Title | : | Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader (Feminist Technosciences) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0295742577 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780295742571 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 352 |
Publication | : | Published December 1, 2017 |
Theoretically and rhetorically powerful, these essays also take seriously the materiality of "natural" objects and bones, voles, chromosomes, medical records and more all help substantiate answers to questions such as, What is sex? How are race, gender, sexuality, and other systems of differences co-constituted? The foundational essays and new writings collected here offer a generative resource for students and scholars alike, demonstrating the ingenuity and dynamism of queer feminist scholarship.
Queer Feminist Science Studies: A Reader (Feminist Technosciences) Reviews
This book filled a requirement for knowledge and analysis that I knew I had, but thought could not be reached, and it incited my desire to continue research into queering science. Looking at science studies through an queer, open perception is essential for the future of science. Studies of medicine and biology, as well as more abstract studies of botany and zoology, need to move away from the generally-accepted, the Western standard of study. Western, colonized, male-oriented, unchanging systems of science study are how, in the past, we reached conclusions that ova, the qualitative and "reserved" nature of it, dictated how women should act, to speak nothing of women who did not possess ovaries. It's how hysteria was considered a real diagnosis, and a prescribed, involuntary stimulation was considered the treatment. The standard of science studies today needs to be reconsidered; "We've always done it this way" is no longer the right answer.
This collection of essays taught me scientific methods of study and fact that had never occurred to me.
I will treasure it moving forward in my exploration of biology and evolution. -
"Queer feminist sciences studies scholarship offers powerful examples of how to critique the normalizing and pathologizing tendencies of Western biomedicine and science, while also providing insights into how science and biomedicine might be reformed and/or (re)appropriated in order to better serve the interests of women, sexual minorities, gender-nonconforming people, and other historically marginalized groups."