Cloud Nine by Luanne Rice

Cloud Nine
Title : Cloud Nine
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0553589466
ISBN-10 : 9780553589467
Language : English
Format Type : Mass Market Paperback
Number of Pages : 368
Publication : First published January 1, 1999

Sarah Talbot surely thought she'd never live to see another birthday. But against all odds, she beat the disease that threatened to take her life and she reopened her bedding shop, Cloud Nine. It is a new beginning for Sarah --- a fresh start at life that few are given. And Sarah is determined to take advantage of her newfound opportunity. On her first adventure --- a ride in a small chartered plane --- comes a chance meeting with a man who will change the course of her life.

These two fellow travelers find each other a kindred spirit and a bond that will give them the courage to confront the past and have faith in the future ... no matter how uncertain.

Cloud Nine Reviews

  • LuAnn

    The best word I can think of to describe this novel is “lovely.” Full of emotion, it’s the story of two people who find each other at a time in their lives when they are ready to be healed from the past and move forward in a relationship that is full of love and endless possibilities for happiness.
    Several times, this book brought tears to my eyes. As I came to adore these characters, I found it more and more difficult to put it down. I wanted so much for them to find what they were looking for in each other.
    This is one of Luanne Rice’s older novels, published in 1999. She is such an excellent writer and a master storyteller. I’ve read several of her books and have never been disappointed. This is probably one of my favorites by her and it will have a special spot on my bookshelves.
    If you haven’t read any of her books, Cloud Nine would be a good one to start with. Very touching and endearing, it’s unforgettable.

  • Katy

    YECH! Sappy, trite dialogue plus flat, emotionless characters plus stereotypes galore equals CLOUD NINE. I couldn't get through this one. It felt too much like a "bodice-buster" paperback romance. Advice to all: AVOID LUANNE RICE.

  • Sanne

    Sarah krijgt voor de verjaardag die ze vanwege ziekte eigenlijk niet mee zou kunnen maken van een vriendin een rondvlucht cadeau. Tussen Sarah en Will, de piloot, ontstaat direct een band. Wanneer haar weggelopen zoon vraagt om met Thanksgiving vraagt om naar haar ouderlijk huis te komen vraagt ze Will om haar te vliegen. Op het afgelegen eilandje leert ze meer over haar vader, haar zoon en Will. Hier blijkt dat niet alles is zoals het lijkt.

    Wat een prachtig, ontroerend en hartverscheurend verhaal, tranen waren soms nog maar net te bedwingen. Vanaf de eerste bladzijde wordt je in het verhaal getrokken waarna ik het niet meer kon loslaten. De gemakkelijk lezende schrijfstijl maakte dat ik door het boek heen vloog terwijl ik romans vaak wat traag vind.

    De omgeving die wordt beschreven is prachtig. Vooral de beschrijving van het eilandje voor de kust van Maine. Bij het lezen van de omschrijving maar ook de liefde die de eilandbewoners zelf hebben voor het eiland maakte dat ik hier graag naartoe zou willen.

    De personages zijn allen goed neergezet. Iedereen heeft zijn eigen problemen waarmee die moet zien om te gaan. Hierdoor zijn er veel spanningen in de onderlinge relaties. Door de liefde die ze allen voor elkaar hebben is iedereen bereid om hieraan te werken, maakt niet uit hoe koppig sommige personages ook zijn.

    Een absolute aanrader!

  • esh

    Holy shit- my first romance book with a sad ending. But I didn't know it was a romance book at the start, I just picked up a random book from my friend's shelf. Please I've never experiences this kind of pain. It was boring at the start because of the lack of progress in the story and Sarah felt a bit problematic to me (just a bit) but it's all good now. I think I prefer books with hea ends. It was kind of cliche and also predictable but the writing is so good. I'm crying btw. And this crying is not the good crying, the sick feeling is gnawing at me. Idk what's making me give it 4 stars.

  • Joanne

    This book was a great read, a real dose of reality for those who have never lost a love one to a disease...........great characters, love lost, love found, the Heroine reminds me of a dear friend who recently passed away at the same age of the same disease. But my friend left her son, a little boy ...............a must read, yes it's a bit sad, but it will give you strenght and understanding.

  • Wyatta

    Luanne Rice's books are better when she adds hard situations. This one has a main character battling cancer. I find her books which only deal with romance/relationships rather dull.

    I cried with this one.

  • Sharman

    It was alright. I had trouble with the storyline. It was hard to suspend my disbelief. The author has moments of wonderful description. I did like the setting and emotion tied to the locations. I couldn't relate to the characters. This will probably be the last I read by this author.

  • Asha Stark

    This was so, incredibly, abysmal omg

  • Katie Oliveira

    I would do 4.5 stars for the simple fact that I did not love the way the characters were introduced. But other then that I loved this book.

  • Amy Webster-Bo

    an awesome book, cried at the ending. which was a great one

  • Les

    My Original Thoughts (2000):

    Fluff. Romance, not literature. Not bad, though. It held my interest. Sad story, yet somewhat flat and predictable.

    My Current Thoughts:

    This is not my sort of book and I wonder what prompted me to pick it up. I'm pretty sure I haven't read anything else by this author.

  • Machel

    I read this book during a time I needed hope and inspiration, and this book inspired me to believe in the hope there is always another life, another chapter, another love, bonded moments with family, whether it be forever or after they die, true love never dies and real family ties are never broken. All of this, I found inside the plot, the story in Cloud 9. My first Luanne Rice novel to read, then I have devoured many, many more. She is a must definite must-read author at some point in your journeys. m

    This is one of my top books that I love of Luanne Rice. She is such an amazing writer, with insight to the heart and soul, also with touches of magic in-between.


  • Mafi

    É um dos melhores da autora, triste mas sem dúvida um livro muito bom!

  • Helen

    A super easy read. Luanne really makes your feel like you're part of the story.I really enjoyed this book, and would recommend it!

  • Smriti Brar

    A wonderful read! The author has projected the characters and emotions in such a beautiful manner.

  • Anke

    tweede keer dat ik het boek lees. eerste keer was 10jaar geleden. En nu raakte het me net zoveel als toen.

  • Delissca

    Luanne Rice is one of my favorite authors, so why did this book go nowhere for me. I really did not like it at all. I gave up on it about 30% of the way through.

  • Anne Marie

    This was a good book, but one must know you will need plenty of tissues since this book was very sad and very emotional.
    Sarah Talbot has a business, Cloud Nine, that sells all sorts of cozy bedding items. She’s made a home for herself in an upstate New York town. She is especially happy because she has gotten through the rigors of brain cancer and the latest news from her doctors was good. She has taken a new lease on life. For her birthday, she goes on an aerial tour and makes friends with the pilot, Will. He’s the perfect person to ask to fly and take her to her home, an island off Maine, for Thanksgiving.
    On the island lives her father, her aunt, and son, Mike. Mike has been helping his grandfather on his farm, and learning where his roots are. Sarah hopes that one day he’ll go back to the mainland to finish school.
    Thanksgiving and the days after are filled with fun, surprises (Will’s daughter Susan stowed away on the plane), miracles, (Will saves Mike after he falls in an icy pond) and fears (Sarah’s back pain and fever.) But a bond has formed between everyone, especially the love Will has for Sarah.
    When Sarah, Will, and Susan have to go back home everyone is sad, especially since Mike decides to stay on the island and help his grandfather rather than go to school. Susan is in extreme pain by this point and the plane almost crashed, but that’s beside the point. In the hospital, Susan’s diagnosis is grim, the doctor giving her only about two weeks to live. Will decides to take her back to the island, and once there, marries her.
    Once Sarah passes, Will and Susan have to get on with their lives again, having lost Fred, Susan’s brother, a few years ago. But as time goes on Will becomes a father figure to Mike, who will finish his schooling, possibly even marrying Susan, which would make Sarah very happy.

  • Ximena Rodriguez

    "La Novena Nube" es uno de esos libros que son tan románticos que hacen que te sientas como una completa enamorada. Es un libro que a pesar de ser muy corto, puedes encontrar en sus personajes y en su historia muchos mensajes que te harán reflexionar sobre la forma en que vemos la vida. Uno muy claro es la actitud de la protagonista Sarah ante todos sus conflictos y problemas tanto físicos como emocionales, les juro que como me gustaria poder sonreír como hace ella siempre en todo momento, es muy inspirador. Sin embargo mi personaje favorito fue Susan/ Secret/ Snow (cuando lean el libro entenderán porque).
    En resumen, "La Novena Nube" es un libro que recomiendo a todas las personas que les gustan las novelas románticas, porque les prometo que se encontraran con un amor tan puro y sencillo que los conmoverá como no tienen idea.

  • Susan Covino

    2.5 I was ok, more or less, with the instant falling in love but many things bugged me about This book. The main character is 37 and her father and aunt are elderly? Her mom died when she was a teenager but it wasn’t so sad as her mom was “getting old” ?!
    The level of tragedy was just too much for me. Her poor father looses his wife to cancer his daughter doesn’t ever visit so he doesn’t know his only grandson and then his daughter has cancer. Her son never met his father, didn’t have a relationship with his grandfather or aunt and his mon gets cancer. Will looses his son practically in front of his own eyes, his marriage falls apart and then he falls in love with a dying woman, sheesh.
    I loved the quilt shop and descriptions! And the Maine island setting!

  • Virginia

    I found this poignant love story of loss and family deeply gratifying. While it could have easily been trite— throughout the story there was only reverence, restraint, and sophistication about emotionally challenging situations. All of the characters were depicted with integrity and honored for their better selves which came through.

    I am currently on a Luanne Rice read-a-thon, a reward I give myself in summer. I loved this book and cried at the end but it was a very contented state of resolution I felt.