Title | : | Alpha for the Pack (The Stars of the Pack #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 178 |
Publication | : | First published March 10, 2017 |
Ray wasn't ready to become an omega, and he is not sure he is ready to decide what his pack needs. But time is running out, soon if he doesn't choose, the choice will be made for him.
An m/m/m/m/m/m mpreg werewolf pack fantasy with mentions of breastfeeding, group sex, Dub-con/Non-con activities between males. For adults only. Alpha for the Pack is the second story in the series but can be enjoyed as a standalone.
Alpha for the Pack (The Stars of the Pack #2) Reviews
I'm having a bit of trouble rating this. I am taken in by the plot and the characters and want to keep reading, but this book was so desperately in need of editing. Not just typos, but dialog with so many cut off sentences there were times I had no idea what the hell anyone was talking about. I'm intrigued because the idea and the plot kind of have me hooked, but the execution is leaving me at a loss.
Again this is Ray, the omegas, POV. Things are moving along whether he likes it or not, but nobody communicates or talks things out here. Every interaction is fraught with tension as everyone tiptoes around Ray, who is clearly depressed and struggling. Things seem to start to turn around for Ray and the pack but then things only get worse. WARNING: If the dubious consent of sex between Ray and his alphas was an issue for a reader in the first book
I've taken a peek at some reviews for the remaining books and it appears the editing may get better so I'll forge ahead. -
Oof that was difficult. I feel so bad for Ray 🥺
Josh is still my favorite, by far. It was nice to understand Gabriel and Alec better, even though Gabriel's actions still kinda rub me the wrong way. Sergi and Iesu are still largely irrelevant and forgettable.
I hope that Ray finds the happiness he deserves soon, even though I imagine that it's going to get worse before then. -
This book was very emotional. No Omega should ever have to go through what Nicholas did to Ray. It was horrific!
This was book 2 in "The stars of the pack" series. Ray is the omega of the new pack and I didn't like him very much in this book. I know that he was having a hard time with being an omega when he thought he was an Alpha he has five mates and five babies. The Alpha's go out of their way to make it easier on him, but I think he was being selfish. All of the Alpha's had a hard time also Gabriel left his family and pack because he was gay and had feelings for Ray. Josh has been secretly in love with Ray who was his bestfriend for five years. Alec is a doctor who is also gay is family wants him to mate a woman. The other two Iesu and Sergi are lover's for which he is jealous. Ray who agreed to let a new Alpha into the pack Nicholas and other Alphas he was with into the pack but the other alphas don't want to share him he would have to be with 11 alphas because his old alpha didn't give him any betas to help start the new pack. Josh asked the old alpha for some betas he agrees and Ray tells Nicholas that he can't join the pack he thinks that everything is ok. Ray is also worried about getting pregnant again and he doesn't want to have sex with them. When Nicholas comes back he kidnaps Ray he forces himself on him and threats the pups Ray kills him. The book had some erotic scenes in it and I wish that there was more of them with Iesu and Sergi and I wish he would get over his whining about the things he can't change. This book was well written with no errors in grammar or spelling. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series.
Rating: 2 stars
I didn’t think the series could get worse, but it did. I am not liking where the author is taking this series and I would give up but I want my HEA so I’ll keep going for now. -
Puh....Ich bin mir über meine Meinung nicht sicher ;) der zweite Band war für mich noch aufwühlender als der erste Teil.
Hier kommen die Gefühle des Omega noch viel mehr zum Tragen, sind intensiver. Es war für mich nicht leicht, dass Buch zu Ende zu lesen. Während des Lesens war ich sicher, dass ich den nächsten Band nicht lese...aber am Ende...weiß ich, dass ich es trotz der vielen Emotionen tun werde. Die Welt hier ist für mich schwer zu fassen. Das meiste hier geschieht....aber ganz selten freiwillig.
Nur, weil mir die Handlung zu schaffen macht, ist das Buch nicht schlecht. Es ist....anders. Aber gut geschrieben, flüssig zu lesen.
Leser sollten den "Warnhinweis" zu Beginn definitiv ernst nehmen! -
So Ray hated the idea of kids and about 2 chapters later he's gushing over them and his heart "squeezes" when he realizes they're big enogh to stop nursing? Yeah right, not buying it. And the whole "I can't show preference" ? Why? Who made that rule? Did he forget he was foced to mate with them and they raped him (repeatedly) so much so that one of them actualy says "but you liked so I though..." when Ray argues that he never gets asked if he wants to have sex (even though is clear he doesn't but they force him anyway) but for some un-explained reason he can't show favoritism amogst his rapists? Whatt???
Another foul was the constant mention of breast (and breastfeeding) I could perfectly imagine the babies suckling a flat chest but the author constantly reminds us that nopeeeeeee he has boobs now and they seem to be permanent. Yeah I like my M/M sans boobage. I sighed everytime I had to read how his newly developed Acup was swolen and tender and could be mistaken for fat if he wasn't thin.
Might add more to my rant since Ray has now given up on life and accepted his role as sex doll/incubator without much of a fight. -
Still struggling to like this
To me this is no romance. This is forced mating and rape. Right when I thought we were getting to the HEA their whole dynamic crumbles. I also realized there is nothing sexy or exciting about their matings. It’s just tense and awkward instead of fun and sexy -
Finalmente un libro della serie che è riuscito a spaccare! Dopo aver seguito l'introduzione ed essermi lamentata per la sua lentezza e...noia XD finalmente ho potuto fangirleggiare come una pazza. Questo libro rispetto al primo mi è piaciuto molto perché finalmente inizia a mostrarci la dura condizione di Ray e dei suoi alfa. Ray è un omega che è stato costretto a prendere 5 alfa, che non ha potuto scegliere il suo destino e ora fa i conti con il peso che un omega è costretto a portare per il branco. Ha dovuto partorire dei cuccioli e si ritrova per la prima volta di fronte una scelta complicata: se mettere se stesso al primo posto o se pensare al benessere di quella nuova famiglia. Ray è un personaggio estremamente complesso e che è molto difficile da inquadrare fino in fondo. Riesce a farti sentire sia odio che amore. Riesce a essere irritante e intrigante allo stesso tempo. L'ho trovato molto realistico. Non è perfetto, riesce a essere egoista e fastidioso ma anche a colpire il lettore dove fa più male. Di fatto Ray si ritrova a vivere un incubo che nessuno vorrebbe dover vivere. Si ritrova si a fare i conti con degli alfa amorevoli ma... senza che possa aver scelto nulla. Si ritrova a essere come un uccellino in gabbia e ammettiamolo... per quanto possa essere trattato bene, nutrito e viziato... rimane pur sempre prigioniero. Ho amato moltissimo quindi tutta la sua introspezione. Se nel primo libro si era puntati di più al sesso e alla creazione della storia "di base" portando avanti la narrazione qui si rallenta molto mostrando i primi importanti passi nella creazione di una famiglia. Ray viene costretto a scegliere se accettare o meno un nuovo alfa e per la prima volta ha modo di mettere in discussione i suoi affetti e legami. Mi è piaciuto molto il modo in cui con delicatezza vengono descritti gli alfa e i loro tentativi di aiutare Ray. Questo pazzo branco mi fa impazzire sempre di più e mi sto innamorando sempre di più del mondo che l'autrice è riuscita a delineare capitolo dopo capitolo. Sono sempre più cotta di Iesu e del suo compagno Sergi, sono sempre più affascinata dal misterioso Alec e da Gabriel e ovviamente... sento le mille scintille che sprizzano da Josh che ammettiamolo... fa gli occhi a cuoricino per il suo amato Ray in ogni occasione possibile!! Un libro che riesce a essere un mix perfetto di dolcezza ed erotismo e che non si dimentica quel tocco di oscurità e dolore... è un libro molto oscuro e che potrebbe far scattare qualche trigger soprattutto nella mente di persone più fragili e sensibili a certi temi. Ahimè la vita di Ray e complessa e purtroppo un nuovo nemico si fa avanti rischiando di spezzare ogni equilibrio duramente conquistato a fatica. Se siete sensibili al dub-con, alla depressione e a tutti gli status connessi... potrebbe non fare al caso vostro. L'ho trovato più carico di speranza per il futuro ma anche molto più difficile da digerire. Mi è piaciuto molto e sono curiosa di scoprire cosa succederà in futuro. Una lettura che si sta evolvendo piano piano riuscendo a spezzare ogni mia perplessità. Se dopo aver letto il primo capitolo siete rimasti un po' scettici vi invito a fare un tentativo con questo nuovo episodio. Sono sicura che potrà colpirvi ed emozionarvi al punto giusto. Non pensavo di dirlo ma... Promosso!
Recensione di Viola:
Eccomi a presentarvi il secondo volume della serie di N.J. Lysk. Ritroviamo tutti i nostri cinque alpha e Ray il nostro omega, tutti impegnati a terminare l'ampliamento della loro casa con l'arrivo dei cuccioli. E con cinque bimbi da allattare il nostro già provato omega avrà il suo bel da fare per soddisfare le esigenze del suo nuovo branco.
Essere da solo è stancante e stressante, il non riuscire ancora ad accettare che il proprio corpo si sia adattato alle esigenze dei piccoli e il non essere pronto a dover affrontare l'ennesima luna piena con la consapevolezza che potrebbe andare ancora in calore, e avere la paura che i suoi alpha lo fecondino ancora. I cinque hanno rispetto per Ray, capiscono le sue necessità e le sue paure e in ogni modo cercano di posticipare quanto più possibile gli istinti.
E se alla porta bussasse un gruppo di sei alpha con una proposta per Ray per ampliare il branco?
Ray capisce la necessità di essere in numero superiore quindi considera l'idea e accetta, ma quando l'idea di dover essere l'unico omega per undici alpha lo portano finalmente a parlare con i suoi alpha e a valutare di chiedere aiuto a suo zio, dimentica di potergli affiancare anche dei beta volontari per il suo nuovo branco.
Le cose in casa stanno migliorando, tutti gli alpha stanno imparando a conoscere Ray e le sue sfaccettature, mentre l'omega inizia a parlare con loro superando le proprie paure e avendo il coraggio di chiedere qualcosa che fin ora gli aveva creato mille dubbi in testa.
Vediamo migliorare il rapporto con tutti, costruire basi solide tra loro e Ray avrà modo di capire che ciò che lo lega ai suoi alpha parte anche dal cuore e non solo dall'istinto del marchio subito col primo calore. Lo vedremo trovare maggior sintonia con Gabriel e Josh e verremo lasciate con un gran bel dubbio sul finale perchè per ogni branco ci deve essere un primo omega ma anche un primo alpha. E sarà Ray a dover scegliere quale tra i suoi cinque alpha ricoprirà quel ruolo.
Questo secondo volume mi è piaciuto più del primo come approfondimenti tra i personaggi principali, la maturità crescente di Ray e l'accettarsi con i suoi tempi per il ruolo che ha. Io ho la mia preferenza su uno dei suoi alpha ma bisogna vedere se anche lui la pensa come me.
Questo secondo volume si legge, a mio parere, con quel briciolo di curiosità in più rispetto al primo, maggiori dettagli, più empatia nei confronti di Ray anche se in un paio di occasioni una sberla al momento opportuno si sarebbe anche potuta dare visto che la paura di sbagliare e la mancata comunicazione iniziale coi suoi compagni l'han portato a sviluppare l'istinto di protezione per il suo branco... anche se per arrivarci ha dovuto pagare un prezzo elevato. -
(This review is for the three books in this series, as I read them back to back)
Let me start off by stating that this series is unique. I’ve never read a book where the main character had five lovers, or mates in this case. The story gives a solid reason for this, which is the need to start a new pack and a shortage of (male) omegas. So far, so good. I’m cheating a little here, by the way, because I’ve already read the three books available in this series (Alpha for the Pack and Protectors for the Pack) and will say something about the other two books as well in this review.
Ray, the omega and the main character, turned out to be my biggest issue. With six people in a relationship, distinguishing one person from the other is usually hard. The writer made the smart choice here to tell the story strictly from Ray’s POV, allowing us to get to know the other through his eyes. It made it relatively easy to get to know the other five men, but…having Ray as the only voice also turned out to be the weakness in this book.
I get that him presenting as an omega was a huge disappointment for him. I also understood that having five mates shoved down your throat was less than ideal. However, when the main character remains whiny and bitchy, it makes the story a hell of a lot less enjoyable than it could have been.
In book two, this is still going on strong. Book three was a surprise, since it focuses on two of the five characters mainly, who develop their own romance within the bigger relationship (pack) of the six men. While this made the concept of the six men together more bearable, it also raised some questions about earlier statements of one of these men with regards to his feelings for Ray. However, that wasn’t a biggie, and I liked where the author was going with this.
Going back to the first two books, there’s some dubcon and some definitive noncon sex in there. If that’s not your thing, you may want to stay away from this series. There’s also a pregnancy, lots of wolf babies, and all the complications that brings.
As for the writing, it’s decent but there are tons of spelling mistakes and typos. The books really could have benefitted from a solid round of editing and proofreading.
All in all, I have mixed feelings about this series. The premise was intriguing, but Ray didn’t really grow on me, and some stuff in book two (keeping it vague here to avoid spoilers) felt unnecessary to me. I like where the story is heading towards the end of book three, however. I’m guessing there will be more books, and I’ll probably read them since they’re on KU, but so far, I’m not a huge fan. -
Recensione a cura di Raksha per Feel the Book
In questo volume della serie “Le stelle del branco”, la storia si fa più complessa ed emergono nuove dinamiche che vanno a minare il precario equilibrio ottenuto con fatica.
Già nel primo libro Ray ha partorito i cuccioli che ora crescono forti e in salute, impegnando i loro genitori più di quanto si possa immaginare.
La presenza dei “bambini/lupi” è uno degli aspetti che ho apprezzato per come viene descritta; sembrano piccoli demonietti sempre affamati, che sgusciano dalle sembianze umane a quelle di animali a loro piacimento, che non hanno tutti i pensieri morbosi che affollano le menti dei loro genitori. Passano dalle braccia di un papà all’altro, senza paura, senza distinzione, tessendo una tela invisibile che lega i membri del branco rendendoli sempre più uniti.
Ray resta il personaggio più complesso e talvolta i suoi pensieri risultano estremamente noiosi. L’omega è inorridito dal suo corpo che, con la gravidanza e l’allattamento, è enormemente cambiato. Non accetta le sue nuove curve e fa di tutto per nascondersi dai suoi alpha, chiedendosi più e più volte se è ancora appetibile ai loro occhi, se lo amano nonostante il petto gonfio, se… se… se… Troppi pensieri negativi, troppe parole dedicate sempre agli stessi concetti.
Ray è un concentrato di dubbi e paure, di insicurezze e acidità. Non solo vede del negativo in sé, ma anche nei suoi alpha, soprattutto in Josh e Gabriel che in questo volume hanno maggior spazio rispetto agli altri. Per poche pagine, finalmente entrambi emergono dal gruppo mostrando un briciolo di carattere e portano un po’ di luce, ma poi la negatività di Ray riprende il sopravvento e tutto ripiomba nella nebbia.
Non ho trovato coerenza tra le reticenze di Ray con i suoi ragazzi e la scelta iniziale di accettare un nuovo gruppo di alpha. Le motivazioni sembrano poco chiare, l’omega si arrampica sugli specchi per dare un senso a questo bisogno di accettare altri lupi. Per fortuna tutto viene risolto con l’arrivo dei beta che invece hanno, nella storia, un loro perché.
Non posso dire di aver apprezzato la narrazione. Sì, ci sono dei miglioramenti rispetto ai volumi precedenti, delle descrizioni che invogliano a proseguire, ma il resto è un susseguirsi di scopate sempre uguali, senza sentimento, senza emozioni, in cui si ripetono sempre gli stessi termini, gli stessi gesti.
Ray non è un uomo; l’impressione, purtroppo, è quella che si riduca a un buco da riempire e condividere con sempre maggior facilità.
Spero nella scelta di un primo alpha per stabilire un minimo di equilibrio.
Editing a cura di Ash. -
Hi everyone, Its Christopher the reader here and the book we are here to talk about tonight is Alpha for the Pack. This book is the 2nd in the series. I first read this book in December which took me a day to read. I am now going to talk about some of the book details. It was rated mature, and was first published on the 10th of March in 2017. It was told using 3rd person with it being in Ray's point of view. The book had 11 chapters. with each chapter being around 12-16 pages long. All together the book had 112 pages which also includes an prologue at the start and an epilogue at the end.
- I liked that in this book that there was a bit more talking amongst the character and that we got to understand a bit more of what Ray was feeling and thinking. I liked that this book mentioned real TV Shows that you can watch and experience for yourself. I would love to see this story maybe re-told from the Alpha's POV. When reading I did notice some more mistakes and some that were words in a sentence that didn't really make much sense being there. There were times where I did have to stop and re-read things, a few times to try to understand who the person was that was talking as it wasn't always clear.
Personally I would have liked to have seen more of a step towards the romance, falling in love creep in with Ray and the other Alpha's at this point but I feel like that didn't really happen with this book. There were some things that the story did feel like it was lacking in at times. I think I would have like it more if this book had extra scenes of Iesu and Sergi within the story, as sometimes I did find myself forgetting them two characters. I feel like it would have worked better if the book was just a bit longer.
- I really liked the scenes were the characters were starting to talk to each other and open up a little. We as readers and the character of Ray start seeing the alphas more as people. I love that he was starting to bond with his babies a bit I liked reading about Ray slowly feeling better but then something in this book happens which messes all of that up pretty much. Which makes this book even more emotional to read with was something that I didn't expect to happen.
-I would love if this book gets turned into an audible book as personally when I listen and read along I find that I gain a deeper experience with the book. After reading this book I will be carrying on reading the rest of the series. I would like it if this book series was turned into a TV Show, If it ever does I would definitely go and watch it.
For each book that I read, I rate it out of 10, so for this I'm going to give it 9.0. Remember this was what I thought about the book personally and I suggest that you give it a go for yourself. -
My Video Review on Vimeo
My written and video reviews contain spoilers!
2 stars
For an explanation of my ratings, see
my ratings legend. For brief reviews on hundreds of books, check out
my site. -
Never disappointed with N.J. Lysk books, another page turned by this amazing author. Alpha for the Pack had me gripped and I love the whole story where the First Omega is the heart of the pack.
N.J. Lysk has a way of emotionally entwining you with the characters and at one point I was in tears.
I found it to be a truly beautiful read and I'm definitely a team Gabriel fan, his strength is starting to show in book 2, and I love it.
Ray has to over come so many battles within himself and to still come out on top shows you the strength of him, he is the perfect first Omega. N.J. Lysk has a way for bringing his battle and strength alive, which to me made it feel so real.
It is sexy as hell, the moments between the six of them were so hot.
I would definitely recommend this read. I can't wait for book 3. -
I need to apologise to the author for forgetting to review this book and so I'm now coming to this three months later to try to piece my review together.
I was really hoping that we would see some acceptance within Ray as to his position within the pact within this book, but he remained whiny and really not that pleasant and I couldn't really understand why the others would want to stay with him.
A lot of what happens within this book is lead by his behaviour. However, that doesn't excuse the behaviour of others when he goes back on his word and some readers would be advised that they might find a particular scene distressing.
I still find the overall premise of the storyline intriguing, but I'm afraid that I'm finishing reading this series here as Ray and his unchanging attitude soured the reading experience for me. -
Deeper down the rabbit hole of omega life
I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I loved the first one but this book is darker as situations come up that are upsetting. This is not to say that I didn’t like it because I did. On one hand it’s nice to see Ray and his alphas setting in to their roles better but bad things happen and there is more emphasis on how the new pack will survive and thrive. I really enjoyed the conversations that they had with each other and how they are starting to see each other more as people than roles forced on them. As Ray confronts and converses with them we also start to learn more about the individual alphas than we did in the first book. Looking forward to reading the next book. -
Not your usual omega
Well, Ray just can't catch a break. When things start to seem a little less dire, life takes a turn and there are brutal repercussions. Ray cannot break out of his depression and suddenly all progress he made with his alphas seem to be lost. This installment leaves me wondering if there will ever be a hea for Ray and his Alphas. We see Ray bond with his babies a bit more, but he is still anything but a "typical" omega. Good story with some editing issues. I would love to see the story told from the Alphas' perspective. Are they as unhappy as Ray is? Will Josh ever have his love really returned? I'm still watching for that happy ending! -
Wow this book was intense and had me on the edge of my seat ray character continue to surprise me.
He going threw a hard time excepting being an Omega and having 5 alphas as a mate and being a parent with kids.He lost his identity of who he wanted to but having to deal with it.I like his mates and how they are trying to comfort ray and building there family.alot of emotional twist and turn happened to ray will he survive or fall deeper into despair. I recommend this book it was a new twist in shifter genre that I haven't read before. -
Second part of story.
Ray is Omega to a new pack. He has five mates, and a child from each. He's trying to come to terms with being Omega and manage relationships with each alpha. Events with other alphas who want to join his pack make him realize he needs to choose a First Alpha, but is having trouble knowing who to trust. By end of the story, he has narrowed it down to his best friend, who he loves, or his cousin, a natural leader, who he has crushed on in the past and feels he could learn to love.
Would have rated it higher, but there was too many typos -
Has promise
This was called book 1 but it reads like book 2. There's a lot of back story that's missing that we get hints of. The author obviously knows what's going on, but I frequently found myself floundering.
I've got lots of questions, but they're not the deliberately intriguing kind.
This book also needs an edit. Frequently I had to stop and reread things because it wasn't clear who was talking. Several times I gave up trying to work it out and moved on.
This book had beautiful emotional depth but it was too jumbled to reach its full potential. -
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Strong characters and good plot to keep your attention as you read the story. Complex relationships are developing further in this second book. There is drama from a rejected alpha who causes some unexpected twists and turns in the storyline. I can't wait for the next book in the series to be published.
2.5* Ray siente que todo lo que obtiene de las relaciones es a causa de ser un omega, se siente perdido como hombre en favor del lobo así que se castiga no aceptando como real el afecto de sus compañeros.
El vinculo entre ellos es super frágil, realmente no parecen una familia y Ray es tan apático por momentos que me resulta difícil quererlo. -
4.5 stars
This book was well written and had me wanting to scream along with Ray, there was just something missing. I don't know what it is but the story didn't seem quite finished. -
Dang, can't we get a little happiness here?
Still, I appriciate there is a story line, and I want to know how it ends.
I was glad Josh finally admitted his feelings.
But just when Ray was starting to try to see things from another angle...shit hit the fan. -
3.5 stars. I’m really hoping Ray comes to love himself the way he his and can accept all of his alphas.
Jesus riveting