Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip, Vol. 3 by Tove Jansson

Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip, Vol. 3
Title : Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip, Vol. 3
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1897299559
ISBN-10 : 9781897299555
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 104
Publication : First published January 1, 1978

Moomin has been swiftly making its way into the hearts of North Americans ever since Drawn & Quarterly began collecting the strip in 2006. It debuted in the London Evening News in 1954 and has become the fastest-selling D+Q series to date. Fifty years ago, Tove Jansson’s observations of everyday life—whimsical but with biting undertones—easily caught the attention of an international audience and still resonate today.

This third volume returns to Moominvalley, where its beloved inhabitants get tangled up in five new stories. Moomin falls in love with a damsel in distress, an unseasonably warm spell turns the valley into a tropical rain forest, and a flying saucer crashes into Moominmamma’s garden. Moominpappa decides to live out his dream of occupying a lighthouse and writing a great seaside novel, only to discover that he hates the sea so close up and has no interest in writing about it, and a variety of curious clubs spring up in the valley. Moomin and Moominmamma do their level best to avoid the whole mess but, of course, get drawn into the muddle.

Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip, Vol. 3 Reviews

  • Jonathon Von

    Not as good as the first book but a step above the second. Jansson’s ink pen art style is a little more elegant and the art returns to more intricate compositions and relies less on printing techniques for shading. Very quirky and funny with an often acerbic tone that contrasts with the cute Moomin family. Shows flashes of heart but mostly content to introduce more goofy little guys and situations. I’ll keep chugging along, these have been great so far.

  • Nicky

    I saw two stuffed Moomins in the window of a shop in Plymouth when I was there for Seth Lakeman's pieces with the BBC orchestra. That reignited an old love I had for them. I got this from the library today -- the first volume wasn't in, but I've now reserved it, ha! It's so cute, and often quite funny -- I mean, they're Moomins, but they're just, oh, people. Like Moominpappa wanting to move away to a lighthouse to write a novel and then finding out that it isn't what he wanted at all, and Snorkmaiden feeling jealous, and...

    Best quote: "Indeed you are the most idiotic family I ever saw -- but you are at least LIVING every minute of the day!"

  • Eva B.

    I love these guys so much!

  • Hanneleele

    Siin on koomiksikujul ”Muumipapa ja meri” aga ka täiesti raamatukstegemata lugu marslastest ja muumioru röövliklubist (Haisuloom on gängster?) jpm. Piripiiga ja Muumitrolli armulood on hirmus tyytud kui aus olla. Muumimamma on koomiksites mu lemmiktegelane. No ja siin on Tuutiki, kes abivalmilt kummitusel kummitada aitab, nii et tema on ka tore. Ega koomiksitegelastel oma raamatuvastetega alati palju yhist ole, siin on nad rohkem typaažid, karikatuurid - nii et kuigi need pole sugugi pahad, imelikkus jätkub.

  • shion tia ☾

    'moominvalley turns jungle' has to be one of my favourite moomin comics so far, 'moomin and the sea' a close second

  • Juushika

    This annoyed me less than previous volumes, which may in large part be because I took a break in reading the series, but is also because the shorter narrative arcs leave less room for absurdity. But neither did I enjoy it more than the rest of the comics. It has the same strengths (art, approachability) and same limitations (not as evocative or emotionally robust as the novels), and leaves me as apathetic. I think that means it's time to give up on the comics.

  • Julian

    It's wintertime and I enjoyed Tove Jansson's stuff for adults so much it was time to finally read some Moomins. Obviously everyone loves Moomins, but for a reason - her sense of humor is so delightful and warm.

  • Ashley Jane

    I love Moomin so much - an absolute wonder and delight from start to finish.

    Special shoutout to my fave character, Too-Ticky - deep-thinking and compassionate philosopher, crafstperson, and queer icon. We love you!

  • Jenna

    Niin hauskoja ja erinomaisen osuvia kuvauksia! Lempparini näistä sarjakuvakirjoista tähän mennessä.

  • Mateen Mahboubi

    Moomins are at it again. Stinky can't stop robbing and Moomins are not hippos.

  • Anna

    "Tästä tulee pieni herkkä kirja, jonka nimi on 'Ikävöin turvaisaa kuistiani'."

  • Lucia

    I've been seeing Moomin figures and cartoons around for a while, at some point there was even a Christmas exhibition near my house and so I decided to finally find out what Moomin is. I got my hands on this edition and enjoyed it. I am not sure if it is for children as some claim, it is too mature in many aspects, but it is different and original!

    The artwork is cute, and even though the stories end happy they are always realistic when it comes to people's whims and characters.

    9- Moomin falls in Love- love vs infatuation and lasting attachments
    10- Moominvalley Turns Jungle- question of wild animals in zoo, would they be happier in the wild?
    11- Moomin and the Martians-"curiosity killed the cat"and informer
    12- Moomin and the Sea- dreams of adventure
    13- Club Life in Moominvalley- middle age crisis and staying loyal to friends' with conflicting interests

  • jzthompson

    Charming and very offbeat, most stories follow a meandering logic that is dreamlike in the most literal sense, often taking place in surreal worlds-turned-upside-down. The humour comes from the reactions of the emotional, unreliable, but essentially decent Moomins.

  • Susan

    The Moomin comics are so weird and yet I can't stop reading them. I don't understand.

  • Connie T.

    I don't get the appeal of this comic strip/ graphic novel.

  • Aleksandra

    Chyba do tej pory najsłabszy tom, ale ostatnie opowiadanie top!
    1. Moomin Falls in Love - powódź, zakochany Muminek (nie w Migotce), zazdrosna Migotka, Ladies only, Men only, generalnie taki średni.

    2. Moominvalley Turns Jungle - dżungla w Dolinie Muminków, dzikie zwierzęta i Muminki, które nie są hipopotamami! Generalnie przyjemny komiks.

    3. Moomin and the Martians - dziwne sprzęty, niewidzialne Muminki, latające Muminki, malutkie Muminki, mały Marsjanin, świecący inspektor i Ryjek sześćdziesiona.

    4. Moomin and the Sea - Muminki mieszkają w latarni, Tatuś nie ma weny, dużo martwych ptaków for some reason, postać Rybaka love, Too-Tikki!, mały Duszek.

    5. Club Life in Moominvalley - moja ulubiona historyjka z tego zbioru! Związek buntowniczych ojców, związek gangsterów, Mamusia prowadząca podwójne życie, wodząca za nos policję, Mamusia paser, just Mamusia Muminka in general.

  • Katrina

    I don't always love the stories in these comics - sometimes they're a little too tongue-in-cheek, like the "too many clubs" episode that closes out this volume, but ones like the lighthouse story throw everything back into balance. It's one of my favorites - funny and dark, with wonderful characters and jokes that hit a little too close to home for writers. I love the fisherman, too; it's random characters like that who really make the moomin-world so unique and wonderful.

    I also thought it was pretty funny that there's an entire story in here that seems to have been solely written to prove that moomins are, in fact, not hippos.

    And the little martian was very cute, although I would've liked a little more substance to his story. And sometimes Snorkmaiden gets on my nerves. Still, the art is always wonderfully expressive, with every panel giving you something fun to look at.

  • Michael

    Just a weirdly charming, surreal all-ages strip about the Moomin family. I found it particularly amusing when animals were freed from the zoo and the zookeepers kept calling the Moomins hippopotamuses, while trying to take them back to the zoo. There's a lot of really odd twists, but they all pretty much make sense in the odd world of Moomin, and the art is quite good. Lots of gender conflict throughout this volume, and plenty of the usual "appreciate your family and your home" themes that populated the previous volume. Solid, fanciful work.

  • Clare Jackson-Bramwell

    What's not to like about Moomins? It was interesting to see the tales moved from children to adult topics, although there was a certain amount of recycling in ideas, situations and dialogue. The path of true love proves a bumpy ride too, something you'd never have got in the kids books. The comics were interesting, with lovely illustrations, but somehow missing something a bit deeper found in the books.

  • Suzanne Fournier

    Another set of Moomin family adventures. Particularly enjoyed Moominvalley turns Jungle.

  • syksy

    tämä oli itseasiassa ihan mukavaa luettavaa, ei niin täynnä problematiikkaa kuin kaksi edellistä

  • Pia

    Primadonna, ufot, Tuutikki ja viskistä nauttiva Muumipappa. Paremmaksi ei juuri sarjakuvapätkät muutu!

  • Kit Feral

    Honestly few things make me happier than Moomins.

  • Ape

    Third collection of Moomin cartoons as by Tove Jansson. What can I say? Quirky tales and wonderful illustrations. I love them.

  • Carolyn

    I didn't really enjoy any of these strips! But I have enjoyed stories from the other volumes so this is probably just a bad coincidence. I'll happily read another of these bind-ups.

  • Sinta

    My least favorite but it's still entertaining.

  • Gijs Grob

    Volume Three of the complete Tove Jansson comic strips assembles five Moomin stories from 1956-1957. Unfortunately, overall these stories are less compelling than those of Volume Two. The first story, 'Moomin Falls in Love' features a flood, and thus reuses several scenes from '
    Moominsummer Madness'. 'Moomin and the Martians' sees the return of Sniff, who by now has become a completely unpleasant character, greedy and squealing.

    The best of the lot is 'Moomin and the Sea'. This story is set in motion when Moominpappa decides he wants to live in a lighthouse to write a great novel. This tale is surprisingly well-composed, intertwining several sub-stories and even knowing a running gag of a fisherman never catching anything, but enjoying the surroundings, nonetheless. 'Moomin and the Sea' introduces Too-Tikki, who also appears in '
    Moominland Midwinter from the same year. In the comic strip Too-Tikki is a carpenter of undefined gender, while in the book she's identified as a female character. This story is the embryonic version of '
    Moominpappa at Sea'.

    Most extraordinary are the panels on page 34, in which the Moomins are mistaken for hippopotamuses, something they're often compared to, probably much to Jansson's annoyance.

  • Inna Komarovsky-Rana

    Description: Moomin is the main character, and also that's the species of what they are. Moomin has a wife named Snorkmaiden, and there's also Moomin Pappa and Moomin Mamma. They all live in Moominvalley. They look like hippos, but they're not. Moomin and Snorkmaiden sometimes get mad at each other. They're all kind of silly and dopey, and the meet different strange characters. Moomin Mamma gets flustered and stressed out by things, Moomin Pappa gets grand ideas or sees himself as a cool gentleman sometimes. Snorkmaiden is insecure, and Moomin is weak, like he's afraid of things and unsure, and he fantasizes.

    Thoughts: The simple, dopey way that the characters look and act was a little too much. There are some images that Jansson draws in a really interesting way, like flowers, and I wanted to see more of that style. The stories were pretty silly, but sometimes there would be a hint that the author understands something deeper. And there are certain phrases where it's just so hilariously random if you just took that panel out of context, and I wonder if it's meant to be that way or if it's just how the story goes.

  • Artnoose McMoose

    Another good anthology of the Moomin comics. I really liked the "Moomin Falls In Love" one, and actually I found it interesting that this story and a few of the other ones had all these situations where people made big deals about things because they thought that was what they were supposed to do. Moomin "protecting" his girlfriends when he was really himself scared; Snorkmaiden begrudgingly putting herself into one perilous situation after another because she thought that what would make Moomin happy would be to "rescue" her. Moominmamma joining both a police support team as well as a criminal organization simply because she was barred from the all-male rebel society; Moominpappa insisting everyone move to a lighthouse so he can write a sea novel in solitude but then realizing that being alone is not what he wants.

    Food for thought and tattoo designs yet again.

  • Sweetmongoose

    This is actually book 3, not book 1 in the series.

    The artwork in all of these books by Tove Jansson is delightful and satisfying. I particularly like "Moomin Falls in Love" (the Hattifatteners show up in droves). I find it very interesting to see how the stories from the books are presented, quite differently, in the comic strip. "Moomin and the Sea" is an example. "Moominpappa at Sea" has a much sadder atmosphere than the comic strip. The personalities of the Moomin family are so much fun and I continually marvel at how much Jansson can convey with eyes and eybrows - no mouths on the Moomins! In this volume you will find out that Moomins are not even remotely related to Hippopotami. I love when Moomin and his mother get shrunk by the martian machine too. Highly enjoyable.