Title | : | For Now and Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 172 |
Publication | : | First published August 15, 2016 |
When he gives her a small bottle of perfume instead, Emily knows the time has come to break up with him--and for her entire life to have a fresh start.
Reeling from her unsatisfying, high-pressure life, Emily decides she needs a change. She decides on a whim to drive to her father's abandoned home on the coast of Maine, a sprawling, historic house where she'd spent magical summers as a child. But the house, long-neglected, is in dire need of repair, and the winter is no time to be in Maine. Emily hasn't been there in 20 years, when a tragic accident changed her sister's life and shattered her family. Her parents divorced, her father disappeared, and Emily was never able to bring herself to step foot in that house again.
Now, for some reason, with her life reeling, Emily feels drawn to the only childhood place she ever knew. She plans on going just for a weekend, to clear her head. But something about the house, its numerous secrets, its memories of her father, its oceanfront allure, its small-town setting--and most of all, its gorgeous, mysterious caretaker--doesn't want to let her leave. Can she find the answers she's been looking for here, in the most unexpected place of all?
Can a weekend become a lifetime?
For Now and Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor, #1) Reviews
For a supposed love story, it was meh.The build up to it was anti climatic for me. It didn't help that I found Emily whiny and inconsistent. I adore small town stories but this lacked the usual charming characters I associate small towns with.
DNF! I made it to page 58 of 177 on my Nook and had to quit. Emily is irritating and stupid. The author wants you to believe that a 35 year old adult woman who has lived and worked in New York City for years doesn’t own a winter coat, boots or even a sweater. Really?!? And she fit ALL her clothes in one measly suitcase. Riiiiiiiiight. And her junker car that sat in a long term lot for years just magically started up on the first try. It didn’t need gas at all during the 8+ hour drive from NYC to Maine but did break down less than two miles from her destination, around midnight, but oh happy coincidence an old man with a truck happens by to tow her the rest of the way. She meets the caretaker Daniel who makes a fire for her because she’s too stupid to think that her Dad’s house that has been closed up for 20 years won’t have fuel oil for heat or the electricity turned on. She’s pretty much an ass to Daniel even after he makes her tea that night then arranges for the fuel oil to be delivered and shovels the snow clear for her. So... I couldn’t take any more. I hope she freezes.
This is a sweet story actually. Really sweet. A small town beach read reading. There is romance but light... The story is more following Emily journey to find herself again after broke up with her boyfriend and quit her job.
She then went on an adventure by journey back to her childhood home. I like the feel of that small town romance. The house, the beach, even the wind. It feels peaceful listening to it.
The plot itself is light. There is min drama. The romance is also very PG. I wish I can have more of the romance. The character chemistry is rushed.
Overall I do enjoy this book very much.
4 stars -
A bit cheesy in parts but a nice easy holiday read. Wouldn't continue with the series though.
This book was just ok. Nothing crazy nothing great. I liked Emily enough except she got kinda annoying with how stubborn she was. I liked Daniel enough. I dunno I guess for being a "romance" it wasn't much of a romance. I didn't feel much chemistry between these two. I feel like there wasn't enough romance or fire in this one to be good. It was basically all about Emily growing up finding out the truth about her past, her dad, and her sister. I dunno it was ehhh, not really looking to read the second one.
For Now And Forever is one of those books I refer to as "unfinished." Both the characters and the story lacked depth. The author's creative vision was very good but the finished book not so much. So much missed potential.
Pure fluff and completely unbelievable. People's reactions are constantly off the charts. Wanted to see how it ended but this was a chore to finish.
One of the main things that stuck with me throughout the entirety of this read was that the MC was said to be in her mid to late 30's, but she reacted to everything around her like a hostile teen. It really didn't work for me. You'd read with the assumption that she was more mature than the boyfriend she dumps at the beginning of the story, but she continually showcases no relational skills, maturity or ability to think before she slams every door she doesn't know how to handle. Twas a little frustrating. And I felt the author really overdramatized with her depictions of things that were happening.
For instance, a storm comes, we're 30 seconds in, and all we know is there's lots of wind and rain and lightening, and then BAM, we hear that there's no roof on the barn anymore. What? When did that happen in the 30 seconds that the wind picked up?
My expectations for a cute little seaside chicklit aren't very high, honestly, but somehow this really nosedived for me. I couldn't connect with the characters and I was left saying "SERIOUSLY?" way too many times. Not saying there was no point to it, as I'm sure it was enjoyable for many, but it wasn't for me. -
Review to come.
Not a fan of this story at all. In fact, I didn't even make it to the house in Maine. I tried to like it, but I couldn't for so many reasons. I know absolutely nothing about the main character, other than she REALLY wanted to get engaged, then, "suddenly" realized her life wasn't what she wanted. She didn't say another word to the man she'd been with for seven years. She hopped into a car that had sat in a garage for eight years then drove eight hours - apparently without stopping for anything, food gas or otherwise - to a house that had sat empty for twenty years expecting to fall into this dreamy four-poster bed that was there when she was a kid. I cannot imagine any grown, 35-year-old woman capable of holding down a job and a long-term relationship would be so naive. Maybe a good, critical editor could help this author and her story line.
Es una historia que puedes leer en un día y bastante bonita en general, aunque no es la gran historia es entretenida y se ve el cambio de los personajes.
La trama es bastante creíble ( la mayoría) y los personajes aunque no son los mejores si te llegan a gustar. -
Meh, ni bueno ni malo, una historia ligera para pasar el rato pero tampoco tan interesante para atraparte con su contenido.
Tengo entendido qué hay más libros de esta pareja, probablemente los lea porque el final es bonito pero quién sabe, vemos. -
Emily es una chica con un corazón roto que decide un día romper con su novio y al otro día, renunciar a su trabajo. A la vez decide salir de la ciudad de Nueva York e irse por unos días a la casa de verano de su padre en Maine, la cual se encuentra abandonada por más de 20 años.
En la casa la chica conoce a Daniel, un joven que cuida la casa y con quien a la larga tiene una relación amorosa. Daniel es un chico de pocas palabras, con un pasado algo turbio pero de buenos sentimientos.
Emily es un personaje un tanto insoportable en casi todo el libro, por lo que lamentablemente no simpaticé con ella sino casi al final de libro, que es cuando hace un cambio con su persona y quienes la rodean.
Si estás buscando una historia romántica no creo que este libro sea para ti, pues solo trata el romance en un 20% del libro. Trata más sobre el pasado de Emily, de su familia y la tragedia que le cambió la vida. Es un libro ligero para pasar el rato. -
I don't think this book is well written and the story isn't really something new. Definitely not going to read the other books in the serie
My Musings
Where to start. First, I think the author may be British because many turns of phrasing are not American. Second, there are lots of plot holes in the story, but I will agree there are entertaining moments. When I discovered it is a continuing story, I almost stopped listening to the audio, but I am glad I finished it because this book does have an uplifting ending. While I do not plan on continuing the series, I can understand why many other readers have. Happy reading 📚 -
EIne wunderbare Liebesgeschichte findet den Weg in mein Herz.
ich liebe Bed & Breakfasts und hätte auch gern eines. Deshalb hat es mich so gefreut, dass es am Ende des Buches genau darum ging.
Die Geschichte war wunderbar einfach geschrieben, gefühlvolle Sprache lies mich richtig mitfiebern und die Charaktere waren perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt.
Definitiv eine Empfehlung. -
Las últimas páginas estuvieron un poco más interesantes... Solo un poco.
Jestem trochę z romansami na nie, bo czuję, że podczas czytania dosłownie mózg dostaje skrzydeł i odlatuje w siną dal.
Główna bohaterka Emily Mitchel, jest przed 40 i liczy na to, że za niedługo stanie na ślubnym kobiercu z meżczyzną jej życia. Zbliża się 7 rocznica, więc jest jak na szpilkach, bo pora zawiązać Drużynę Pierścienia, zbliża się kolacja i... dostaje w prezencie perfumy. Emily stwierdza, że w sumie to niech się facet wypcha, skoro jest niezdecydowany to ona zdecyduje za niego, pakuje swoje rzeczy i idzie sobie swoją drogą. Wyrusza w podróż w swoje rodzinne strony i przyjeżdża do opuszczonego domu swojego ojca na wybrzeżu Maine. Oczywiście musi poznać pewnego mężczyznę, bo bez tego książka nie należałaby do romansu.
Ta książka nie była tragiczna, ale.. no nie bardzo. Autorka nie zadbała o pewne szczególiki, które od razu rzucają się w oczy jak to, że Emily jedzie z Nowego Jorku do Maine, gdzie podróż zajmuje lekką ręką około 8 godzin (sprawdziłam sobie nawet trasę na mapie), a ona nie ma żadnego postoju na jedzenie czy potrzebę fizjologiczną. Co więcej - jest zima, a nie ma nawet porządnej kurtki zimowej, a cały dobytek mieści się w jednej walizce. Kwestia zerwania z tym długoletnim partnerem.. wbrew pozorom 7 lat to nie jest tak dużo, a zresztą jeśli jedyną motywacją głównej bohaterki do radykalnych zmian w swoim życiu, łącznie ze zmianą miejsca zamieszkania, było to, że nie ubrała się w białą kieckę i nie dostała ryżem po głowie pod kościołem - to w sumie ja współczuję. Idę dalej - wątek nowego związku - aż mnie się zrobiło mdło. Rozstajesz się z kimś, niech krew ostygnie, emocje opadną, nabierz dystansu - po co, znajdź sobie nowy obiekt westchnień i niech pociesza, bo od tego w końcu jest.
Jedyne co mnie się spodobało to wykorzystanie potencjału starego, zniszczonego domu. Tak to reszta leży. -
A quasi-romance with unlikable characters who had no chemistry whatsoever. Even I was shocked when I saw that the book was built on cliché upon cliché. There was nothing shocking or intriguing about the plot even though the main character would like you to think otherwise. Emily is so spoiled and naïve that calling her a child would be a compliment. Also, Daniel is the weirdest love interest ever. I don’t think he has any personality at all apart from being a brooding, attractive “lumberjack”. Unfortunately the biggest question still remains unanswered- how come did he have the money to stay on the grounds and take care of the house? I don’t think that money from “a few repairs” would do the trick.
Sürekli bir şeyler olsun diye bekledim ama cıks -_-
Hareket yok, çok monoton ilerliyor. Bu da sıkılmama neden oldu.
Aslında kurgu klişe de olsa güzel bir şeyler çıkabilirdi. Ama yazar kurguyu harcamış maalesef :( -
Não sei o que eu esperava desse livro, mas foi uma leitura bem divertida e que me deu um quentinho no coração de certa forma. Algumas coisas acontecem de uma forma meio abrupta, mas a passagem de tempo na história ajuda e suavizar uma impressão negativa sobre isso.
Eu gostei da personagem da Emily e de como ela ficou determinada em dar um novo rumo pra sua vida e consertar a antiga casa de verão dos seus pais. O romance foi legalzinho, mas esperava mais dele, não conseguiu me empolgar muito.
Minha parte favorita mesmo foi o desenvolvimento da protagonista e tudo em relação a casa e à cidadezinha. Essa capa pode enganar um pouco, porque dá a impressão de que o livro foca bastante do romance (o que não é o caso), além da história se passar durante o inverno e com muita neve, não um verão ensolarado.
Enfim, achei uma história meiga.
English review:
I don't know what I expected from this book, but it was a fun and heartwarming read. Somethings happened abruptly, but the time passage softens a little bit any negative thing about it.
I like the protagonist, Emily, and how she's determined to give her life a new direction while fixing her parents' old summer house. The romance was okay, but I expected it to be more exciting, and it wasn't.
My favorite parts were really the protagonist's development and everything about that small town. The cover is a little deceiving, because it makes it look like the book is heavily focused on the romance (which is not the case), and the story actually takes place during the winter, with a lot of snow, not a sunny summer.
Anyway, I think it was a cute story. -
Ik ben er niet helemaal uit wat ik precies van dit boek vind. Langs de ene kant ben ik er helemaal weg van, maar de plot fouten vielen zeer sterk op. Hierdoor was het voor geen meter geloofwaardig.
Het verhaal begint goed, realistisch en absoluut dat 'feelgood' gevoel. Het is een romantisch verhaal dus je blijft een beetje met honger zitten. Pas zeer laat in het boek komt dit aan bod. Ook niet opbouwend, neen ineens "oh dus we daten nu". Voor een lezer komt zoiets uit het niets. Daar heb je helemaal niets aan want je begrijpt niet wat er gebeurd.
Wanneer je je daarbij neergelegd hebt, komen allemaal nieuwe ongeloofwaardige elementen. De bevolking van een dorp beslist of iemand een huis mag krijgen, gratis en voor niets. Hoezo kan dit? Iemand vergeet de dood van een dierbaren? Dat lijkt me zowat onmogelijk.
Het mannelijke hoofdpersoon heeft geheimen en het vrouwelijke hoofdpersoon lijkt daar allemaal geen moer om te geven. Zelfs wanneer ze erachter komt dat hij loog etc.
Het was tot de helft een fijn verhaal. Geloofwaardig en veel potentieel. Vanaf de helft ging het een totaal andere weg op en kreeg ik eerder het idee dat de schrijfster het schrijven beu was.
Voor mij stopt deze serie dan ook hier. Ik heb geen idee wat boek 2 moet vullen, want blijkbaar kan alles in letterlijk één zin. Daar hou ik als lezer persoonlijk niet van. -
Me demoré un siglo en terminarlo, pero ¡es que es demasiado lento!
Al principio promete, pero luego de que Emily se establece en el pueblo, todo se vuelve muy monótono.
Daniel podría haber sido un personaje interesante y lo mejor del libro, pero se mantiene como un tipo plano durante toda la historia.
Emily es bien insufrible la verdad. Me tenia un poco colapsada con su carácter infantil, pobremente justificado con la desaparición de su padre.
No creo que continúe con los otros libros. A duras penas pude terminar este. -
Leuk boekje voor tussendoor, had soms wel lange hoofdstukken maar las wel lekker vlot. Had alleen meer verwacht van waar haar vader nu precies is. Maar misschien komt dat nog in deel 2
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This is the 2nd book by Sophie love that i have read by her and i think her reads are really fun!!! Life sometimes is not fun so to have her books distract me for a few hours is wonderful :)