Title | : | Totenfang (David Hunter, #5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 3805250010 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9783805250016 |
Language | : | German |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 560 |
Publication | : | First published October 1, 2016 |
Sein fünfter Fall führt Dr. David Hunter in die Backwaters, ein unwirtliches Mündungsgebiet in Essex, wo die Grenzen zwischen Land und Wasser verschwimmen. Aber die wahren Gefahren lauern nicht in der Tiefe, sondern dort, wo er sie am wenigsten erwartet.
Seit über einem Monat ist der 31-jährige Leo Villiers spurlos verschwunden. Als an einer Flussmündung zwischen Seetang und Schlamm eine stark verweste Männerleiche gefunden wird, geht die Polizei davon aus, Leo gefunden zu haben. Der Spross der einflussreichsten Familie der Gegend soll eine Affäre mit einer verheirateten Frau gehabt haben, die ebenfalls als vermisst gilt: Leo steht im Verdacht, Emma Darby und schließlich sich selbst umgebracht zu haben. Doch David Hunter kommen Zweifel an der Identität des Toten. Denn tags darauf treibt ein einzelner Fuß im Wasser, und der gehört definitiv zu einer anderen Leiche.
Für die Zeit seines Aufenthalts kommt David Hunter in einem abgeschiedenen Bootshaus unter. Es gehört Andrew Trask, dessen Familie ihm mit unverholener Feindseligkeit begegnet. Aber sie scheinen nicht die einzigen im Ort zu sein, die etwas zu verbergen haben. Und noch ehe der forensische Anthropologe das Rätsel um den unbekannten Toten lösen kann, fordert die erbarmungslose Wasserlandschaft erneut ihren Tribut…
Totenfang (David Hunter, #5) Reviews
This is the first in the series of Dr David Hunter, forensic anthropologist that I have read, and whilst there is obviously a considerable backstory, I found it fine as a standalone. It has a compellling storyline that had me turning the pages as fast as possible. David is concerned about losing his post at university as his police consultancy role has dwindled to nothing through no fault of his. Out of the blue he gets a call from DI Bob Lundy of Essex Police to help recover and identify a badly mutilated and bloated corpse discovered in the dangerous and remote coastal wetlands of Backwaters. The police want the body to be that of Leo Villiers, suspected of having a marital affair with Emma Derby, murdering her and committing suicide.
However, David has his doubts about the identity of the corpse. The local police are being pressured to accept the identification of body as Leo by his hugely influential father, Sir Stephen Villiers. The investigation takes numerous twists and turns, not to mention a rising death toll. David finds himself staying locally at the refurbished Boathouse of a local family who turn out to have links to the police investigation. He finds himself getting closer to Rachel Derby, the sister of Emma, which leads to a conflict of interest for him. There is a lot of insight given into the detailed science of forensic anthropology with David's analysis of the corpses and the body parts. We become acquainted with the local feuds, secrets, family tensions, lies and deceptions as David and the police get closer to the truth.
What I really loved about this book was the atmosphere and danger of the wetlands location, beautifully described by the author, and the twisted and intricately plotted narrative which also takes in and explains the decades old mysterious disappearance of the traumatised Edgar's daughter. The character of David Hunter with all his past travails captured my attention and I rooted for him throughout. Definitely a series I have now been hooked into. A wonderful and absorbing read. Thanks to Random House Transworld for an ARC. -
First and foremost, a large thank you to NetGalley, Simon Beckett, Random House UK, Transworld Publishers, and Bantam Press for providing me with a copy of this book, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.
After a lengthy hiatus, Simon Beckett returns with his fifth Dr. David Hunter novel, reliving some of the great forensic anthropology of past books in the collection. Still coming to terms with a recent attack by a psychopath, Dr. Hunter receives a call to consult on a case outside of London. Happy to take the work where he can get it, Hunter soon discovers that this case goes beyond his usual parameters; the body is set to be recovered from an estuary, after having spent a significant amount of time in the water. During the body's removal, Hunter realises that his expertise will be needed as there is little left of the face and extremities, though everyone is certain it belongs to Leo Villiers, whose father looms close at hand and wants a swift post-mortem to confirm his suspicions. During his trip to the formal post-mortem, Hunter tries a shortcut and is left stranded with the tide coming up. Without a vehicle, he must rely on the assistance of a local family, though the frigid reception he receives leaves him wondering how long the welcome might extend. Hunter soon learns that Leo Villiers is accused of murdering Emma Derby, an attractive young woman, though the body has yet to be discovered. Hunter begins poking around the case on his own and soon encounters Emma's sister, Rachel, who adds to the narrative. Hunter makes a further forensic discovering, trying to curry favour with the local authorities, who are set to send him packing, and all but definitively determines the body is not that of Villiers. Left to wonder who might have turned up in the estuary, more bodies appear and all eyes turn to a local man whose sanity is a question of local lore. Can Hunter help get to the bottom of things before he, again, becomes the focus of a killer? A great return to the David Hunter series that will have series fans well-pleased and help to garner more fans for Beckett's writing.
As Beckett admits in the acknowledgements, this book was a long-time coming and its delay has left series fans eager to dive in. I will admit, it took a few chapters for the momentum to return, but once I was back in sync, Beckett took over and I remember why I enjoy this series so much. Dr. David Hunter remains somewhat of an isolated soul, with his backstory developed throughout the series and newer fears sandwiched on either end of this thriller. Beckett is able to support his protagonist with a wonderful collection of characters, pulling on both police and locals, that keep the story moving forward. Flirting with something more than platonic, Hunter seeks to use his awkwardness to his advantage, though the reader might be left tapping a toe as they wait for Hunter to pick up on the obvious signs. While not as strong on the forensics as I have seen in past novels (or other series within the genre), Beckett was able to keep the narrative moving effectively, turning Hunter into a sleuth more than forensic anthropologist alone. There are a few subplots that can be extrapolated from outside the boundaries of this novel, all of which work nicely and culminate in the final few chapters, leaving the reader highly entertained and perhaps surprised. A strong story and a cliffhanger that keeps readers wondering what is to come, Beckett has come back from his Hunter hiatus with a well-written piece that should sate fans for a short time (and only that)!
Kudos, Mr. Beckett for a great return. I hope you have more ideas brewing and that we can look forward to them sooner than later.
Love/hate the review? An ever-growing collection of others appears at:
http://pecheyponderings.wordpress.com/ -
Actual rating: 4.25 🌟
Another great thriller by this author. Beckett has a way of writing that just pulls you in and lets you fly through the pages. All the characters, as well as the plot development, seemed believable. The fact that some interesting biological facts are build into the story adds something unique and another level of realism. I definitely recommend every book of this great series! -
Superspitzenklasse! So lobe ich mir einen guten Thriller :)
As all books in the David Hunter series again a good suspenseful read in a setting that contributes to the sphere.
The Restless Dead is book five in the David Hunter series. I have not read any of the previous books in this series, but I have heard about it and have wanted to read them so I was happy to get the chance to participate in a blog tour for this book.
David Hunter is blacklisted after events in the previous book so when he gets a call for help to identifying a body doesn't he hesitate to go. This seems to be an open and shut case, they have a missing man and now they have found a body, but Hunter feels that something is wrong, despite the missing man's father confirmation that the dead man is wearing his son's clothes. And on his way to the mortuary for the autopsy does he take the wrong turn and suddenly he runs into problems with a flooded road and car that ends up stuck in the water and ends up taking refuge at a family that not only is acting hostile to him, but they also seem to have some secrets....
With this action, just getting stuck and having to accept help from strangers is Hunter suddenly drawn into a web of secrets. There is something odd going on, people are harbinger secrets and when the young daughter in the family that Hunter is staying with goes missing will the case suddenly take a different direction.
The Restless Dead never made me feel lost, despite not having read the previous four books. Instead, was I fascinated by Hunter and his tragic past with the death of his family and other events that have hit him hard (like a knife attack). The story in this book is intriguing and poor Hunter just doesn't seem to be able to do anything without stumbling over a dead body or being in the middle of things that go out of hand. I was engrossed with the story and I loved that it was hard to see how it all would end. Then, we have the interesting ending of the book when everything has been resolved, wow what a perfect and frustrating cliffhanger! -
David Hunter is back and it's a corker! Love love love.
One sitting read again today.
Full review (and interview) for the e-book release blog tour in Feb. -
4 stars!
Finally another installment in the David Hunter series. I have really been looking forward to this one and I definitely enjoyed it - the setting in the Backwaters has been especially interesting and we have been given a lot of insight in to forensic anthropology - which is one of the primary reasons I like this series so much. The atmosphere has been very special and I could imagine this book being transformed in a chilling thriller movie.
While the criminal case itself has not been that intriguing this time, I especially liked the characters in this book: Hunter himself, Rachel, Andrew, Villiers. I liked that they all had their flaws and were not exclusively nice people. They felt very credible like people you could meet in real life and that's why I have been caring for all of them.
I will definitely keep looking out for new installments in the David Hunter series! -
What is really making the mood of this story is a claustrophobic atmosphere of encirclement and iminent danger that is waiting in cold waters of the northern sea. Lonesome marshes, salty air and secret burried deep under the mud. David Hunter will be fighting with himself, with agressive enviroment and locals that hide more than it may seem.
Great chill for one or two evenings!
Porywający klimat „Niespokojnych zmarłych” oparty jest na wilgotnej, przejmującej atmosferze, która otacza Davida Huntera. Simon Beckett najpierw wykreował całe tło, by nawet czytelnik poczuł się odizolowany od świata, zamknięty pośród labiryntów bagnistych ścieżek, zagrożony wciągnięciem w grząską ziemię Backwaters. Do tego narastające poczucie zagrożenia i bycia obserwowanym, które wywołuje ciarki na plecach, a włoski na karku stają dęba. I świadomość, że wiatr niesie ze sobą czyjś zrozpaczony krzyk, że nie ma ucieczki, ale nie ma też odwrotu. Przeżyj albo giń.
„Niespokojni zmarli” dają o sobie znać, opętują umysł czytelnika i zapewniają pełen niepokoju wieczór, a nawet dwa, dając obietnicę, że David Hunter niebawem powróci znów. -
This book is number 5 in the David Hunter series – I haven’t read any of the previous books in the series but that doesn’t matter at all – this can easily be read as a standalone however much to the distress of my mountainous TBR, I now want to read the previous 4 books!
David Hunter is a forensic anthropologist, often called on to assist the police when human remains have been found that are too badly decomposed for a pathologist to deal with. It is clearly a specialised field however it appears that he is currently ‘out in the cold’ following mistakes on a previous case and is currently clinging on to his job at a university. When he gets a call from DI Bob Lundy of Essex Police for assistance, he doesn’t hesitate, grateful for the work and for the chance to perhaps redeem his reputation.
A decomposing body has been found in the Saltmere estuary, a few miles up the coast from Mersea Island. The police believe they know it’s identity but they need formal confirmation – however what seems at first to be a straightforward case is anything but and Hunter finds himself drawn into situations that put his own life, as well as others, in danger.
As mentioned above, I hadn’t read any of this series and when I first started reading, I did wonder if this would be the book for me. Having read numerous serial killer and murder stories over the years, I am no stranger to a dead body but sometimes you can have too much information! There is great detail of the various stages of decomposition – certainly not a book to read whilst you’re eating your lunch but I quickly got over any feelings of squeamishess and became completely engrossed in the story.
This story alludes to events in Hunter’s past – it is clear he is still recovering from past events. both physically and mentally and his role in this investigation really does push him to the limit. I really liked his character though, he’s a resourceful, no-nonsense type of guy and the hints of romantic interest in this story, make him a three dimensional character that you can engage with. In fact most of the main characters here were superbly drawn, each had depth and distinguishing personalities.
These Essex backwaters of mudflats, floods and tidal currents are in themselves a main character. I live in Essex but even though this is not a part of the county that I am familiar with – the atmospheric description of the run down town, the isolation and remote location is really well explored and after finishing the book I was interested enough to start Googling to find out more about the Maunsell forts, which play a significant part in the story. Seeing these images bought those scenes to life.
This was a real cracker of a read – the intelligent and clever plot will both surprise and dismay – there were turns in the story that I certainly didn’t see coming and it was one of those reads that I just had to sit up late to finish. A well deserved ‘highly recommended’ from me. Despite coming in to this series part way through, I now want to read more. -
Ein guter David Hunter Thriller, aber für mich nicht soooo gut wie die anderen Teile der Reihe.
In den Backwaters wird eine Wasserleiche angeschwemmt und David Hunter wird zu dem Fall hinzugezogen. Alles deutet auf einen Selbstmord hin. Doch dann taucht ein weiteres Leichteil auf und am Selbstmord kommen erhebliche Zweifel auf.
David Hunter als Protagonist war wie immer glänzend und auch der Fall hat mir gut gefallen. Nur leider hat für mich etwas die Spannung gefehlt. Das kann aber auch daran liegen, dass ich zum Hörbuch gegriffen habe. Der Sprecher war zwar gut, aber in manchen Phasen etwas monoton.
Mein Mann war übrigens von diesem Teil begeistert 😊 Er hatte das Buch gelesen und nicht gehört.
Und dann gab es da einen Cliffhanger vom allerfeinsten... ich hoffe ich erinner mich in schätzungsweise 2 Jahren noch daran 😂
Alleszusammen ein guter Thriller und ich freue mich schon auf den nächsten Band. -
4.5* It's been a while since I read a David Hunter book and I really enjoyed this latest instalment. A great sense of place you could clearly imagine the backwaters, interesting characters and a great, twisty, original mystery.
В тази пета част от поредицата, Саймън Бекет се е поразвихрил и е сътворил интересен и оригинален криминален трилър.
Част от края на историята не ми допадна, затова смъквам звезда от оценката, но с нетърпение ще очаквам нова среща с доктор Хънтър! -
Endlich ein neuer David-Hunter-Roman oder wie Simon Beckett noch auf den letzten paar Seiten den letzten Stern verliert.
Grundlegend ein solider, sehr guter und spannender neuer Roman von Simon Beckett, in dem wir endlich wieder unseren heißgeliebten Protagonisten finden statt die Aufarbeitung alter, unbearbeiteter Ideen von Beckett (Tiere, Voyeur, usw.) Daher ist das auch seit langem der erste Krimi von ihm, der mich seit langem wieder begeistern konnte. Im Gegensatz zu der Hof und all den anderen Einzelbänden gelingt es Beckett wieder so schnell einen Lesefluss zu schaffen, Spannung aufzubauen und die richtigen Charaktere zu platzieren. So habe ich mir das vorgestellt.
Warum dann doch nur 4 Sterne?
Es gab genau zwei Sachen, die mich dann doch die Augen rollen ließen. 1) Die Auflösung kam mir einfach zu schnell und auch ein bisschen zu wild. Im Prinzip hätte es jeder sein können oder hattet ihr das Gefühl, dass ihr wirklich mit raten könntet? Als die erste und danach die zweite Auflösung kam, musste ich teilweise noch mal zurückschlagen und nochmal lesen, weil es mich so überrumpelt und teilweise auch überfordert habe.
2) Wenn David Hunter noch einmal sagt "Etwas nagt an meinem Unterbewusstsein, aber erstmal muss ich allem weiblichen Hinterherjagen, damit ich dann am Ende des Buches merken kann, was es war...", dann flippe ich aus. Da ich in letzten Woche nochmal alle Bücher gelesen bzw. gehört habe, ist mir das diesmal noch extremer aufgefallen. David kriegt konsequent nach 50-100 Seiten eine Eingebung, die direkt ignoriert wird und die ihm dann 50-100 Seiten gegen Ende wieder einfällt. Das macht mir natürlich den Eindruck, das David Hunter vielleicht nicht jeder weiblichen Hauptperson nachgieren sollte, sondern einfach mal ein bisschen länger überlegen sollte.
Nichtsdestotrotz ist das natürlich ein sehr guter Krimi, aber bei guten Autoren kann man eben auch mal auf hohem Niveau meckern. Natürlich empfehlens- und lesenswert. -
Dr. Hunter is back ... Lange habe ich gewartet aber nun ist er endlich da :) und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht.
Hunter zieht es diesmal in die Gegend des englischen Backwaters, eine sumpfige Angelegenheit. Die Menschen eher mufflig, Fremde sind nicht wirklich willkommen.
Im Meer wird eine Leiche entdeckt, oder besser gesagt, das was zurück bleibt nach ein paar Monaten im Wasser. Die Forensische Arbeit beginnt, aber auch diesmal werden Hunter viele Steine in den Weg gelegt.
Simon schreibt packend mit vielen coolen Details. Ich liebe seine Hunter-Reihe... ich freue mich schon auf Band 6 -
Ich hoffe der nächste Band lässt nicht wieder so lange auf sich warten!
Das Ende schreit geradezu nach einem Band 6 mit einer extrem spannenden Story!
Hoffe ich zumindest, denn mich hat dieser Hunter Band absolut nicht enttäuscht! -
"Goede personages en een origineel verhaal maken ‘watergraf’ tot één van Beckett’ beste boeken in deze reeks!"
https://elinevandm.wordpress.com/2019... -
Richtig gut!
Уникално добър трилър !
Ilk dort kitabi ardarda uc dort yil once okudugum icin Dr. David Hunter'in hikayesini hatirlamakta biraz zorlansam bile Ingiltere'nin bu ilginc bolgesinde gecen hikaye tek basina bile cok basariliydi.
Bataklikta bulunan bir curumus ceset ile baslayan macera, yeni cesetlwr ve yepyeni cinayetler ile devam etti.
Tempo hic dusmedi butun roman boyunca. Olaylar da birbirine iyi baglanmisti ve sonunda buyuk bir cember olustu.
Dr David Hunter Serisi'ni polisiye/kriminolji kitaplari seven herkese kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. -
Ich bin ein klein wenig enttäuscht. Das gewisse "Simon-Becket-Etwas" hat gefehlt. Totenfang ist gut, leicht und flüssig zu lesen. Ich hatte zwischendurch sogar eher das Gefühl "Charlotte Link" in der Hand zu halten. Spannend ist die Geschichte allemal, dafür ist die Auflösung zum Gähnen langweilig und unspektakulär. Pluspunkte zum Schluss gibt es für die Hoffnung auf eine Weiterführung der David Hunter Reihe und zwar hoffentlich so richtig, wie man es aus den ersten vier Bänden gewohnt ist!
Wieder ein guter David Hunter Fall und den Stern Abzug gab es weil es Zwischendurch Längen hatte und auch irgendwie immer ein ähnliches Muster vorherrscht. Dafür hat mir die Auflösung richtig gut gefallen. Und nun ja... das Ende lässt ja sehr schön auch einen 6. Band zu.. Mal schauen wann der kommt... Vielleicht ist er auch schon in Planung und ich hab es nur noch nicht mitbekommen :)
PS: Als ungekürztes Hörbuch via Spotify gehört! -
Quinto libro de la serie sobre un antropólogo forense, en este caso, desarrollado en una zona llena de marismas, con poca densidad de población y muchas rencillas encubiertas.
Me ha gustado, hacía tiempo que no leía ninguno de la serie y he vuelto a disfrutar con el libro; donde encontramos tanto una buena trama, como unos personajes muy bien descritos.
Recomendable toda la serie. -
2,5 Sterne
Ich fand den Fall insgesamt leider ziemlich boring. Es hat super lange gedauert, bis überhaupt irgendwas Richtung Auflösung passiert ist. Und dass Dr. Hunter bei jedem Fall ne neue Liebschaft haben muss fand ich auch echt nervig. -
Ich bin immer wieder überrascht, wie gut Simon Beckett für seine Bücher recherchiert um der Geschichte soviel Glaubhaftigkeit wie nur möglich zu verleihen. Das Buch war durchgehend spannend und das Ende mal wieder der Knaller.
amazing, how trans identities being used as plot devices and transphobia can turn an otherwise perfectly good 3.5* thriller into a pile of trash :) -
Der schwächste Band der Reihe, auch der Längste.
Spannung wird dennoch geboten, allerdings nicht zu vergleichen mit den anderen Bänden.
Ich bin dennoch ein riesiger Fan, den alles in allem ist die David-Hunter-Reihe eine großartige, spannungsgeladene Reihe mit atemberaubenden Kulissen und einem Hauptprotagonisten, in den ich mich ein bisschen verliebt habe :-D -
3'5 ★