To Your Eternity is a completely different story. The only thing that is similar between these two stories is the gorgeous art by Yoshitoko Oima.
Needless to say I’ll try to get my hands on the next volumes as soon as possible!
I didn’t want to say anything about plot or the characters. I went into the manga completely blind to its content and I loved it! -
Uno de los comienzos más emotivos que me he encontrado jamás en un manga.
Si es capaz de tanto en tan solo un tomo, miedo me da lo que pueda pasar más adelante.
Y no puedo esperar para saberlo. -
Så besviken!
Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow....
Okay...So, this was good. Like, really good. But, also super sad. Beautiful and sad. And I absolutely devoured it. I loved it so much, that I can't wait to get my hands on the next volume. I can't really explain it without giving away plot, but I will say that it definitely reminded me (at least in tone) of
Wolf's Rain and
Osamu Tezuka's Phoenix series, specifically the vast and beautiful loneliness of
Phoenix, Vol. 2: Future. Add in a little
Naoki Urasawa and you've got this beautiful book.
I seriously can't wait to read the next part! -
Oh my gosh, this story. I'm having a hard time finding words for how I feel about this book right now, but suffice it to say it was definitely worth the buy.
La verdad que no sabía muy bien que me iba a encontrar porque lo cogí un poco a ciegas, tenia mono de leer mangas y me animé con esta nueva serie de Yoshitoki Ooima y la verdad que me ha sorprendido y me ha gustado mucho. Es un poco rarito en un principio pero cuando va cogiendo ritmo es muy interesante y estoy deseando leer los siguientes.
This manga series is such a pleasant surprise. I was immediately hooked from volume 1. 5 / 5 stars
4.5. Really enjoyed it. This volume was so unique and intriguing. Really excited to read more! 😁
Que história curiosa!! Gostei bastante da apresentação dela e dos desenhos. Acho que os próximos volumes farão o trabalho de aprofundar mais cada personagem e a jornada deles. Tem tudo para só melhorar!! Tô animado, já vou começar o segundo.
1) Deutsche Rezension
2) English Review
1) Deutsche Rezension
Am Anfang war es etwas verwirrend, ob der Junge mit sich selbst sprach und nur so tat, als ob sein Wolf sprechen könnte oder nicht. Nicht dass es überraschend waf, es war niemand mehr im Dorf. Ich nahm bereits an, dass alle anderen tot waren und dass der Junge nicht überleben würde. Und es ist wahrscheinlich noch tragischer, wenn man bedenkt, dass das Wolfsding, das jetzt seine Gestalt trägt, wahrscheinlich nichts davon verstanden hat. Oder doch? Später kann es in Wolfsgestalt sprechen.
Später fragte ich mich, ob dieses Ding sich einfach regenerieren kann, nachdem es von dem riesigen Bären so zerfleischt wurde, was kann es tatsächlich töten? Und wenn es so oft gestorben ist, muss es dann essen? Und existiert der Dämonenbär wirklich, dem das Mädchen geopfert wird (er tut es)? Und passiert das jedes Jahr? Dann sicher nicht im selben Dorf. Und warum überhaupt ein Kind, wenn es gegessen werden soll? Sieht nicht nach einer großen Mahlzeit aus.
2) English Review
In the beginning it was a bit confusing as to whether the boy was talking to himself and just pretending his wolf could talk or not. Not that it surprised be, there was no one else anymore in the village. I already assumed everyone else was dead and that the boy would not survive. And it's probably even more tragic when you consider that the wolf-thing now wearing his shape probably understood nothing of it. Or does it? Later on it can speak in wolf form.
Later I wondered, if that thing can just regenerate from being so mauled by the giant bear, what can actually kill it? And if it died so often, does it need to eat? And does the demon bear actually exist that the girl gets sacrificed to (it does)? And does that happened every year? Surely not in the same village then. And why a child anyway if its supposed to be eaten? Doesn't look like much of a meal. -
I was a bit surprised when I was searching for this manga here at Goodreads and saw that it was written by the same author of Koe No Katachi (A Silent Voice). My friend told me about it before but I must have forgotten! No wonder this story is also heartwrenching. The art style, the plot, the story's pacing, and the character development are amazingly written and portrayed.
The story is about a "thing" that adapts to its environment by transforming to another being through imitation as its way of passage. What started as a mere sphere to a rock to a mold then transitioned to an animal and then, along the way, a human. I can't wait to see what more the future holds for "it". Just know that my tissue box is ready. -
A very captivating story but I can’t quite put my feelings into words.
Please be advised that this manga deals with heavy themes like death and loneliness. -
What a weird little story. It's nothing like anything I've read before.
War...nett...keine Ahnung ob ich mir den zweiten Teil kaufe, eher nicht...
Very weird, honestly I am excited to see where this series goes in future volumes. Also the art is very nice and the characters are cool.
That forthcoming anime adaptation brought me here. And I'm intrigued, for sure, but I don't know if I'll continue with the story.
Untuk vol.1 dulu .... tadinya bingung antara milih ini atau Theseus yang terbit barengan, tapi si Abadi ini menang karena kovernya 🐺 awooo~
Gambar: 4.5☆ ..... sejak dikompor Pina dengan The Shape of Voice dan doyan, aku suka banget sama gambarnya yang terlihat 'empuk' dan ekspresi tokoh-tokohnya yang terkesan kalem tapi nendang. Di sini tambah seneng karena ada hewan-hewannya (≧◡≦)❤
Cerita: 4☆ ..... kisah awal sangat-sangat ❤🐺❤
Cerita berikutnya mulai seru~
Sangat menantikan kelanjutan kisahnya~ (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ -
I feel like I haven't found my groove with mangas just yet. Another one that sounded really interesting (and I'm in love with the cover), but it just didn't really do anything for me in the end. I honestly thought this was going to be about a boy and his wolf going on an adventure and while it was, for a very short while, it mostly wasn't and that was just a let down.
However, the wolf does have an interesting origin story, if you will. -
Superbe premier tome !