Title | : | Lisa Kleypas: Series Reading Order: Wallflower Books, Hathaway Books, Bow Street Runners Books, Gamblers Books, Stokehursts Books, Travis Books, Friday Harbor Books by Lisa Kleypas |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 17 |
Publication | : | Published February 10, 2016 |
This is a book series list that's made for your kindle. It is a simple to follow checklist that consists of all of Lisa Kleypas's work.
This book is free with an Amazon Unlimited subscription.
This Series List consists of:
Berkley-Faulkner Books
Vallerands Books
Gamblers Books
Stokehursts Books
Capitol Theatre Books
Bow Street Runners Books
Wallflowers Books
Hathaways Books
Travis Books
Friday Harbor Books
Standalone Novels
Short Story Collections
All of the information is available on the authors website. This kindle only list allows you to conveniently look at all of the author's work without having to be connected to the internet.
This list does comply with the United States Copyright Office circular 34 as it is just a title list showing what year the books in each series and stand alone novels were published.
My hopes are that this list is helpful when choosing your next Lisa Kleypas book to read.
This book is free with an Amazon Unlimited subscription.
This Series List consists of:
Berkley-Faulkner Books
Vallerands Books
Gamblers Books
Stokehursts Books
Capitol Theatre Books
Bow Street Runners Books
Wallflowers Books
Hathaways Books
Travis Books
Friday Harbor Books
Standalone Novels
Short Story Collections
All of the information is available on the authors website. This kindle only list allows you to conveniently look at all of the author's work without having to be connected to the internet.
This list does comply with the United States Copyright Office circular 34 as it is just a title list showing what year the books in each series and stand alone novels were published.
My hopes are that this list is helpful when choosing your next Lisa Kleypas book to read.
Lisa Kleypas: Series Reading Order: Wallflower Books, Hathaway Books, Bow Street Runners Books, Gamblers Books, Stokehursts Books, Travis Books, Friday Harbor Books by Lisa Kleypas Reviews
Can’t stop reading
Love all of Lisa Kleypas books I’m so addicted to the books I can’t put it down. Every chance I get to read I do it because I have an infant and a toddler so it isn’t easy. I would recommend these books to anyone. When I read her books it makes me feel like I and the main character that’s why I have it a 5 stars -
Awesome reads!