Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom Wishes by Susan V. Bosak

Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom Wishes
Title : Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom Wishes
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1896232043
ISBN-10 : 9781896232041
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 31
Publication : First published October 31, 2004

Winner of 10 national awards including IRA Children's Choice, Teachers' Choice, and Book Sense Children's Pick! "This elegant children's book depicts the journey of life with all the hopes and dreams found along the way... Richly crafted and thoughtfully written, 'Dream' is a dazzling project that challenges us to find a dream and follow it" -- The Bloomsbury Review. Fifteen top children's illustrators each offer a gorgeously illustrated page to complement quotations from historical sages and a beautifully told, multilayered poetic story about life's hopes and dreams from childhood to adulthood, inspiring both children and adults. A book to explore and discuss with children, a keepsake and collector's item, and a lovely gift book for milestones like a birth or graduation, the holidays and birthdays. "Dream" offers wonder, wisdom, and good wishes -- for everyone who dreams.

Dream: A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom Wishes Reviews

  • bibliophile (Romance Addict)

    Four Stars!

    So I got this book as a gift in my high school graduation, four years ago. I have to admit, I never gave it much thought, and I never even opened it. Today though, I saw it tucked between my books and I was kind of curious to know what it was about and I can honestly say I was surprised!

    The illustrations were very beautiful. I really liked the way it was done, and the quotes it had. I enjoyed how it talked about dreams & the future, and I had to admit it was a great graduation gift. Shames though, I didn't check it four years ago.

    It is a very short read, and the story was written in a poetry way that made the book even more interesting and inspiring. Being a quote lover, I LOVED the quotes, and it was very good.

  • Olivia

    Well, I’m sobbing. 5 stars for emotional resonance. Very short and inspiring. Gorgeous artwork. Transcendent enough to inspire childlike wonder in all ages.

  • Roxann

    I really wanted to love this children's book. The idea of marrying artwork, an inspirational story and inspirational quotes among the pages seems like a no lose proposition. The problem is the book is just not that inspirational. Some of the art is phenomenal, but it seems odd that in the middle of a story about maturing there is a centerfold of scientists, writers, artists, and leaders with the words, "Great men and great women--some famous, most not...." Uhm okay--thanks for the heads up. The quotes used through out the book never seem to match the art, and the story doesn't really match either one. One cannot read this book without thinking of "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss. It is more inspirational and founded a little more in reality. I admire the goal for this book. It just missed the mark.

  • Nadina

    While I don't think this book is necessarily for young children, it is definitely a beautiful book. All the illustrations are unique, and I found them all to be beautiful and fitting to the text for the page. I love the association of life stages with colors. I like that each page has a quote, and how the entire thing is tied together with the "dream a dream with me" statement.
    I like that the end of the book tells you about the artists/illustrations on each page and also about the legacy project which I will be checking out later.
    An absolutely beautiful book and I would recommend it, almost more for adults than kids.

  • Diane

    “... to grow a dream, you need more that the one I was. You need the Believe of childhood, the Do of youth, and the Think of experience. You need all three.”

    Through every phase of life we have dreams. But how we react to those dreams depend on where we are in life.

    Each page includes a quote from a famous “dreamer” and an illustration from a different illustrator. In the back there is a illustrator note for each picture describing what is in the details of their page. A fascinating book. This book also came with a teaching packet for how to use this book with students.

  • Tam Bush

    This book is very near and dear to me, each time I read the words I learn something new about self and the world around me. This book captivates the journey humans go on at different stages in life of wonder, love, disappointment, and learning to work through it all. I appreciate this book very much and share the words of wisdom with my children in hopes that they too take a moment and enjoy the life lessons shared throughout its pages.

  • Tiffany

    This book gave me a mysterious feeling like I was being hypnotized. I enjoyed some of the illustrations and well-known quotes. I thought the author's writing lacked creativity. The color gray does not always signify rain or a "dismal day". The page layouts were also disorganized with too much crammed into a page. I do not recommend this book.

  • Stephanie Montgomery

    As a middle aged teacher trying to renew herself this book was a shining star. It’s walk through life made me sigh, as I thought,”Oh, My! Someone else gets me!” My advice... FIND THIS BOOK, READ IT, SOAK IT IN, and most of all... DREAM!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • Madi C

    This is about how it's ok to have dreams no matter how big or small. Not all with come true but some will. I love that it featured artists. At the end it also had a little blurb about each one of the artists.

  • Sparrow

    Not my cup of tea.

  • Kourtney

    The illustrations are amazing

  • Farleyi

    Fantastic illustrations and details. Wonderful story about belonging and growing up. Quotes throughout the book. Great repetition phrase

  • Mikael

    Smuk, meget af tiden; mens billedteksten måske er lidt på den romantiske side - den drømmeagtige side - så giver kombinationen af billeder og tekst en rigdom af drømme at dykke ned i.

  • The Reading Countess

    I am a voracious reader of reviews, and this title piqued my interest when it was mentioned as a perfect addition to Poetry Month. Thankfully, our school librarian borrowed it from a nearby elementary school. A wonderful book for reading and writing teachers, this one should be known to art teachers, too. It is magnificently illustrated by fifteen of the world’s top illustrators, making the differences in artistic interpretations interesting and appealing page by page. Challenge your readers to find the star hidden on each page!

    Pursuing your life’s work, your dreams, is what we are all surely called to do. As time marches on, sometimes we forget our dreams and the reality of life itself presses heavier on us. Dreams reminds the reader, young and old, to never forget why we are all here. On each page, a famous person’s quote about the pursuit of a dream nicely adds to the overall effect of the book.

    I’m not sure if it’s because I am at a certain point in my life where re-evaluation of all that is truly important in my life weighs heavily on my mind, or if it is the lyrical way in which the book unfolds. Whatever the reason, I found myself biting back tears as I closed the book. One reading will not do the book justice, and rereading will only lead to more discoveries.

    *I plan on using Dream as a mentor text for a list poem next week.

  • Linda

    Is this a poem? I think it is, of someone’s life, who began, was lost, and came back to her dreams again, as the sub-title says, a tale of wonder, wisdom and wishes. Susan Bosak begins as a baby, like all of us, and takes us to old age, with gorgeous illustrations by fifteen terrific illustrators sharing their own visions of her words on each double-page spread. There is an added bonus of hidden stars on each page, inspirational quotes, more information at the back about the illustrators, and a further connection to The Legacy Project with activity guides and more. This is a book that could be useful in every classroom.

  • Tammy

    This is my most favorite book of all time! I enjoyed looking at the night stars and I love to dream. When I first saw this book, I know it would be a great book. And I was right! After the first round reading it, I just knew I had to have this book! I love the message and the illustration is just wonderful. I will never get tired of this book. Each time I read, I learn new things, but it always give me the same tinkling feeling inside. It is just wonderful! There is just no word good enough to describe my feeling and how much I love this book.

  • Stephanie

    I think this book is awesome! It has so many levels and is so rich! Each page has so much meaning. The text is great, the quotes are fabulous, and the illustrations are amazing! They add so much meaning to the text. I enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend it to anyone. I found it inspiring.

  • Nadia

    This is probably the sweetest most inspirational book I've ever read. I discovered it through the Legacy Project, which I got a copy for being a runner up in. And when I read it it blew me away. All of the illustrations are flawless, and I love the idea of comparing the colors to what was happening in life. Plus it has all of these amazing quotes and I love quotes. AMAZING BOOK

  • Joseph Santiago

    We all dream, and we get caught up in the ideas. This can quickly move us to believe that others will recognize the sentiments, but I believe that they need an experience like this book to awaken things settled within their hearts and souls. This book is a stirring of passion, dreams, and a longing of hopeful wishes that will not easily be forgotten. It was a good read.

    Mr. Joe

  • Jenny

    I loved the illustrations, each created by a different illustrator. There's a wonderful page at the end that delves into the illustrations, their symbols and meanings, as well as telling about the illustrator. Many were familiar to me, some were not. The text didn't wow me as much. It was good but it felt aimed more at adults than children.

  • Carey

    Beautifully illustrated by some of the most famous picture book illustrators in the world, this gift from my students (signed of course) is a powerful reminder of the importance of dreams. Great gift for a grad or anyone else following their dream.

  • Patrice

    This I think may be my "goodbye book" that is handed out at my death or leave or going home whatever. It spoke to me, I had to have it and have to give to others. Like the Alchemist, it is in me, this book.

  • Rebecca

    Somehow this failed to "gel" with me, even though it won many awards and there are 15 lovely pictures from top illustrators, including my hero, Shaun Tan. File under inspirational (in the "follow your dreams" sense, and give as a gift.

  • Maria

    Even though this is considered a children's book, it is excellent for art teachers, adults working on fulfilling their own dreams, and anyone wanting to create a positive impact to those around them. fifteen illustrators fill the pages.

  • The Styling Librarian

    DREAM A Tale of Wonder, Wisdom & Wishes by Susan V. Bosak - 3rd-5th grade- quite the inspiring, gorgeous picture book packed with different impressive talented illustrators... wow to the message about growth and hope of people.