Design Is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton

Design Is Storytelling
Title : Design Is Storytelling
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 194230319X
ISBN-10 : 9781942303190
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 160
Publication : First published November 21, 2017

Ellen Lupton, award-winning author of Thinking with Type and How Posters Work, demonstrates how storytelling shapes great design

Good design, like good storytelling, brings ideas to life. The latest book from award-winning writer Ellen Lupton is a playbook for creative thinking, showing designers how to use storytelling techniques to create satisfying graphics, products, services and experiences. Whether crafting a digital app or a data-rich publication, designers invite people to enter a scene and explore what’s there. An intriguing logo, page layout or retail space uses line, shape and form to lead users on dynamic journeys.

Design Is Storytelling explores the psychology of visual perception from a narrative point of view. Presenting dozens of tools and concepts in a lively, visual manner, this book will help any designer amplify the narrative power of their work. Use this book to stir emotions, build empathy, articulate values and convey action; to construct narrative arcs and create paths through space; integrate form and language; evaluate a project’s storytelling power; and to write and deliver strong narratives.

Design Is Storytelling Reviews

  • Patricia Ayuste

    Puntuación: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5)

    Un manual sobre storytelling aplicado al diseño. Un conjunto de estrategias para desarrollar la percepción visual, aplicar las técnicas narrativas en la creación de ideas, productos, servicios y experiencias y en su proceso de comunicación para lograr captar la atención del usuario, orientarlo y acompañarlo en un viaje que transforme su experiencia.

    Ellen Lupton estructura el libro en tres actos para explicar las diferentes técnicas: Acción (patrones narrativos que sostienen las historias), Emoción (vínculo del diseño con nuestros sentimientos y estados de ánimo) y Sensación (percepción, procesos activos y transformadores clave).

    ✔️ Puntos fuertes: lenguaje sencillo, ejemplos muy visuales y su aplicación, lecturas recomendadas, cuidada presentación y la estructuración de los conceptos.

    ❤ Te gustará si: buscas nuevas formas creativas de aplicar el storytelling en tus servicios/productos, te interesa el diseño o ampliar tu poder narrativo.

  • Esteban Mulki

    A nice compendium of the latest trends that affect design. Nothing more than that, really. PS: the book design is so beautiful that it makes you want to lick the pages (?)

  • Ian Stewart

    A pleasant introduction to a wide variety of psychological and storytelling ideas that can be and are successfully applied to the thinking and problem solving involved in the practice of designing things.

  • Traci

    I'm an interaction designer, and a game designer. I frequently find myself working with people who want to add more story to things, in the traditional sense. They want to add more cut scenes, more dialogue. They wouldn't put it this way, but they want more blathering and passive activity, which inevitably clutters up the joint and gets in the way of active involvement.
    In interactive mediums, story is something the user / player / learner / participant should engage in and experience through direct action. It's a challenge and sometimes a delicate dance to pull this off, of course. This book is excellent because it gives both food for thought in how to execute such a mission, AND it gives vocabulary for how to communicate these things to your team members and stakeholders. My copy is full of flag stickies and underlines. I'll definitely be returning to it again and again, as I already have in the few months it has been in my possession. I strongly recommend!

  • Danilo Weiner

    Design e Storytelling são duas discliplinas bacanas e que se cruzam em diversos momentos. O que a autora do livro tentou fazer - nem sempre com sucesso -, foi colocá-las como sinônimos. Então as vezes você vê que há uma forçada de barra pra dizer que muitos produtos / serviços são compostos de 3 partes, já que uma boa história tem que ter começo-meio-fim. Mas o livro é bacana, traz cases legais, tem diagramas legais e pode ser útil pra quem tem interesse no tema. Deixei umas 5 orelhas dobradas, então tem seu valor...

  • Victória Molgado

    Boa leitura, bem didática e dá uma visão geral e indica algumas ferramentas de narrativa. A bibliografia é muito boa e dá várias referências interessantes.

  • Ilona

    A fine intro to different design concepts. With pictures!

  • Kitty

    olen viimasel ajal lugenud palju raamatuid lugude jutustamisest ja kirjutamisest ja lugemisest; sobis hästi siia selline üsna lihtne ja väga visuaalne raamat sellest, kuidas sama teemat käsitlevad disainerid. ehk siis, kuidas inimestega suhtlemiseks on hea ikkagi jutustada lugu, kuigi sa võibolla pead hoopis tegema äpi või kujundama metroosilte või kureerima muuseumis näitust.

    ühtegi uut mõistet ma enda jaoks ei õppinud, aga juba teadaolevaid räägiti lihtsal moel üle ja lahti ja hästi palju skeeme ja illustratsioone oli juures (ja see kõik muidugi väga kena, sest selle kallale olid lahti lastud disainerid). ma ei tea enamust neid sõnu eesti keeles, aga eks ikka narrative arc ja hero's journey, storyboardid ja personad, gestaldi printsiibid, värvid ja maitsed ja lõhnad ja kõik see.

    ma ainult ei oska öelda, kellele see raamat täpselt suunatud on - disaineri jaoks kindlasti liiga lihtne, minusuguse uudishimutseja jaoks tore, aga mitte otseselt praktiline.

  • Mind the Book

    Som sagt, en vän som funderar på att starta butik läser den här och det smittade av sig på mig. Till det yttre ser det ut som en översiktlig bok man kanske får med sig hem från en museishop. Men innehållet är fylligare än så och författaren överraskar genom att nämna Steven Pinker samt ägna flera sidor åt Kurt Vonnegut!

    Ett annat inslag vi kan kalla 'call to action for Cam' är alla spännade artiklar som nämns i fotnoterna på nästan varje sida. Titlar som A Closer Look at Personas and How They Work (av skribent vid namn Schlomo Goltz, bara det), The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore Sanity eller The Untold Story of How Lip Balm Upstart EOS Outdid Chapstick. Den allra sista påminner om en av mina favoritpoddar, 'How I Built This' från NPR.

  • Rebecca

    Very intrigued by this idea.

  • Masha M

    Fine but shallow intro. Great printing and a lot of links for deeper research on topics.

  • Maria Nikolaeva

    Полезна, приятна и интересна :)

  • Tim Belonax

    Well composed and researched, this book is a good starting point for considering storytelling within design.

    The end of the book was full of helpful prompts and writing tips.

  • Sucheta

    Exceptionally brilliant

  • Marcus Kazmierczak

    The book is quite nice, it has plenty of graphics, color, and excellent printing. The design ideas and concepts in the book seemed to be more around known stories and common sense, little seemed new to me. The book is put together well and flows nicely, maybe I'd give it 4 stars if I were newer to some of the ideas, though I was hoping for a little bit deeper from it.

  • Jason

    1) Visually pleasing
    2) Promotes Action, Emotion, and Sensation
    3) Be advised: tiny text
    Enjoyment: 3

    There's lots here for reference, to utilize, to inspire, and to learn from. Could be a book that is not required but a suggested read for product design or concept development curriculum. Along with useful and amusing illustrations, this book contains art work, real and imagined products, studies, brands, and theories that concisely showcase design principles. There are accessible anecdotes and industry stories offering concrete examples. Captions provide cited resources, including online URLs for more information and investigation.

    Oh, my eyes! The font size of some text is small, some even smaller, especially the descriptive captions for the wonderful visuals. Perhaps if the book was a little larger format and proportionally the text was larger it would be easier on the eyes and the reading experience. Have a magnifying glass on hand.

  • April

    I really loved this book. I've read other short UX or Design books for mindfulness, and because people are talking about them, but Ellen Lupton made reading this practical and in moments, frickin' hilarious. I mentor a lot of UX students or interns, and I would recommend this as a fun read. The best example of affordance in the typewriter example was wonderful. In the section for Sensation, she yields two wonderful examples of how people use apps. "Our working memory can hold onto only a few objects at at time." That section is a great practical breakdown for new UX designers. It's hard to explain cognitive load, but she did an amazing job at it, in simple and easy to understand metaphors. Love it.

  • Raili

    This book is for you if you are curious about understanding the value of design or have just started off in the design field. Easy read with plenty of examples and supportive visuals.

    However, if you are already familiar with the design and its most common theories, this book will not excite you.

  • Tender Looks

    Creo que todos los ratitos que me he tomado para leer este libro han sido exactamente lo que el libro estaba explicando. Una pausa puede darnos otra perpectiva. En mi caso, soy una principiante en esto del diseño y cómo conectar los sentidos con el mismo. Si os fijáis en la fecha de mis libros leídos, justo antes de éste me estaba leyendo uno que habla sobre cómo los datos son obviados y muchas veces trampeados, algunos con la mejor de las intenciones pero sin duda han llevado a los consumidores a modificar sus hábitos.

    Como diseñadora y currante tener un libro que no se extienda sino que vaya directamente al grano es en muchos casos no abandonar un tema que podría haberme abrumado. Algunos links que he querido consultar no han funcionado para nada, así que no sé qué pensar sobre las fuentes. Igualmente la síntesis es un arte, así como nunca debemos descuidar los fundamentos y bases de nuestra profesión.

    Veo muchos reviews en inglés que dicen que les ha sabido a poco porque todo esto ya lo sabían, sin embargo, me hacen preguntarme muy mucho cuántos de ellos los aplican de verdad.

    Este libro podría convertirse en uno de mis clásicos própios, que leo una y otra vez.

  • Onofre Benlloch

    L'estructura del llibre en tres actes no té sentit per a mi. El que se suposa que és una successió d'eines d'storytelling aplicables al disseny no sempre ho són, a vegades són només exemples de treballs de l'alumnat d'Ellen Lupton. La mostra d'exemples em pareix fonamental en un llibre d'estes característiques, però ha de tindre un propòsit i el conjunt d'ells ha de disposar de coherència interna quan pretens estar escrivint un manual sobre disseny i storytelling.

    Quant a la traducció, l'he trobada també insuficient en diverses ocasions i en altres una mica inconsistent. Per exemple, les il·lustracions que incloïen text a voltes es traduïen i a voltes no. També alguns termes anglosaxons. Personalment no he entés el criteri, però ho dic des d'un punt de vista de lector, ja que no sóc traductor.

    Per citar aspectes positius, l'edició és de bona qualitat i el disseny editorial és bonic, com ve sent comú en totes les obres d'Ellen Lupton i també tot el que edita Gustavo Gili.

  • Vinicius Mizobuti

    This book is a decent introduction to experience design, something that is now discussed in every design field, be it physical or digital.

    The author presents several tools, strategies, and case studies that can be quickly adapted to the reader's work. Professionals with some experience in designing branded products might feel that this book doesn't bring anything new to the table, and it is superficial at times. If you're familiar with things such as customer journey, tone of voice, persona, etc. it is likely that this book won't be much more than a quick reference guide.

    In any case, I recommend this to all kinds of design students. The vocabulary and tools presented here are becoming more and more relevant, so it is good to be familiar with them.

  • Matt

    Reading this book felt like taking a nice short trip to a design museum. It was easy to read with lots of illustrations and examples. I do wish the exhibit-to-text ratio was increased a bit though, since I thought a lot of the explanations were either very superficial or not that illuminating.

    I especially thought that comparing the experience of using a product or service to the hero's journey in storytelling was a pretty big stretch. Even after reading through this book, I think I still have to agree with Stefan Sagmeister's criticism raised in the first chapter that the storytelling metaphor is a "mantle of bullshit".

  • Miles Larson

    This was another fun departure from the normal things I read. I am fascinated by communication. I always want, and try to improve in this area, becoming a great communicator, but intelligent use of images is something I’ve only hacked through. This book is fascinating. It’s as much about sociology and psychology as it is about the storytelling techniques it forwards... As you’d likely expect, it’s loaded with beautiful, odd images that illustrate the points, and challenge your sensibilities...

  • Natasha Oliver

    This wasn’t what I was expecting, but it nonetheless was a good book.

    This book is for designers, in my opinion, who want to tell stories through their designs. This is not for traditional authors. But that doesn’t mean one can’t learn from it.

    It was recommended to me, and I’m glad I read it.

    I learned a lot about design and it’s principles. It may not help me write a better story per se; however, I feel more informed and capable when it comes to creating a social and visual presence (say on social media and my website, etc.) that can help tell a better story about who I am.

  • Sophie

    The author divides the design journey into three acts: action, emotion, and sensation. For each act, she introduces 5-6 tools for the readers to accomplish the act.
    In the first act, Action, she suggests the following tools to depict desired actions: 1) Narrative Arc, 2) Hero's Journey, 3) Storyboard, 4) Rule of Threes, 5) Scenario Planning, and 6) Design Fiction.
    In the second act, Emotion, the author suggests the following tools to get the audience's emotions: 1) Experience Economy, 2) Emotional Journey, 3) Co-creation, 4) Persona, 5) Emoji, and 6) Color
    In the final act, Sensation, she introduces 1) The Gaze, 2) Gestalt Principles, 3) Affordance, 4) Behavioral Economics, and 5) Multisensory Design to help readers consider the aforementioned tool's effect on the stuff we use daily. For example, the different shape design of shampoo and conditioner is an exercise on multisensory design.

  • Celia

    Some really good content that was scavenged from a wide variety of sources and made approachable. That relieves me of the time and energy of doing the legwork. And by “legwork” I mean studying dozens of design books and boiling down their themes.

    One of the best things about this book is that it is emphatically not a portfolio of design work by various designers thinly disguised as an informational book.

    Will refer to this valuable little volume again soon. So glad I bought it.

  • Nikolay

    Quick and shallow intro to awkwardly grouped design concepts. If you expect depth or consistency that's not your book. If you expect quality paper, graphics, and good sounding to keep you engaged for a couple of hours, you've to the right place. Those new to the wonderful world of design also might enjoy Design is Storytelling and it even if few of you do, I'd call the book a success.