Title | : | パーフェクトワールド 3 (Perfect World, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 4063409805 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9784063409802 |
Language | : | Japanese |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 168 |
Publication | : | First published March 11, 2016 |
"Sans toi, ce monde serait imparfait..." Avec Perfect World, Rie Aruga aborde la difficile question du handicap. Dans notre monde trop cruel, comment est-il possible de s'aimer et de construire une relation saine et durable, quand tout semble vouloir vous en empêcher ? Une œuvre bouleversante, poétique et sociale !
Tsugumi Kawana, 26 ans, travaille au sein d'une entreprise de décoration d'intérieur. Sa vie aurait pu se poursuivre sans heurts si, au cours d'une soirée professionnelle, elle n'avait croisé son premier amour : Itsuki Ayukawa. Le temps a passé depuis le lycée, et surtout, un drame a frappé le jeune homme, le laissant handicapé à vie. Certaine qu'elle n'aura ni la force ni l'envie de sortir avec un homme " au corps amoindri ", la jeune femme va pourtant sentir quelque chose changer en elle...
パーフェクトワールド 3 (Perfect World, #3) Reviews
Okay, this series is incredible and I definitely can't wait to read the next volume. BUT HER PARENTS and that STUPID NURSE LADY. I hate them. Her parents because hi, hello, people with disabilities deserve love--and that one thing her dad does and the other words her mom says. I have never been so angry with Manga characters before.
Go rot, you miserable cow.
Happy reading! -
Ufff, en este yo ya nadaba super picada en todo lo que estaba sucediendo. Quería más y más. Lo malo es que en español apenas se están publicando y van mes con mes.
Yo soy una persona desesperada y nada más acabar este conseguí otros volúmenes. Porque ESTE FINAL. I MEAN LIKE WHYYYY?? Por??? porqué tenían que hacerlo. Cómo entre que me gustó y sufrí, y pues yo soy masoquista jaja
Personajes que odié:
-La cuidadora de él
-El papá de la protagonista
-El amigo de la infancia de la protagonista
Déjenlos ser felices ¿ok? Gracias. -
Rating: 3/5✨
I don't know why, but this volume I didn't enjoy as much as the last one. I think it might be because the story took a dramatic and emotional turn. It was to be expected, but I always have an issue with characters that ruin their own lives. This volume is all about communication and trust, which are both weirdly as abundant as they are completely absent.
Their pain is palpable, but I just wished they talked more. -
RTC soon...
"[…] From that moment on, she stayed close to me. Always challenging me. Thanks to her, my cold world quickly warmed up."
What would you do if your significant other and you can’t be together because of third parties opinions? Would your love for them be enough?
Itsuki and Tsugumi have been tested their love over and over, but after she broke her leg in an accident, we see families and friends intervening, arguing that they should break up ‘cause they’re just not meant to be together, that being with a disabled person is hard enough as it is and they’ll probably end up hurting each other.
Now, what I’ve liked about this manga from the very beginning is that it doesn’t sugar coat things. Reality is cruel, harsh and frustrating but they’ve proven that they love each other and they’re willing to learn and be better for themselves as well as for each other.
They talk about their problems when there is something wrong but I think in this volume the pressure they feel from others takes its toll, leaving us with a heartbreaking ending.
As usual, I was sobbing like a child with every chapter because you can see they clearly love each other, but sometimes people can’t be together even if they want to. It’s so frustrating to see that Itsuki wants to make her happy but he just doesn’t know how. And Tsugumi, man, she’s just trying her best but not having any supportive relatives is a slap in the face.
I wish they can overcome this frustrating situation. I wish for them to be happy, with supportive people in their lives, who will actually love them in a selfless way.
That being said, I HATE the nurse so much ‘cause if she were in love with Itsuki like she claims to be, she would want the best for him even if she’s not his choice. I gotta admit that Tsugumi’s friend (who also has a crush on her) at least tries to support her, even when he knows she only loves Itsuki.
Anyway, this volume was equally beautiful and heart-breaking, but I can’t wait to read the next one when the time comes.
This volume contains chapter 10 – 14.
Volume 1 |
Volume 2 -
So great but also very sad ❤️
4.5 ptm que intenso 😭 btw estoy aprendiendo un montón sobre la discapacidad
Un tome très riche d'un point de vue émotionnel, mais peut-être un peu trop dans le mélo (les parents et Nagasawa tombent d'ailleurs dans le cliché dans ce volume). Cela reste cependant efficace et mon petit cœur fragile a pris cher avec ces quelques pages.
The useful and useless rhetoric is getting a little weird... Maybe it's the translator and not the original wording? MC isn't useless... She's injured, and the creepy nurse lady should be teaching her how to help him instead of shaming her and trying to stir up jealousy.
However, the MC should have already been researching Ayukawa's disability and learning about it. I'm not sure why she keeps acting shocked instead of seeking out information. -
Don't mind me. I'm just crying and wondering when the next volume is coming out.
This volume really focused on the more internal issues that could come into a relationship like this. Kawana's family isn't supportive of the relationship. Other people are telling them that they aren't good for each other and cant support each other's needs. I definitely enjoyed this one a lot. -
Coup de cœur ❤️
Omg the ending. Such a beautiful series.
This was so terribly on the feels, I can’t.... //cries I already feared, Kawana and Ayukawa might be.....inspired to break up by everyone around them but volume 3 provided even sadder content than I would have though.
It’s such a shame when thinking about how simply happy these two look when being together and not facing any struggles. Those rare times when Ayukawa is healthy... But just as life itself isn’t easy, of course it’s not all sunshine and Kawana and Ayukawa aren’t so foolish not to be aware of this. Nonetheless, they love each other so much. It’s visible in every of their thoughts, always putting the other first. It drives me mad how their family and friends don’t see it. There’s her father who literally begs Ayukawa to break up and don’t get me wrong, I understand he wants someone for his daughter who’s able to physically protect her (especially in his condition) but exactly this is the problem here. Love is so much more than physically protecting the other. There’s Koreda who would be the perfect husband for her and he doesn’t hold back to tell her the truth about his feelings. Seriously, I deeply respect him for literally always being there for Kawana and helping out. I can sense there’s still hope in him to get the girl but I can’t help but hope he knows, or will realize, he’s not the first choice. I can’t even blame him, to be honest. Finally, there Nagasawa! To my current mind, she’s the worst. She actively tries to separate Ayukawa and Kawana. Physically but also in mind. The degrading way she talks to Kawana — this isn’t what Kawana deserves.
Still, despite everything, they fight for their love. Ayukawa realizing Kawana is everything to him and though her father doesn’t approve, he promises to stay with her. When they hugged, it was so lovely, so full of emotions! I only can marvel at how wonderful those moments are. Kawana, despite her father‘s words, stays strong and doesn’t waver in her opinion, though it’s hard for her. It’s her first time actually not being obedient to her parents which is quite a radical act, I’d say. She even decides to learn how to be a caregiver and get the certification, so she can have a future with Ayukawa. It’s the cutest.
But everything goes downhill and Ayukawa suffers health issues. I’ve been so worried and I could totally relate how they both, he and Kawana, felt and what they thought and eventually....everything — his situation, their environment and social contacts — concluded with the worst outcome I could have though of! (Okay, the worst would be Ayukawa dying, ....but I hope this won’t happen!) I’m crying because of the end of volume 3 and I’m also pretty mad. This is so sad! And I say: IF THIS SERIES DOESN’T CONCLUDE WITH A HAPPY END FOR KAWANA AND AYUKAWA, I’LL BE VERY MAD (and disappointed because as someone who’s in a wheelchair too, I need him to get his girl for personal reasons)!
This series has great disability rep and explores the topic of how disabled people are treated/viewed in society. I don’t think I’ve read about a character in a wheelchair.
Unfortunately, I do not have enough interest in the romance to continue with the series. Almost every person in their lives is actively against their relationship and that’s super frustrating to read about. Plus, I don’t really care for their relationship either. They push themselves to try to be something they aren’t and that’s not healthy. They blame themselves when they can’t be perfect for the other person. It’s not fun to read about. -
Everyone is an asshole and I just want my mains to be happy!
My heart hurts a lot.
Yeah, back to back reading. Can’t get to the next one fast enough! Very good and thoughtful, with real life drama that isn’t OTT. 4 stars.
I’m crying so hard omg
This is without a doubt one off my favorite manga series. I love how "Perfect World" depicts relationships between a disabled man and an able-bodied woman.
Itsuki Akuyawa has been in a wheelchair since an accident left him paralyzed from the waist down. Being disabled, he accepted he'd never date, feeling like he'd be a burden to whoever he'd date. Then came Tsugumi Kawana, who knew Itsuki from when they were younger, before Itsuki's accident. Itsuki and Tsugumi has a kind of grumpy/sunshine feel to it with realistic and cynical Itsuki and ever the optimist Tsugumi.
Can't wait to read the next volume! -
What do I think of this volume…well let me tell you I think that it was hard to read. It was good but emotionally difficult to get through.
Itsuki and Tsugumi deal with even more obstacles in this volume while also dealing with multiple people telling them they shouldn’t be together on top of that.
This one was harder to get through because of that. It just tugged at my heart. And then that cliffhanger…ahhhh!!! -
Auch der dritte Band ist wieder emotional und spricht Themen an, vor denen man gerne zurückschreckt. Was bedeutet es gelähmt zu sein und auf was man sich als Partner einlässt? Kann Liebe alles überwinden? Oder braucht es mehr als das?
Menudo final que tiene este tomo...OMG
3.5/5 stars
The second volume was better, but still I’m so engaged in this story! And with this end, I have to continue to see what the characters are going to do. -
Love, love, love the artwork in this one and I love this couple so, so much!!! This particular volume definitely tugged on my heartstrings!!!
Troppe emozioni! Come faccio a resistere prima di acquistare il 4 volume??
Excuse me?
How dare you?! -
Her parents and the nurse need to literally step off 😡😡 so frustrating!! I need a HEA for these two
Die Tragik nimmt seinen Lauf