Why Is Art Full of Naked People?: And Other Vital Questions About Art by Susie Hodge

Why Is Art Full of Naked People?: And Other Vital Questions About Art
Title : Why Is Art Full of Naked People?: And Other Vital Questions About Art
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0500650802
ISBN-10 : 9780500650806
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 96
Publication : First published October 18, 2016

Why is Art Full of Naked People? is an irreverent and informative primer that asks tricky questions about what makes art art. What is with all the fruit? Why is art so weird nowadays? There are questions about how art views the world, from cave paintings through to Cubism, from the Renaissance to contemporary art, questions about different genres, including still-life painting, landscapes and portraits, and questions about the role and value of art in the past and today.

Artists ask questions when they make art and viewers ask questions when they look at art; this book provides an engaging way for young people to explore asking and answering questions for themselves. The book is structured around twenty-two questions, each one tackled over two spreads. Through this provocative approach it offers an introduction to art history and a toolkit to enable young people to feel confident asking questions, searching for answers, and “reading” art for themselves.

Why Is Art Full of Naked People?: And Other Vital Questions About Art Reviews

  • Chris

    When I picked up this book, before opening it I asked myself, "How can you write a whole book - for kids - explaining why art if full of naked people?" Well, come to find out, it's the second half of the title that really explains the book - Other Vital Questions About Art. Hodge uses 88 pieces of well-known art by famous artists, and with humorous and informative short paragraphs answers good questions and gives interesting information while giving the reader a chance to examine great art. As many times (hundreds!) that I've looked at Seurat's "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Tatte" I never, ever realized that he'd drawn a frame around the picture using more dots - thousands of them! I really, really enjoyed reading this book....and discovered quite a bit of new artists while doing so!

  • Anne

    What a bloody awesome introduction to all the mysteries and my dumb questions about art. Although it is pitched at children it has something in there for everyone and lots of thought provoking questions about the art work that is featured in the book from the ancient to the modern greats. I loved it.

  • Selah

    A good introduction to art for children. Not as informative as I had hoped for.

  • lanius_minor

    Z pohledu dospělého možná hodně otázek a málo odpovědí, ale pro dětského čtenáře určitě doporučeníhodná kniha, která může naučit vnímat výtvarné umění.

  • Colin

    A book I read with my kids (3rd graders, 8 & 10) as part of homeschool lessons about art.

  • Mips

    Inleidend boekje voor kinderen rond het thema 'kunst'.
    Met antwoord op allerlei grappige prangende vragen als :
    - Waarom zijn er zoveel blote mensen in de kunst?
    - Waarom is er zoveel fruit? (stillevens)
    - Waarom is alles wazig? (impressionisme)
    - Is dit wel af? (werkproces van de kunstenaar)
    - Wat stelt het eigenlijk voor? (abstracte kunst)
    - Hangt het ondersteboven? (kubisme)
    - Dat is gewoon raar! (surrealisme)
    Mooie aanzet. Met veel plezier gelezen.

  • Jane

    A fantastic introduction for grades 4-8 and even adults that explores those questions we've all had about art but are maybe too afraid to ask. Answers are given all while providing information on famous artists and their artwork. Informative yet not preachy. The title alone is enough to hook in a reader.

  • Carla

    Love everything about this book: the illustrations, the selection of the art, the Q&A. I recommend it even for adults that are beginning their journey on the art world.
    One of the best souvenirs I brought from Edinburgh last June.

  • Bookish

    This is a great introduction to art for kids - or late bloomers like me.

  • Ιωάννα Μπαμπέτα

    Πολλοί πιστεύουν ότι πρέπει να είσαι έξυπνος για να καταλάβεις την τέχνη. Άλλοι πιστεύουν ότι η τέχνη μπορεί να σε κάνει πιο έξυπνο. Τις περισσότερες φορές βέβαια πρέπει να ξέρεις πώς να κοιτάς. Πρέπει να κοιτάξεις με προσοχή ένα έργο τέχνης για να μπορέσεις να καταλάβεις τι εννοεί ο καλλιτέχνης. Όσο πιο πολύ μελετήσεις μια εικόνα τόσο περισσότερα πράγματα θα ανακαλύψεις.

    Μέσα σε μια γκαλερί, σου ζητάνε να κάνεις ησυχία. Η τέχνη είναι γεμάτη από ιδέες, μηνύματα και ιστορίες. Μόνο αν υπάρχει ησυχία μπορείς να συγκεντρωθείς και να καταλάβεις αυτό που θέλει να σου πει.

    Ένα βιβλίο με πολλά ερωτήματα, πολλές απαντήσεις και πληροφορίες για τα έργα και τους δημιουργούς τους. Είναι στημένο με τέτοιο τρόπο που διαβάζεται ευχάριστα από μικρούς και μεγάλους. Οι φωτογραφίες από τα έργα τέχνης συνοδεύονται από έξυπνες και χιουμοριστικές ερωτήσεις όπως: «Γιατί η τέχνη είναι γεμάτη από γυμνούς ανθρώπους;», «Μα γιατί τόσα φρούτα;», «Μήπως είναι ανάποδα;», «Γιατί είναι όλα τόσο θολά;», «Ποιοι είναι όλοι αυτοί;», «Τι είναι ακριβώς;», «Μήπως βλέπεις κουκκίδες;» και πολλές άλλες. Έτσι τα παιδιά έρχονται σε επαφή με μεγάλους καλλιτέχνες όπως ο Καντίνσκι, ο Τιτσιάνο, ο Γκογκέν, ο Βαν Γκογκ, ο Ματίς, ο Μονέ, ο Μπέικον, ο Μιρό, ο Ντα Βίντσι, ο Πικάσο, ο Σεζάν, ο Καραβάτζο, ο Μανέ, ο Μποτιτσέλι και πολλοί ακόμα. Ταυτόχρονα όμως το βιβλίο αναφέρει και πιο σύγχρονους δημιουργούς και τεχνικές.

    Το βιβλίο δεν είναι ανάγκη να διαβαστεί από την αρχή ως το τέλος. Μπορεί κάποιος να το ξεφυλλίζει και να διαβάζει τις ερωτήσεις που του κάνουν εντύπωση ή τα έργα τέχνης που του τραβούν την προσοχή.

    Μακάρι να ήταν κάπως έτσι τα σχολικά βιβλία που μιλούν για την τέχνη. Τα παιδιά μας θα είχαν μάθει περισσότερα και με πολύ διασκεδαστικό τρόπο.

    Το προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα σε όσους ξέρουν από τέχνη αλλά και σε όσους δεν ξέρουν.

  • Turquoise

    3.5 (rounding up for the visual appeal and because we need more books like this)

    The book addresses lots of basic questions people (not just young readers who seem to be the target audience) might ask about art. The collection gives some nice sampling of different genres of art. It could have done better featuring women and non-Western artists (despite what the established canon would have one believe, there is no shortage of qualifying works out there to choose from!). Also, there doesn't seem to be any system to the way the material is presented. It's clearly not chronological, which is fine, but what is the logic? Order of material would be a way to help the reader with some take-aways. Responding to some of the questions posed to the reader would have also been helpful. There were also some missed opportunities such as pairing A Parrot for Juan Gris with an actual Juan Gris painting somewhere in the book. Those comments notwithstanding, overall, informative and enjoyable.

  • Ruth Govaerts

    Interessant kort boek als introductie om met kinderen over kunst te praten. In ‘Waarom zijn er zoveel blote mensen in de kunst’ worden er heel wat vragen omtrent kunst op een grappige en vlotte manier beantwoord aan de hand van bekende kunstwerken.

    De vormgeving van dit boekje is verfrissend en het leest als een trein. Ik vond het een fijne opfrissing van de meest basale kunstgeschiedenis. Zeker eentje die je op je to-read lijst moet hebben staan.

  • Sarah

    The answers to innocent questions about art that children might ask is the framework of this book. I really like the presentation of art related information here and learnt a few new things even as an adult. Just enough words with well-chosen art pieces to succinctly bring the point across. Great addition to my junior library collection.

  • Femke Knoop

    Op zich een grappig boek, waarin op luchtige wijze (soms gekke) vragen over kunst worden beantwoord. Zo kunnen kinderen op een laagdrempelige manier meer leren over kunst.de antwoorden zijn soms echter wel heel kort door de bocht, en soms wordt er zelfs niet eens een duidelijk antwoord gegeven. Dat valt wel een beetje tegen.

  • Erin

    This is a great introduction to art for an elementary age student full of questions. "Are stick people art?", "What's with all the fruit?", and "Why is art full of naked people?" are just a few questions answered here.

  • Jami M.

    Although I like the format of this book, I didn’t especially like it. It is a book that tells you what art is about rather than giving you information about the art and allowing the reader to just think about it. Not my favorite kind of art book for kids.

  • Tamara York

    I read this with my two children (age 7 and 9) as part of our homeschool art study. It was great! My kids thought it was fantastic. There was a great mix of picture study and answers to real questions about art. Really well done. Highly recommend.

  • Carmen Escobar

    I love this book so much. Is so insightfull and yet so brief. It teach you what you have yo know so is great for begginers but is enjoyable for the one that already know about art since you see you yourself rediscovering art. Im looking forward to read it again.

  • Michelle Ule

    Totally fun kid book that I gave to the 10-year-old headed to an art museum. We both enjoyed it and it gave us greater insight into the art we saw that day--and which I've been viewing my whole life.

    Recommended for children and adults alike!

    Of COURSE it's illustrated! :-)

  • Sandy Holmes

    Quite an interesting book from the children's section. The title was quite an enticement, but it contains a lot of information on the history and style of art through the centuries. Great little art appreciation review!

  • Robina

    A great little introduction to art history for my artist 9 year old!

    I was a little underwhelmed by the lack of representation of artists of color. It's very Western "canon." But Josie was enthralled by it, and it was an accessible and fun read.

  • Kaila

    Awesome book for introducing kids (and adults) to art & art history.

  • Angie

    I think the questions in here are awesome. I mean they are very valid to a child who is asking questions. Whether art or history in general.

  • Kristin

    A great short introduction about art. Funny and accessible. I enjoyed the whole thing.

  • Heydi Smith

    This book made so much sense to me. I absolutely loved it. I wish that it had been around when I was young. It really would have helped. Love it!!!

  • CreateEveryday Classroom

    highly recommended art reference book for children's class

  • Byron Adams

    Such a great kids introduction to various forms of art! From the curious questions of naked people to contemporary artist, it really give kids a look of what art is and can be.

  • Dimitris Patriarcheas

    Really interesting book as an intro to the world of art, not only for kids.

  • Jenny Rekeweg

    Such a good mini survey course on art.