Title | : | My Life is not a Horror Movie, Derek (I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | ebook |
Number of Pages | : | 117 |
Publication | : | First published December 13, 2015 |
Stiles keeps dreaming of people in robes with knives.
With chanting. In Latin.
And he mentioned the knives, right?
That can't be good.
Words:38992 complete
My Life is not a Horror Movie, Derek (I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek, #2) Reviews
When someone asks why this:
The only answer necessary is this: -
i'm ridiculous, this story is ridiculous, Lisa Henry is ridiculous, everything and everybody everywhere is fucking ridiculous, i don't wanna talk about it and good morning to you too.
if i had a womb it would be clenching with pangs of want right now, like in the novels. mostly because baby mittens do that shit to me, and fuck you, i already told you i'm not gonna talk about it so forget it.
what an abzurrrrrrrrrdly satisfying fic!
read the first one, if only to have your suffering redeemed by an ending that doesn't before derek and stiles are permitted to get their heads out of their asses and get to the sweet, sweet lurvemaking.
man! that was fuuuun. -
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a wolf so much they made something magical.
Part Two of "I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek"
Totally entertaining action and emotion in this segment where Stiles is pregnant with Derek's baby. And the world hasn't seen a baby like this before, but hey, when you can bend space and time--the multiverse is yours. Love the humor that balanced the rage and despair through this one. The end of chapter hooks were a bitch to read in progress and then have to brood about for a day. But, bless Henry and her dedicated writing regimen.
Why did I start it? *smacks self silly*
Henry Survivor Support Group Meeting in comments--Join the buddy read :D
Misery LOVES company. -
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a wolf so much they made something magical.
2nd read: 08-02-2016
3rd read: 22-06-2016 -
Re-read 02/12/17
Excellent, again. I'd probably go 5 stars this time though. Not sure why I didn't before.
I seem to repeat myself a lot when it comes to Lisa's fics. She truly writes the characters the way I see the characters. She writes them how they should be. She writes them beautifully.
This made me laugh, terrified me but also made me melt into a pile of goo.
There is so freaking much love between Stiles and Derek. So much love."Is that turkey?" Stiles asks.
Derek looks down at the sandwich and nods.
"I hate turkey."
"You love turkey."
"Today I hate it," Stiles decides. "Do we have ham?"
Derek to his credit, doesn't even growl as he fetches ham from the refrigerator.
"Anyway," Stiles says, picking a piece of turkey off the first sandwich and popping it into his mouth..."
There is so much strength and love between the Pack.“Nobody walks into my fucking house and threatens my pack,” Stiles says. “If there’s a way to kill these assholes, we’re gonna find it.”
So, yeah, this had so much and really just left me wanting more. -
Lisa Henry is one of those people - you know the ones, the type of person of whom people say 'but she seemed so nice!'
Because she is, I'm sure she's lovely - yet she also takes not-so-secret delight in rounding up naïve trusting fans over the internets and torturing them. Torturously.
Should I not survive the experience let my headstone read 'DW did it'
At this point (chap7) I can only say great story, but, but.... and check the tags to make sure the happy ending tag doesn't disappear *pets tag*
On finishing most of all I love the characters, Lisa makes them real and shows the bond between them. Reading as it was posted the plot had me on edge, the showdown felt a bit quick to me once the action was over I was a bit 'was that it' after all the delicious tension that went before, but that could well be different when reading as completed.
Really enjoyed hadn't expected anymore of this verse but got caught up and was left wanting another revisit ;) -
So there's a nail biting suspense-like tale for the first three quarters, then the last quarter is full of sweetness and fluff.
Stiles is still just a spark, and the present the mage left him with in
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek allows him three years later to become pregnant. Which should totally be a happy time, but the nightmares begin and instead of being just creepy, they turn out to be prophetic.
I absolutely loved the first three quarters, and I also liked the last quarter, but it's like two different stories in one.
Either way, I got my angsty suspense and flufftastic sweet end.
I'm a happy girl. -
Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a wolf so much they made something magical.
Wow. Just wow--this is really fantastic and intense. I read it through in a sitting, and thanks to the freaky horror movie shit I practically pissed myself and screamed out loud, which proved deeply disturbing to my dog.
Also, there is a lot of freaky horror-movie shit--I mentioned that right? So basically the title is completely misleading, so you (and any nearby pets) should be ready for freaky horror movie shit as only this author can provide.
I should add that I thought the writing in this was freakin awesome--so intense and full of wit and insights and emotions. It's like the Nemeton of writing. -
I love, love, loved it!!!! I loved it as much as its prequel. I have never watched a single episode of Teen Wolf, but I have fallen in love with Stiles and Derek and everyone, reading about them in these books!!!
BR with Susan.
Holy crap!! This was scary shit. It was that creepy lady with the smile and the trying to torture a baby thing. I mean JFC!!!!
I really would like more from this universe because they are really freakin' sweet and the kids are adorable and I love the pack. *le sigh*
I also love protectivewolf!! -
4 - 4.5 BAMF!stars
The story is scary! I'm a wuss, ok? I also love Stiles, so his pain is my pain. ;) The ending is perfect. Highly recommend. -
Love, guts, blood, and babies....awesome!!
"accidental stigmata" and Derek being all kinds of wolf to and for Stiles. And baby. And me wondering, because this could go in a million directions, and I love that.
Derek sets the knife down. His face is serious. It’s usually serious, but now it seems like his normal seriousness met some interesting new seriousness and they got down and dirty and produced a whole new generation of tiny little seriousness. “Stiles.”
It feels like Stiles is wandering back and forth across the childhood/adulthood line, understanding much while feeling confused, freaking out while showing the knowledge he's gained... I like this Sterek.
Also, "Talentedwolf."
Pack. And puppy pile. And red alert.
Emotionally pummeling, this be. I mean, jebus, I was skeered. Not cool, DW!! Stiles is doing everything he can, using every tool in his toolbox, and he's scared and angry and... yeah, exactly!! Skeered.
Adrenaline. Fear. And this is just plain cool. I did not see some of these twists coming. Brutal and brilliant, especially with the emotions extracted from this here reader.
One of my favorite lines:
This kid is going to give him hell, and Stiles can’t fucking wait.
Also: later in the story, fair warning, major swoonage/emotional overload alert. Jussayin'. Because DW knows how to strip the shit down and show all the bones and hearts and desperately simple human desires underneath.
Intense kiiiinda dudn't even come close. Rully. Truly. Add in some gore, some nasty ugly gore, some twists, magic, humor, sweetness, a lot of the characters we enjoy, and you've got a fantabulous freakin smorgasbord from DW.
This is different than any other TW fic I've read. An adventurous continuation of
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek. The voice of Stiles is spot on, he's definitely the star of this now series of stories.
The ending? Bahahahahaha! Unexpected but almost a necessity, a requirement, like there was no other way. Hee! Thank you, DW, thank you. -
BR with Tara.
Lisa Henry is mean. Writing about Stiles getting hurt, and babies almost getting hurt. She just wants me to cry, that must be it.
(Ps, it was dark, but soooooooooooo good) -
4 Stars!
For sure, this sequel was a lot easier to take than its predecessor, but it was no less smart, funny, and full of those good feels we love to surround ourselves in.
So of course, it being Beacon Hills, there is no rest for the weary, as evil doers converge to use pregnant Stiles and his unborn child for delusional-crazy-no-good deeds. If we’ve learned anything at all, it’s that Stiles is a survivor and a smart one at that. Prepare yourselves for some tense moments and some precarious times, as things slowly unfurl and reveal a sinister plot.
What stands out here the most though, is how DW reveals the little things between Stiles and Derek as they confront their problems head on, as well as allowing the reader to peek at their past intimate moments that reveal just how far they’ve come. Derek has slowly healed and has accepted happiness into his life - he’s changed but not so much that he he loses the surliness that covers a generous heart who would do anything for Stiles and their family. Stiles? Well he hasn’t changed much at all, and his voice rings true and clear here which was of course, entertainingly spot on. He knows he has a great responsibility over Derek’s fragile and vulnerable self, as well as everyone else he holds dear. It is that fierceness that sees him through some dark, tough times.
Note that especially with this particular series in her large library of works, DW knows just how to seamlessly blend canon elements (as well as introduce new ones), to make it her own very unique and special story but always remaining true to the characters. The love between Stiles and Derek here is so strong, binding, and beautiful. Of course they conquer all.
Brilliant as ever. I never expected less. -
This was great. Yet another DW Sterek to make me feel all warm and fuzzy. As per DW's usual, it was intense, heart wrenching, stressful, and even fun, but she's never afraid to put the characters through the wringer. There is a great sense of time passing and the action scenes were great. I love Stiles' mental rambles in this. I totally get them. :-) The characterizations are wonderful overall.
I think it could have been longer, and I would have loved that, but DW keeps herself on this ridiculous writing schedule that just can't be maintained forever. But seriously, what we got in the time it was written? Amazing. I want more and I get a funny feeling that might just happen in the future! I want to meet Conor again. -
Creepy and funny and all kinds of awesome!
DAYUM!!! -
Love me some Sterek. -
An excellent follow up to 'I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek.' Stiles is magically pregnant with their second child but a sinister cult wants to use him for their own ends.
4.5 Stars
I'm getting a little ticked off that I keep finding all this amazing fanfiction that completely eclipses some (most? okay, at least half) of the "published" books I've been reading lately.
I mean, I know that many of the writers (including
DiscontentedWinter) are also profession authors (thank you
Lisa Henry &
Jane Davitt - among scores of others)...but I keep falling into that trap of picking up a book by a new-to-me author because the blurb caught my eye, only to be sorely disappointed. Crap, I've been disappointed by authors that aren't new-to-me, and fairly recently at that.
That decision to only read books by trusted reviewers and followed authors has worked out for the most part, but every now and again I'd like to read something few others have. Except, yeah, no. I can't trust my own instincts. Maybe I should just read fanfic for the rest of the year? (Yeah, also no because Challenges. Gorramit.) -
Excellent, simply excellent. So funny. I love "thought-he-was-channeling-power-once-but-it-turned-out-to-be-indigestion Stiles" (delightful quote from the book).
I cried, laughed and peed. Everything I want in a story.
Also the smexyness was pretty nice too, and the tension, argh, the tension - well done.
Thanks, DiscontentedWinter (aka Lisa Henry). -
What an exciting read! Different feel than the first in this series but just as good.
I can't say I am a fan of mpreg. Just not my thing. But I was able to read on as there wasn't much focus on it (though, made me remember
Tiny Houses). Instead, we get a clearer image on what it means to be a part of the Hale-Stilinski family, 3 years after the events of
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek. You see Stiles and Derek dedicated to each other, the rest of the pack close to them, John accepting and being the loving grandfather. But interlaced with all that, there is an undercurrent of unease. You, as the reader, know that Stiles’s nightmares are real. You’re just waiting for everyone else to catch up. This had me thinking of Season 3b of Teen Wolf where Stiles has weird dreams about the Nemeton. Dreams which become real. And so one night Stiles finds everyone in a deep sleep and the hooded figures come to kidnap him.
I loved the fact that things aren’t easy for Stiles, made it seem more real. He doesn’t find an easy way out, he doesn’t suddenly have full use of his spark. He has no way of escaping. And so he is at the mercy of his kidnappers. There is a sliver of hope as convinces one of them, Liam, to help him escape. Things precipitate with the baby needing to be born just as Stiles and Liam struggle to get away.
Clever trick to make the apparition be future Conor instead of a materialization of Stiles’ spark (and can I just say I thought Terminator when I read the child’s name the first time?). Good way to heal Stiles without changing who and what he is, making it possible to know what a possible future might await them and also pave the way for the third installment? (though not sure that last one is something DiscontentedWinter was planning so early on, or if indeed it will be the focus of the next story).
I think the high point of the story was when the bad guys burst into the house and had everyone almost choking on the gas serpent. I was so mad at Stiles and Derek’s helplessness, I felt like raging and destroying things… or stop reading for a bit. But thank God for Scott. His Alpha status helped break the spell and the bad guys were quickly taken care of. I was actually surprised to read Stiles killed one of them. Up until that point, he still felt close to the character in the TV show but that ruthlessness differentiated him. It fit well in that point in time in the story but it wasn’t a reaction I took well. I was expecting a bit of a backlash after becoming so enraged he would kill someone, not for Stiles to pick up his kids and stay with Derek.
And then Stiles and Derek have an on page sex scene. The story and action was so captivating, I totally forgot to look for (or even wish) for sexy times. Just to point out how good the plot was.
One thing that totally took me by surprise was the ending with Stiles and Derek adopting an abandoned baby werewolf. What are they, a nursery? I wanted more focus on the pair, on the supernatural in Beacon Hills, not on raising children, as accurate as that was. So bottom line: impressive plot, amazing character development, no loose ends. Just a subjective bump here and there that stopped me from giving it full 5 stars. -
Loved this too! A nice pop back into Sterek after a break.
YES YES YES YES!! *does excited dance* I didn't even know to look forward to this sequel!!!
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek is one of my favorite Stereks. And now I clearly have a reason to reread. -
I just love Lisa Henry’s tone with these stories. Snark, well-placed humour, references that i can relate to and all ‘the feels’!
Really enjoyed this one. Xx -
Another awesome Lisa Henry Sterek serial. Although there is often a cliff-hanger and a day or two before it's updated, I must read these as they are posted.
I love everything about this version of Derek and Stiles, especially Stiles' narration.
There is much heart-break and putting-hearts-back-together here. I am 100% invested.
(but glad it's over, so my heart can feel safe for a while). -
Excellent story, excellent writing, everything is just...excellent.
I am sure I was meant to be doing something today... but then I saw this was finished and, well, it would be rude not to read it really...
Amazeballs. Lisa Henry always does the Sterek justice.