![The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Graphic Novel](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328766635i/3052106.jpg)
Title | : | The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Graphic Novel |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1411415930 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781411415935 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 122 |
Publication | : | First published September 1, 2008 |
The Picture of Dorian Gray is a graphic adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic work, stunningly re-imagined by writer Ian Edginton and artist I.N.J. Culbard. This Gothic morality tale is the story of a man who, taken by his own beauty, pledges his soul in a desperate bid for eternal youth. But when his wish is granted, things go terribly wrong. A painting of Dorian begins to age in his place, while Dorian himself becomes a dangerous narcissist who destroys everyone standing in his way until the day he is forced to come face to face with the ugliness of his own conscience.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Graphic Novel Reviews
"If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that-for that-I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!"
A couple of years ago at the MET I picked up a copy of
this book featuring some of Oscar Wilde's best quotes. I threw it out (sorry, Mom!) after marring it with my unnecessary scribblings, but based on the quotes it had from this book, I decided I'd give it a go.
One afternoon, Lord Henry Wotton visited his friend Basil and met his muse Dorian Gray, a physical paragon. After a long lecture from Harry about the importance of youth and beauty, Dorian's ego inflated. Basil painted a portrait of him and Dorian was enamoured with it. So much in fact that he unknowingly sold his soul for it.
Of course, the painting didn't retain the same beauty, but I'm not going to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it.
This was definitely the most quotable book I've come across. There aren't many characters, but they're all witty. The ending was so unpredictable and satisfying! There wasn't a moment where I didn't enjoy reading this. So far my favourite book of the year.
(As a side note, I didn't read the graphic novel. My edition just bore the same cover.) -
For my review of the full text by Oscar Wilde, please
link here.
Ian Edginton has written many screenplays, and graphic novels. Here he has done a workmanlike job of adapting Oscar Wilde's Faustian tale into a graphic narrative format. The accompanying monochrome illustrations are by I.N.J. Culbard, who is primarily a director of animated films. This is his first graphic novel. It is competent, but not attractive. The drawings are cartoon caricatures, bold and striking, but spare. There is little detail in any of the settings, although occasionally an impression of darkness is attempted in the outdoor scenes.
The cover picture is misleading. Not only is this is the only picture in colour, but it is the only illustration in the entire work which attempts the use of shades and tones without thick black lines around them. This style of illustrative technique is not to my personal taste.
Nevertheless, the novel captures the sense of Oscar Wilde's original, which has more of a play-like feel than most novels. It is Wilde's only novel, after all, and his plays are mostly what he is celebrated for. This graphic novel may possibly serve a function in introducing his work to a new audience who like this style. -
I'm not going to lie. I hated the majority of the storyline but what propelled me to give this graphic novel 4 stars, was how atmospheric it came across. The illustrations were in black and white and most were very creepy. Could it be a good read for Halloween? *ticks that box*
Not read the original novel! -
Μια εξαιρετικά εικονογραφημένη έκδοση του αγαπημένου μου βιβλίου! Μια καλή πρόταση και για μικρότερες ηλικίες ,για μια πρώτη επαφή με τον μοναδικό Όσκαρ Ουάιλντ!
This is my all time favorite book so of course I enjoyed the graphic novel. :)
This book has a charm and comfort tp it in the first half and the second half just goes in a different direction
Not a good idea to try to put this novel into graphic form. Almost none of the aesthetic/literacy/philosophical/wit of Oscar Wilde's original version translated. And the facial representation of the stylized graphics was tremendously disappointing.
This was a rather short adaptation of the morality tale, so it ended up being more of an introduction than a complete retelling of the story. Some of Wilde’s biting wit made it into the story, but the black and white illustrations were rather simple and cartoonish. I hope that after reading this adaptation, young readers will then move onto the original.
*Línea 4b. Novela gráfica o manga*
Sigo pensando que no habrá imagen que pueda representar el retrato de Dorian Gray, pero me gustó la idea de los clásicos a las novelas gráficas. Incluso me dieron ganas de releer la historia. -
A good adaptation of a great book. Edginton's script does a great job of condensing Wilde's novel without losing any of the flavor. I'm not a huge fan of the art, it was just a little too abstracted for my taste. But overall, a good job.
I found this Graphic Novel in the bargain bin at Banes & Noble. I wasn't familiar with this publisher but the cover art really drew me in. I enjoy seeing adaptions of classic books in the graphic novel format, I think its a great bridge to introduce readers to the graphic novel format.
Dorian Gray really does well in this illustrated format. Dorian is a young lord living the life of comfort his money and title afford him. His would probable been one of comfort, security , a few scandalous affairs maybe before a proper marriage. When Dorian's friend Basil does a stunning portrait of him , Dorian's thoughts turn to his mortality and the daily fading of his youth. In a impassioned outburst he pledges his soul in return for eternal youth.
In the beginning Dorian might have doubted the success of his plea but when he carelessly throws away the love of a young actress, a move that leads to her death, he begins to see the sins of his actions visible upon the painting. Years pass and as others age Dorian keeps his youthful appearance.
He also has cultivated a dark narcissism that leads him to more and more depraved acts. His own skin remains unblemished while his portrait becomes a haggard, evil visage.
Edginton does a great adaption of the novel even inserting some of the famous?favorite quotes from the source material. i really liked Culbard's stark black & White art. There is also a wonderful use of shading and movement in the art. A great adaption. -
This graphic novel has made me want to read the original. What lovely grimness. To be so full of vanity and sin, to live in perfect youthfulness.
Dorian Gray traded his virtue and innocence for youthful longevity. He prayed to a self portrait that he may keep his beautiful face and that he never have to whither and grow old and age. To be loved forever. Yet....With this trade he was unhappy.
I believe Harry to be the devil in disguise. How else could he have had so much influence on a person. This classis has a good moral. Be good to thy neighbor and thy self otherwise you will be lost and your soul will suffer.
Great graphics loved how pretty the illustrators made Dorian Gray. -
Este libro lo leí cuando tenía aproximadamente 16 años, lo adoré con la vida y a pesar que el autor no es mi persona favorita (por toda su historia y su opinión acerca de las mujeres) siento que la forma en que está plasmada el arte, la belleza, la juventud y otros temas dentro de la novela no podrá superarse jamás. La historia ya la conocen pero leerla, es otra otra experiencia!!! Te consume y te hace reflexionar acerca de todo lo que crees.
Çizimleri hiç begenmedim. Sanki internetten kitabın özeti okunmuş öyle yazılıp çizilmiş gibi.
I didn’t enjoy the original novel and the graphic novel is only slightly better. It races through the muddled story & oversimplifies the already unpleasant characters, but there are pictures, so...
Not bad.. I liked the drawings: they seem to be simple and made in black and white, but they are very suitable for the story.. And the story itself is gorgeous but I guess everyone knows it..
قصة مخيفه ، تلمس ذلك الجزء الخفى فى نفوسنا لشد ما يختلف تأثير قراءتها فى الصف الاول الاعدادى عن قراءتها فى الجامعة . طرق جرئ للنفس البشرية يعطيك قدرا لابأس به من الشجاعة .
*Read in Spanish.
A charming and eccentric young man named Dorian Gray falls into the temptation of eternal youth and beauty. He is swept into a social whirlwind when he journeys to London by the charismatic Henry Wotton who introduces him to the new and exotic pleasures of the city. Henry then introduces Dorian to his artistic friend Basil Hallward who paints a portrait of Dorian to capture the eternal essence of his unmatched beauty and grace. When the portrait is unveiled, Dorian vows that he would sacrifice his soul to remain as he is in the picture, no matter how deep he may fall to debauchery, sin and the wrath of old age.
We all have an image we would like to preserve of ourselves, but it is our actions that ultimately define who we are and who we are doomed to become. If a portrait could reflect your soul, would it reflect your physical body, or would it show you something hideous and otherworldly? After all, sin and corruption often hides behind beautiful faces. How different would the world be if we could see the nature of one's soul on display for everyone to see?
Dorian Gray is an artful and poetic masterpiece, dripping with philosophy and moral ambiguity. It's a venture into enjoying the best and worst that life has to offer. Art can be found in anything if one seeks to find it, and sometimes people find art in things that can only be described as evil. -
Some stories are relevant, no matter the time or the place and The Picture of Dorian Gray is a perfect example. Late 19th century London high society is not a realm I am even remotely familiar with; however, it was both a compelling and relatable tale.
We humans haven't changed much in the course of our 300,000 some odd year existence.
For all our wants and desires, temptations and inclinations, there is a price and it is the price that both thrills and chills.
Dorian Gray has all the beauty of youth, but also all the recklessness. One moment of impulse sets his course in life. Hiding behind a veneer of innocence and all the good it implies, he lives in unabashed wanton. There is no check and no balance.
Freedom has a price.
It is hard not to see yourself in Dorian's shoes. Therein, lies the charm and the harm.
And, oh how red the blood is, how it stains, remains. Wash you will, but it is always there to remind you, you, YOU.
But, alas, it is only a book. Close it and go to bed. Sleep easy in the knowledge that it's not your picture, it's not your life, or is it? -
After a long time I picked up a classic and ended up reading it in one sitting..Basil an artist painted a portrait of Dorian Gray because he is sought of intimidated by his beauty and aura..its his best work and Basil doesn't want to exhibit it and gifts it to Dorian..
Dorian is kind of jealous of his portrait cuz he feels like this can stay young forever and he gets older day by day and in his mind, he thinks of trading his soul to be forever young like this painting..this thought of his is heard by the universe and what happens after that changes Dorians life forever..
Some of the classics have got many takeaways..last time I read such a book was "The importance of being Ernest" it was a great read so is this one...what happens if we root for our cunning self and try to hold on to one thing in the bargain of many cruel things..ultimately we turn into a monster🙂
Usually, classics are heavy on language but this one is written subtly with lots of philosophy😊 -
Um grande clássico de um escritor que quebrou muitos parâmetros no século XIX. Oscar Wilde foi um autor gay em 1800 e muitos dizem que este livro teve um pouco de inspiração em sua vida.
É um livro pesado, mas não denso, uma escrita interessante sobre um rapaz que descobriu quão bom era ser jovem e bonito e dedicou sua vida a continuar sendo assim, estando no auge da alta sociedade, com todos lambendo as solas de seus sapatos.
É uma crítica que funciona bem até os dias de hoje. Um livro que pode se dizer ser a frente de seu tempo. Uma história muito interessante, cheia de metáforas para praticamente toda a vida de um belo jovem rapaz de alta sociedade com tudo sendo lhe entregue de mão beijada e adorado por tudo e todos. Até não ser mais. -
While it is of course, beautifully written by Oscar Wilde, the story line to me was a bit too incredulous, though intriguing. It will never happen in real life for sure, but in many ways I think each one of us has a version of this painting, maybe in the form of a different object, or so we wish, that would absorb our guilt, our negative thoughts, as we strive to remain pure in the eyes of humanity.
I have not read the novel, but have loved the story for years. Found this at a thrift store and was pretty excited. I'm not a big fan of how it was drawn, nor how short it was. Like I said I haven't read the novel so I do not know how close they kept to the original but I found it very choppy, especially towards the end. I hope there's a different graphic novel of Dorian Gray that I can enjoy more.
Muy buen adaptación al comic de la novela de Oscar Wilde. El dibujo es simple pero efectivo complementando muy bien la historia y destacando las ideas.
Muy equilibrado e inteligente el uso del dibujo y el texto centrando y ampliando los pensamientos o descripciones.
Las ideas y las diferentes visiones de los personajes sobre la vida, el arte, la culpa, ... se detallan bien asi como la degeneración moral que se traduce en el cambio se imagen del retrato y el resto de personajes.