Title | : | The Funky and Frugal Housewife: Making a Good Family Life on Very Little |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 160 |
Publication | : | Published September 8, 2016 |
This is for the real housewive's that are a little funky, want to be frugal, want the adorable home, maybe a little farm in their Urban backyard, purposely don't match their sheets, like fun accent walls in each room, want to homeschool their children, need to do a major household budget, and downsize, but won't compromise on a good life. This is for the families that want to cut the grocery bill big time and still have their organics and non-GMO popcorn. This is also for the families happy to ditch the car and walk to save money and the environment but won't give up their entertaining and gatherings.
This book is loaded with great advice and tips on everything from a household budget, making your own cleaners, going a little country in the city, throwing parties with a few dollars, and having a good life on very little.
The Funky and Frugal Housewife: Making a Good Family Life on Very Little Reviews
Some great ideas, some not even worth reading ideas. Quick to skim and find the worthwhile parts.
Great Guide To Be a Domestic Goddess
I liked this book. I have average household skills and I am always looking for ways to do things better, faster or cheaper. I can't wait to try many of the suggestions. -
I like Kate Singh and I admire her story and her journey to a life of bounty with limited money. The problem is that every book she has written has the same information in it, there will be one or two new ideas but for the most part each book she writes is the same, if you have read one, you have read them all. I have six or seven of her books and they are the same. I won't be purchasing anymore.
I am looking for inspiration and ideas to incorporate into my life and reading another predictable book isn't helpful or even interesting. My advice is pick one of her books and read it and don't bother to purchase another you have all she has to say. -
If you are a new mom
This book has some decent although sometimes conflicting at times advice. I am a mom with children a little older than hers in this book (oldest is 7, middle is 5, youngest is 2). I feel like I already knew most of this advice and have read all the books she recommends. However for a new or younger mommy this might be more helpful. -
It was helpful
Wasn't too bad. The only difference is my personal viewpoints from the author. I strove for perfection when it comes to my home. However, she gives helpful advice that's different from the norm. -
A couple of useful tit bits. Easy to read.
I've never read another author who makes me see how cozy and enjoyable the domestic life is and little tips to find joy in the simple things. -
Good advice. Not all of it was a keeper, but some good tips here and there.