Amoris Laetitia: Apostolic Exhortation on the Family by Pope Francis

Amoris Laetitia: Apostolic Exhortation on the Family
Title : Amoris Laetitia: Apostolic Exhortation on the Family
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0809153181
ISBN-10 : 9780809153183
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 264
Publication : First published April 8, 2016

Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of Love: On Love in the Family is appreciated as an aid to reflection, dialogue and pastoral practice, and as a help and encouragement to families in their daily commitments and challenges.

This Exhortation is especially timely in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. First, because it represents an invitation to Christian families to value the gifts of marriage and the family, and to persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity and patience. Second, because it seeks to encourage everyone to be a sign of mercy and closeness wherever family life remains imperfect or lacks peace and joy.

Amoris Laetitia: Apostolic Exhortation on the Family Reviews

  • Julie Davis

    For those who feel this is too long to face, take heart. I didn't actually read the 264 page book formatted by the Vatican and released as a pdf. I was able to copy and paste it into my own document which came down to 50 pages. The pdf's tiny pages, large type, and big margins are what made it so long in published form.

    I read it a little each day, finding it a complex, thoughtful, and rich work. It was especially interesting to consider that the Pope kept mentioning the other contributing bishops from the synods on the family. This is not just one person's vision. It is that of many of those who serve families around the world.

    I especially liked, as
    John Allen remarked, that we are seeing some of the inner workings of pastoral care recommended in it.

    For Mediterranean cultures, which still shape the thought-world of the Vatican to a significant degree, law is instead more akin to an ideal. It describes a moral aspiration, but realistically it’s understood that many people much of the time will fall short. (If you don’t believe it, come to Italy sometime and watch how the locals approach traffic laws!)

    A frustration I’ve long experienced as an American journalist covering the Vatican is that when the pope or some Vatican department issues a new law, it often comes off as terribly draconian and harsh in media coverage and public discussion. It’s difficult to explain that always encoded into the legislation is the common-sense expectation that bishops and pastors will use good judgment in applying it in ways that reflect their local circumstances.

    It’s difficult, that is, primarily because the Vatican never says that second part explicitly – perhaps out of fear that it will come off as encouraging hypocrisy, rather than presuming a good-faith effort to live up to the value the law expresses.

    They don’t usually say it, that is, until now.

    One striking point about Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis’ sweeping new apostolic exhortation on the family, which was released in a Vatican news conference on Friday, is that it lifts up this long-standing Catholic capacity for flexibility and nuance in pastoral practice, and sets it squarely alongside the law in full public view.
    Allen's whole piece is well worth reading but you get the important points.

    It is that, perhaps, which makes Amoris Laetitia feel so timeless and also so relevant. It weaves high spiritual points with the basics of real human families. In fact, I was surprised to see that, in preparation for discussion love in marriage, Pope Francis discusses each line of St. Paul's famous "love is patient, love is kind" passage (1 Cor 13:4-7). I was delighted with Pope Francis's thoughtful and down-to-earth reflections.

    I highly recommend it. It's just terrific.

  • Mary Alice

    Nothing like a letter from a pope to get extremes on both sides riled up. And the media misrepresenting whatever it is they read for whatever agenda is flavor of the week. I'm staying away from discussing the "hot controversial" topics the media obsess over because those topics are such a minuscule part of this letter and not nearly as "inflammatory" as they would like those who will never read this letter to believe. One innocuous complaint you hear is that this letter is too long. Well, I got news for ya, I read it in one week, and I'm a slow reader. Calling it long is just an excuse not to read it. It was quite an easy read with not much text on one page. Not nearly as long as a 275 page hardcover or paperback. I read the PdF file. It's one thing to respectfully disagree with someone on certain issues, and it's another to trash him because you just don't like him or his style and/or you feel threatened or you give into fear that the media fosters. This letter is filled with beauty, mercy, tenderness, and advice on how to love more like Jesus. It's mostly geared towards pastors, but anyone cane appreciate it and learn from it. My advice is if you want to complain about it, read it first, because many complain without reading a whole text. For Catholics who are worried he is going to "change" doctrine, no pope really can. And for those who want him to change doctrine, well, no pope really can. You can change approaches and tactics, but not doctrine. So for those freaking out over this letter, chill. The letter will let you down. And for those who just want to learn how to be a better person, you might find the letter worth a read. You might not agree with everything written, but you will not doubt Francis's sincerity and humanity. And for those who keep complaining about Francis's style--his talking off the cuff, his "ambigious"
    answers, etc, let it go. Catholics believe the Holy Spirit chooses the pope, so if you really do believe that, let it go. Because God just might be up in heaven saying, "For crying out loud, He is not going to change. He is being himself, just like I made him to be." :)

  • MyLan

    Very beautiful. It even makes me want to get married which is unfortunate since I am #single

  • verbava

    довкола «летіції» багато галасу, але сама вона – тиха й лагідна. папа пише про сім'ї й подружжя, не зводячи одного до іншого, і про любов у сім'ях і подружжях (не зводячи подружньої любові до сексу, а сексу, що дуже втішно, наприклад, у контексті «теології тіла» йоана павла другого, – до розмноження). він наполягає на любові зрілій, освіченій, повній поваги до гідності любої особи й розуміння її автономії; пише, що для змістовного діалогу подружжям варто зокрема читати; наголошує, що чоловіча честь ні разу не страждає від миття посуду й догляду за дитиною. є окремі речі, щодо яких ми з папою не погоджуємося, але я розумію його точку зору, а він, імовірно, спокійно вислухав би мою. тож мене «летіція» таки радує.
    проте, схоже, є купа людей, яким кортить до папи докопатися. наприклад, четверо кардиналів (двох із них цього року викликало до себе найвище начальство, і я не хочу нічого казати про небесні знаки, однак) зі своєю дубією й кількасот теологів, які не так давно підписали листа, де сказано, що папа, може, і не єретик, але єретичні погляди заохочує. і нехай у посланні – навіть, визнаймо, у тій контроверсійній примітці, на яку всі показують, – нема прямого тексту про причастя розлучених, але ж ми дорослі люди й усе розуміємо, wink-wink.
    якби вони ще так уважно вдивлялися в решту тексту. або, якщо вже не вибірково не вдається, якби взяли на прапор оту ідею про читання чи про миття посуду.

  • Anne

    I was really changed by this. In some ways, more than the other popes during my lifetime, Pope Francis is easy to misunderstand. He often speaks off the cuff, and in an age of media sound bites and journalists who can only see Church teaching with political eyes, Pope Francis is often excerpted and abridged in a way that misses the depth and nuance of his words and his witness. This is full of practical advice, but it wasn't until I got to the section that is really meant for pastors that I really saw what a gift these words are to the Church. In no way does Pope Francis change, diminish, or dismiss any part of Catholic sexual ethics-- what so many of us see as some of the most empowering, affirming, lifechanging truths we have encountered. These are beautifully affirmed. Rather, he sets forth clearly the responsibility of the faithful to privilege each individual soul's wrestling with God and the humility needed to respect the complexity, uniqueness, and intimacy of that journey to faith and wholeness. If you have ever questioned what it is that Pope Francis is trying to do or say in relation to these issues, this particular section is a must read.

  • Patrick Riviere

    Fantastic document on the theology of marriage and family life as a whole. This seems to me to be a great document especially for couples preparing for marriage. Priests could use this as a framework for marriage preparation. Seriously recommended for all married and engaged couples and those who minister to them.

    Those who work in ministry in the Church also receive a very beautiful yet difficult call in this document to truly walk with people, to encounter brokenness in a broken world, and to bring out the beauty of God's plan in the midst of that brokenness. The way to life is hard and narrow, and Pope Francis calls us all to walk it - together. We cannot take the easy road of "hiding" behind teachings.

  • Sandra Vel

    Amoris Laetitia = La alegría del amor. (Accesible gratuitamente en la web del Vaticano).
    Es una lectura de lo más actual, que combina las Sagradas Escrituras con los desafíos actuales y la realidad de las familias. Abarca muchos y variados temas y nos muestra las enseñanzas de la Iglesia sobre el don del matrimonio, la familia y el amor; un amor fuerte y lleno de sentido y valores.
    En mi parroquia estamos trabajando el contenido de esta exhortación apostólica mediante 75 fichas o capítulos que ayudan a reflexionar y profundizar mucho más en cada tema. Lo ideal no es leerlo 'del tirón' sino tomarse el tiempo de meditar sobre cada enseñanza.

  • gardeningmom7

    “Just a little caress, no words are necessary. But do not let the day end without making peace in your family. Our first reaction when we are annoyed should be one of heartfelt blessing, asking God to bless, free and heal that person.”

  • Katie

    We read this with some friends for Lent, and as it is 9 chapters, it went into the Easter season.

    Although repetitive in some spots, it was a good introduction to reading papal documents and relevant for the needs in the Church today.

  • Jonas Perez

    Me encanto este libro. Mas que todo fue un gran apoyo y motivacion en mi vocacion de paternidad. Lee este libro en un viaje, y se llenó las horas con buenos pensamientos. Estoy bien agradecido y bendecido a terminar. Lo recomiendo a todos catolicos, especialmente los hombres

  • Steven Lewis

    The most infuriating thing about Amoris Laetitia is how freaking basic it is.
    I expected some *actual* controversy.

  • Melissa

    Este texto permite a todos los cristianos y no cristianos conocer la postura de la Iglesia ante las problemáticas que afecta a las familias de hoy en día. Me ha servido mucho para entender las nuevas posturas del Papa y el mensaje que intenta transmitir. Es una guía también para católicos y religiosos, de como mejorar en Dios nuestra relación con nuestra familia, padres, hijos y parejas, pero sobre todo me ha gustado que es un llamado a los obispos y padres que atraigan y reciban a aquellos que normalmente creemos que son rezagados de la iglesia, aquellos que atraviesan dificultades para que la institución católica los acerque y los ayude a enfrentar sus problemas en Cristo y la Iglesia. No es un texto tedioso ni muy religioso, es directo y enfocado.
    De manera general es una invitación a prestar más atención a las enseñanzas de Jesús respecto a la familias y darles la importancia que se merecen.

  • M.

    It is very complete, and despite its extension, I believe it's very useful for a reference on many situations that are common for Catholics and all of people in this day and age, nothing too "elitist" in approach. It's supposed to be this way because it's a document by the Pope, after all.

    It also has its little literary moments, and is very tied to Scripture and previous documents on the family by his predecesors. Very recommendable even if you don't have much of a parish life other than attending Mass. And even if you're not Catholic.

  • David Kapusta

    Ak chceš niekoho spoznať, tak si prečítaj jeho knihu. O Pápežovi Františkovi je napísaných množstvo kníh a článkov. Ja som ho mohol spoznať v jeho posynodálnej apoštolskej exhortácii Amoris Laetitia. Text je plný múdrych myšlienok a rád pre celú Cirkev. Verím, že ak by sme aspoň spolovice zobrali s vážnosťou a odhodlaním aplikovať a prežívať tento text v našich životoch, tak by to tu bolo o niečo znesiteľnejšie.

    Make rodina a manželstvo great again! Možno vás prekvapí, že pápež František hovorí sexuálnej výchove áno a oceňuje feminizmus, hoci stále zdôrazňuje antropologickú dôležitosť rodiny. Nebojí sa byť kritický do svojich radov. František sa nebojí výziev a vidí s akými krízami prechádza dnešná rodina v rozvinutom svete. Odkladanie manželstva, právna deštrukcia rodiny, gender ideológia, zvýšená mobilita obyvateľstva, nové trendy životného štýlu a individualizmus. Make rodina a manželstvo great again! Jeho odpoveďou je tento traktát lásky a vzkriesenie antropologckého významu rodiny v 21. storočí.

    Najväčšiu časť venuje láske v manželstve a vykladá Pavlov hymnus lásky berúc do úvahy skúsenosti a poznatky z psychológie a sociológie. Používaním citácií a odkazov nadväzuje na exhortáciu Familiaris Consortio Jána Pavla II, encykliku Deus caritas est Benedikta XVI. či Tomáša Akvinského.

    Posledná časť sa venuje pastoračným výzvam a radám v rodinom živote od zásnub po smrť partnera a blízkeho. František napríklad kladie dôraz na opatrnosť a radí pastierom byť citlivý pri normatívnom rozlišovaní, aby dokázali adekvátne rozoznávať rôzne životné situácie, pretože jednoduché recepty neexistujú. Milosrdenstvo prejavené v pastorácii vidí každý hriech vo svojom individuálnom kontexte a iregularite.

  • Elena

    Practical! It took long time to read this. I only read 10 minutes per day max., so I could meditate on the content). An eye opener sometimes, and an encouragement to think or change.

  • Chris Chase

    It is the best lesson on love, marriage and children. I will give this to my recently married daughters and their husbands. It should be a must read for any one involved in family ministry.

  • Jonathan Drnjevic

    This is an amazing collection of wisdom by Pope Francis who is, in my opinion, the greatest Christian leader currently living. Extensively documented with 'study' questions.

  • Kerstin

    Overall 'Amoris Laetitia' is a very accessible document on "Love and the Family." Pope Francis has a real gift of making Church teachings understandable to every person. It is a document primarily geared towards persons considering or early in their marriage and how to live it in a loving manner as the years unfold and grows into a family. For people married for a long time, especially those with grown children, much of the advice given mirrors what one lives every day already.

    As for the very timely concerns of irregular situations and difficulties associated with divorce, he cautions that the pastoral care of such persons should not fall into strict legalisms but is approached individually as the case demands with the requisite sensitivity. Still, he maintains, "To show understanding in the face of exceptional situations never implies dimming the light of the fuller ideal, or proposing less than what Jesus offers to the human being."

  • Elaine

    I love being Catholic. There’s so much wisdom and beauty in the teachings and living of the Church. Pope Francis explains many aspects of the sacrament, elevating and correcting the current ideas our society has of marriage and the family, and illuminating its real power and truth.
    “The family is the principal agent of an integral ecology, because it is the primary social subject which contains within it the two fundamental principles of human civilization on earth: the principle of communion and the principle of fruitfulness.”
    “The family lives its spirituality precisely by being at one and the same time a domestic church and a vital cell for transforming the world’’
    It all starts with the family, which begins when a man and woman marry. Let’s make the world better by reaffirming and encouraging marriage.

  • Michelle Rogers

    A very good document on Catholic teaching on Love and Family. Pope Francis reiterates and quotes many previous popes, saints and Church leaders as he explains what the Church teaches us about love and marriage while also calling us to meet others where they are at to help guide them on the journey of life towards the truth and a fuller understanding how God has intended love and family to be. The Word Among Us edition I read was helpful as it also had a study guide for each section to help the reader both in reading and applying this exhortation in his or her own life. I would recommend this book to anyone involved in marriage and family ministries, as well as all families.

  • Francesco

    Vote: 4,25
    Class: P-A1 (FP)

    L'Evangelium Vitae incontra la Miserericordiae Vultus in questa lettera in cui il Papa ci parla della famiglia. A tratti commovente e illuminante passa dai dettagli più concreti alle verità più profonde del mistero della famiglia andando sempre e comunque incontro a tutti, con la chiara intenzione di tendere sempre la mano verso chi ne ha bisogno e non abbandonare nessuno.
    Una lettura imprescindibile per chi voglia affrontare con maggiore consapevolezza l'avventura della vita e del matrimonio.
    Da leggere e studiare in profondità.

  • Mike

    Why on earth did I let so many months pass with "Amoris Laetitia" sitting neglected on my nightstand? Let us regard one another with greater charity, with greater fidelity to the Gospel, never compromising the truth but also never forgetting that each & every one of us is wounded by sin in this world so awash with deception & degradation. Let us spend our time & our energy, which are not our own but gifts from Him Who made us, building each other up, binding each other's wounds, rather than sitting in judgment of our fellow sinners.

  • Tim Hingston

    A challenging read for all. As the pope says at the beginning, it is best digested in small parts. Although it doesn't change any teachings of the church, it does encourage a new pastoral way to accompany people in all walks of life and situations of family. I encourage everyone to take the time to sit back and digest these chapters and these points. Although it is a summary of the two synods, it is written very much in the first person - as a pastor to the people in need.

  • Dan

    Had to read it ASAP so I could ignore all the hot takes in good conscience. Because all coverage of Pope Francis's writing—on account of his apparent aim to make everybody think they're the real China—is by nature a hot take, the only way to escape is rapid consumption of the primary source.

  • Catherine

    Necesitaba leer esto. Gracias a Dios!!!

  • Eryk Markowski

    Kapitalna adhortacja! Mamy wspaniałego papieża, którego bardzo nie doceniamy. Więcej o książce na blogu: