Oath Breaker (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #5) by Michelle Paver

Oath Breaker (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #5)
Title : Oath Breaker (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #5)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1842551744
ISBN-10 : 9781842551745
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 224
Publication : First published January 1, 2008

A thrilling story about friendship, loyalty, and revenge

When he was outcast, Torak was the hunted one. Nine moons later he becomes the hunter when he vows to avenge the killing of one of his closest friends. Racked by guilt and grief, he follows the killer into the Deep Forest, where the World Spirit stalks the hidden valleys as a tall man with the antlers of a stag. But there is a rottenness at the heart of the Forest, for its clans have succumbed to the lies of the Soul-Eaters. Here, Torak must face fire, war, and overwhelming evil. Oath Breaker is a story about keeping promises and the true cost of vengeance.

Oath Breaker (Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, #5) Reviews

  • Michael Finocchiaro

    Torak’s adventures with Wolf, Renn and the other Open Forest clans are endangered by Thiazzi’s reach for power in the Deep Forest where he manipulates the mysterious Red Deer and Auroch clans. In this penultimate volume of the wonderful Wolr Brother series, Torak once again learns about bravery, friendship and forgiveness while nearly losing everything he values. I find that these books are wonderful in their depiction of the Stone Age / Bronze Age in northern Europe and especially loved a moment towards the end with the Forest Horses.
    A must for you and your kids!

  • Kasia (kasikowykurz)

    W 2017 roku przeczytałam cztery tomy praktycznie na jednym wdechu, zaczęłam piąty... i stanęłam. Nie dlatego, że mi się nie podobała, ale dlatego, że w tamtym czasie czytałam chyba trzy czy cztery serie, w których główni bohaterowie mieli poniżej 15 lat i zwyczajnie miałam przesyt. Długo było mi jakoś nie po drodze z tą historią, ale jestem i okazało się, że: a) było warto! b) brakowało mi tych bohaterów i tego świata c) powstały jeszcze trzy tomy!

    O dziwo po tylu latach wpadam w ta historię, jakbyśmy się widzieli zaledwie wczoraj. Witają mnie bohaterowie, których dawno nie widziałam, fabuła, której nie powinnam pamiętać, a tu o dziwo wszystko jest na swoim miejscu i to bez przypomnienia. Mamy ta pradawne wierzenia, trochę intrygi, naprawdę łebskich bohaterów. Poruszamy się w świecie, kiedy ludzie wciąż prowadzili koczowniczy tryb życia, rozumienie zwierząt uważano za nadprzyrodzone zdolności i polowano, by przetrwać. To historia dla małego i dla dużego, której inspiracją była nasza Puszcza Białowieska. I powiem wam, że odkąd pięć lat temu zgubiłam się po drodze, nie natrafiłam jeszcze na nic podobnego.

  • Cindy

    This is the best book so far in this very good series! It is packed full of adventure, literally from page one! Torak suffers yet another great loss in life, and this time, not being a small child, he swears revenge. He drags those who love him - Wolf, Renn, Fen-Keddin - along on his quest, and often, in spite of the evidence directly in front of him, he allows his oath of vengance to lead him down paths that are not in his best interests. Like any kid feeling grown while not yet being grown, he takes on too much blame for things not really his fault and not enough for things that are - and still, Renn and Wolf stick with him. They all grow and learn edge towards a better life. There is much else I'd like to write, but one thing leads to another, and I don't want to give anything away.

    I'd recommend this series to kids of any age, only pausing to phrase my recommendation with a disclaimer that this series takes place in an imagined world, 6000 years ago. We don't really know how folks lived, or what they thought supplied the life force that obviously surrounds them - if your own belief structure is so shaky you can't contemplate a world of clans, bonded to animal spirits and living lives filled with mysticism and inexplicable events without endangering your own spiritual well being - - - then sorry. Go re-read the Chronicles of Narnia (yawn).

  • CaroleHeidi

    What I liked: Where to start? I have loved this series of books since I first opened Wolf Brother in 2004. Michelle Paver’s beautiful writing creates an ancient world that instantly draws you in and makes you believe in it so much you can almost feel the breeze and hear the Forest leaves rustling around you.

    I love her detail. She has obviously done a lot of research and truly immersed herself in the world of post-ice age Europe and this reflects in every single line of the book. You can tell she has spent days at the UK Wolf Conservation Trust watching how the wolves move and act around each other, you can tell she’s visited Polish forests untouched by human hands and all of that adds up to make these some of the best young teen novels I have ever read in terms of world building and realism.

    Her characters are brilliant also. Surprisingly easy to relate to despite living lives so different from our own, just a few pages in it feels ‘normal’ to leave a scrap of food in a tree fork as a ‘thank you’ to the Forest for providing or making sure your bow is carefully oiled and always ready to use. Torak is strong-willed and one of my favourite characters in any book, partly because of his close relationship to Wolf and partly because he is so very human in his doubts, passion and fears.

    The story is fast paced and exciting, keeping you turning the pages long after you should have switched off the light and gone to sleep or stopped reading to do your homework.

    What I didn’t like: This is much harder to answer because there is nothing I can come up with to dislike. Which means Michelle must be doing something very right indeed.

  • Peter (on semi hiatus and trying to catch up)

    In the latest adventure, Torak must track down the killer of his friend. Torak blames himself for leaving him alone and swears an oath to avenge his friend. The killer they know and he is a powerful Mage. Alliances will be tested among the clans and maybe this Mage's power is all the greater if he's a Soul Eater. Evil lurks within but can others see it before its too late?

    The Mage retreats to the deep forest which is beset with evil and the clans close to it are turning. The peoples are fracturing and dividing. Time is running out and Torak has many reasons to kill this Mage but at what cost. If faced with a choice of upholding his oath or saving a friend, what would his decision be and what would honour have him do?

  • Emilia Karlsson

    Ondskans Schaman är femte delen i serien Vargbröder och tar vid nio månader efter förra boken, Jagad av Klanerna, slutade.

    Ännu en bra och spännande uppföljare i denna serie. Jag upplevde denna lite mer mörk än de tidigare böckerna. I handlingen möts vi av krig och ondskan från en av Själslukarna. Vi möts också av många olika känslor bland karaktärerna som sorg, kärlek och vänskap. Torak drivs av sorg som blir vrede efter sin enda närstående släktings död. Det här är ett sånt tillfälle där jag som läsare blir arg på författaren då personen dödar en karaktär man håller kär.
    Vänskapen mellan Torak och Renn växer och man får se från ett nytt perspektiv hur mycket dom betyder för varandra.

    Precis som de tidigare böckerna i serien märks det att författaren lagt ner mycket tid på research. Handlingen är välskriven med enkelt språk. Det är lätt att hänga med och se skogsmiljön runt omkring. Händelserna är genomtänkta och för vidare berättelsen om Torak, han som föddes att möta mörkret.

    Jag älskar att få läsa om hur de olika klaner gör och vad dom har för regler. Och att få utforska Djupa Skogen mer är alltid roligt, speciellt när man får göra det med karaktärerna. Efter första kapitlet var jag helt fängslad. Sidorna flög förbi och helt plötsligt var den slut. Jag anade att nästa bok i serien, Vålnadernas Berg, skulle bli minst lika spännande och började läsa den direkt när jag slängde ihop denna.

  • Joanne

    This wasn't the best of Michelle Paver's books in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. There were quite a lot of parts in the book that lacked believability for me. Since I work with horses, I felt a big ouch there and wished she had done better research on them. However, it was an exciting read. As always, she has a writing style that really draws you in. The theme of the struggle against a need for revenge was the best aspect of the book.

  • Judith Johnson

    Another superb book in this wonderful series from Michelle Paver ❤️🐺

  • Thomas

    Torak’s world is one of my favourite places to visit when reading a fantasy book series and my reread of book 5 as an adult was everything I hoped it would be and more.

    After having spent several moons as an outcast, the clans have taken Torak back following the exposure and defeat of Seshru the Viper Mage. Two pieces of the Fire Opal have now been destroyed, but the third and final piece is in the islands, where Torak and his friends must journey to retrieve it before the two remaining Soul Eaters can do so. They may already be too late however and the resulting consequences catastrophic.

    When I first read Oathbreaker, I blitzed through it without paying much attention to the level of detail Paver addresses throughout her world. I was overly keen to see outcome of Torak’s struggle. Now on my reread, I can appreciate the extent she went to conjure such a vivid and rich world derived from own experiences in deep forest country, which is where the majority of Oathbreaker is set. So much so it makes me want to experience the beauty of the areas Paver visited for writing Oathbreaker myself by visiting them at some point.

    One of the strongest aspects of book 5 was the return of Thiazzi. Having reread Soul Eater earlier this year I saw him as an even nastier antagonist than on my first experience with the man. Upon his return he becomes a much more involved character and some of his acts I am surprised to find written in YA/children’s series because they were simply horrific.

    Another stellar novel by Paver which merits a full 5 stars, onto the finale of the original 6 books Ghosthunter before I buy my copy of the new novel Viper’s Daughter scheduled for 2020. I am so happy Paver decided to write more novels set in this world and have no doubt her future novels will be as good as the originals!

  • Érica

    Posiblemente sea el mejor libro de la saga hasta el momento.

    Me saltaré la sinopsis esta vez ya que se trata de un spoilerazo que, si bien da pie a todo lo que se desarrollará en la novela, me dejó de piedra y con una profunda tristeza.

    Para mí, esta entrega es la más oscura. Comprendemos que los protagonistas no están a salvo, que todos están en constante peligro y que las amenazas acechan. Los devoradores de almas que sobrevivieron, Thiazzi y Eostra, no piensan darse por vencidos cuando están tan cerca de todo lo que siempre han buscado. Si bien se separaron desde los eventos en El devorador de almas y corren por sus propias cuentas, ambos siguen siendo los antagonistas a derrotar para que el mundo como lo conocen sobreviva y el mal deje de atormentarlos.

    En esta quinta entrega vemos a unos Renn y Torak más maduros. Los vemos crecer, desarrollarse, tomar decisiones y actitudes que ni de casualidad habrían hecho libros atrás. Las experiencias pasadas y los conocimientos adquiridos en sus aventuras los han ayudado a florecer. A pesar de que aún son niños y se comportan acorde en ciertas situaciones, sin dudas es refrescante verlos ocupar estancias que detestaban, una prueba de su crecimiento. Por este motivo creo que categorizaría este ejemplar como un coming-of-age de ambos.
    Desde el primer libro estoy ansiosa por ver cómo el vínculo que une a estos chicos se va afianzando. Cada vez son más cercanos y la amistad que los une se va convirtiendo, paulatina pero inevitablemente, en algo más, y aquí se da cuenta de ello. Es el primer guiño que nos da Paver de que algo pasa entre Renn y Torak, and I'm here for it.

    No sabía que iba a calificar El juramento de Torak con cinco estrellas hasta que llegué al final. El último capítulo es tan perfecto que me sacó unas lágrimas de la más profunda felicidad. El sufrimiento del principio valió completamente la pena.

  • Jennie Louwes

    "Some places hold an echo of events; others possess their own spirit." (Oath Breaker, page 140)

    Each book within "The Ancient Chronicles of Darkness" is filled with truth and wisdom wrapped within fiction.

    Each book stands on its own, while being interwoven with the one standing next to it; and, each book draws you in.

    "Oath Breaker" receives a 4 star rating only because the list of new clans introduced creates a bit of a muddle. From start to finish, the waters ran a bit muddy and slowed things down for me.

    You can easily track characters without confusion. It's just that for all of Michelle Paver's exquisite technique and sharing of detail, (which typically allows a reader to be one within its pages, living and breathing next to its main characters); this time, the descriptives got in the way a bit for me.

    A magnificent read, nonetheless; more tightly held secrets are revealed to include information previously unknown about Torak's Fa and Mother along with why his Mom declared him to be without a clan.

    The revelations are brilliant.

    Michelle Paver's series for young adults remains one that none should miss regardless of age or gender. This authoress has lived and breathed alongside her characters too and you can tell. She's just as in love with them as you'll find yourself to be.

    Bravo Michelle Paver's; Bravo!

  • Cassandra L. Manna

    This story got real, quick. The Seal Clan boy...! My heat broke. The characters are growing up and with them the story gets harder, darker.

    In this book we visit the Deep Forest and it sounds horrifying: too close, too much, to dark. That place is where Nature thrives, where humans should make little impact. Beautiful but dark and scary.

    Rate Procedure:

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - I loved the book so much I would reread it again and would recommend to a friend.
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Thoroughly enjoyed the book, could not put it down, would recommend to a friend, but do not need to read again.
    ⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Probably a good book that I enjoyed but there was something about it I did not love (e.g. The writing style, the POV, etc.). I would only recommend to a friend if it was their "type" of book.
    ⭐️⭐️ - A book I have below average feelings for and it would not come with a recommendation from me but I would mention it in conversation if related to the book topic at issue.
    ⭐️ - I finished the book but I hated every second of it.

  • Dyslexic Bookmonster

    I had forgotten (or blocked out) what an emotional rollercoaster this book was and still is to me. There are so many infuriating moments wherein Torak makes decisions which I deem foolish and... well... just utterly foolish!
    On the one side, I find it difficult to see the situations from his perspective because he has an attitude and decision-making I do not recognize myself in. But on the other side, there is such a great struggle between the three main characters because of it. One I just really find fitting for both the setting of the book and the coming-of-age period Renn, Torak and Wolf are going through.

  • Iman

    This has been the most emotion-driven book of this series so far. Not that it lacked adventure, it definitely didn't.
    There's a major character death that affects Torak a lot, and all throughout the book, while seeking vengeance, he learns a lot about himself, about others, and others learn a lot about him as well. There's a shift in his relationships with everyone and in the way he sees things.
    This book felt kind of bittersweet to me and that's probably a way to introduce the next and last book of the series. So not ready for this journey to end. 💔

  • Jorge

    The 5th book of the series is another great and intense adventure, this time with the action taking place in the Deep Forest.

    Torak gets involved in a search for the murderer of his kinsman Bale, for whom he swears an oath to find the killer and avenge him. The book begins at a great pace and gets you quickly involved in the plot. However, there are a few parts that lack the intensity and development that I have witnessed in previous books, which have stopped me from deeply connecting with this book.

    Nevertheless, it's still a superb read and a solid part of this marvelous series.

  • Cristian Tomescu

    Sadly, Torak has become a very stupid whining asshole.
    This is exactly the point where those YA fiction series fail - every other character has logic and their actions somewhat make sense, all but the main character.
    At some point, it really feels unfair that Torak is still alive.
    Maybe he should die and Renn should take over.

  • Tim

    'Jullie zijn broeders uit het roedel. Een wolf laat zijn broeder uit het roedel niet in de steek.'

    Dit boek begint ferm onverwacht. Dit zijn we niet echt helemaal gewend van Paver - ze blijft de lezers verrassen. Bij haar zie je zelden zo'n grote plotwending, en hier zijn het er dan eigenlijk twee redelijk dicht op elkaar, na de climax die in Verstoten aanwezig was. Het zorgt voor een ferme shock, niet alleen bij de personages, maar ook bij de lezers. Je wordt even met je neus op de feiten gedrukt: de auteur schuwt de details niet. Misschien is dit wel de eerste keer dat je er echt bij stilstaat dat sommige scènes in dit boek niet erg kindvriendelijk zijn, wel choquerend kunnen overkomen. Gelukkig zagen ze er bij de uitgeverij geen graten in, want soms gebeurt dat nog wel eens...

    Verder levert ze natuurlijk ook weer een ijzersterk verhaal af, met dit keer nog een hoop morele dilemma's eraan toegevoegd. Misschien is dit dan wel een jeugdboek, officieel, maar volgens mij kan iedereen dit lezen als ze willen. Er zit gewoon zoveel diepgang in.

    Er doet in dit boek ook een nieuw personage haar intrede. Eigenlijk was ze al even aanwezig in Verstoten, maar dat was toen maar in een paar scènes: Donkervacht, een heel aangename wolvin en een welkome aanvulling voor de roedel van Wolf. Het maakt het allemaal al wat serieuzer, Wolf wordt duidelijker een volledig volwassen wolf. De hele ontwikkeling is knap gedaan. Ongelooflijk ook hoe Paver erin slaagt om als het ware in de geest van die dieren te kruipen. Bovendien krijgt Wolf een stevig dilemma te verwerken, en dat is ook goed in het verhaal geïntegreerd.

    Torak en Renn zijn anders, ze zijn volwassener geworden, en hun taak wordt steeds moeilijker. Thiazzi is niet de simpelste Zieleneter om te verslaan, en het Diepe Woud, waar dit boek gesitueerd is, is een duistere, onvriendelijke plek. Het hele boek door zeurt er iets van gevaar en onheil door de pagina's, lang voordat alles ten einde komt. Een echte spoiler zal het wel niet zijn als ik zeg dat Torak en Renn desondanks erin slagen de bovenhand te halen, maar het blijft goed geschreven. We wisten het allang, natuurlijk: Torak en Renn maken dan wel dikwijls ruzie, als het eropaan komt, zijn ze er altijd voor elkaar. Je merkt dat hun relatie evolueert. Een echt powerkoppel.

    Het boek haalt niet echt het niveau van het vorige, maar hey, dit is nog steeds erg knap geschreven. En na zo'n supergeweldig boek zou het wel heel sterk zijn om het nog beter te doen. Wat een verhalen toch altijd!

  • Megan

    Oath Breaker is about a boy who lived in prehistoric times and had to learn to survive on his own. His father has died and he has been outcast from any clan. When Torak's best friend is killed, he swears vengence and goes after the killer along with another best friend and her uncle. I loved how the author enabled us to see what life was like back then and to see how people saw and interpreted their world. It was fascinating how well they could communicate with the animals--both human and animal understood & befriended one another. But, at the same time, I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the idea that humans could actually learn and speak the audible language of animals. However, it was easy to believe you were actually there, in the wild, having to fight to survive. The names that the author used in the book were a bit confusing, at times. Was that a person's name? Was that the name of a Clan? Or was that the name of something in nature? But I eventually caught on to the system. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I'd recommend it to anyone who loves to read about prehistoric cultures. And even though I was able to understand everything in this book, I think reading the first four books would help you learn about the naming system and how the humans & animals could communicate, among other things about this culture.

  • Lala

    "Sometimes there's no warning. Nothing at all."

    I am so in love with these books. I don't even know what to say about this, the 5th book in the "Chronicles of Ancient Darkness". AMAZING once again. I was so sad to see Bale go, but the ending of this book made up for so much. It really brought a tear to my eye. How special the relationships formed throughout this series have been. Wolf and Torak and Renn…just incredible. The chemistry between all the characters and their individual personalities are so well crafted. I could read these books over and over again. I cannot say enough good things…these stories are original and thoughtful and full of absolute wonder. Thanks again to my special friend Matic for recommending such a "goodread" <3

    "She was tired and stiff from the crossing, and hollow with grief, and lonely. She hadn't known she could be so lonely among people she loved."

    "Yes, but it's more than that. This is the cubs first time ever out of the Den. That's the most important day of all, because it's when they meet the rest of the pack. With a wave of his hand, he took in Wolf and his mate and the cubs, and Renn and himself. The rest of the pack, he said again. That's us."

  • Maythavee

    Oath Breaker was not disappointing at all. I loved it. (Not a big surprise surely)

    Oh Bale. I really liked you. His fate was just horrible. And Torak. My poor Torak. It was hard watching Torak going on the journey to seek revenge. It simply isn’t who he is. We now know more about Torak’s mother and the story behind her medicine horn which was so heart-breaking. I also loved how Renn is admitting that she’s a Mage. It was awesome. Her snarky comments with the Red Deer clan were simply hilarious. And Wolf! When he finally realized that Torak wasn’t actually a wolf. Ugh, my heart hurts. The fight between Thiazzi and Torak was exhilarating. The ending of Oath Breaker was one of the sweetest endings I have read. It made me smile and teary-eyed.

    I can’t believe that the next book will be the last book. It’s hard saying goodbye to one of my favourite book series. I’m going to miss Torak, Wolf, Renn, Fin-Kedinn, Rip and Rek so much.

  • ijul (yuliyono)

    Saia mencoba maklum bahwa seri Torak tetaplah seri untuk anak-anak (khususnya), maka ketika setiap bukunya tidak diakhiri dengan "brutal" sebagaimana yang saia imajinasikan (terjadi pertarungan seru penuh darah untuk menumpas satu demi satu para Pemangsa Arwah), saia tetap mengacungkan jempol karena Michelle sukses memberi nyawa pada Torak dan Renn untuk survive di dunia/bumi yang masih perawan itu. Menyaksikan petualangan Torak, jadi ingat suku Na'vi di film bombastis James Cameron, Avatar, yang juga mengagungkan Pohon Roh. mudah2an saja ada produser yang tertarik mengangkat seri Torak ini menjadi film

    Khusus Oath Breaker ini, bab penutupnya benar-benar bikin terharu. Hwaaaaa, jadi nggak sabar nunggu buku pamungkasnya....Torak, Renn, Serigala dan istri serta anak-anaknya? Yuhuuuu...pasti seru deh....

  • Cheryl Landmark

    Just like the first four books in this series, Michelle Paver keeps the action and adventure fast-paced and gripping. We follow Torak into the Deep Forest where danger threatens him at every turn as he seeks to fulfill his oath of vengenance against one of the Soul Eaters. Ms. Paver's beautiful writing is such that we can feel his despair and anger and pain as though it were our own. I think that what I like most about this series is the incredible bond between Torak and Wolf. They are pack-brothers and, despite outside forces that try to tear them apart, they share a deep loyalty and love for one another that can never be destroyed. Ms. Paver has done a lot of research on wolf behaviour and it definitely shows in her writing. Only one more book left in the series and I will be sad to see the adventure end!

  • Ordinary Dahlia

    G sedikit heran dengan begitu mudahnya kematian Dukun Ek!! Aduh tolong yah, harusnya didramatisir sedikiiiiit lagi hahaha...napsu membunuh g kumat neh keknya, maaf! dah naluri dari sononya (ini efek kurang tidur)
    Tapi tenang, g masih tetap suka dengan hubungan misterius Serigala dan Torak ditambah lagi makin berkembangnya perasaan Torak dan Renn, jadi agak susah untuk nggak suka ma buku ini. Finally, torak memiliki kawanan sejatinya. Uhuy!!!

    Special untuk Ijul, dirimu bertanggungjawab atas buku selanjutnya, Cepet beli!!! *mamerin cakar*

  • Larissa Rowan

    I wanted to give this book 10 stars!!!
    Oh my god...
    THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! I am crying, my heart has exploded and I am so in love with this series it hurts...
    Unlike Outcast the storyline took a very different turn, this book was much darker and much more intense than any previous books, but this is what made it so good, as well as the countless adorable moments! I cannot recommend this series enough to people!! It's just got to be one of the best children's series ever and more people NEED to read it, I'm 17 for Christs sakes and I bloomin' love it!! <3

  • Amanda Schell

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love all the different tribes and cultures created in this entire series. I could easily just move right into the book and live happily ever after!

  • Ceria

    (2008) Menanti versi Indonesianya.. Udah penasaran nih ma kelanjutan kisah Torak dan Renn melawan Soul Eater. Kejutan apalagi yang diberikan Paver dalam buku kelimanya ini ya??!!

    (2010) Gila... versi English-nya keluar tahun 2008, versi Indonesia-nya baru muncul Februari 2010... Hmm... tapi menurutku yg kelima ini agak kurang seru n kurang asyik dibanding yg sebelumnya... Kenapa ya??

  • miaaa

    Mengingat lamanya jarak buku yang satu ke berikutnya terbit di Indonesia, hampir lupa tokoroth itu apa dan Torak adalah seorang klanaroh. Gimana nasib seri ini yah masih akan diterjemahkan tidak? Kalau tidak mari berburu ebook *lirik Ijul*

    ps. kok untuk ganti edisi sekarang lebih rempong yah hehe *curcol*