Title | : | Dramatic prophecies of the Great Pyramid |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0914732005 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780914732006 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 400 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1974 |
Dramatic prophecies of the Great Pyramid Reviews
This has become a rare book, one worth finding. It influenced my view of the world very deeply. I have permanently withheld my judgement whether Benavides' amazing, exhaustive mathematical studies of the pyramids are scientifically accurate or are an enormous fabrication of the mind of the author, or both at the same time! It will be revealing to you to read this book. Regardless of your system of belief, the pyramids remain such a powerful, enigmatic symbol that have so influenced Western thought.
I’ve been reflecting on Benavides' work for half a century- here’s what I got out of it. It all hinges on the nature of time. Time is defined by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The second law states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative. In simplest terms: “Everything takes longer and costs more, as Time goes on.” Humans have detected nothing that violates this principle in the universe. This principle thus defines the positive flow of Time in our physical world (‘physical world’ meaning things above the threshold of detection of quantum effects and below the threshold of detection of relativistic effects.) The idea of Time\entropy increase supports the notion of causality- a profound certainty that actions in the present will lead to reaction as Time passes. All systems seeming to behave this way; no series of causally linked events has ever occurred other than in a positive flow of Time.
For things to follow the Second Law there must be a positive Time into which things and events move, dependably delivering causality. Here’s an example: It’s 2:00 and you say “I’m cold. I’m going to put a log on the fire and it will be warm in a few minutes.” You do so and, sure enough, the room gets warmer, wood is burned, entropy increases, and you feel by 2:30 that time has passed and causality has been observed. We believe nearly infinitely strongly in events unfolding like this: Things move ahead in time! Events cause other events ahead in time!
It is left to ponder whether this is a defense mechanism like consciousness, that protects the mind from the uncontrolled entry of a million conflicting pieces of data and allows us to first construct, then observe a rational world, which is merely the fruit of our own construction like Philip K. Dick’s Black Iron Prison.
It’s why the ancients, standing on the plateau at Giza starting in 15,000 BC spent vast, untold quantities of psychic energy to assure themselves that the motions of the heavens were perfectly repeatable. They had it nailed down to the 10th decimal place, accounting for the Earth’s precession and the slowing of its rotation, and later built the Pyramids to send us the message (if Rodolfo Benavides is credible in the slightest degree). -
La parte de las profecías nunca me terminó de convencer, creo que no era necesario que el autor entrara en ese tema. Lo que sí me gustó mucho, fue toda la narración acerca de la Pirámide como camino iniciático y sus simbolismos. Eso realmente hizo que la lectura mereciera el tiempo que le dediqué.
As for campy, mindblowing initiation in sacred geometry and other occult mysteries, is fine. However it has not resisted time (it prophesized a world of perfect order and enlightment for the 2000’s and see what has happenened to the world…), and the way the “calculus” were done is more than objectable with a minimum math and common sense about lenght measurement. However this is one of those books that “make you wonder”, and serve as a great inspiration for fiction.
La obra se basa en la pirámide de Keops, donde el autor interpreta cada rincón de la pirámide con los hechos que han ocurrido en el mundo.
No me quedo claro cual fue el método que el autor utilizo para llegar a sus interpretaciones, simplemente él decía que tal lugar media tantas pulgadas piramidales y eso significaba que los israelitas saldrían de Egipto (esto lo escribo por mencionar algo no lo estoy copiando del libro). Más el porque de esa interpretación no la aclaraba.
Pienso y eso lo ratifica el autor que interpretar hechos ya ocurridos para los expertos es relativamente manejable el reto esta en interpretar el futuro y acertar, creo que ese no era el objetivo del libro que se limito a describir el futuro de forma muy ambigua llegando hasta el año 2001, sin tomar la iniciativa en algo especifico por ejemplo menciono que USA seria la nación dominante del mundo, (bueno eso no es ningún descubrimiento para esa época), que habría guerras, crisis económicas; que me hubiese gustado que interpretara la caída del comunismo de la URSS, que ocurrió en 1991, que mencionara algo sobre la conquista del espacio; nada de eso. -