Title | : | The Captivating Shade: AFFLICTION: Short Story Book 1 |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 46 |
Publication | : | Published December 17, 2014 |
The Captivating Shade: AFFLICTION
An erotic narration of a strange love story! The story of amazing euphoria between two different souls. What were they looking for? Time will tell. Their love was excited, hot, and hurried. And the AFFLICTION, how did it form? Someone had to know! Was there a sinister plan? And time will tell that too!
Learn their intimate secrets. And render your discerning thought about the whole affair.
This "love" story is a teacher, indeed!
An erotic narration of a strange love story! The story of amazing euphoria between two different souls. What were they looking for? Time will tell. Their love was excited, hot, and hurried. And the AFFLICTION, how did it form? Someone had to know! Was there a sinister plan? And time will tell that too!
Learn their intimate secrets. And render your discerning thought about the whole affair.
This "love" story is a teacher, indeed!