Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz by Hector Garcia Puigcerver

Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz
Title : Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : Spanish; Castilian
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published April 1, 2016

Según los japoneses, todo el mundo tiene un ikigai, un motivo para existir. Algunos lo han encontrado y son conscientes de su ikigai, otros lo llevan dentro, pero todavía lo están buscando. Este es uno de los secretos para una vida larga, joven y feliz como la que llevan los habitantes de Okinawa, la isla más longeva del mundo.
El proyecto de este libro surgió uniendo la experiencia en cultura japonesa de Héctor García (autor de “Un Geek en Japón”), que lleva doce años viviendo en Japón, con el arte escribiendo de Francesc Miralles (autor de decenas de libros y novelas y especialista en psicología). Para escribir la obra, los dos autores fueron recibidos por el alcalde de Ogimi (Okinawa), una localidad del norte de Japón con el mayor índice de longevidad del mundo, y tuvieron acceso a entrevistar a más de un centenar de sus habitantes.
Analizamos las claves de los centenarios japoneses para una existencia optimista y vital, descubriendo cómo se alimentan, cómo se mueven, cómo trabajan, cómo se relacionan con los demás y –el secreto mejor guardado- cómo encuentran el ikigai que da sentido a su existencia y les impulsa a vivir cien años en plena forma. Tener un ikigai claro y definido, una gran pasión, es algo que da satisfacción, felicidad y significado a la vida. La misión de este libro es ayudarte a encontrarlo, además de descubrir muchas claves de la filosofía japonesa para una larga salud del cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu.
• Una obra que nos acerca los secretos de los centenarios japoneses para una vida saludable y feliz.
• Ofrece herramientas prácticas para que el lector descubra su particular ikigai, su razón de ser.

Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz Reviews

  • Chris Chester

    I kind of feel bad panning this book, because I think helping people find their ikigai -- or their purpose in life -- is a worthwhile goal.

    The problem is, I have to think that the author and his publisher know that this book doesn't come anywhere close to achieving that goal.

    Instead, this book is a jumbled mess. It borrows heavily from the work of others, from Victor Frankl to the guys studying flow states, slaps on a thin veneer of received wisdom from Japanese octogenarians and attempts to pass the whole thing off as a guide for living.

    And when I say the veneer of Japanese culture is thin, I mean it is THIN. The author took a trip to Okinawa at some point and has some quotes from old folks there. He makes references to big cultural figures like Miyazaki and Murakami, does some hand-waving at tai-chi and green tea and calls it a day.

    And the whole package isn't even put together well. It repeats itself several times (did you know old people on Okinawa tend vegetable gardens? because you will hear about it!) and the structure is just a jumbled mess.

    Stay away.

  • BookishDubai

    This book has nothing to do with Ikigai. Honestly it should've been titled How to Live a Long Life like an Okinawan.

  • Dr. Appu Sasidharan (Dasfill)

    Ikigai is a Japanese concept that means your reason for being.

    Iki' in Japanese means' life,' and 'gai' describes value or worth. It gives a person a reason for living.

    This book, written by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia, tells us the Ten rules of Ikigai, which are, distilled from the wisdom of the long-living residents of Ogimi:
    They are

    1) Stay active; don't retire.
    2) Take it slow.
    3) Don't fill your stomach.
    4) Surround yourself with good friends.
    5) Get in shape for your next birthday.
    6) Smile
    7) Reconnect with nature.
    8)Give thanks.
    9) Live in the moment.
    10) Follow your ikigai.

    My favorite three lines from this book.

    “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”

    “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

    “The happiest people are not the ones who achieve the most. They are the ones who spend more time than others in a state of flow.”

    This book will be a good choice if you are someone who is interested in increasing productivity in your life.

  • Gabriela Pistol

    I could live with the fact that every idea about the Western approach to finding a purpose in life is taken from Frankl, Taleb and a few others. With no personal contribution from the authors. But to claim that you interviewed 100 people from Okinawa and to present your readers with no more than 5 pages of random (and in no way revealing, profound or even interesting) quotes from these interviews...that is just disrespectful. To the reader and to the interviewees.

  • Muhammad Abdullah

    Bring meaning and joy to every day with ikigai.

    IKIGAI is a distinguish read for me. I learn a lot of things from this book. This book is about the life and culture of the people living at Okinawa island in Japan. This island is famous for the longevity of its people. There are almost 22.55 people over the age of 100 for every 100,000 inhabitants—which is far more the the global average.

    This book is categorized into NINE short chapters, each with its unique and profound nature. In these chapters, the author very intelligently describe the secret of longevity along with the diet, culture, jobs, living styles and hobbies of the Super-Centurions of the Okinawa island. A little section deals with the interviews of these amazing people with 100+ age.

    The people in Japan believe that everyone has an ikigai - a reason to jump out of bed each morning.

    The book further tells the exercises and techniques these long living and happiest people used in their daily routines/tasks to keep them stay active for a long time even in very old age. Now, I will share the TEN rules of ikigai which is described in the book are:

    1. Stay active, don't retire
    2. Take it slow
    3. Don't fill your stomach
    4. Surround yourself with good friends
    5. Get in shape for your next birthday
    6. Smile
    7. Reconnect with nature
    8. Give thanks
    9. Live in the moment
    10. Follow your ikigai

    I enjoy this book a lot. I concluded this with the famous Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr which is mentioned in the book:

    God, give us grace to accept with serenity
    the things that cannot be changed,

    Courage to change the things
    which should be changed,

    and the Wisdom to distinguish
    the one from the other.

    Highly recommended.

  • Zainab

    Ahh look, another self help book that told me to 'not worry' and 'have a healthy lifestyle'.

    I might as well throw my psychology degree out the window when there are self-help books with just advices like these.

  • Irmak

    Beklentimi hiçbir açıdan karşılamayan bir kitap oldu Ikigai. İçerisinde birçoğumuzun bilmediği çok az şey barındırıyordu ki onlarda Japonlara has şeylerdi zaten. Diğer anlatılan her şey bir şekilde kulağımıza gelmiş olan, okuduğumuz ya da büyüklerimiz tarafından bize söylenen şeylerdi. Bu açıdan bana bir şeyler katan bir kitap olmadı.

    Kitap boyunca devamlı başka kitaplardan alıntılama, o kitaplardan verilen örnekler üzerinden ilerleme vardı. Ve bu beni bi yerden sonra rahatsız etti çünkü başka kitaplardan kırpılan bilgilerin derlemesini okuyor gibi hissetmeme sebep oldu.

    Üstelik kitap Japonların uzun yaşam sırrını bir şekilde bize aktarmaya çalışsa da mutlu yaşam sırrını aktaramamıştı. Bu tarz bir şeyi okuduğum zaman hayatıma nasıl uygulayacağımı da bana örneklendirmesini isterim, bu kitapta bunu bulamadım ben.

    Yani işin özü biraz şişirilmiş bir kitap olduğunu düşünüyorum.
    Güzel reklamı yapıldı, helal olsun.

  • Sofia

    Αγόρασα αυτό το βιβλίο πιο πολύ από περιέργεια και ίσως λίγο για χαβαλέ. Σκέφτηκα ότι στην χειρότερη θα το έβρισκα επιφανειακό και αδιάφορο και στην καλύτερή μπορεί να υπήρχαν κάποια πράγματα που θα άξιζαν να σκεφτώ και, γιατί όχι, να εντάξω στη ζωή μου. Αυτό που δεν περίμενα σε καμία περίπτωση είναι να γίνω τόσο έξαλλη με ένα βιβλίο.
    Αρχικά δεν καταλαβαίνω για ποιο λόγο το νόημα της ζωής του καθενός (όποιο κι αν είναι αυτό) θα πρέπει να συνδέεται με την μακροζωία. Μια τόσο ανεπτυγμένη στάση ζωής και ιδεολογία απορώ πως μένει σε κάτι τόσο επιφανειακό όπως είναι το να ζεις μέχρι τα 100. Κι όμως, αφιερώνει σχεδόν το μισό βιβλίο να μοιράζεται μαζί μας μυστικά διαφορών αιωνόβιων της Ιαπωνίας. Spoiler alert: πράσινο τσάι, λαχανικά κι αισιοδοξία είναι μερικά από αυτά τα μυστικά. Ωστόσο αν ήταν μόνο αυτό δεν θα ασχολιόμουν. Αν μη τι άλλο όλα αυτά συμβάλουν σε μια καλύτερη ποιότητα ζωής, αλλά το ξέραμε ήδη.
    Πάμε τώρα στα σοβαρά φάουλ. Σε μια προσπάθεια να μας εισάγουν σε μία μέθοδο γνωστή ως νοηματοθεραπεία (κοινώς να βρεις το νόημα της ζωής σου) κατακρίνουν, ανοιχτά κατά την γνώμη μου, διάφορες μεθόδους δυτικές , μεταξύ αυτών η ψυχανάλυση. Η ψυχανάλυση δεν είναι δυτική μέθοδος, είναι επιστήμη αρχικά. Ακόμα και να υπήρξα ανοιχτή στη νοηματοθεραπεία ως συμπληρωματική μέθοδο αντιμετώπισης κάποιων θεμάτων, ο τρόπος που την προμοτάρει το βιβλίο σε βάρος της ψυχανάλυσης, είχε ακριβώς τα αντίθετα αποτελέσματα.
    Τέλος και σημαντικότερο συγγραφείς ισχυρίζονται, με λίγα λόγια, ότι το να αφιερώνεσαι σε κάποιες εργασίας ρουτίνας μπορεί να έχει θετικά αποτελέσματα αν το δεις ως μια μορφή διαλογισμού. Ως ένα σημείο ακούω το επιχείρημα τους και αν κάποιους τους βοηθάει, καλώς. Αλλά για να ενισχύσουν αυτό το επιχείρημα φέρουν ως παράδειγμα τους εργάτες στο εργαστήριο της Toyota! Είναι δυνατόν να φέρεις σαν παράδειγμα εργοστάσια που όλοι ξέρουμε τις απάνθρωπες συνθήκες και να λες ότι ο εργάτης που κάνει την ίδια μονότονη δουλειά (πολλές φορές για 12 ή 16 ώρες όπως υπάρχουν μαρτυρίες) να βρίσκει σε αυτό ευτυχία? Το ικιγκάι μου μέσα! Η άλλη λέει ήταν ευτυχισμένη γιατί όλη μέρα ξεκαθάριζε τρίχες από ένα εξάρτημα αυτοκινήτου μόνη της σε ένα δωμάτιο. Αλλά για να ηρεμίσετε, θεωρείται από τα πιο σημαντικά στελέχη της Toyota! Η λέξη προπαγάνδα είναι το λιγότερο που μπορώ να σκεφτώ.
    Δεν θα έμπαινα ποτέ στον κόπο να ασχοληθώ τόσο με ένα βιβλίο που απλά σου προτείνει μια άλλη οπτική της ζωής αν απλά διαφωνούσα με αυτή την οπτική. Αλλά το συγκεκριμένο είναι απαράδεκτό και αν σκεφτούμε την απήχηση που έχει θα τολμούσα να πω κι επικίνδυνο.
    Ας ξυπνήσουμε λίγο.

  • 7jane

    The book's title is a little misleading: while it does talk about ikigai, it also talks about what things are connected to it, and the main point is on having a long, happy, healthy(ish) life, as seen from the (mostly) Okinawan way of life. The authors traveled to Ogimi, which is in Okinawa, Japan, and spent time there interviewing and observing the oldest people, who all seemed to have this ikigai (the reason to get up in the morning), a joy of life and very active daily activities.

    The chapters talk about things like the state of flow, logotherapy and morita-therapy which both can well connect to the ikigai-concept, on being active, what one should eat, exercises, and facing problems and change. Each chapter seems to add and/or comment something to the main idea, and one chapter focuses on the people of Ogimi itself.

    The three stars were mainly because I didn't agree with everything, but then not everything needs to be agreed on. Also many of the things were familiar to me already. That said, neither point made me angry or make me regret buying/reading the book, and the book was a quick read. I think the majority of the information was still great, and made the book absolutely worth reading and keeping. Buettner's "Blue Zones" book might be more worth to read (and to read first), but just reading this might be inspiring enough - or make a good adding to the book mentioned.

  • Bharath

    This book has a lot of things going for it - it is concise, packages best known & appreciated theories on a long life & happiness and provides examples from Japan on a fulfilling life.

    Ikigai is the Japanese concept of a purposeful life where what you love, are good at intersects with what the world really needs and is willing to pay for making it a winning combination which you as an individual enjoy pursuing. The authors start with Logotherapy pioneered by Victor Frankl, who after a painful period of internment at a Nazi concentration camp, outlines this concept of finding purpose to life. In contrast to traditional psychotherapy which is concerned with finding a problem, Logotherapy offers a positive outlook.

    The book later explores the concept of Ikigai with a narrative on how the longest living communities in Japan spend their lives. There is a common pattern among those who live long - they mostly eat plant based food, have strong community bonds, are physically very active (primarily with light exercises like walking) and pursue hobbies or careers they are passionate about. Most of them do not have a concept of retirement and continue these practices well into old age. There is material devoted to yoga, meditation, and other practices which help strengthen the mind and lend balance to life.

    This is a book which summarizes important concepts very well. Only, I did not find too much new information, except for the descriptions and voices of a few communities in Japan.

    A recommended read for the importance of the subject it covers.

  • Jo (The Book Geek)

    This book was a little hit and miss for me. The primary reason I picked it up was due to my interest in Japanese culture, but also because I wanted to find out more about 'Ikigai.' I found this to be a fairly straightforward read, and could be read fairly quickly if one had the time.

    I appreciated that the author gives some practical advice on how find ones 'flow' and how to do this with diet and exercise. Also, snippets in Japanese culture were scattered throughout the book which made it more of a worthwhile read.

    There were some rather long-winded descriptions of Tai Chi and yoga poses nearing the middle of the book, which I feel were unnecessary, and I felt like they did that just to bulk out the book.

    Overall though, this was a short, but interesting read, but if you're after something deeper, look elsewhere.

  • Ammit P Chawda

    4.75 ⭐


    What a wonderful book to read this season!! Ikigai The Japanese secret to a long and happy life focuses on finding a meaning and purpose in life. The book captures life's of most of the people who have gone on to live for 100+ years of age mostly from Okinawa region of Japan.

    The author has interviewed people who have gone on to live long asking them questions about their schedule, hobbies, exercises, food consumption, habits etc.Most of the conversations are interesting and shows that people who live longer have a lot of things that they do in common to know more you should read the book and I am sure you would definitely enjoy the book.

    A highly highly highly recommended Book.

    Thank you 🙂🙏♥️

  • Aesaan

    "Life is not a problem to be solved, just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounded by the people who love you."
    Ikigai is a beautiful little read about the simple ways of life and the peace of mind. About happiness, appreciation and connecting with nature. If you are looking for some great revelation after reading this little book, then just know... it's not happening. It's only meant to slow you down, rethink, focus, and live a long happy life.

    The 10 rules of Ikigai:
    1. Stay active, dont retire...
    2. Take it slow...
    3. Fill your belly to 80%...
    4. Surround yourself with good friends.
    5. Get in shape for your next birthday.
    6. SMILE!
    7. Reconnect with nature.
    8. Give thanks...
    9. Live in the moment. Stop regretting the past and fearing the future.
    10. Follow your Ikigai, your passion, your purpose.

    This book isn't meant to change your life, however, it may very well, it depends on how you take it. Its a short read and definitely worth checking out.

  • Jasmin Martin

    I expected more but this book disappoints. It doesnt seem to follow a clear thread but rather jumps randomly around from one fact to another (which the authors thought relevant) such as stress and what it does to the body, and then short profiles on some of the longest lived persons on the planet. These don't have much to do with the Ogimi folk of Okinawa that the researchers were going to visit and interview. I though they were going to write about them and their entire time spent with them, but this is only a small feature in the book. The other thing that annoys me is when scientists try to interpret something abstract and philosophical using an outsider's point of view and quantitative methods. Already when they wrote in the beginning chapter that they couldn't believe that only the Okinawan diet and some other 'lesser' important activities could help the population live long, I thought, ok, here we go. Basically what this book told me was that they hadn't understood anything. And were coming quite late to the party with facts about health, holism and nature, that can be read and explored much better in other books. Not worth the read.

  • Helen

    Meh. It's really just a recap of The Blue Zones of Happiness with emphasis on the Okinawa aspect. The quote I find most disconcerting, after reading the entire book, is "There is no perfect strategy to connecting with our ikigai"....but (what we learn from the Okinawans) is "don't worry too much about finding it." But then, in the next and final page, they say, "if you don't know what your ikigai is yet, as Viktor Frankl says, your mission is to discover it."
    So which is it? And aside from exercising and eating vegetables, how do we find this elusive purpose? "Do stuff that gives you Flow"...I don't believe ikigai/purpose necessarily provide an inclination toward Flow. But if that is the case, read Csikszentmihalyi's book rather than this one.

  • Nadia King

    I literally inhaled this book. Ikigai is a beautiful book about Japanese culture and discusses the secret to a long and happy life. If you're interested in Japanese culture and self-development this gorgeous book is for you. Just reading this had a calm and centering effect on me. "Happiness is always determined by your heart." 💙

  • Ola Al-Najres

    أحببتُ أن تكون القراءة الأولى في هذا العام لكتابٍ كان بمثابة الذكرى الأخيرة لي في سوريا، حيث تلقيتهُ كهدية من أحد الأصدقاء المُلهمين، وكم كانت مناسبة للوداع الأخير والحياة الجديدة التي تنتظرني ! فالكتاب يتركز موضوعه حول عيش حياة مديدة من خلال اكتشاف دافع وسبب للبقاء على قيد الحياة والذي يُطلق عليه اليابانيين "إيكيجاي"، وبالحقيقة، البحث عن معنى، هو أفضل ما تفعله لبدء صفحة جديدة من كتاب حياتك .

    واقتداءً بالتجربة اليابانية لعيش حياة مديدة، يمدك الكاتب بنصائح عشر، مستقاة من نمط حياة سُكان بلدة أوجيمي في جزيرة أوكيناو اليابانية والتي تُلقب بـ(قرية العمر الطويل) نسبةً لارتفاع متوسط عمر ساكنيها :

    ١ - لا تتوقف عن ممارسة النشاطات التي تجد فيها نفسك، لأنك بفقدانها تفقد الهدف والرغبة بالاستمرار.

    ٢ - ابتعد من التوتر والقلق والسعي المحموم خلف الحياة، واعمل بمقولة "سر ببطء وستذهب بعيداً"

    ٣ - لصحة أفضل، اكتفِ بالقليل من الطعام ولا تملأ معدتك بأكثر من ٨٠٪؜ من حجمها .

    ٤ - الأصدقاء خير دواء، فأبقهم في متناول قلبك .

    ٥ - تكون المياه في أفضل حالاتها عندما تتدفق، لا حين تكون راكدة، كذلك جسدك فحافظ على لياقته البدنية .

    ٦ - "الضحك يطيل العمر" ، تذكر هذه المقولة دائماً وابتسم .

    ٧ - حافظ على صِلة قوية مع الطبيعة، فالتفاعل معها هو وسيلة لإعادة شحن النفس بالطاقة الإيجابية .

    ٨ - لا تُبقي مشاعرك في صندوق مغلق، أظهر امتنانك وشكرك لمن يستحق .

    ٩ - لا تشغل نفسك بالماضي والمستقبل، اليوم هو كل ما تملك فاجعله يستحق التذكر .

    ١٠ - اذا لم تجد الإيكيجاي الخاص بك حتى الآن، فاجعل هدفك الحالي هو اكتشافه .

    وبغض النظر عن الاستفاضة والتكرار، وبعيداً عن الشتات العام الذي يعانيه الكتاب في فصوله، أجد في النصائح بعض الواقعية التي تفتقر لها كتب التنمية وتطوير الذات عادةً، فبعضها سهل التطبيق والممارسة، لا سيما ما يُصرّ منها على بشريّتك و احتمالية فشلك وانهيارك مراراً، ثم فرصك في النهوض والبدء من جديد …

  • Maria Bikaki

    Δεν ξέρω αν διαβάζοντας κανείς αυτό το βιβλίο θα βγει πολύ σοφότερος, δηλαδή δε νομίζω ότι προσθέτει πραγματικά πολλές καινούριες πληροφορίες για μια πιο ευτυχισμένη ζωή που μέχρι τώρα δε γνωρίζαμε και προφανώς δε νομίζω ότι πρέπει να αρχίσουμε να τρώμε φύκια όπως αναγράφεται για καλύτερη ποιότητα ζωής, όμως πιστεύω ότι δεν είναι ποτέ κακό να ξαναβλέπεις γραπτά κάποια πράγματα που ήδη τα γνωρίζεις και είναι και για σένα κοινώς αποδεκτά συστατικά μιας ευτυχισμένης ζωής. Σε αυτό το κομμάτι προσωπικά το βιβλίο με έπεισε να τα ξαναδιαβάσω με ευχαρίστηση, να τα ξαναθυμηθώ και ν’ αναλογιστώ πόσα από αυτά έχω εντάξει στην καθημερινότητα μου. Υπήρχαν κάποια κεφάλαια που σίγουρα με άφησαν αδιάφορη, αν όμως ήθελα να κρατήσω ένα πράγμα θα ήταν ότι μου δημιούργησε αν θέλετε την επιθυμία να ψάξω, ν’ αναρωτηθώ ποιο είναι το δικό μου ικιγκάι. Στο βιβλίο το ικιγκάι παρουσιάζεται ως το λόγο υπάρξης μας, ως ο λόγος που σηκωνόμαστε από το κρεβάτι. Κάθε άνθρωπος έχει το δικό του ξεχωριστό ικιγκάι και σίγουρα δε μπορεί να περιμένει κανείς να του υποδείξει ένα βιβλίο για το ποιο είναι όμως μπορεί να του δώσει την ώθηση να το αναζητήσει όπως έκανε και με μένα.

  • Mia

    "He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how."

    Everyone has there own ikigai:
    A reason to jump out of the bed every morning, a reason to live happily, a reason to keep following your heart instead of the arms of a clock. The book is not just informative and motivational but also comforting and soothing. Written about passionate people, by passionate people. Full of information, researches, case studies.

    There are some interview answers of the Okinawans which can influence many people around the world. The description of the Okinawan lifestyle left me wonderstruck about how little things we do everyday can make a huge contribution to a better life. The people in Ogimi do not tell you to do intense workouts or spend hours at the gym; the secret is to keep moving no matter what. The next important thing discussed in this book is diet to stay slim and fit. No intermittent fasting. Only a proportionate, small size and highly nutritious diet is recommended. Diet really plays an important role in our lives. And the Okinawans have got one of the best diets.

    I absolutely loved that the thoughts and ideas written in the book are pragmatic. Goals are achievable and practical living in a busy world. The writing not being very idealistic can be applied in our daily lives. The reader also gets a peek at the Japanese culture and lifestyle through this book.
    There is also a small collection of Japanese proverbs and Haikus which have a very deep meaning and are inspirational at the same time.

    I had a calm time reading this quick book and now have got a lot of motivation to try out new things.

    Fall seven times, rise eight.

  • The Old Soul

    کتاب ابداً شامل چیزای رازگونه و عجیب و غریب برای افزایش طول عمر نیست و صرفن همون چیزایی که هر انسان سالم‌العقلی میدونه طول عمر رو زیاد می‌کنه تحت عنوان راز ژاپنی‌ها و با الفاظ ناآشنا‌ی ژاپنی بیان می‌کنه -دیگه همه میدونن ورزش کردن و هدف داشتن و سالم خوردن و گشتن با آدمای خوب عمرو زیاد می��کنه! 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️
    فارغ از اینها خود کتاب دو تا نکته‌ی مثبت داره:
    اول اینکه مثل کتابای دیگه از این دست، شلوغ پلوغ نمیکنه و با یک بک‌گراندی از آرامشِ روستاییِ ژاپنی حرف‌هاشو -هر چند همگی تکراری🦦- می‌زنه
    و دوم اینکه هر چیزی که می‌گه مبنای علمی داره و به یه تحقیق و آمار رجوع می‌کنه یا از مباحث روانشناسی کمک می گیره.

  • Neha Lathr

    This goes without saying that the book was well written and researched. The hard work behind the interviews and the surveys can easily be detected. Although, in my opinion, the title of the book i.e. IKIGAI, is a little trickery. The novel tells us a lot of meaningful and insightful things but the only thing it forgot to tell us is how we can uncover the dilemma of searching our ikigai. No doubt there were topics like flow indicating how a person gets so involved in a specific activity that nothing else seems to matter, not even a person’s surroundings. But, to reach that stage where you infer what that “thing” exactly is, is not mentioned. I just wish that the way they have interpreted concepts like resilience and Wabi-Sabi, they could have done the same with ikigai. Otherwise, the book taught me plenty about the route that should be picked to lead this monotonous life.
    Although, it did get me hooked up with the term ikigai and that is why in the hope of reaping the sense of unanswered questions regarding this I will be starting with ‘The Ikigai Journey’.

  • Avani ✨

    Over Hyped.

  • Kyriakos S Kyriakou

    Όποιος είναι έτοιμος να κερδίσει κάτι από ένα βιβλίο θα βγει σίγουρα κερδισμένος και με αυτό το βιβλίο! Η επανάληψη δεν έβλαψε κανένα!

  • bookish.bulletin

    The below review is as on

    Having read a good number of self-help books in the past and not being too inspired by any of them, I was kind of reluctant to pick this one up. But there was something so soothing and inviting about the cover-the depiction of Japanese cherry blossoms because of which I decided that maybe it was worth a shot. Believe me, I was not disappointed.

    Ikigai is a treasure trove of life’s secrets. It posits a series of precise and workable solutions for people who might feel that their life lacks a purpose. But this book isn’t just going to help you find your purpose. It also talks about finding your “flow” and how staying active and occupied is the key to longevity and a happy life.

    Ikigai cites a good deal of solid research (with recommended reading on the last page) and therefore it does not come across as preachy or sermonising. It is simply straightforward and factual. The chapters are short and a lot of the tips come in the form of bullet points. There are whole sections of the book that are dedicated to healthy eating, exercise, and the art of living, among many other useful topics. The work centers around a study that was carried out on residents of the Japanese city of Okinawa. Ikigai is mostly about what we can learn from the lifestyles and personal philosophies of the many supercentenarians who live in this town. It is an inspiring read and a lot of its arguments have their basis in solid fact. This helps the book come across as authentic and hopeful. I really felt that this book has the potential to change people’s lives and I plan on reading it again. Unlike other self-help books, Ikigai is a study of real-life examples. It also provides key insights into some very positive aspects of Japanese culture and lifestyle. So if you’re a fan of Eastern tradition and all things Japanese, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this book.

    To summarise, here’s what I really liked about this book:

    -The fact that it does not give you advise. It is simply outlining things that have previously worked for a certain set of people in the East.
    -It offers an unconventional solution to extending one’s life-span, i.e., staying busy.
    -The book celebrates aging and regards it as an enriching process. Each year we are growing older but we must remember that life is actually providing us more time to dwell on our passions.
    -This is a feel-good read and one that surely has something for everybody to take away. I bet on the fact that every reader will make the effort to change something about his/her lifestyle (no matter how small) after reading Ikigai.
    -The book is a thesis based on the reality of life. It cites contemporary examples from recent history like the Tsunami that affected Fukushima power plant and asks us to think about what we can learn from them.
    -Ikigai asks readers to focus on their inward journey which I think is very important in the fast-paced technology-driven existences that we all lead.

    On the whole, I would rate this book 5/5 stars for the effective treatment of its subject matter. I also appreciate the fact that the writers have put things across quite simply and this makes the book an accessible read. In short, Ikigai is like a breath of fresh air. If you don’t read it you’re probably missing out!

  • Christine Hug

    Este libro era justo lo que necesitaba en este momento. Un cambio de perspectiva, un nuevo rumbo y ganas de avanzar.

    En épocas de cambio me gusta buscar inspiración en este tipo de libros, más didácticos y que te enseñan cosas nuevas.

    Además estoy obsesionada con todo lo que esté relacionado con Japón y su cultura, así que este libro me venía que ni pintao🤓

    En este libro se presentan ideas y filosofías que han ayudado a la población japonesa a llegar a cumplir más de cien años. Analiza desde la dieta, el ejercicio, el sentimiento de comunidad y diversos pensamientos sobre el aquí y ahora. Muy, muy interesante, ameno y rápido de leer☺️

    Le doy un diez, soy súper fan de Kirai (ya tengo su otro libro sobre el Ichigo Ichie listo para leérmelo😌).

  • Zahra saeedzade

    ايكيگاي دليلي ست كه صبح ها به خاطر آن از خواب برمي خيزيم.
    همين معني زيبايش آدم را وسوسه به خواندن مي كند؛ و عجب كتاب خوبي بود.

  • Saipriya

    I'm glad to complete my 2020 with such a great book. It didn't really make me feel like I was reading a self-help book it was more like I was reading about Japanese culture. And, now I want to visit Japan. Well, maybe after this COVID is done 😷

    It's so inspiring how people in Japan and Okinawa's centenarians live their life. How they are so active both mentally and physically even after they have lived 100 years by following their ikigai. I liked all the chapters, especially "Masters of Longevity" and The Ikigai Diet.

    Very good points are given in this book be it on health, Longevity, antifragility, financial crisis, exercises, purposeful life, and many more.

    This is one such book where I'll definitely come back if I feel low. ☺️😍

  • Alex

    Not a great fan of non-fiction. But this book was an excellent read. It discusses how the inhabitants of Okinawa, Japan live. What is special about Okinawa? It's the place with the highest number of centenarians in the world. What is their secret to such a long life? This book also discusses the meaning of "ikigai" which kind of translate to 'a purpose to live or the reason why you want to wake up everyday'.

    This book is not superficial and the topics discussed make sense and are easy to follow. I think this is a must read to lead a sensible, healthy and peaceful life.

  • ✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)

    Actual rating: 1.5 stars. Because I'm in a good mood today.

  • Patrick Sherriff

    I just got my Japanese pension book in the mail today, but won't be able to use it for a good 20 years yet, so staying alive for a long time suddenly just became a bit more real for me: to get all my pension payments back I'll need to be around for a good 30 more years at least. And the advice presented here seems irrefutable: eat more fruit and veg; drink less alcohol; do a bit of exercise everyday; don't sweat the small stuff; don't sweat the big stuff; hang out with your loved ones everyday; and find a pursuit, however large or small, that gives meaning to your life. Stay active doing that. And push yourself doing it, but just a little. Oh, and get plenty but not too much sleep, and don't eat too much. Is it that simple and obvious to live to a ripe old age? Probably. Sounds reasonable to me, but you could hardly call this book a thorough analysis of why the Japanese live such a long and happy life, as the subtitle proclaims, or even if they do. One cherry-picked scientific quotation here, one Nassim Nicholas Taleb theory there, sprinkled with a couple of anecdotes from old folks in Okinawa do not constitute scientific evidence. I'm sure regular, high quality healthcare plays the most significant role too. But still. It's a nice, pretty hardback to own and won't take more than a couple of hours to read, especially if you skip the exercise sections and flip to the 10-point summary on page 184.

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