Nordiska gudar by Johan Egerkrans

Nordiska gudar
Title : Nordiska gudar
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
ISBN-10 : 9789132164118
Language : Swedish
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 180
Publication : First published August 3, 2016

Nordiska gudar är en vackert illustrerad bok där gudar, jättar, dvärgar, valkyrior, monster och hjältar presenteras i all sin prakt. En bok för den som redan är intresserad och initierad, och för den som ännu inte upptäckt asagudarnas värld – ett storverk som fångar läsare i alla åldrar.

Med avstamp i de gamla Eddorna har Johan Egerkrans tolkat de mest spännande och fantasifulla sagorna. Från den gruvliga skapelseberättelsen där ur-jätten Ymer styckas av Oden och hans bröder, till gudarnas ödesmättade undergång i Ragnarök. Från urtidens kaos, till världsträdets nio riken med alla dess fantastiska och ohyggliga skapelser. En mörk, blodig, fantasieggande och stundtals humoristisk resa i den nordiska mytologins värld.

Välkända berättelser från Eddorna – som sagorna om Iduns äpplen, Mimers brunn och Tors färd till Utgård – paras med fakta om de varelser som befolkar Asgård, Jotunheim och underjorden.

Nordiska gudar Reviews

  • Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin

    I enjoy these l books I get from Grimfrost.

    I’ve added some art from my book below.

    Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾

  • Alex

    En värld född ur is och eld
    nio riken där jättar,
    vidunder och gudar lever
    i världsträdets skugga.
    En storslagen kamp mot
    ett oundvikligt öde."

    Johan Egerkrans have taken my cold Norse heart and filled it with love and admiration for this book. With astonishing illustrations and impressive care and time Johan have given life to the Norse gods and their stories and myths. Tor, Oden, Loke & co. have been reborn and I'm brought to tears! (kind of.) I am a huge nerd when it comes to norse mythology, and has always been.


    Det var tidens början.
    Då intet var till.
    Ej sand eller hav.
    Eller svala vågor.
    Jorden fanns icke.
    Ej himmelen ovan.
    Ett väldigt gap fanns.
    Men inget gräs.

    There is so much I want to say about this book but I don't have the words. This book was a 3 year long project and you can feel it in every fiber how much effort has been put in to it.
    "Johan has taken his time in the making of this book and you can tell, just as in his last book, that he really has done his research.."-Peter Madsen
    I can't do anything but agree to that. Johan must have lived with his nose in every historybook about norse mythology he could find. He has taken the bigger picture of those myths and stories and combined it with a small amount of his own imagination. I even learned thing I never new before.

    The illustrations gives the characters an honest image. It pains me every time I have to watch an Avengers Movie, just to see how Loke and Tor and the other norse gods are portraid just make me want to roll my eyes so hard that my skull might crack. The norse gods aren't picture perfect (excepts for Loke), they are almost barbaric in both appearance- and behaviourvice and Johan has really manage to capture that.


    If I had received this book in junior high I probably would have fainted and I can't praise this book enough without sounding either desperate or boring.
    All I'm gonna say is that if you get the opportunity, just by the damn book!


  • meandermind

    I have a secret crush on Johan Egerkrans, ever since I heard him talk about this book at an event last spring. Well, I've liked him longer than that, his drawings are spectacular, but just listening to him getting all nerdy in the Eddas was envigorating.

    Ran out of time writing, so here's some more review of this actual book and not just random swooning.

    I actually think Gaiman did a better job bringing the characters to life in
    Norse Mythology than Egerkrans. I think Egerkrans stays more true to the original Eddas, and all the little snippets of original quotes, I just eat up with a spoon. But the way Gaiman sorted the stories chronologically rather than after characters is just dramaturgically (?) better. I get that it's probably easier if you want to illustrate the different gods rather than the story, and the illustrations really should lead in this book, but the stories are just a little dry. I didn't get his passion in his writing, the way I got it listening to him. Or looking at the illustrations. Because those are just fenomenal.

    Oh, and another thing! Egerkrans translates most names into modern Swedish, which makes sense, but it just got me thinking about all the other names. I mean, all exotic, cool names like Odin's bracelet Draupnir, I bet it just means "droplet" or something. Like Gildenborst, Frey's pig? It literally just is golden brush/hair. I don't know, it just makes me giggle.

  • Elvira

    helt fantastisk!! illustrationerna visste jag ju skulle vara det - men HUR sjuk och intressant är inte den nordiska mytologin?!? nu vill ja veta ännu mer.

  • Mikaela Garcia

    Jag gillar mest att Johan Egerkrans skriver om våra nordiska gudinnor som dem stora hjältar och krigare som dem är och inte bara att dem är vackra och avgudas av män.

  • Erik

    "It is a collection of some of the more well-known myths, but that isn’t necessarily the selling point of the book. The illustrations are the star in Norse Gods and they truly do justice to the hard-edge of the gods they portray. I have only read a couple of other books on the Norse myths, but this was one I happily picked up because of the new perspective and beautiful art it adds to the collection of works. If you are a fan of Norse mythology, and want a book that is filled to the brim with breath-taking images, then look no further." -

  • Marcus

    I read this for inspiration to my DND campaign that i am running.

    When i started reading i found out that this is an amazing book in all aspects.

    Suddendly a new book enters my list of favourites.

    I would recommend this to anyone and everyone.

  • Lynsie

    The stories are really accessible and interesting, and the illustrations are beautiful. -1 star for the editing. I don't know if it had something to do with the process of translating, but there were several typos in the book.

  • Amina Mirsakiyeva

    I was looking on that book for many years and eventually got it as a present for myself. The stories here are well-known Scandinavian myths. The main value of the book is hidden in drawings. Its just a pleasant to hold it, look on illustrations and follow old stories I remember from childhood.

  • Janne

    Amazing art combined with as-close-to-the-original stories found in the Elder and Younger Edda's.

  • Sarah Reffstrup

    Nice 👌

  • Marie the Librarian

    I really enjoyed reading this! Also really cool illustrations!

  • Caroline

    I first saw this when I was helping out at a bookstore, and fell in love with the cover. It was wrapped in plastic, so I couldn't look inside. I asked for an advance reader copy, and I got one! I have the norwegian translation - there are only a few typos, not too bad.

    The moment I got it (and many moments after that) I looked through and fell in love with the beautiful artwork. It's very dark and spooky, so I was a little surprised this was marketed for children. But I don't mind at all! I'm definitely gonna take some inspiration for my next tattoo (of Åsgårdsreien and Frøya)!

    The written content tells us about how the world was created, the nine worlds, gods, goddesses and all the other creatures in norse mythology. And of course it tells us how the world is gonna end in ragnarok. The back of the book has a list of other books to read on the subject, and a glossary.

    It's a very short book, only 159 pages, but the size of the book is pretty huge. I definitely think the main attraction of this book are the illustrations - at least for me! I've never seen artwork like this when it comes to norse mythology, and I love it. So if you like dark art, I definitely recommend this book! It's a great coffee table book, and the classic stories are just a bonus. Like I said, it's marketed to children, but I actually think adults would appreciate the art more - but all ages will definitely cherish the stories!

    Review on my blog with pictures of the illustrations:
    Buy the english version:
    (They do not ship worldwide, sadly, so check the english page at the bottom of the page to see if they ship to your country.)
    Author's facebook page:

  • Anna

    Recension finns på bloggen:
    Bokbabblaren :)

  • Valdemar Lenschow

    En dejlig, flot og let tilgængelig bog om de nordiske guder. Egerkrans tegner jo rigtigt godt, men har i denne desværre en lidt for stærk tendens til at gøre alting episk i min optik. F.eks. guden Frej synes jeg ikke den duer helt ved. Han har bedre ved at være lidt længere nede på jorden. Egerkrans trolde og dværge i bogen er dog helt fantastiske.

  • Ahimsa

    I'm a little over the Norse gods. They're awesome, of course, but how many times are the Edda stories going to be rehashed?

    But the spectacular art included with these tales, plus hints of the original bawdiness, really make this book shine.

  • Sarah

    Underhållande kortfattad redogörelse för gestalter, platser och händelser i den nordiska mytologin. Kul att få lite bättre koll!

  • Leselissi

    Die nordischen Götter und ihre Geschichten, eingängig und spannend erzählt, begleitet von großartigen Illustrationen!

  • Michaela L S

    Fina illustrationer och lagom med information som första bok i detta ämne!

  • Ani J

    Läste denna nån gång i början av året men kommer ej ihåg när. Jättebra bok och jättefina illustrationer. Måste läsa om den någon gång.

  • Marcus

    I’ve been reading this book alongside an illustrated version of the Bible for my seven year old son. I’m afraid Yahweh never had a chance, the excellent artwork and incredible stories will probably turn my son into an heathen for life.

  • Merlin

    Wunderbar erzählt und wunderschön illustriert, selten konnte man die nordischen Götter soo
    anschaulich begleiten.

  • Pete

    This is a really gorgeous book.

    From the canvas-y front cover to the quality paper stock, it looks and feels like something special in your hands.

    The illustrations are also wonderful and go beautifully with the stories of the gods.

    The only thing that stops this being a 5 star book for me is that this english translation doesn't seem to have been proof-read, as there were a few times where someone's name is randomly spelled differently. There was one occasion when the wrong name is written completely! and another where the sentence doesn't actually make sense. For such a beautiful book it's a real shame!

    I would still very much recommend it though.

  • Jamie Rich

    Norse Gods (Hardcover) by Johan Egerkrans

    If you have any interest in the tales and myths of the Norse gods, you need to read this book! It is gorgeously illustrated, and wonderfully written. This is one of those books that simply navigates through the land, and allows your imagination to take hold. Your inner Viking will be glad you did!

  • Trisia

    I highly recommend reading this more thorough, beautiful collection of Norse myths over Neil Gaiman’s incomplete account, which covers only 3 gods and myths associated with them. Egerkrans incorporates many beings, other important gods, and wonderful attention to the equally fascinating goddesses to offer a richer, more faithful testament to the dark complexity of Scandinavian mythology.

  • Gabriel

    All kärlek till denna<3

    Johans stil är så himla underbar och jag älskar den traditionella och digitala kombon med hela mitt hjärta. Att han också har gjort en bok om nordisk mytologi gör att han blir svårslagen inom denna konst!

    Hoppas på att se mer liknande arbeten från honom i framtiden!