Graphic Style: From Victorian to Digital by Steven Heller

Graphic Style: From Victorian to Digital
Title : Graphic Style: From Victorian to Digital
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0810929848
ISBN-10 : 9780810929845
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 263
Publication : First published October 15, 1988

Seymour Chwast celebrates the daily routine of getting dressed in this fittingly whimsical and satisfyingly unique novelty book. Unlike more traditional books on this topic that deal with the how of getting dressed, Get Dressed! instead tackles the why. The text “Get dressed to read about dragons” accompanies an illustration of a boy dressed in a makeshift knight costume. A girl in full floral garb stands in a garden alongside the text “Get dressed to hide.” The book features half and full gatefolds, which foreshadow the items of clothing to be seen and provide surprise reveals on each spread. With a die-cut magnetic closure, even the cover invites readers to peek inside!

Graphic Style: From Victorian to Digital Reviews

  • Андріан

    Мабуть одна з перших книг, які я прочитав про графічний дизайн і до якої час від часу повертаюсь, щоб отримати натхнення. Допомагає скласти загальне враження про розвиток дизайну, познайомитись з різними стилями, навчитися візуально розрізняти їх та розуміти як вони виникли. Трохи не вистачає уваги до цифрового дизайну, але тим не менш можна погортати, надихнутись деталями чи композицією і створити щось цікаве. Порадив би початківцям і як підручник з історії графічного дизайну і водночас як журнал, що допоможе розвинути відчуття смаку і використати це в своїх роботах.
    Також подобається робота автора з текстом, який побудований так, щоб зацікавити читача новими іменами та ключовими моментами і роботами в дизайні, не полінитись і загуглити.

  • Ihor

    Гарний гайд по візуальному стилю 19-21 століть. Розкладає напрямки по відведених комірчинках в мозку. Звісно, перелік далеко неповний, особливо по сучасних стилях, але загалом дуже навіть непогана добірка.

  • Тамаркин Артем

    Интересно наблюдать, как автор плавно переносит нас от викторианства до цифровых технологий. Вроде еще на прошлой странице ты изучал ар-деко, а сейчас уже смотришь на представителей неоэкспрессионизма.

    Единственное, хотелось бы поменьше упоминаний конкретных художников/дизайнеров (всех их не знаешь и не запомнишь), а больше интересных фактов, влияния, философ��и стиля.

    Но, книгу очень рекомендую всем, кто интересуется дизайном 🤓

  • Drew Canole

    A fun romp through some great innovations in graphic design. I agree with some criticisms that it's a surface level and biased towards western white guys.

  • Riegs

    Mostly European in scope, with some mention of Japan.

  • styxee

    Удобная история дизайна, сосредоточенная больше на рекламе, плакатах и шрифтах. Полезно тем, что все по полочкам и с огромным количеством графики, которую просто так не найдёшь в свободном доступе.

  • Lillian

    Wanted more detail on postmodernism in graphics but overall great

  • Victoria Bengtsson

    Very good overview over the history of Graphic Design even though the authors seemed to have forgot many famous influential artists/designers for example Banksy and Wim Crouwel.

    The language was way too complicated for it's own best. The complicated language with the extremely long sentences made it very hard to understand the content. Then you had to read it 3 times if you wanted to truly understand.
    If you have English as your mother tongue it shouldn't be any problems, but if you're bilingual and have English as a secondary language, like me, expect to have google translate or a good dictionary at hand every time you read.

    Otherwise I like the structure of the book: First a long introduction that described the specific movement, only text. Followed by pages filled with a lot of pictures and shorter captions to it.

    I've learned a lot from this book and would recommend it to anyone that likes to read in-depth about graphic design and its movements, and can handle the english language fluently.

  • Colleen Venable

    Beautifully laid out (they must know someone in graphic design or something). Engaging and incredibly informative, this is the best historic breakdown of graphic styles in poster art that I have ever come across and lordy-lordy they sure don't skimp on the pictures. Worth every single penny and 20,000 more.

  • Johannah

    I used this book for my course this year and I read it from front to back and I think it has some awesome inspiring images in it as well as some great information about different type periods of design.

    And yes, I'm totally counting this as something I read, because I did. Granted, I was forced to because of college. But at least I enjoyed it.

  • Daryl

    i LOVE IT! 95% images, perfect for design history. I look here for inspiration weekly, at least.

  • Brad

    Superb overview.

  • Kristina

    A great source of inspiration.

  • Troy

    Just not what I expected. The examples are fine, but instead of an overview of minor and major art movements and styles, I get a mishmash of confused history.

  • Hazel

    This book features in my blog post about essay resources:

  • Elang Cakra

    It's not only a book it's a time machine

  • Yosephine Dea
