Title | : | Cosmic Memory: Atlantis and Lemuria |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0060675721 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780060675721 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 273 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1959 |
Through this discussion of our true origins, Cosmic Memory gives us a genuine foundation for our lives; allows us to realize our real value, dignity, and essence; enlightens us about our connection with the world around us; and shows us our highest goals, our true destiny.
Cosmic Memory: Atlantis and Lemuria Reviews
At the risk of seriously irritating some of my goodreads friends I'm going to come right out and say that I think science is just one narrative of roughly four hundred thirty thousand and twenty seven other narratives that function in what we call 'reality'. Now, I know the rough retort from some scientist who said that if you think science is a narrative go jump out the window and see what kind of story gravity is, and I would reply oh you silly silly man of course gravity works and I'll reply with why don't you explain to me the physiology and evolutionary mechanisms at work that make us laugh and I'll tell a joke and we'll see which one causes us the most mirth. You can study the chemistry involved in evoking laughter in a person but if that is the limited viewpoint that you see laughter out of your world is pretty pale. Of course my example is kind of tongue in cheek but the point I'm trying to get at is that we live amongst a myriad of narratives, or ways of seeing the world. Science is one, and that doesn't take away from anything science does but science isn't the whole world. The Law of Gravity is true and explains something in the world but it is just as 'true' as what a sonnet or a haiku are. The Law of Gravity might be more eternal than the definition of a haiku are, but at this day and age if you jump out a window you're going to feel the effect of gravity and if you write a thousand pages of dribble and call it a haiku you are just as mistaken as if you thought you could just step out a window and hangout for a while in midair.
There is nothing wrong with something being a narrative, I'd say just about everything in life is in one way or another part of a story we tell ourselves about the world and that colors the entire world for us. If we happen to be influenced by the Freud narrative (for example) we'll see Daddy and Mommy issues in everything around us, and in our way of looking at the world it will make sense and be proven to us. A person who sees the world through a cognitive psychology lens will point out how wrong the Freudian outlook is and see the same experiences through that type of 'story'. And both people can be right, and the small letter t, truth is different for each person. This isn't an endorsement to relativism, it's just a part of the way that we all are; you're all fucked up because your dad botched up your potty training and that dude over there can't do anything write because his cognitive apparatus is all haywire because of an abnormal outlook on the world and her, yeah that girl over there, her brain chemistry is a fucking mess and needs serotonin inhibitors to make it through the day. And me I find passages in Samuel Beckett to be laugh out loud funny and there is that guy sitting over there who only finds the Monday jokes in Garfield comic strips to be funny, and these things are all true about the way we each see the world, and the scientist who can explain what happens when we laugh, or what is going on in our heads that causes us to be unable to cope with everyday life might be more onto the 'truth' of what is going on but it's only one strand of the story that is going on.
Truth is a slippery concept. Eternal truths are easy, two plus two is four, you throw a ball up in the air (on the planet Earth in it's current state with it's current gravity) and the ball falls back down. But unfortunately most things in the world don't have the provable certainty of a nice math equation, and according to some even those aren't as foolproof as we might all believe them to be (but I don't understand a word of the stuff that gets into that so I just let Godel and company dwell in places that smarter folks than me think about things).
This book starts off by throwing down the gloves and telling materialist science that it's about to get it's ass kicked; specifically it's Darwin's evolution and the followers of his theory that are going to be getting an ass kicking. The basic gist of why they are about to get smacked around is because their theory is weak reductionism; yeah, would say Steiner, you are right things are reducible to smaller material units and those units have evolved over time to create what is currently here but there is this gap between these reducible material units and the capital t Truth. For example you reduce everything down to atoms in our fancy little materialist view of the world but does an atom think? Do two atoms think? Why would two and not one? How do you get consciousness out of a bunch of unthinking matter. You can keep reducing to explain the world, but you are only explaining the material world and there is more to the world than materialism and materialism can't explain what makes a human human.
So Steiner tells these silly little bigoted mental midgets to sit aside and let him tell us what is really going on. And the physical scientists can keep explaining the world through their little ways but they need to bow their heads to the mighty spiritual scientists who know the truth.
Every since there have been materialists there have been nay-sayers throwing problems in the way. One way of looking at Parmenides (represent!) and Zeno of Elea, and even later Plato dialogues that feature Parmenides and the Eleatic Stranger in them as foils to Socrates (people from Elea are the only ones to ever best Socrates, and rather than the polis of Athens, see the Eleatic Stranger as brining the demise of Socrates by besting him in one of his later dialogues), oh shit I lost this sentence. Anyway one way of looking at these figures in philosophy is to see them as figures whom brought up significant problems to neat reductionist solutions to problems. It's not that Zeno didn't believe in motion but the paradox of motion was a foil to the atomistic theory of someone like Democritus. It's not that you are wrong, it's that you are missing something and instead of just keep going smaller and smaller you might be missing something in the way your are thinking about the problem. I'm not really sure where I was going with this, but maybe my point was made.
To this day the answer to consciousness isn't fully understood. How the bits of matter in our heads produce a self-aware being isn't fully understood. It's not a question that can be answered by merely pointing to the smallest parts and then saying that the 'I' lives there, like in Descartes Pineal Gland, and I'd be surprised if any scientist today thinks that cognition is going to be found in the littlest units of the brain, the question is how the physical parts combine in such a way to create all of the things that make us the beings we are. Now scientists can try to figure out how we are what we are, or they can close their eyes and dive into the Akashic Record and prove that a story about an land that sunk into the ocean from Plato's Timaeus is a fact.
Steiner claims to be a scientist of the spirit, a branch of study more objective than the mere physical scientists hogging all of the credible spotlight. His research is done by 'reading' from the Akashic Record, which is a book that has all of existence written in it and can be read by those who know how to transcend to higher realms. How does one get to read this book? Steiner won't tell. It's a secret. There are lots of other secrets that we are told we just have to trust him on because they aren't ready to be said by the Mystery Schools at this time, or at least not in public. Most of these secrets are the parts that would 'prove' that Steiner isn't just another nutjob talking out of his mystical ass. But he does repeat over and over again how objective he is, sort of the same way one would just have to take old Joseph Smith at his word about those gold tablets that he read the Book of Mormon off of. Instead of Steiner saying something like, hey Science people I think you're missing something in our account of the world, you can't just keep reducing there is something missing in the way your framing your questions about the world, he gives a tedious story about seven root races of humanity (of which the fine folks of Atlantis were number four and the Aryans are the current root race and number five, with six and seven still to come), who pass through seven different planets (but planets in a metaphysical sense, they are all on this heap of rock we call Earth, but Earth is only the fourth manifestation (but not just a manifestation, it's the same place but different, it's all continuous, oh except for those long sleeping periods in between each giant cosmic age), of which the first was Saturn, then the Sun and then the Moon and then Earth and then some other planets of which Venus is one of them and I forget the other two I think maybe Jupiter and Uranus, but I might be wrong. And in each cosmic cycle all the previous cosmic cycles play out again on the 'humans' that live there. Where for example Saturn is one long Saturnian cycle, but on the Sun the Saturn shit is replayed (hello Nietzsche!), but not in exactly the same way and then the Sun stuff happens and then on the Moon, Saturn and the Sun replay and then the moon and so on and so forth. The book tediously describes what happens in each of these cycles, mixing up terminology from a variety of religious backgrounds to add gee-whiz that makes sense that the Buddhi affected the world at that point but then the Arch-Angels did that, wow!
Every page or so Steiner reminds us that he is telling us the objective truth and that this is all read from this magical book in the (astral? ethereal?) sky. The information is given with an authority unfounded by anything other than a submissive nodding along that obviously this man must be telling the truth and that this book must exist and that we should be grateful that he is even sharing as much as he is with us. If one thinks he is full of hookum, or shit then one just needs to turn to the last chapter in the book where he proves that people who don't believe in his brand of truth are bigoted deluded morons who can't see past their own ignorance. He also goes as far to show that he accepts scientists as explaining certain things in the world, but these scientists aren't open-minded enough to accept the 'truth' spoken about by Steiner and people of his ilk.
By the end you can almost picture the author jumping around, boxing gloves raised at the imaginary knock-out he thinks he has delivered to the Goliath known as science, but all he has done is pointed out that there is something missing in the picture turn of the century materialism and positivism and that maybe they needed to rethink some of the strands in their narrative to get back on track, but the whole story didn't need to jump off the tracks and become a cheesy sci-fi story with a weak plot and silly words thrown in to make it seem more serious than it really is. -
1 Atlantisli Atalarımız - 31
2 Dördüncüden Beşinci - Kök-Soya Geçiş - 48
3 Lemuryalılar - 60
4 Cinsiyetlere Ayrılma - 76
5 Cinsiyetlere Ayrılmadan Önceki Son Dönemler - 88
6 Hyperborean ve Polarean Devir - 99
7 Şimdiki Dünyanın Başlangıcı - Güneş’in Çekilip Alınması - 111
8 Ay’ın Çekilip Alınması - 119
9 Bazı Gerekli Bakış Açıları - 128
10 Dünyanın Kökenine Dair - 139
11 Dünya ve Geleceği - 148
12 Satürn Yaşamı - 157
13 Güneş Yaşamı - 166
14 Ay’da Yaşam - 177
15 Dünya Yaşamı - 190
16 Dünya’nın Dört Yönlü İnsanı - 205
17 Sorulara Yanıtlar - 223
18 Sözde Bilim’den Kaynaklanan Önyargılar (1904) - 228
-Sözlük - 240
"atlantisliler, yaşam gücü olarak adlandırılan şeyi kontrol edebiliyorlardı". s.34
"her şey, hala doğa ile uyum içindeydi".
"ilk atlantis dönemlerinde, yerleşim birimleri içindeki evlerin ustaca iç içe örülmüş dallarıyla, ağaçlardan oluşan bir bahçeye benzetilebilir". s.36
"beşinci atlantis alt-soyunun asli lideri, MANU" s.51.
"lemuryalılar, son dönemleri hariç, bizim bildiğimiz anlamda evlere sahip değillerdi. doğanın, kendilerine bu olanağı tanıdığı yerlerde yaşıyorlardı. kullandıkları mağaralar, sadece gerekli olduğu ölçüde değiştirililr ve büyütülürdü." s.63
"eğer erkek, doğa güçlerini görmüş ve uygulamış tarafsa; kadın da, bunların ilk yorumcusu oldu." s.67
"bazı haberci rüyalarda, doğanın gizleri kendilerine açıklanmış ve kendi eylemlerine yönelik dürtüleri almışlarıd." s.69
"...çünkü ruh, aynı anda erkek ve dişidir. bu iki doğayı kendi içinde taşır. kendisindeki eril unsur, İRADE olarak adlandırılan şeyle, dişil unsur ise HAYAL GÜCÜ olarak adlandırılan şeyle ilişkilidir." s.77
"insan, hakiki mister bilimi'ndeki çalışmalarında derine indilçe, daha alçakgönüllü bir hale gelir...bu tür bilgiyi elinde tutan kişi, alçakgönüllüğe ve hakiki özeleştiriye, kendini bilmeye ve büyük bir dikkate ihtiyaç duyar." s.130
"üzerinde insan yaşamının sürdüğü gezegen, "dünya" olmadan önce, satürn, güneş ve ay olarak belirtilen üç başka forma da sahip olmuştu. böylece, insanlığın gelişiminin başlıca dört aşamasının yaşandığı dört gezegenden söz edilebilir. ay, bundan önce güneş ve bundan da önce satürn. aşağıda verilen açıklamalarda da ortaya çıkacağı gibi, dünyanıjn ya da günümüz dünyası halinde gelişen gezegenin deneyimleyeceği başlıca üç aşamanın daha bulunduğunu söyleyebiliriz. mister bilimi'nde bunlar, jüpiter, venüs ve vulkan olarak adlandırılır. dolayısıyla, insanın kaderinin bağlı olduğu gezegen, geçmişte üç aşamadan geçmiştir ve şimdi dördüncüsünde olp, gelecekte de, insanın kendi içinde sahip olduğu bütün yetenekler gelişip, kendi mükemmelliğinin zirvesine ulaşıncaya dek, üç aşamadan daha geçecektir." s.140
[satürn › güneş › ay › dünya › jüpiter › venüs › vulkan evreleri.]
[dünyanın ve insanın ileride geçireceği değişiklikler, kazanacağı ilerlemeler hakk]. "bugün, durugörürün, insanın fiziksel bedeninin çevresinde bir ışık ve renk bulutu formunda gördüğü "aura", daha sonra fiziksel bir forma dönüşecektir." s.151
"atlantisliler ayrıca, örneğin yaşam kuvvetini belirli bir biçimde kontrol etme yetisine sahiptiler. kendi harikulade makinelerini bu güç aracılığıyla kurmuşlardı. fakat öte yandan, bheşinci kök-soyun insanlarının sahip olduğu hikaye anlatma yeteneğine ilişkin hiçbir şeye sahip değillerdi. onların arasında, henüz efsaneler ve peri masalları yoktu. atlantislilerin YAŞAM HAKİMİYETİ GÜCÜ, bizim soyumuz insanları arasında ilk kez MİTOLOJİ maskesi altında ortaya çıktı. bu biçime bürünerek, bizim soyumuzun entellektüel faaliyeti için temel oluşturabildi. aramızdaki büyük mucitler, atlantislilerin "gönül gözüyle gören" bilgelerin enkarnasyonlarıdır. bu mucitlerin dahice esinlerinde, atlantis enkarnasyonları sırasında sahip oldukları "yaşam üretme gücü"nden bir şey tezahür eder. bizim mantığımız, doğaya ait bilgilerinmiz, teknolojimiz vs, atlantiste atılmış olan bir temelin üzerinde yükselir. eğer, örneğin bir mühendis kendi sentezleme yeteneğini geriye doğru dönüştürebilseydi, atlantislinin gücünün kapsadığı bir şey ortaya çıkacaktı. tüm roma hukuku, daha önceki bir zamanın dönüştürülmüş irade gücüdür. roma hukukunda irade, olduğu gibi geri planda kalmıştır; irade gücü, kendine özgü formlara bürünmek yerine, kendini, yasal telakkilerde ortaya çıkan düşünce formlarına dönüştürmüştür. greklerin estetik duygusu, atlantisliler arasında bitki ve hayvan formlarının olağanüstü yetiştirilmesinde ortaya çıkan 'doğrudan etkin eden güçler'den kaynaklanıyorsdu. phidiasın hayal gücünde, atlantislinin gerçek canlıların dönüştürülmesinde doğrudan kullandığı bir şey yaşıyordu." s.224-225.
ve bazı notlarım:
1-satürn, mineral halinde, eterik bedende, uyku-rüya yaşamı.
2-güneş, bitki bilincinde, ether beden.
3-ay evresi, astral bedende, aydaki enkarnasyonu, gelişim evresi, hayvan (bir benzetme, tasvir olarak tabii) bedeni bilinci.
4-dünya, insan, nesnel bilinç, (yükselirken, bazı türü bitki, bazı türü hayvan olarak uzak akraba olarak geride bıraktık; ilerleyemek için, geride bir şeyler bırakmamız gerektiği gibi).
5-jüpiter yaşamı,
5-venüs yaşamı,
6-vulkan yaşamı.
bu gelişim evrelerinde, insanın gelişimine katkı yapan yüksek ruhlar:
-irade ruhları, insanın yaratıcıları, ışıyan yaşamlar, alevler.
-bilgelik ruhları,
-devini ruhları,
-form ruhları,
-kişilik ruhları,
-ateş oğullarının ruhları,
-alacakaranlık oğullarının ruhları,
-sevgi ruhları,
-kerubim [bu kavram, kutsal metin TEVRAT'ta da geçiyor, ahit sandığı hikayesinde bayağı açıklama var; umarım doğru anlayabilmişimdir. teozofi, spritüalizm gibi kavramlar, sadece dar alanı anlatmaz; kutsal kitapları, mitolojiyi, makrokozmik öğretiyi, dinler tarihini de ucundan yakalar aydınlatır. okuma yaparken, tüm bu metinler bir bir aklımın bir köşesinde devinip durdu. ipuçları, karşılıklı tamamladığı bilgiler için eski notlarımı epey kurcaladım. çılgınca da olsa, kendimce safça, bazı teoriler için "acaba doğrumu la" diye düşünmüyor değişilim: ay, şeffaf mı, dünya hakkaten düz mü, diğer gezegenler gerçekte yok mu, yukarısı "kozmik okyanus" dediğimiz SU mu. yanlış mı doğru mu, bunları zamanla öğreneceğiz; bildiğim bir şey varsa, "LABORATUVAR DÜNYA" diye ifade ettikleri, tüm evrenin bizi izlediği, çok özel ve güzel bir gezegende zamanda yaşıyoruz. artık, burası evrenin tabanı falan mı, nedir, "VALERİAN" filmindeki yer gibi, dünyamız çok özel, canlı.]
-atma, insanın yüce ruhu, zat. [kitaptaki ruhsal kavramlar, doğu öğretileriyle ilgili okuduğum eserlerdeki tariflere birebir uyuyor.
-buddhi, yaşamsal maneviyat, aklı mead,
-manas, beşeri maneviyat, gönül.
çeşitli alt-soylar: lemuryalılar, atlantisliler, arile, rmoahallar, tlavatli, toltekler, turaniler, samiler, akatlar, moğollar.
LUCİFER: ışığı getirenler, güneş tanrıları.
ilk iki kök-soy, polarean--hyperborean; ve devamında lemurya--atlantis medeniyetleri.
henüz eterik yapıdaki insan: ateş dumanı.
"dünya yaşamı" bölümünde anlatılan, insanın gelecekte edineceği fizyolojik ve ruhsal yetileri okurken, aklıma "MS.2150" adlı kitapta anlatılan, gelecekteki insan yaşamı ve gücü geldi. sözkonusu kitap, bu bölümde tasvir edilen ilerlemeyi anlamamıza gerçekten yardım ediyor.
ve ayrıca, "galaktik insan" kitabını da hatim etmenizi, üzerinde birçok kez geçmenizi şiddetle tavsiye ederim.
köksoylar için daha ayrıntılı bilgi:
30.10.2018 -
This is a book definitely of it's time. It is a very concise and clear description and explanation of Theosophy and it's theories on the history of mankind including the 7 root races, how planets are levels of human development and so on. For those who struggle to understand Blavatsky's writings, this is a good alternative.
However, Theosophy itself and Steiner in particular are blatantly racist and anti-semitic. Jews and Jewish culture are discussed as lesser forms in the development of humanity, although only one step removed from the apex, which is white, European, Christians. Indigenous individuals are said to not be able to think properly and therefore be less than human or proto-human and indigenous cultures are thought to be missing pieces including rational thought.
This book therefore goes into quite a bit of detail on these issues as well as others.
Also, most of the scientific reasoning and facts being discussed have been disproven over the past 100+ years. So there's that as well. -
Incredible. Thought I'd tripped and fell into a Nazi book, especially since it's translated from German around the same era. Definitely did not, Akashic Record themes are culturally and racially above the Third Reich on every level.
When I was younger I couldn't fathom what made Nazi's so certain about their ideologies. At least now I can understand where they messed up, where Christianity also messes up. When the spiritual turns politically toxic, UGH -
This is one of the very first books my father handed me when I was a teenager. I loved it then, and I love it now. Very easy to read for a Steiner book- and I am having body-memories of images and names - so fascinating! This book helps clarify Occult Science which our study group is currently reading. Highly recommend.
This valuable resource of Steiner gives a very different, interesting view of the world's history. I think, when you read it with an open mind, you can get the big picture of how human beings have evolved on this very special planet.
This is as close to a 'real' history of how we got here as you will read. Scientists, religious leaders and politicians should read this and modify their stances accordingly.
Rudolf Steiner wrote Cosmic Memory from information he sourced from the Akashic records. The Akashic records are based in an immaterial realm, containing like a library, all actions and intent in all of time and history. The records are not accessible by the five senses, but only by spiritual impressions. He then had to translate these impressions into language. This fact, along with the subject matter, translation from German to English, and the book's non-chronological structure, make for a sometimes frustrating read. Many of the ideas Steiner puts forth compensate for the difficulty though. The book challenges many mainstream science narratives of our origins and history, including what life was like on Lemuria and Atlantis, with a fascinating description of their technologies. He also writes about how human's progressed on Earth, not only in physical body, but also in ether body, astral body and the nature of the "I." In addition to these four aspects, he also includes man's progress from Earth to moon to sun and to Saturn. Then he includes influence on all the previously stated variables by a host of divine beings in different stages. It was confusing to keep track of and I was glad when I was finished. The reason I give the book so high a rating is because Steiner makes plausible what a lot of other writers have speculated; that human's were formerly telepathic and had greater technologies than we do now. One of the most interesting points Steiner makes is that we did not evolve from apes, but that apes devolved from us.
Hafıza ve mantıksal akıl yürütmenin ayrımı tarihsel süreçte incelenmiş. Ölüm korkusunun tarihi temelleri açıklanmış. Kavramlarla düşünme ya da imgelerle düşünmenin farklı yöntemler olduğunu söylüyor. Bilinç düzeyi kavramını detaylı şekilde açıklıyor.
Interesting information brought through in an earlier energetic time (early 20th century).
ezoterik bir şeymiş, tam komedi. belki hayal gücü görürüm diye okumuştum zamanında
Interesting read.
Mind blowing.
Listened to this book via YouTube. In depth theosophical concepts. Will need to listen another round to take it in.
I was really excited to pick this book up from my library. Turns out this content is much better consumed as an audiobook while high as fuck doing some mindless activity 😂
Audio book.
What is written in this book is so deep and logical that it could only be the real truth.