Title | : | Fire and Ice (Warriors, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0060525592 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780060525590 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 317 |
Publication | : | First published May 27, 2003 |
Fireheart could hear a roaring around him, like wind in tall trees. The acrid stench of the Thunderpath stung his nostrils, together with a new smell, sharper and more terrifying. Fire!
Book Two of WARRIORS continues Fireheart's quest to be a true warrior, when he finds new danger lurking in the woods as the chill of winter sets in.
WindClan is missing, and hostilities between the remaining three clans place all the cats in peril. Illness and tragic accidents weaken the camp, and ThunderClan needs all its warriors to defend itself - but Fireheart suspects that certain cats may not be as loyal as they appear.
Fire and Ice (Warriors, #2) Reviews
"(He) felt lost and alone without his old friend, though he barely recognized him anymore. He wondered if they could ever be friends again."
—Fire and Ice, P. 218
This second installment in the Warriors series is, to me, even more gripping and compelling than the first. Whichever Erin Hunter wrote this novel tackled some deep and complex interpersonal issues, including loyalty to oneself and one's people, friendship and the painful barbed obstacles that can come between even boon companions, the effects of love (both old and new) on one's life, and what it means to feel alone and significantly different from everyone else.
The author navigates these thorny subjects with skill and tender feeling, allowing the reader to identify with the characters on a deeply personal level. Along the way plot revelations are made and surprising developments come from the new relationships that are formed.
Fire and Ice does an excellent job taking the reader further into the fantasy world of the cat clans and keeping a high level of interest. I'm impressed by both book and author.
I would give three and a half stars to this novel that so surpassed my expectations.
"It's not easy being different."
—Fireheart, Fire and Ice, P. 193 -
I thought this book was exciting because they brought one of the enemy Clans back home after they were driven out. Then Firehearts first apprentice was hit by a "monster" (car) and it was a trap for the clan leader Bluestar, and Fireheart can't convince Bluestar that it was a trap. I would reccomend this book to people who like to read books that follow another like its repetative you know whats going to happen. (FYI: This is my second time reading this series that should tell you how good it is!:)...).
Más de estos felinos, y yo... muy feliz.
La historia de los cuatro clanes es más profunda de lo que imaginan.
Y sus lazos todavía más. -
Second read: August 19-September 6, 2017
Continuing to reread the series and I'm enjoying it. :)
First read: August 6-7, 2009
I enjoy how this author writes her books, she doesn't recap everything that happened in previous books. And Book 2: Fire and Ice started up right where book 1 left off. I enjoy reading the Warrior books and at the moment can't seem put them down. :-) -
Strong 7 out of 10
Spoilers for the previous book:
This is book two of the first arc of the warrior cats series. This book begins right where the previous book left off. Fireheart is now been appointed as an official warrior of ThunderClan, and so has his friend Graystripe. They are sent on their first expedition by Bluestar. They had to go and convince WindClan to return to their land. They do so successfully but on the way back to their clan they get into a fight with the RiverClan patrol. One of the RiverClan warriors ends up falling down a cliff. Upon returning to their clan Fireheart and Graystripe are given apprentices of their own. Graystripe also develops a relationship with a RiverClan warrior.
I think this book has a central theme of acceptance. Fireheart was not born into the clan, he was originally a kittypet named Rusty. The other cats often ridicule him for his kittypet roots, but it doesn’t matter where your roots are, it’s about who you are inside. Fireheart has been trying to convince the other cats of his loyalty to the clan for many moons, but he keeps finding himself having to make decisions about his loyalty to the clan, (especially when he agrees to not speak of Graystripe’s relationship). Fireheart also ends up meeting his kittypet sister.
I thought this book was a great sequel to the first book. The warrior cat lore is really interesting to me and after this book, I’m more invested in these characters than ever. The beginning was a little dragging. I learned and added a lot of things to my mental map of the warrior cat forest during the beginning of this book, but the expedition to get WindClan back to camp could’ve been shortened considerably. After their first mission, the book gets right back into action with complex situations and the territorial battles that made the first book so enjoyable.
The author introduces a lot of new cats in this book. I could see how it might be overwhelming to remember dozens of cats, but for some reason, I didn’t have much trouble at all remembering the characteristics of the characters. The author does a good job of making each cat’s name start with different letters. You get to learn much more about WindClan and RiverClan in this book since book one focused a lot on ShadowClan. I’m not sure if there are going to be so many characters to remember that it would be entirely overwhelming, (there are already enough characters to fill a fantasy epic) but at least for this book, it’s manageable.
This book shares the vivid descriptions of nature that the first book had. The book also shares a lot of real-life cat characteristics, like flicking their tail, flattening their ears, cold-hard staring, purring, and hissing. This often makes it believable that you’re actually following these cats. The cats also have unique words for the seasons and the passage of time. I’m still unsure how the moon system works.
I do feel that some of the characters have lost a bit of personality from the previous book. Fireheart still feels like himself, but Graystripe seems to have lost a lot of soul to him. I get that people change, (I know that they’re cats) but the changes seem a bit drastic for Graystripe. When Graystripe started his secret relationship, I first thought, (TRAITOR!) but now I’m unsure what to think of it. It doesn’t feel like him though. Sandpaw has also seemed to have a complete change of heart.
Overall, this was a solid sequel. It took me a while to get through the beginning of the WindClan expedition, but overall I was thoroughly entertained by this book. Fantastic series so far, I’m excited to see what’s to come. I would recommend this series, only if you think you have the time to finish the original arc. I think full satisfaction from this series would be accomplished only by reading the entirety of the books, (I do realize I’m only on book two). -
Well, It's been awhile since I've read this but, like all the other Warriors books I found this to be a very exciting read. This is the second book out of the original Warriors arc, and and it continues from where the last ends. I don't think I'll get too detailed into the plot or else I'll be writing for ages, but it's definitely not just your typical kids book about cats. It's so detailed and the plot is very cleverly thought out. As you progress through the books, you become really attached to the characters. There is mystery, good, evil, secrets and love. AMAZING. It's a must read! But read the first one before you read this one. These books are best read in order.
This book is the best ever(besides twiight), not just this book the whole series. The suspence and interesting events amaze me. If your not sure whether or not to read this book because it's about cats read it!! They act like humans except the hunting. If your not going to read it because of the fighting read it. It's not as violent as you think. WARNING: THESE BOOKS ARE ADDICTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't pick up this book with out having time to read the whole series
Adored this one as well. I don't know why I'm so attached to these warrior cats, but they hurt I hurt.
Favorite Series!
Cute kittens are cute. But still there are also lots of serious and somber moments. But never the less if you like cats this an fun read.
And it's always fun to read about kittens having fun, meow meow :D -
You know how you watch a TV show and the characters always wear the same clothing...like for 10 years and they're still wearing the same clothes.
And you want something to happen but circumstances always thwart the thing you want to happen.
That's what this feels like.
It's not bad. It was written for young readers and they will love this book. Me? I'm enjoying it despite the flaws. -
"I'm a man now, Fireheart," said Graystripe. -- a summary
Fire and Ice is a children's fantasy novel, the second book in the Warriors series, written by Kate Cary under the pen name of Erin Hunter. The plot centers around Fireheart and Graystripe, newly promoted warriors of ThunderClan, which is one of the four groups of feral cats living in the wilderness. Fireheart learns that his best friend Graystripe has fallen in love with Silverstream, a warrior from RiverClan, even though it is against the cats' "warrior code".
The book was first published on June 1, 2003 in the US as a hardcover. Since then, Fire and Ice has been released in paperback and e-book format in other languages. The main theme of the book is that the type of person one is inside is more important than the way one seems from the outside. The book received mixed reviews: the negative reviews criticized the flat characters, and how troublesome it was to flip back to the characters list due to the large number of cats; positive reviews praised the suspense and rising tensions in the book.
Fire and Ice takes place in a fictional forest which is home to four Clans of wild cats, ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan and WindClan, each of which lives in a territory best suited to their skills. The authors based the forest on New Forest in southern England.
• Fireheart is the main protagonist of the book. Originally a house cat named Rusty, he left his human owners to become an apprentice in ThunderClan. He is sent with Graystripe to find WindClan, who were chased out of their home by ShadowClan. Later, he realizes that Graystripe is in love with Silverstream, a warrior in RiverClan. Although he advises Graystripe against meeting her secretly, Fireheart agrees to keep it a secret.
• Graystripe is Fireheart's best friend. After receiving his warrior name, Graystripe is sent with Fireheart to find WindClan, who were chased out of their home by ShadowClan. During a patrol, Graystripe is saved by Silverstream, a RiverClan warrior, when he falls into the river, and almost drowns. As a result, Graystripe and Silverstream fall in love and begin to meet each other in secret, against Fireheart's warnings.
• Silverstream is a RiverClan warrior and the daughter of RiverClan's leader, Crookedstar. After saving Graystripe from drowning in the river, the two fall in love. Since the warrior code forbids cats from different Clans to be in love, they begin to meet in secret, sneaking out of camp in order to see each other.
• Tigerclaw is the main antagonist. Tigerclaw had previously killed his own Clanmate, Redtail, in hope of taking Redtail's place as deputy. Instead, Lionheart becomes deputy, but he too, later dies. Tigerclaw then finally becomes deputy. Only Fireheart, Graystripe and Ravenpaw know of Tigerclaw's plans, but they do not tell anyone out of fear of him.
Fire and Ice begins with Fireheart and Graystripe performing a traditional silent vigil after their promotion to warrior status in Into the Wild. As their first task as warriors, Fireheart and Graystripe are assigned to find and bring back WindClan, which had been driven out by ShadowClan, and bring them home. They succeed, finding WindClan under a tangle of Thunderpaths (probably a highway interchange), and bring them home.
Soon after, Bluestar apprentices Cinderpaw to Fireheart, and Brackenpaw to Graystripe. During a hunting patrol, Graystripe almost drowns after chasing a vole onto thin ice, falling in the river separating RiverClan and ThunderClan, but is rescued by Silverstream, a RiverClan warrior. Graystripe and Silverstream fall in love; however, this is against the warrior code, a code of honor that all warriors must follow. Fireheart discovers their relationship, and unsuccessfully attempts to discourage them from seeing each other. Graystripe finally agrees to meet Silverstream only at the full moon at the Gathering, when the four Clans meet to share news. Fireheart, later realizes that Graystripe has not been keeping his promise. Because Graystripe is often gone to see Silverstream, Fireheart takes over training of Brackenpaw, as well as training his own apprentice.
Tigerclaw, in his ambition to become leader, sets a trap for Bluestar by the Thunderpath (road), intending to kill her, thus bringing him closer to becoming leader. Instead, Cinderpaw is crippled by the trap. Her leg is broken, and when it heals, she has a permanent limp, preventing her from becoming a warrior. She then trains under Yellowfang to become a medicine cat.
Fireheart is reunited with his sister, Princess, a kittypet living in a Twolegplace (a human town). Princess gives Fireheart her oldest kit, Cloudkit, to take into the Clan as a new apprentice. Although Fireheart agrees to accept the kit, his Clanmates, with the exception of Frostfur and Graystripe, are reluctant to accept him because of his kittypet blood. Bluestar allows him to stay, and Brindleface becomes his foster mother.
Brokenstar, the former ShadowClan leader, eventually attacks ThunderClan, along with several other exiled ShadowClan warriors. After the battle, the rogues are driven off, with the exception of Brokenstar himself, who is blinded by Yellowfang and is kept as a prisoner. When Fireheart suggested to kill the evil cat, Yellowfang refused, sadly revealing that herself is Brokenstar's mother.
Later, ThunderClan becomes involved in a fight against RiverClan and ShadowClan when RiverClan and ShadowClan unites and tries to drive WindClan out again, and WindClan allies themselves with ThunderClan. When Fireheart is attacked byLeopardfur, the RiverClan deputy, Tigerclaw watches as Leopardfur and Fireheart fight, and does not attempt to help Fireheart. Silverstream attacks Fireheart but releases him; he attacks her but sees Graystripe's look of dismay, and releases her.Darkstripe witnesses the event and reports it to Tigerclaw. Consequently, Fireheart becomes certain that Tigerclaw is not to be trusted.
The main theme of Fire and Ice is that "it doesn't matter where you come from, only who you are inside". Fireheart is challenged by other cats because he was once a kittypet (house cat), despite having proven his loyalty and bravery as a warrior. Similarly, Cloudkit was initially not accepted by the Clan because he had kittypet parents. Other themes include loyalty, betrayal, and forbidden love. -
I originally read this book in 2011.
Essentially, this is a story about suspicious loyalties: Graystripe is in love with a RiverClan she-cat, and may well bring the wrath of both Clans down upon him; not least of all, he may well sacrifice his best friend in the process. RiverClan and ShadowClan seem to have formed a secret alliance, and if so, what does it mean for the other two Clans?
This is Graystripe’s story; specifically Graystripe and Silverstream’s story. It’s sweet on one hand, and annoying on the other; Sweet because love knows no bounds, and annoying when RiverClan identifies a ThunderClan scent on their territory, but Graystripe still (potentially) puts his Clan, and himself, in danger by going back to visit Silverstream.
I can actually relate to Fireheart in this one; I know what it’s like to see someone I care about in a relationship in a less than desirable relationship and worry about their well-being. That sounds like a really deep meaning being assigned to a children’s book, but it does deal with a variety of issues through it’s characters, and I think we can all relate to this aspect at some point. -
The Book Fire and Ice is a Book from The Warriors series.I recommend reading the first book to fully understand the story.Fire and Ice is about a warrior named Fireheart.After having left his life as a kittypet, apprentice Firepaw of the ThunderClan has been given his warrior name of Fireheart and his first mission-to find the WindClan and assist them back to their hunting grounds.The mission was a sucsess.One day Fireheart goes out on patrol with Graystripe.Graystripe disides to bring his apprentice with.When on patrol Graystipe slips onto the ice on thunder paths river.Fireheart trys to save Graystripe but the ice cracks and Graystripe falls into the frezzeing water.It was all hopeless until a River Clan Warrior saves Graystripe.The River clan warrior was named SilverStream.Silverstream soon fell in love with Graystripe.The Thunder clan deputy accuses Fireheart and Graystripe.In the end Shadow clan and River clan attack Wind clan.Thunder clan comes to the rescue and helps Wind clan.Fireheart battles ferousiosly and attacks silverstream(on accident).Fireheart lets go of silverstream.This book is an adventure and fantasy.This book is a real heart beater.I hope you take an interest in the Warriors Series!
Another installment of the Warriors series sees Fireheart facing new struggles, testing both his ties to ThunderClan and his kittypet roots. Although he has been accepted into ThunderClan, it becomes more and more obvious that he wasn't born into this world, and may never fully embrace it. Spotting his sister during training one day rekindles memories long forgotten, and may cause him to lose his place and respect of the Clan.
I enjoyed how this book brought the two different loyalty issues to light. Certainly the issue is not resolved, making the reader want to continue reading even more. I might just get addicted to this books just as I feared! I also liked Cloudkit, and hope for more of his story in future books.
Another great installment; I wonder if I should download the third on my Kindle now or wait until payday since I've already spent close to $100 on books today? *wistful* -
Firepaw and Graypaw, two apprentices of Thunderclan, have grown well; the clan holds a ceremony to give them their warrior names: Fireheart and Graystripe. As hostilities between Fireheart and Tigerclaw, the clan's new deputy, continue to rise, Fireheart finds his life at risk. Ravenpaw, the apprentice of Tigerclaw, realizes that Tigerclaw is trying to kill him. Fireheart and Graystripe find out about this, and they travel to a distant farm with him so that he may be free from Tigerclaw's grasp.
The two friends announce to the clan that Ravenpaw is dead; this pleases Tigerclaw. But he tells Bluestar the truth in private, as he wants her to understand what her deputy is trying to do.
By chance, Tigerclaw catches Fireheart letting a Riverclan cat, Silverstream, walk away from a fight -- she fights him until Graystripe, her forbidden lover, calls out to her: "Silverstream! No!", and she suddenly recognizes Fireheart. He lets her go, and Tigerclaw can use this to his advantage -- to remove Fireheart from the clan once and for all. -
I still like it, even after reading it for the bajillianth time. haha...
The first series of these books is pure gold- the characters, the plots, the themes, everything! The second book series and the 3rd are okay (Dawn drives me crazy though) and the 4th one... well the further they go the more trouble the author(s) seem to have making up new ideas lets just say. Still, all the serieses are quite good, but the first is by far the best.
Lots of things happen in Fire and Ice, two of the most prominent things being 1. Windclan is being bullied and driven out (almost twice), and 2. the near loss of Graystripe and Fireheart's friendship. There are lots of other problems in the book for the heroes to overcome, and they don't always succeed in making things work out either. Thats one thing that makes the books so good- the characters are believable. :) -
This series continues to be really cute and fun. I can see why kids (and adults) love it. I've been listening to the audio book version and the guy that reads them is really good. I love all the different voices that he does for the characters. He's so good, I prefer to listen than actually read.
Reread: 1/3/20 - No, Mariam, it wasn't better than you remembered.
3 1/2 -
I really liked this book especially because of the cats in it.I also love how the book was worded so it was easy to understand.
This book should be called "Cats: Romeo, Juliet and Romeo's bro." I swear to god.
I don't know, this book just frustrates me. Everyone is stupid. Everyone is dumb. No one has healthy sensible thinking and everyone just hates everyone for no reason.
Clan life is very unsupportive. They wouldn't believe in gay rights.
Cloudkit is my favorite character. I love him and he has never done anything wrong in his life. -
Simplemente la amo! En esta segunda parte tenemos a nuestro protagonista felino mas maduro, con su nuevo nombre y responsabilidades. La aparicion de Princesa le da otro giro a la historia y tambien conocemos mas de los otros clanes. Me parecio mas emocionante que la anterior.
There are many books in this series.
Cats don't do much.
Why are there many books?
I like to chase cats. -
keine review, da es sich um einen reinen confort reread meiner lieblingsreihe aus meiner Kindheit handelt :)
Nie sądziłam, że będąc w słusznym już wieki trzech dekad tak mocno wkręcę się w historię o kocich klanach, ale proszę, tak się stało. Kolejny raz wciągam na jednym tchu, w ciągu tego samego dnia, nawet nie myśląc o tym, żeby zmieniać historię lub na chwilę ja porzucać. Jest brutalniej, jest więcej akcji, jest trochę zwrotów akcji, czyli wszystko to, co tygryski lubią najbardziej.
Jedyne, do czego mogę się przyczepić, to fakt, że przy takim nadmiarze podobnych do siebie imion mój mózg odwala sromotny error. O ile w trakcie słuchania dokładnie wiem kto jest kim, o tyle tak z głowy wymienienie jednego imienia nie odbędzie się, nawet jeśli przystawicie mi pistolet do głowy (:. -
No sería la primera vez que la segunda parte de un libro que, en su primera entrega generaba un ambiente más bien cálido y esperanzador para el lector, se convierte en una sombra que oscurece la primera página del libro y no se levanta incluso luego de finalizar la historia.
Tampoco sería la primera vez que vemos elementos que inmediatamente reconocemos como "plot twists" y/o conflictos originales de otra historia -es muy difícil que esto no ocurra-.
Pero lo que no es usual es que, habiendo ocurrido lo ya mencionado, la segunda parte de un libro se alce sin disminuir a la primera, o que no se hunda bajo el éxito del título precursor.
"Los cuatro clanes: Fuego y hielo" - en comillas a falta de cursiva - hunde al lector en el invierno que viven los guerreros, específicamente el vivido por Corazón de Fuego. Nuevamente sorprende con sucesos inesperados y recuerda, línea tras línea, que los niños y jóvenes no deben ser tratados como seres de inteligencia inferior e incapaces de enfrentarse a la vida más allá de los colores y la felicidad.
Existe un detalle que me sorprendió: El hecho que Erin Hunter no tratara con mayor prolijidad un tema particular, dada la dedicación que entregó por mucho tiempo en el libro a dicho tema. Se puede inferir el por qué y no quiero mencionarlo para evitar arruinar la lectura y las sorpresas a quienes aún no lo leen.
Si la primera novela de esta saga infantil/juvenil me dejó con ganas de seguir leyendo, esta hizo que me esté muriendo por leer el tercer título: "El Bosque de los secretos". -
The 2nd book in the Warriors series picks up precisely at the point the 1st one left of, and from the the story just keeps getting more and more intense. The four clans are in a very volatile place during the whole book, and the reader can easily feel FireHeart's confusion as to who he can trust. Not only are the four clans at odds, putting everyone at risk, but there is danger much closer to home for our hero, as he continues to struggle to earn the respect of some in his tribe. I have to say that after reading this book, I will officially admit to being hooked. I really didnt think I would love the series and especially the characters so much. Erin Hunter is quite the gifted author to be able to give wild cats such depth, while never forgetting the wild cruelty of nature. Another highly recommended read for cat and animal lovers of all ages!
Now, firepaw is becoming a warrior, but the danger has not past yet, there are dark plans going on in the clans. fall has passed and the is sickness going on in thunder clan, food is sacred and running low, not only facing the treacherous clans but facing betrayal from his own clan, but he could only do so little since he is still not trusted. What can he do?
Firepaw and Greypaw are now warriors and has to be a mentor and fireheart takes on Cinderpaw as his first mentor, cinderpaw shows great enthusiasm in learning but then there is a twist, and Greypaw falls in love with another clan cat! and firepaw tries his best to try and stop him!
Again, I really liked this book because now, things are getting very complicated and interesting. there is mysteries going on in the camp. but i still think that the book has too much killing in it.