The Art Of Letting Go by Rania Naim

The Art Of Letting Go
Title : The Art Of Letting Go
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 95
Publication : First published January 1, 2016

We often struggle to let some people go especially when they made that decision. We question the universe, we question ourselves and we question everyone around us but we never truly get our answers. Letting someone go takes time, patience and commitment to actively stop ourselves from relapsing and thinking about that person again. The Art Of Letting Go helps you understand why, how and when you should let someone go so you can move on and never look back.

The Art Of Letting Go Reviews

  • Tima Attar

    I never thought I would be rating a thought catalogue book 5 stars, mainly because the other ones I have read are fun pleasurable reads that where well written but yet never struck my soul. This one resonates deeply within me and I can confirm it is worth your time to read.

  • Dee


    I wish i had read this when i was a younger girl/woman.
    This is so powerful and honest i will pass it on to anyone i know who may need or want to read it.
    Break ups, heartbreak, struggle with what to do in a relationship are extremely hard.

    This takes a good hard look at the reality of any situation and turns it into a positive, healthy and unlifting experience.
    It has opened my eyes to things that i know, knew or still learning.
    If i had read this at 17 or older i would have hoped to have a stronger sence of self worth and put up with a lot less. I would have walked away sooner from toxic situations with my head held a good bit stronger on my shoulders. At least i hope so. Reading this would have definitely helped.

  • Calbag

    Recommanded to read for who struggling with the past

    Various short stories allow readers to empathize and understand naturally and deeply. Accepted who I am with love and affection for myself.

  • الزهراء الصلاحي

    "عليك أن تتقن فن التعافي في تلك الحياة؛ لأنك إن فعلت ستُحل نصف مشكلاتك... فكم من خديعة هشمت أضلاع ثقتنا بأنفسنا، وكم من خيبة جعلناها تتحكم بنا حتى فطرت قلوبنا."

    حقيقة، هذا الكتاب وضعني في حالة غريبة أثناء قراءته!
    بالمناسبة، الكتاب ينتهي بجلسة واحدة فقط، إذا استطعت أن تتحمل للنهاية بالطبع.

    كتاب يجعلك تبكي ثم تمسح دموعك وتتنفس بعمق وتقرر البدء من جديد!

    كتاب سيؤلمك ويشفيك في نفس الوقت!!

    مجموعة من القصص والمقالات العبقرية التي جمعتها وترجمتها دينا المهدي والحقيقة كان مستواها فوق المتوقع.

    ١٩ أغسطس ٢٠٢٣

  • Omnya Ali (semi hiatus)🇵🇸

    إننا لا نمر بالتجارب ذاتها ؛ و لذلك فنحن لسنا بالصلابة ذاتها ، و لا يملك جميعنا الحكمة الكافية لتحجيم المشكلات
    فقد ينهار أحدنا أمام المواجهة الأولى ، و لا تقوم له قائمة بعدها، في حين تزداد صلابة آخر بعد كل نزال يخرج منه رابحًا كان او مهزومًا...


    أحببت هذة المجموعة القصصية ❤ .
    تشير كل القصص الى التعافي و كيفية إدراك و إتقان فن التعافي عن طريق قصص و تجارب لأُناس مروا بتجارب جعلتهم يدركون انهم يجب أن يتناسوا و يدركوا و يتقنوا هذا النوع من الفن ❤
    بعض التجارب و المواضيع كانت متكررة 😕





  • Bjorn Sorensen

    Ostensibly for women in their 20s and 30s, I found a ton of wisdom here as a 51-year-old non-female.

    Some big take-aways: do lots on your own. Make your own decisions and live with the consequences. Make a ton of mistakes and also create a lot of magic moments. The self-discovery will help you make better decisions for jobs, friendships, your diet and romantic relationships. Also, there are a lot of other types of love that can cheer you up, not just romantic. Expand and lean on your network. Finally, letting go takes strength and leaves more behind-so more is ahead of you. Letting go allows you to resolve and drop long-standing issues, which will always be with you until you face them head-on. Stay the course, lighten your load and do what’s best for you. Things have a funny way of working out.

    While the book got slightly repetitive, and there was too much focus on what’s done TO you in relationships, I still flew through the pages and appreciated the conversational style.

    I would highly recommend going on a self-improvement book binge as sometimes it takes many people saying the same thing, or hearing one thing said a certain way, to get a breakthrough. Human beings write self-help books. I always find it funny when books in this genre try to be the be-all-end-all to solve your problems. No one is perfect and we all benefit from good networks. So get a good network of self-improvement books on your shelf too.

    A title like this would be a fantastic book group selection.

  • Christine Malang

    I wish I read this when I needed it.

    “Things that are meant for you have a way of flowing smoothly into your life. The more you fight for something that is not meant for you, the more it will fight you.”

    “The beauty of things that are meant for you is that they just happen; against all odds.”

    “Holding on to something out of fear that it will never happen again, is the definition of fear. We have to be fearless in letting go.”

    “If an opportunity passed you by, it didn’t really want to stop at your station, if someone let you go, they didn’t really want to stay, if someone else got what you were praying for, this blessing was not written for you to begin with and you will be blessed in another way.”

    “You don’t meet people by accident, and that each person who crosses your path brings life lessons to you that God knew you needed. Everyone you meet makes you stronger, and makes you look at life just a little different than you did before.”

    “If you don’t trust anything or anyone in life, trust that the things you leave behind allow you to make room for the unexpected. Because with enough faith, courage, hope, and love; and the awareness of every blessing we’ve been given, and feeling gratitude for every gift we’ve been granted, the unexpected paths we end up taking, often end up feeling like the place we are exactly meant to be.”

    “I hope you know that you are forgiven. But I still hope when you kiss her, you taste me. And maybe one day you’ll forgive yourself.”

    “To fully accept your life – the highs, lows, good, bad – is to be grateful for all of it, and to know that the “good” teaches you well, but the “bad” teaches you better.”

  • Jordan Watts

    The only essay that was helpful to me in this book was brilliant and beautiful and everything that I was hoping the entire book would be. Unfortunately, the rest of them fell short in a way that was so mediocre it hurt. "This is Me Letting You Go" by Heidi Prebe was the only reason this book has more than one star but it is everything that I have been feeling for the past 2 months of my life and man, I needed someone else to get it.

  • Lebogang Madise

    I didn't expect the book to focus on relationships, nevertheless, it's good and real as you have people telling you about their experiences, the heartaches, breakups and how they healed or moved on.

    I would have rated it higher if it included male interviews as there are always two sides to everything, this book somehow implies that when a relationship ends, its the woman who gets hurt worst.

  • Bethany

    This was a little nice book full of pep talks for when you are struggling with moving on. I read this with different types of relationships in mind, not a partner/spouse relationship as intended, and founded it very relatable. Overall it was helpful, insightful, and encouraging.

  • حسين حبيل

    الكتاب يعالج مشكلة الإخفاق العاطفي والذكريات التي تليه، كما يقدم حلولًا بسيطة لمن فشل في علاقات غرامية / عاطفية وما إلى ذلك

    يحتوي الكتاب على بعض الأمثلة الواقعية لأناس تغلبوا على حالة الإكتئاب والضيق التي راودتهم بعد خروجهم من تلك العلاقات..

    الكتاب فرصة جيدة لتغيير نمط قراءتك.. وخطوة إيجابية نحو واقع جديد!

  • Fatemeh sherafati

    حتی اگه تو تک‌تک لحظات زندگیتون گیر افتاده بودید و در حال غرق شدن بودید هم این کتاب رو نخونید.

    واقعا زرده. و من سی صفحه ازش رو خوندم فقط.

  • Lotta Koskinen

    Kuuntelin tän Nextorystä ja tykkäsin. Ei oo ihan selllanen mitä normaalisti luen mutta tässä oli paljon hyviä ajatuksia!!

  • Ibrahim Khaled

    الكتاب هش من الداخل ولم يكن كما توقعته وقد شعرت أنه عبارة عن مجموعة من الاقتباسات المجمعة، التي يمكن قراءتها من الإنترنت.

  • Rachelle Alinsod

    I actually enjoyed reading this. Got some valuable lessons too.

  • mariella ?

    This book was a difficult read for me. I’ve always had a hard time letting go and moving on, going forward. I want it to go by quickly, no sadness or anger or any sort of feeling at all. Because feeling hurts, and it takes a lot of energy.
    I’ve been confused lately, about my persona. If Im a bad person for thinking and feeling the way that I do. This book didn’t give me new opinions, it made the ones that I already had clearer.

    I now know that I don’t have a hard time letting go.. I have expectations for the people I let go. And the ones I hold on to as well. Expectations that they couldn’t possibly live up to because I made them all up in my own head.

    I learned that I’ve been unfair to my loved ones, and how to stop.

    And thank you.

    “Abuse made you learn compassion.”

    “To know that the good teaches you well, but the bad teaches you better.”

    “To truly move on from anything you have to be able to recognize what purpose it served and how it made you better.”

    Thank you for this experience.

  • Rawabi

    I used to see that idea interesting, why it’s that hard for us to let things go! and yeah I think we can consider it a gift or an art

    The book is simple, easy to read it in one set, but I spend my breaks in college with it that why it takes me long.
    I may not get that benefit out of reading it, but it could help making things go easier a little bit.

    I enjoyed I guess.

  • Kay Mcaloney

    What a wonderful book! I was reading it for ideas on how to deal with the grief of a 5+ year estrangement of a sibling. There were some very good things to think about and remember. I have those hi-lighted and will refer to those and the sad feelings return. After all this time, I understand that it will never return to what it once was, but to find a peace with what we had.

  • Sir Nilo

    Thank You So Much!!!

    I really needed this book. Thank you! I went through a breakup before. My first love, my first heartbreak. Together 10 years and she decided to leave, along with my daughter. This book has brought me clarity. You have no idea how much this book helped me!

  • Nafisa Anzum

    I did not think I would like a catalog type book so much. And the reason is all the thoughts resonated with me one way or another! Maybe a few years ago, I would not appreciate it as much as I do now. As the book reads "In feeling helpless, you learn to take care of yourself".

  • Gabriela

    "Life is imperfect. It's beautiful and complicated and burdensome and messy. And you are a part that grows and changes and laughs and loves and gets broken and come back together. But there will never be a time when you can't just step back and start all over."

    Este libro es ideal para leer cuando estas sufriendo. Tiene muchas frases bonitas que vale la pena destacar.

    Me hubiera gustado que no se centrara tanto en el amor de pareja. Hay muchas otras situaciones donde hay que aprender a dejar a ir, como la muerte, el fracaso, e incluso en las relaciones tóxicas entre familia o amigos, y a penas hay un par de capítulos enfocados en eso.

  • Armie

    بهتره بگم این کتاب برای من نبود، بیشتر فکر کنم برای کساییه که رابطه‌ای رو تموم کردن و میخوان باهاش کنار بیان یا فراموش کنن. البته خب همیشه موقع خوندن کتاب‌های اینطوری حس می‌کنم چیزاییه که همه میدونن ولی نیاز دارن یکی دیگه بهشون بگه.
    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. -Vivian Green
    و آخرین کتاب امسال؟ :))
    هرچقدر سعی کردم تو اون جای اصلی درباره امسال و کتاباش بنویسم نتونستم، اما واقعا خوشحالم که اینجا بودم. :دی

  • Evelina

    It gives real life examples, doesn't only address relationships but day to day things such as letting go of a job, a friend, any type of relationship. Gives great advice. Very relatable and definitely a book you should take your time reading because every line is important to what you want to achieve if that's your goal.

  • SignesBookCorner


    First of all didn’t know this was about breakups lol. Secondly only got about 40% into the book and I just did not want to read more. I think the first chapter summarizes the rest of the book just fine, probably only needed that chapter, everything else is repetition.

    Thought it would be about coping skills but it’s just “everything happens for a reason because of god”

  • William Schram

    The Art of Letting Go is a book with inspirational stories and quotes. It is short, coming in at a meager 117 pages on my phone. If I had cared more, I could have read it all in one sitting. I have no qualms with the book, but as I said, it is short.

    The book focuses on relationships and getting over the bad ones. I am not sure if I am in the target demographic for it. There isn't any more to say about it, so I won't. Thanks for reading my review, and see you next time.

  • Anika Nowar

    Highly recommend to anyone who's struggling to let go of his/her past.

  • L.C. Riley

    Want to learn how to let go of something toxic? This, coupled with the desire to let go, is a good start.

  • patrycja

    Naprawdę dobra książka, bardzo pouczająca itp.
    Ale czy możemy zwrócić uwagę na wspomnienie o TAYLOR SWIFT?!!!!!

  • Su

    It is not poetry - there are multiple essays by different authors and their takes on how to let go. You can take bits from each essays and make your own art of letting go. Powerful essays.