Title | : | The Function of the Orgasm (Discovery of the Orgone #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0374502048 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780374502041 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 400 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1942 |
The subject of "sexuality" is basic to this work, and Reich shows clearly its importance for human life and its relevance in understanding the social problems of our time.
The Function of the Orgasm (Discovery of the Orgone #1) Reviews
Full disclosure: I found this book and Reich's 'Character Analysis' outside a Walgreens as I was walking back home from exercising. This obviously endows me with perfect insight in understanding his work better than anyone else. These are first impression thoughts and if you disagree with my summary please do not call the police on me I am on parole.
Let me start by typing out Reich's definition of 'orgastic potency':
'Orgastic potency is the capacity to surrender to the flow of biological energy, free of any inhibition; the capacity to discharge completely the damned-up sexual excitation through involuntary, pleasurable convulsions of the body.'
When I first read his definition I was pretty amused. Pleasure is a very hard thing to be analytical about, and he was presenting a point of view that aimed to relate psychic illness with physiological unease, all by conveying that pleasure was a measurable 'bioelectric current' in the body. I was amused because I always assumed that all intellectual dudes in the mid 1900's were prudes for some reason.
Immediately I thought of vital energy schools--chi and prana and whatever name you wanted to give to a flow metaphor that you want to use when you are explaining the way you think the universe works when you are high. So I was hoping for some tie in with an eastern vitalism school or at least a head nod to hedonic philosophies.
"Shout out to Tantric Buddhism, who thought sex was cool before I did," was just an example of a line I wanted to read. But then I remembered that he didn't have the internet like I did and maybe he never bumped into the sexy cool gypsy lady that would have opened him up to the philosophies of the east. I took out my notebook and wrote down that hypothetical as the premise for my next screen play and I forgave him.
He does mention some eastern ideology when he talks about yogic breathing exercises, which he notes does the 'exact opposite' of the breathing exercises he teaches his patients. He over-generalizes and concludes this is because the yogic techniques aim to 'gain control over their natural vegetative impulses.'
That assessment is not incorrect, he just missed out at the more immersive yoga techniques. But its fine I would be more upset with him if he had the internet.
I thought about it for a couple days, and especially as he talks about his butting heads with the psychoanalytic powers that be--his mode of thinking, given his sociological and cultural surroundings, was incredibly novel. Reich came off as an earnest human being who had very sensitive and insightful points of view on the nature of fascism, the role of neuroses at the scale of society, and the relationship with the sympathic and parasympathic systems of the body with respect to our psychological states.
I'll type out some more of my favorite quotes and then I will hit the save button.
"[..] neuroses appear in a fundamentally different light than they did in psychoanalysis. They are not solely the results of unresolved psychic conflicts and infantile fixations. These fixations and psychic conflicts cause fundamental disturbances in the regulation of bioelectric energy and, in this way, become somatically anchored. For this reason, it is not possible, nor is it admissible to separate psychic and somatic process."
"Man has made enormous progress in the construction and control of machines. It is hardly forty years since he began to comprehend himself. Unless he can develop the capacity to regulate his own biological energy, it will not be possible to master the psychic plague that is laying waste our century. The path of scientific research and mastery of life's problems is long and arduous: it is the exact opposite of the ignorance and impertinence of politicians. We have reason to hope that science will one day succeed in utilizing biological energy as it now does electricity. Not until then will the human psychic plague meet its master."
Here's to finding stimulating books outside of walgreens,
Johann Bestowrous -
Wilheim Reich'ın cinsellik psikoterapistliği yaptığı ve bu doğrultuda yazdığı ilk kitabı. (Araştırmalarımla öyle olduğunu tespit ettim. Yanlışsa düzeltebilirsiniz.)Dolayısıyla kafasındaki teorik bilgilerin çoğunu deneyselleştirmesinin henüz mümkün olmadığını birkaç bölümde dile getiriyor. Ben ki Karen Horney, Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, Malinowski, Evelyn Reed gibi yazarlardan ve külliyatı bir araya getiren Foucault'un Cinselliğin tarihini okumuş olan biri olarak, bu kitapta oldukça eksik bulduğum bazı durumlar vardı. Kadın ve erkek üzerinden(diğer cinsel yönelimlere teyit geçmeyi bırak hiç söz etmeden) Freud'un salt çocuklukta başladığını öne sürdüğü Oedipus argümanına bazı noktalarda karşı çıkarak, yetişkin insanların da yaşamlarındaki değişim-dönüşümde cinselliği konumlandırdığı noktanın sonuçlarını yaşadığından bahsediyor. Reich’in kitabın başında Freud’un öğrencisi olarak, onu çok da üzmek istemediği açık. Daha evvel Jung, Eric Fromm, Otto Rank’in de onun öğrencisi olmasına rağmen ağır eleştiriler getirdiklerini görmüştüm. Bunu yine ilk kitabı olmasına mal edebiliriz, diğerlerini de okuyunca daha sağlıklı yorum yapabilirim sanıyorum.
Aslında tüm sorunların kökeninde cinsellik baskısı olduğunu söylüyor. Bana göre bu noktada Foucault açıklamaları daha anlamlı. Çünkü bunun erk, güç, iktidar ilişkilerinin getirdiği bir sonuç yansıması olduğundan bahseder Foucault. 1920’li yıllarda yazılan bu kitabın, 1940’lı yıllardan da örnekler içermesi kitabın yazar tarafından güncellenmiş olduğunu aklıma getirdi. Ama gel gör ki, hep yokluğunu çektiğim kaçıncı baskıdan çeviri, hangi yılda yazılıp kaç kez baskı yapmış olduğu, hangi yıllarda güncellemeler içerdiğine dair bir bilgi bulabilmiş değilim. Yönetmen ve oyunculara ait filmografi, müzisyenlere dair diskografi bulabiliyorken yazarlara dair neden bu tür bir kaynak bulamıyoruz? Benim bilmediğim bir kaynak bilen varsa hemen söylesin ona kitap hediye edeceğim
Kitapta birkaç yerde kadınları aşağılayan kelime kalıplarına rastladım. (kızkurusu vb.) Bunların Bertan Onaran’dan kaynaklı bir çeviri talihsizliği olmadığını düşünüyorum ya da böyle düşünüp sevdiğim bir çevirmene laf etmemek için kendimi dizginliyorum diyeyim.. Tabii Reich’in bu tutumu Malinowski’nin İlkel Toplumlarda cinsellik ve Baskı kitabındaki anaerkil toplum anlatımlarında biraz şaştı. Ataerkil başka bir kavim ile kıyaslamalarında açığa çıkardığı yönler Reich’İn de tarafımdan aklanmasını sağladı.
Kitap salt boşalma ediminin aslında sinirce durumlarının ihtiyacı olan ve bunun farkında olup üzerine gidilmezse gölge tepkimeleriyle mücadele ediyor olacağımızı çok güzel özetlemiş.
Kitabın genel akışı kendi ruhçözümlemeci tecrübeleriyle gittiği için gayet rahat adapte olunabilir nitelikte. Cinsel yaşamına dengeli bir düzenlilik getiren kişi ile dirimsel enerjinin sürekli gergin ve aktarılamamış, hayata geçirilememiş olan kişi arasındaki farkları oldukça detaylandırdığı örneklerle aktarıyor.
“İçine hava vererek şişireceğimiz bir balon, patlamazsa, nasıl hareket eder acaba? Dış zarının uzayabildiğini, ama patlayamadığını varsayalım. Canlı çekirdeği kuşatan bir kılıf gibi canlandıran bu insan kişiliği imgesi çok yerindeydi. Balon, o çözümsüz gerilimi içerisinde konuşabilse halinden yakınırdı. Zayıflığından ötürü, çektiği acının nedenlerini dışarıda arayacak, durmadan çevresini suçlayacaktı. Birinin gelip kendisini patlatmasını isteyecekti. Amacına dilediği gibi ulaşana dek, çevresindekileri kışkırtacaktı. İçerden, kendiliğinden yapamadığı şeyi, kolu kanadı kırık, edilgin bir biçimde dışarıdan bekleyecekti.”
“Sinir hastalığı, doğal cinsel hazza vurulan ketlerin toplamından başka bir şey değildir, bu ketlemeler zamanla, makinemsi bir hale gelir. Sinir hastalığının bütün öbür belirtileri, bu kökensel bozukluğun sonuçlarıdır.” -
Reich does a fantastic job of giving case examples and how he treated his patients. A few things to keep in mind:
- this is just one approach to psychoanalysis. it doesn't mean every problem is psychosomatic; one should check for health issues first. but he does make the point that they can exacerbate one another (health vs. sexual issues).
- i wish there was more information as to his specific methods of analyzing and what questions/prompts he used. i'd like to apply them to myself.
- some of his patients initially couldn't orgasm at all, while others could orgasm but just to get off or as a catharsis, or after being struck (as in bdsm) - without intimacy. in other words, emotion is completely replaced by superficial sensation. this is good material to go against the current consumerist commodification of sex in our culture. -
Some interesting ideas, including how people's inability to experience orgasm fully leads them toward fascism. Mr. Reich certainly has his heart in the right place, but I'm not sure his science is very well supported (orgone?).
Only an "ok" read, as it is often tedious - it could be much condensed. -
Quite out of date in claiming that all neurotic psychological problems stem from repressed sexual urges, but definitely valuable to read as a historic volume in the study of psychology and sexology.
Sexual activity generally plays a major role in bonobo society, being used as what some scientists perceive as a greeting, a means of forming social bonds, a means of conflict resolution, and postconflict reconciliation. Bonobos are the only non-human animal to have been observed engaging in tongue kissing. Bonobos and humans are the only primates to typically engage in face-to-face genital sex, although a pair of western gorillas has been photographed in this position.
The Discovery of the Life Energy, Vol.1, by Wilhelm Reich. Follows Reich's initial work with Freud; the discovery of the energetic connection between the psyche and soma; the role of sexuality, especially in orgasm, in establishing emotional and physical health, and the discovery of the orgone, or life energy. Covers Reich's therapeutic method, as it evolved from the early character-analytic vegetotherapy, into orgone therapy. A milestone set of discoveries, nearly lost to the world due to the actions of angry and irrational psychoanalysts and psychiatrists, who were (and continue to be) champions of sex-repression and psychopathological "normalcy" as "health". -
Iam incredibly blessed to have found a rare copy of the first edition on Orgonotic Press from 1945. -
I've always been fascinated by energies, auric fields etc., so wanted to read this to research Orgone energy. Fascinating book. Even though it's verbose, I couldn't put it down.
Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst has written this detailed work on how he has with immense
sincerity understood the function of the orgasm. Through studying sexually sick patients and with great dedication coming to new conclusion about the "sex problem". Which is definitely as disturbing today as it was at Reich's time. I recommend it to anyone interested in understanding sexuality problems and the underlying science of sex from a different point of view. -
I skimmed some of this, it was really technical. the author was a scientist not a writer so it is not very accessible.
Every people must read this book...
beetje wacko maar ook super intrigerend. vooral het stuk over fascisme / nazisme vanaf p190 is heel interessant
Es un gran libro!
Abordando la teoría económico sexual, teoría del sexo y una introducción de la teoría del orgon -
Although broad and maybe unscientific in its conclusions, its anthropological findings are fascinating, making it a good read I will definitely have to revisit at some point to refresh my memory.
Pese a ser un estudio científico, me parece ameno y lleno de fuerza y convicción; explica muy bien cómo llegó a formular la teoría del orgasmo y de la economía sexual y cómo fue llegando a ella con la praxis. Da cuenta también de su relación con Freud y el psicoanálisis y te haces una idea de esos años en los que Europa se vio asolada por el fascismo... Si añadimos esa inquebrantable voluntad de buscar el bienestar de los humanos, no solo del individuo, sino de la sociedad entera y su defensa de una sexualidad natural, sin represiones... podemos felicitarnos de la valentía de este hombre! Recomiendo acercarse sin prejuicios a su figura y su obra.
pleasure contra entropy
sexuality contra anxiety
freedom contra fascism
in the body of love that is the tao
everyone deserves head pats
i want to cry -
Отношение к области сексуальности и оргазму в частности и поныне остаётся тематикой, способной поставить некоторых "кандидатов" в неудобное для Их Кандидатской Светлости (Перистости и Воздушности) положение. И проблема заключается даже не в самой области и не в биологической функции, а в том, что самое отношение продолжает существовать в качестве культурного феномена; из дискуссий о сексуальности, иначе говоря, всё более отступает естественная составляющая, уступая место "естественной составляющей" или массовому терапевтическому истолкованию.
Именно исходя из вышеозначенного, "Функция оргазма" может считаться и актуальной и "научно-фантастической" литературой, соответственно, серьёзная и юмористическая оценка исследований и заключений Вильгельма Райха, в особенности для людей в своё время увлекавшихся творчеством Уильяма Берроуза, сосуществуют и на оборотной стороне рецензирующего листа можно обнаружить эдакую "манифестацию" - отчётливые жировые пятна в форме раздвоенного копыта (по крайней мере, в течение 2-3 месяцев после первого впечатления).
Как отмечается в заметках, "положительно полезно было ознакомление с работой Малиновского до чтения Райха" - тем более, что Райх ссылается на Малиновского, как исследователя, связавшего возникновение неврозов не с изолированными внутренними нарушениями, а с влиянием среды развития организма.
В тех же заметках указывается, что "разговоры о целенаправленном движении масс к счастью несколько смущают из-за отсутствия определения состояния счастья и того, является ли счастье 'конечным пунктом' или же границей, каковую массам так или иначе необходимо пересечь". Предполагаемые ссылки на неоспоримую и невербальную осязаемость (постижимость) понятия "счастья" не могут, на мой, читательский, взгляд, ложится в ��снование исследований, претендующих на научность. Вспоминая о том, "Как пишут историю..", мы скорее можем говорить о "счастье в историческом разрезе" в той мере, в какой Поль Вен разделяет понимание науки и истории ("История говорит, что истинно, а наука говорит, что скрыто", как минимум).
"Однако и применение понятия 'щастя' как неизменного составляющего межличностных и межгрупповых отношений - в лице Райха - представляется своего рода предчувствием массовой культуры 60-ых; точно Вильгельм пребывал в контексте ещё прежде того, как контекст обратился предложением\спросом". Короче говоря, "счастью" ещё только предстоит избавиться от стигм политики и маркетинга.
Далее, "Космічність" (или лучше "космическость"?) оргона принуждает читателя к исполнения своего рода "фарса узревшего воочию", атавистического откровения - освидетельствовать умозрительно, так сказать, 'задним числом', присутствие оргона в частном историческом опыте, выпускном фотоальбоме, на первой страничке удостоверения недостоверной личности или в социально-сетевых напоминаниях (о несбыточном). "Означенный 'фарс' склоняет общину к организации скорее на религиозно-мистических и авторитарных, нежели научных и демократических началах". Не поднимая вопроса о том, что может быть общего и какие существуют противоречия между наукой и демократия, зададимся другим: так ли нужна была "вера в открытие" Райху и таким ли адекватным с авторской точки зрения следствием были опыты и литературная их обработка Берроузом? -
I have no idea if there is any other author, writen so wide and analytic about the body of sexs and sex.
"گوش کن آدمک" تنها اثر ویلهم رایش، روانشناس، پژوهشگر و زیباشناس آلمانی ست که توسط حسین آقایاری به فارسی ترجمه شده و البته در خارج از کشور چاپ و منتشر شده است. انتشارات نوید، آلمان، 1365
دکتر رایش که به متخصص امور جنسی هم مشهور است و آثار تکان دهنده ای در این زمینه نوشته، بانی نگاهی تازه به مساله جنس ، بدن زن و مرد و بنیادهای فیزیکی و روانی مسایل جنسی ست.
اثار او بصورت گسترده ای در همه ی زبان های اروپایی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و در اکثر انستیتوها جزو ماده های درسی بوده است.
برخی از آثار دکتر ویلهم رایش حتی در کشورهای غربی هم مدت ها اجازه ی چاپ و انتشار نداشتند. -
I finally finished this, after reading it on and off for a couple of years. Reich's writing can be overly academic and dry. The main things I took away from "The Function Of The Orgasm" are Reich's concept of 'muscular armor' and the account of his tumultuous professional relationship with Sigmund Freud. He also goes into his discovery of an energy he referred to as the 'orgone', which is similar to earlier concepts like animal magnestism.
There's plenty of information on-line about orgone, if you're interested in exploring Reich's theory. While I don't completely believe in Reich's discovery, it certainly intrigues me.
Onto "The Mass Psychology Of Fascism". -
I only bought this as a Grant Morrison fanboy, and I passed it on many years ago. Can't say I remember much about it.
Like most of Reich's books there are revisions made after the point where he started to go wrong. But when this book is good, it is "good as gold." So one point off for Bions and Orgone.
Just read it.
Amor, trabalho e conhecimento são as fontes da vida. Deveriam também governá-la
Reich dava grande ênfase à importância de desenvolver uma livre expressão dos sentimentos sexuais e emocionais dentro do relacionamento amoroso maduro.
Reich condenava frontalmente a prática de Yoga, que via como uma tentativa de reprimir os impulsos vitais por meio de técnicas respiratórias, o que impediria a liberação da energia vital e, portanto, a manutenção dos bloqueios psíquicos (causadores das neuroses) e musculares (causadores concorrentes de doenças somáticas).
Tens medo de olhar para ti próprio, tens medo da crítica, tal como tens medo do poder que te prometem e que não saberias usar. Nem te atreves a pensar que poderias ser diferente: livre em vez de deprimido, direto em vez de cauteloso, amando às claras e não mais como um ladrão na noite.
O grande homem é, pois, aquele que reconhece quando e em que é pequeno. O homem pequeno é aquele que não reconhece a sua pequenez e teme reconhecê-la;
Só tu podes libertar-te.
Sei que aquilo a que chamas “Deus” existe, mas de forma diferente da que pensas: é a energia cósmica primordial do Universo, tal como o amor que anima o teu corpo, a tua honestidade e o teu sentimento da natureza em ti ou à tua volta.
a opressão das leis que regulam a tua vida matrimonial decorre naturalmente do teu espírito pornográfico e da tua irresponsabilidade sexual.
A tua permanente avidez só tem um significado: és continuamente forçado a encher-te de dinheiro, de satisfações, de conhecimento, porque te sentes vazio, esfomeado, infeliz, ignorante e temendo a sabedoria.
A segurança é-te mais importante que a verdade.
Confundir, porém, a imprudência com a liberdade sempre foi a marca do escravo.
O destino de toda a aquisição cultural importante, firmada na prevalência da verdade sobre a segurança, é o de ser avidamente devorada e em seguida expelida pelo homem comum.
que és tu que geras a tua própria miséria, hora após hora, dia após dia; que não entendes os teus filhos e que tu próprio lhes partes a espinha antes de terem-sequer uma oportunidade de desenvolver-se; que devoras o amor; que és avaro e ávido de poder–que mantém o cão preso para te sentires “dono”.
o fim é a trajetória com que o alcanças. Cada passo de hoje é a tua vida de amanhã.
O que tentaste destruir-floresce mais vigorosamente que nunca; e o que tentaste salvaguardar e proteger, como, por exemplo, a tua própria vida, caminha para a destruição.
Devoras-lhe o que possa dar-te de sabedoria, de alegria, de grandeza, mas és incapaz de digerir o que dele te venha.
A tua natureza é perversa, porque apenas vês e ouves o que é desagradável, e nunca o que possa ser bom ou ter beleza.
A única coisa capaz de conquistar-te será o teu sentido da pureza, a tua aspiração à verdadeira vida
Mais tarde ou mais cedo aprenderás a servir apenas a vida, e nunca a morte.
viverás bem e em paz quando a vida significar para ti mais do que a segurança; o amor mais do que o dinheiro; a tua liberdade mais do que as linhas diretivas do partido ou a opinião pública;
És grande na tua velhice, com o teu neto no colo, dizendo-lhe de como foi outrora, respondendo à sua curiosidade confiante. És grande quando és mãe, embalando o teu filho nos braços, o coração cheio de esperança de que para ele venham melhores dias, a felicidade que, hora a hora, lhe vais construindo. -
Both biological and psychological sexuality and orgasm, both political and socio-cultural, and education are handled in terms of superficial and deep knowledge of political economy than the size known for the orgasm that was created and described in detail much more meaning and emotional message contained a tremendous piece of it.
Based on the fact that orgasm is usually a suppressed impulse, he brings a very accurate moral and social criticism with the diagnosis that it is considered as a field left to the monopoly of a man and turned into an element of social pressure. In addition, by linking this politicized process to the patriarchy, he explained the development processes that humanity has shown throughout history and the alienation from itself that these processes have brought, the emotional mistakes experienced by suppression, and the social collapse one by one.
Reich, more deeply and decisively than Freud, argued that at the root of every neurosis is the sexual energy that has been suppressed, which is suppressed by authority (religion, tradition, custom, understanding of morality, etc.).) explains that it is reproduced in various ways and put into a constantly repeating cycle, and that psychopathological cases are constantly repeated accordingly.
Reich examines it in such detail that, in addition to the samples, he also uses his patients and individuals who do not have problems. It offers very deep interpretations of the lack of empathy that occurs in an individual who cannot achieve orgasm due to suppression and behavioral disorders that develop due to this deprivation, the everyday language used by individuals according to the way sexuality is experienced and their perspectives on life. For example, in an individual being tough towards the environment that holds the equivalent of sexuality careless, insensitive, and being unfaithful in the bilateral relationship, sadomasochism tastes trend in an individual with fascist ideologies, attitudes hated like they are from, live orgasm more slow sexuality as couples more insightful, sensitive and caring individuals that can be seen in the types of implies.
The context of the topic at some point, more intense orgasms sex with feeling slow as ideal for couples who these individuals to the development of open, and characteristic behavior models reveal strong social relationships that have developed Reich, in terms of both individual and social development advocates that this path should be followed. Spreading this with the vegetotherapy he has developed, Reich reminds that orgasm is a human impulse again by taking it away from the absurd monopoly of men. In this sense, it is at a very valuable point because diagnosis is one of the rare names that have turned to treatment as well as diagnosis. -
All things considered, an intriguing though somewhat dated read. I enjoyed Reich’s insider perspective on the rise of fascism (Streicher’s racialist propaganda etc.) following the First World War and also his eventual break with the Psychoanalytic Society in Vienna. Regarding the latter, I’m not sure I agree with so-called deficiencies expurgated in Character Analysis as the primary basis for a rise in authoritarianism. This was a hasty stretch in light of economic analysis and not the psychic variety albeit the two are pretty much in bed together. Oh, the irony.
Throughout the work Reich has a tendency towards a kind of essentialism which I think clouds his objectivity. He finds what he’s hoping to find again and again which strikes me as a little more than mere scientific beginner’s luck. Moreover, he insists ad nausea that orgastic potency is behind every singular event within human nature. I don’t dispute the fact that it’s an integral aspect of almost everything sociological, political, and physiological but I’m going to have to side with Jung on this one: it’s not the only piece in the puzzle. For all his professional disdain of Alfred Adler, I have to say “Al, I’m with you. I’m skeptical. Maybe this Reich guy has beat his meat one too many times.” Just joking.
The case histories were bizarre, even more so than Freud’s in my opinion, and quite often Reich’s conclusions about the pelvic nature of neuroses was doubly bizarre. I’m glad I read this work as it is of paramount cultural importance. However, I definitely read it with a grain of salt and many times rather begrudgingly as Reich’s diction can tend towards repetition in the extreme. It also bothered me how Reich chose to pick a bone with mystical experience without offering any sort of qualified knowledge on a subject he clearly has more misgivings than informed subjective experience to provide. The way in which he picks a bone with yoga is almost worse than his condemnation of national socialism— it just seemed a bit irrelevant and xenophobic to me. Furthermore, for all of his insistence on the errors of “oceanic” feeling I find it rather curious that the book ends with Reich’s discovery that the universe is imbued with a “cosmic energy” that interpenetrates all living matter. Sounded a tad transcendental and dare I say: yogic given his previous intellectual positions. But I digress.
Despite these shortcomings (and there are many) I’d still love to get my hands on an orgone box and see what functional effect, if any, it could have on me and my “potency”. -
After Freud's revolutionary exploration of the unconscious we don't see sexuality only as the mean for procreation. There is something more. All those dammed up life libidinal energies are pretty much of sexual nature. And these energies need a discharge so that it can gratifying itself. But we always here and there confront those social structure that suppress the life force. Our sexual life becomes more and more stagnant. So mental illness envelopes us as a result. So many secondary unconscious behaviour we adopt as a result. That's why for Freud we need a psychic treatment,where the analyst can interpret our dreams through free association. And explore our psychic symbols from the deepest level of our mind. But there is huge problem, Wilhelm Reich thinks so. And here is a big twist. What about those somatic experiences that make up our so called secondary psychic ideas? He even thinks that the biggest limitation of Freud was to think that only sexual experience and potency was enough to label someone as psychologically healthy. Wilhelm Reich asks if the problem is only of impotency and sex, then how come there are neurotic patients who are potent and have healthy sexual relationships? Because there is a huge difference between having sex and having orgasm. Of course you get to climax only through having sex,but it is not necessary that you had an orgasm. And the more orgasm-less sex you have the more anxious and psychologically unhealthy you become. As a result, we can see all those sadomasochistic sexual acts when our body really demand all those dammed up energy— that can only flow out through orgasm—to explode. But there is just dissatisfaction.
So Wilhelm Reich left the psychoanalysis method and founded his own vegeotherapeutic method. A biophysical level where an analysts studies illness through bodily gesture and pathological reactions. And that's how they believe we can achieve in our society a sexual liberation that can more or less eradicate those political and social crisis. -
I’d read & heard a lot about Reich prior to picking up this, his first book. Initially through Robert Anton Wilson’s work & latterly through a book called “Alien Energy” by Andrew Collins I was interested to learn more about orgone energy from the man who discovered it.
Actually very readable, the book leads the reader through Reich’s progress through the psychoanalysis movement under Freud from which is eventually estranges himself ultimately with his own theories & paradigms.
I found his imposition of his political positions a little frustrating at times, his fixation with the psychology of fascism a little forced & one dimensional. There might have been a more comprehensive way to illustrate the phenomenon of mass psychology. Odd too is his antagonistic attitude to yoga & eastern meditation practices, which, like his political assertions I can only ascribe to lack of proper understanding or knowledge since many of his later discoveries seem to mirror concepts of chi & prana very closely.
On the other hand, his insights about muscular armouring & the anchoring of characteristics in the body were utterly fascinating as well as discovery & description of orgone itself.
Essential reading for anyone interested in vitalism, and one of its rare scientific proponents in the west.