The Feminist Manifesto by Mina Loy

The Feminist Manifesto
Title : The Feminist Manifesto
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Unknown Binding
Number of Pages : -
Publication : First published January 1, 1914

A galvanising polemic against the subordinate position of women in society, the short text remained unpublished in Loy's lifetime.

The Feminist Manifesto Reviews

  • Oleksandr Fediienko

    Цей феміністичний маніфест був написаний за століття до
    книги Адічі. Різниця очевидна. Лой писала тоді, коли рівність була можливою тільки теоретично, тому будь-які погляди на фемінізм були відірвані від реальності. Звісно, право голосу або право на роботу були і залишаються прагненням багатьох, якщо не всіх, жінок. Водночас погляди Лой на самоідентифікацію, на шлюб або зречення стосунків, на чоловіка як ворога зараз здаються дивними. Тоді, можливо, теж здавалися. З усією повагою до Лой як до поетки.

  • Ellinore

    It is powerful taking Loy's life and circumstances into consideration, but it definitely did not age well.

  • Ren

    so this starts out fine, easy language, ideas enjoyable in their radical nature (see the juxtaposition of men as THE ENEMY and Loy saying how you need to FREE YOUR MIND to her ideas etc etc) and then she throws you the "women of high quality need to reproduce to prevent degeneracy" and also let's cut our vaginas so virginity no longer exists. no idea how to rate this. i guess good. for its time. it's often hard to balance the appreciation of predecessors of any progressive movement with their more irky ideas.

  • Jackie

    How do you rate something that is foundational to your beliefs but also includes a few things that you detest about early feminism? I appreciate Loy's work but am also repulsed by her desire for eugenics. I'm also unsure of how to weigh this contextually because it wasn't published until after her death.

  • Marie


  • Kiara

    Hmm I take issue with certain aspects of this but it is arguably good for its time (and the context should be kept in mind while reading) and it certainly is radical for 1914. But there are certain parts of it which I love. Overall tricky to determine how I feel about it

  • Vanessa Braganza

    One or two quite anomalous views in here, but by and large, good sense.

  • Caroline

    Une vraie bombe d’intelligence et de sensibilité!

  • Steve

    bad argument

  • Hannah Sahr

    Read and discussed in Wallace's class very good :)