Rising Storm (Warriors, #4) by Erin Hunter

Rising Storm (Warriors, #4)
Title : Rising Storm (Warriors, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0060525630
ISBN-10 : 9780060525637
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 315
Publication : First published January 6, 2004

Fireheart's traitorous enemy Tigerclaw has been vanquished and exiled from Thunder Clan -- but Fireheart can't shake the feeling that he's lurking in the forest, waiting for his chance to strike.
That's not the only problem facing the young warrior in these blazing summer months, as he struggles to handle sinister omens, an apprentice with a shocking secret, and a devastated Clan leader who is a shell of her former self.
Meanwhile the forest gets hotter and hotter ... and everyone braces for the coming storm... Ages 10+.

Rising Storm (Warriors, #4) Reviews

  • Brooklyn

    I thought it was interesting, not as good as the other books in the series. Fireheart is deputy now and he is being haunted by an old enemy that still lurks the forest, but now something is going wrong with his leader, Bluestar, she has suddenly lost her face in their ancestors. But one night when the clans come together, Fireheart finds out something that could lead to the destruction of all the clans...

  • lucius

    "Este es un buen lugar para morir"

    mi menos favorito si digo la verdad
    yellowfang te extraño

  • Yasmin

    That was my first reaction to the ending of the book.

    Do not read past here if you don't want to spoil the book for yourself.

    This book was heartbreaking, I was thoroughly enjoying it until Yellowfang wanted to help Fireheart rescue the elders and Bramblekit. I knew it was going to happen as she is on the cover with the fire behind her. I knew she wasn't going to live and my heart was beating so fast as I read on. Then they found her alive and I was so happy and I felt like crying with joy but then, then, she did die. MY HEART, WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? I love Yellowfang, I am honestly devastated she died, I couldn't stop crying :(

    Then, oh my... That ending, I finished this at about 12:30 am last night (I'm writing my review late I know, I've been busy today.) and I already wanted to pick up book 5 and read on about Tigerclaw and the gathering. Erin Hunter just had to leave us all hanging, didn't she?

    I rate this 5 stars because it was thrilling and I never wanted to put it down.
    It was by far the best Warriors book I've read. (I've only read 4 so I'm sure they will get even better than this!)

  • Ian

    I honestly don't know.
    There are great things about this series but damn it's frustrating.
    Nothing ever gets resolved.
    Maybe I'll continue. I'll have a break and decide next week

  • Elizabeth Dragina

    Such excitement and character growth. This series is relaxing. ^.^

    I enjoy the description and plot structure.

    Highly recommended for younger readers or ppl who just need a relaxing middle grade fantasy.

  • Saar The Book owl

    Well, sorry, but this is another 5 star in this series! There are not many children books that I rellay do love, but this series is one of them. It started a bit slow, maybe because I've waited to long after the 3rd book, but then it picked up the pace.
    The cats are so well described with their emotions, that I'm still grieving after the deaths of certain cats. The end, well, that was one with a bang and it makes me to continue the series.
    I think, these are the sorts of books that makes children want to read and make them want to read other books too.

  • ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Natalie˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

    I don't really remember what I felt reading most of this book, as that day was a pretty bad day for me. And so, I can't really say what my actual rating for this book is.
    But I really like the ending. Darkstripe is the queer coded villian we all know and love. Bluestar is going crazy. Graystripe and Fireheart are bros being bros. Tigerclaw is having the time of his life.

  • Nolan Walchuk

    I loved this book for the action. It is full of battle and it makes you want to keep reading. There are also amazing cliffhangers and plot twists.

  • Barb

    This series has really grown on me, I cant wait to see what happens!!

  • Kasia (kasikowykurz)

    Cóż mogę powiedzieć - bardzo lubię tą serię! Zawsze chętnie wskakuje w kolejne tomy i poznaję nowe przygody bohaterów i to pomimo faktu, że zapamiętanie tych wszystkich imion i rozróżnianie kotów to czysty hardcore. No i co za zakończenie!

  • Aju

    Have you ever gone through a time where you lost every one you grew up with? Fireheart is now a deputy of Thunder clan and has more weight under his shoulders than ever.The threat from Tigerclaw has faded away, but thunder clan still fears him and he has left his mark on the clan. The clan thinks Tigerclaw is not going to attack again but Fireheart is on high alert. The elders are fearing for the worst as he was not announced as deputy till after moon high.

    Bluestar is still shaken and not her former self and she relies more and more on Fireheart , the clan worries that she is not going to last long and that she would not be a effective leader. Fireheart misses his apprentice and will do anything to find him back, but his mind and body is focused on feeding and protecting the clan as Bluestar is not as strong as she is. Meanwhile Cinderpaw now Cinderpelt is becoming more like her mentor Yellowfang and becoming a impressively good medicine cat and doing he clan well.Fireheart, still sleeping gets a dream and in his dream he sees Spottedleaf the old Thunder clan medicine cat and smoke, then when he wakes up he sees fire and orders the clan to run to the river. Then he finds out that they left two kits behind so he and Yellowfang went back towards camp alone to save them. Will the be saved and will they die?

    This book is a great book and it has twists and turn so it makes it a exciting book. But it has a lot of sad parts and it is really touching but Fireheart makes every thing back to normal and makes the clan reunited which I like. This book is great for thrill seekers and people who really like books that make them not want to stop reading it.

  • Karolina Konduracka


  • Mikaela Garcia

    The most heartbroken book (for me) in the series!

  • Noella

    In dit vierde boek komt Vuurhart, de commandant van de katten van de Donderclan, weer nieuwe uitdagingen tegen. Hij ontdekt dat zijn leerling Wolkpoot, die ook zijn neefje is, dus een zoontje van zijn zus die bij de mensen woont, zich regelmatig naar het mensendorp begeeft en zich laat voeren door mensen. En Wolkpoot zag er nog zo'n beloftevolle krijger-in-spe uit. En dan wordt Wolkpoot meegenomen door de mensen, in een kattenkooitje. Zullen ze hem nog ooit terugzien.
    Ook Blauwster, de leider van de Donderclan, is sinds het verrraad van haar vorige commandant, Tijgerklauw, nooit meer dezelfde geworden, zodat Vuurhart zich verplicht voelt meer verantwoordelijkheid op zich te nemen.
    Het is een extreem droge zomer, en op een gegeven moment breekt er brand uit in het kamp van de Donderclan. Vuurhart probeert alle katten in veiligheid te brengen, maar er vallen wel enkele slachtoffers. En net als ze denken dat ze er stilaan wel bovenop zullen komen, kondigt de Schaduwclan aan dat ze een nieuwe leider hebben, nadat de vorige door ziekte gestorven is. En deze neuwe leider blijkt niemand anders te zijn dan de verrader Tijgerklauw!

    Al deze avonturen van de katten zijn weer zeer spannend, men wil steeds verder lezen om te weten hoe een situatie afloopt, en dan dient er zich alweer een nieuwe aan. Zoals altijd in deze reeks eindigt ook dit boek weer met een cliffhanger: wat zal er gebeuren nu de verraderlijke verbannen Tijgerklauw zo'n machtspositie bekomen heeft?

  • J Jahir

    Estrella azul, ¡reacciona ya por el amor de dios! ¡Tu clan te necesita, Corazón de fuego no puede hacer todo solo!
    Pues esta es la sensación que me genera el cuarto libro, debo admitir que el final era predecible sobre quién podía ser el líder del clan de la Sombra, pero los momentos que tuvo fueron impresionantes: el incendio de su campamento, la desaparición de Nimbo, la líder en su papel de apatía total y ahora rechazo al Clan estelar... ya me desespera. Todos luchando y saliendo adelante incluyendo a Carbonilla con todo y lo que vivió en el libro anterior, y ella ahí todavía clavada.
    El que tarde tanto en ese estado me hace teorizar que ella estaba enamorada de Garra de Tigre. no hay otra explicación. pero nada, leyendo confirmaré o no eso. a por el siguiente.

  • Powolneczytanie

    Co tu dużo mówić, kocham Ognistego, więc czytanie kolejnych tomów, to dla mnie czysta przyjemność ❤️

  • Rachel Lobaugh

    i’m so angry at the middle schooler who has the next two on loan from the library i wanna keep going

  • Laurita

    Sin duda alguna Fauces Amarillas es mi gata favorita. Ah, y me la imagino delgada y de color canela, no gris.

  • MyMoonlightBird

    * You need to read the previous books to fully understand the story.

    After Tigerclaw's betrayal, Fireheart has to grow into his new role as deputy of the Thunderclan. But Bluestar is not well and Fireheart stands on his own in taking care of the clan. Some of the warriors are not happy with his promotion and with an apprentice that doesn't care, Fireheart has his work cut out for him. And when disaster strikes and their home is destroyed, Fireheart hopes Starclan can help him in protecting his clan.

    + The dynamics in the clan are ever changing and the relations in the clan are changing again in this entry in the series. Bluestar is not well after Tigerclaw's betrayal and Firestar does not only have to grow into his role as deputy, but also manage the clan in the day-to-day basis. It is not easy for him and I really like how he really grows into his role in this entry.
    + There are so much big and smaller events in this book, it is never boring. Firestar goes through so much in quite a small amount of time, but it never becomes too much or dull. This book will keep you glued in for beginning to end and I really like that about it.

    - Sometimes the story becomes very political and the cats in the story rely too much on all the political things instead of helping each other in times of need. That makes the story quite harsh sometimes and I didn't like that about this story, mostly because that wasn't the vice of the previous books.

    Another entertaining entry in the warrior cats series. I find myself racing through this series, all the book are so much fun and such easy, light reads. Fireheart goes through a lot of growth in this book, with finding his voice, but also through loss and grief. I cannot wait to start the next book and I'm sad the ending of this series is coming in sight. These are not just books for kids, adults will find these book also very entertaining. Another recommended read.

  • Cronache di Betelgeuse

    Recensione pubblicata su
    Cronache di Betelgeuse

    Stavolta CuoreDiFuoco è alle prese con qualche novità: una gatta inizia a fargli battere forte il cuore e suo nipote è pronto a cominciare l’apprendistato. In aggiunta, il tradimento di ArtiglioDiTigre ha dato un vello scossone all’intero clan.

    La sua posizione di vice fa si che tutti si rivolgano a lui per l’organizzazione delle battute di caccia e delle pattuglie, aggiungendo un nuovo carico di responsabilità sulle sue spalle. Non sfugge però ai suoi incarichi, ma si impegna ogni giorni per riuscire a dimostrare di essere degno della nomina. Riesce a capire di aver bisogno di consigli e, non ricevendoli da StellaBlu, capisce che alcuni gatti del clan sono dalla sua parte. I legami che riesce a formare, anche se sono delle semplici alleanze per il bene della comunità, potranno essergli utili per il futuro. In fondo con la partenza di StrisciaGrigia, CuoreDiFuoco iniziava a diventare troppo solitario e a rimanere perso nei suoi pensieri.

    Ammetto di aver odiato in diverse occasioni StellaBlu, per il suo comportamento assente e per gli sbalzi d’umore tremendi. Al posto di essere una guida per il resto dei gatti, si rifugia nella sua tana e si disinteressa della vita comune. Il suo comportamento ovviamente incide sull’umore di tutti, nonostante i tentativi di CuoreDiFuoco di arginare il malumore. La crescita dei nuovi apprendisti, tra cui il nipote del protagonista, è così affidata interamente al resto del clan. C’è da dire che ZampaDiNuvola non è tra i mici che ho apprezzato di più della serie, ma forse potrebbe trarre beneficio dalla presenza di un leader forte e coraggioso che guida il suo clan.

    Come al solito abbiamo un finale esplosivo, che potrà avere un impatto tremendo per il proseguimento della serie.

  • Rosava Doshchyk

    З кожною частиною все напруженіше!
    Дуже сподобалося, як описуються настрої в Громовому клані: страх навис над котами, наче грозова хмара, та ніхто не наважується промовити це вголос. Синьозірку чи не найбільше підкосила зрада Тигрокігтя, вона розчарувалася в Зоряному клані і не здатна хоч комусь довіряти, окрім Вогнесерда. Новий воєвода щоєсили намагається тримати клан докупи і, незважаючи на всі плітки, робить усе можливе, щоб уберегти його.
    Розвиток персонажів Синьозірки та Вогнесерда виписаний надзвичайно вдало. Їм неможливо не співпереживати. Розбита провідниця та юний вояк, на плечі якого несподівано звалився тягар величезної відповідальності. Окрім того, десь лісом блукає Тигрокіготь, майбутня роль якого поступово вимальовується натяками у книзі...
    Також мене зачепили сцени із Ожинком. Геть не дивно, що Вогнесерду важко спокійно дивитися в очі сину заклятого ворога, і це додає книзі особливої гостроти.
    Звісно, були й приємні моменти. Підтримка Білошторма, початок романтичних стосунків із Піскоштормою, на які вже були натяки в попередніх книгах, зустріч зі старим другом Сіросмугом, який сумує за домом. І хоча серед усього цього безладу Хмаролап тільки додавав своєму дядьку проблем, він був радий, що племінник обрав ліс, а не життя кицюні.
    "Здіймається буря" — це прохідна частина перед великим екшеном, затишшя перед бурею. І мені надзвичайно кортить дізнатися, чим закінчиться протистояння Вогнесерда і Тигрокігтя та чи оклигає Синьозірка. Чекаю з нетерпінням на наступні частини.

  • R-kyuu

    The horrible traitorous enemy tigerclaw has been vanished from the thunderclan but he hasn't given up yet, as he plans to kill his former leader, but bluestar can't get over her former deputy's trait and the fact that she had to exile her once-trusted deputy, she losses her mind in thinking that all the members of her clan as a traitor. She also blames other clans for things, Now fireheart has to guide and help bluestar in the time of hardship and danger. There is fire rising in the forest and with no cat to guide them the clan goes in a chaos. that accident comes back later. Leaders in the clans are getting old, and the new are about to rise. fireheart's kin disappear and he tries his best to get him back and he has to look over his shoulder to see if tigerclaw is there, yellowfang has apprentice now and cinderpaw is doing a great job!

    I still think this series of books are really good because you can never suspect anything and things just happen without warning, but as the time goes on there is more, more and more cats in this book. It would be really hard to understand the book if you are not good at remembering, and also you can't forget the cats in the past because it all links together.

  • Owen

    This book is very interesting. Fireheart has become deputy of Thunderclan after driveing out the fourmer deputy Tigerclaw. Bluestripe becomes very sick (meantly) and starts not honoring Starclan. Fireheart also finds that Cloudpaw is going to Twoleg nests to get food. One day when he is doing that the Twolegs capture him and take him away. Fireheart has to worry about many things like Greystripe and Silverstrim. Also Tigerclaw is out in the forest wateing for the chance to hurt Fireheart some how. If its through a friend or directly.

    I can make a text-to-self connection to this book. Fireheart had to look after Cloudpaw when he was getting into trouble. Its just like you may have to look after a pet when your nabors are gone. If you had a little cuzzin over, or if you have a little brother or sister. It is just like a big responceability.

    I would reccomend this book to everyone. People of all ages. It keeps your atention and it has tons of action and you cant put the book down. It is great how the authour can combind fantusy with reality to make it believeable. I would give this book four and a half stars. You can not put this book down.

  • Regina

    Well another great book but I can't help notice that it only started picking up at the end. I think this book was a recovery of Tigerclaw's treachery, especially for Bluestar who lost faith in StarClan when she saw Yellowfang's dead body. This book was also the beginning of a new dark and terrible start (not terrible as in the book is bad). Also, I love Firestar but I can't help notice that Whitestorm acts like a deputy too. If I can remember rightly, Firestar does appoint him when he becomes leader (in A Darkest Hour).

    I can't help but notice Fireheart is losing nearly everyone close to him (temporary or not)! The only cat he's got left besides Sandstorm and Cloudpaw is Cinderpelt, who is killed by a badger later on. He's lost Spottedleaf, temporarily Cloudpaw, almost Sandstorm (as a partner) and Greystripe (who I think comes back at some point, I can't really remember).

    Yellowfang's death is sad, but not as sad as Silverstream's. I think she will always be the saddest death for me. That was just heart breaking.