Title | : | Dance of Life: Love Inspired (Book 1; Prelude To A Billionaire Love Story) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 91 |
Publication | : | Published January 14, 2016 |
Meeting Landon Kampf Gullickson was a fluke of sorts, but a lucky one. He taught her about the parts of life that had nothing to do with dancing. Laughter, friendship and love grew quickly between the two, but it wasn’t always easy.
Having both grown up with a great deal of independence it was hard for both of them to give themselves over to the other completely. In a scary turn of events each was challenged. Could Landon allow Anna to nurture him after life brought him to the darkest time of his life? And when the chips were down, would Anna finally be able to allow Landon to lead, just this once, in the most critical dance of her life?
Dance of Life: Love Inspired (Book 1; Prelude To A Billionaire Love Story) Reviews
Anna is a ballet dancer in the prime of her life with a great gift for performing; she is more of a "niche dancer" than your typical ballerina; and has been trying hard to secure the necessary funding for her own show in which she performs very unique stunts at the same time. And that is when she meets Landon and is instantly smitten, as he is with her; not only could he be "the one" but he wants greatly to help her move forward in her career venture.
I personally like Anna's great dedication to the field of dance and commitment to her special act, and the way Landon always had her best interests at heart. He's incredibly wealthy, but Anna is in a class by herself and not the "gold digger" type. Their romance has a few minor snarls but seems to endure it all. You may find the ending a little bit disheartening, but since this is "Book 1" and a sequel may be on the horizon, there is a chance that this will continue to be a great love story.