Title | : | Midnight (Warriors: The New Prophecy, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0060744510 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780060744519 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 303 |
Publication | : | First published May 10, 2005 |
Darkness, air, water, and sky will come together...
The wild cats of the forest have lived in peace and harmony for many moons but a doom that will change everything is coming. Strange messages from their warrior ancestors speak of terrifying new prophecies, danger, and a mysterious destiny.
All the signs point to young warrior Brambleclaw as the cat with the fate of the forest in his paws. But why would the son of wicked cat Tigerstar be chosen to be a hero? And who are the other cats mentioned in the prophecy? All Brambleclaw knows for sure is that the strength and courage of the greatest warriors will be needed now, as the quest to save the Clans begins.
...and shake the forest to its roots.
Midnight (Warriors: The New Prophecy, #1) Reviews
I cried for a really long time when I realized this new series was no longer in firestar's pov. Middle school me was devastated
Alrighty! I finally re-read all the New Prophecy books, with the exception of
Moonrise as I don't own a copy and was too lazy to go to the library.
I'm currently re-reading the entire series so I can write new, updated reviews.
So note that this review is for ALL of the New Prophecy books (
Sunset). Also, another thing. Names change throughout the series as the cats grow up (a sort of Rite of Passage). For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to characters with the names they have in the first book. So Squirrelpaw/Squirrelflight will be Squirrelpaw.
Overall, the six books that make up the Warriors: New Prophecy sub-series are excellent. They definitely don't beat the original six, but certainly are worthy of being part of the Warriors saga.
What I liked:
1. Brambleclaw. Throughout all the New Prophecy books, I always felt that I could sympathize with him. He's got a lot of responsibility for someone his age (he's a cat so I'm not certain of his age. But I'm guessing that if he was human, he'd be 17-18 years old). But he handles it well. He has a good soul but he also struggles with the temptation of being like his power-hungry father, Tigerclaw. And this makes him more complex as a character. He makes mistakes, but learns from them too. The whole time I felt all his emotions. I was angry when something bad happened to him, I cheered when he was happy and overall, I just feel like he's a character one can really cheer for and support.
2. Although originally, I , now I appreciate it. The storyline would have grown boring without it.
3. The plot-line throughout the whole sub-series is interesting. It doesn't seem contrived, it doesn't seem unrealistic. Although the later three books (
Twilight and
Sunset) are about (which I actually found fascinating but perhaps not everyone will), the first three books (
Moonrise and
Dawn) are full of action and adventure.
Although I am a huge fan of the Warriors saga overall, I can see its faults and don't love everything about it. Here's what I had problems with in the New Prophecy books:
1. Insta-love. Holy crap, the Erins do love their forbidden romances. Yellowfang and Raggedstar. Bluestar and Oakheart. Graystripe and Silverstream. Tigerheart and Dovewing (in the Omen of the Stars books). In the New Prophecy books, we have . I just don't see the attraction. She is a sweet, if naive at times, little thing while he is just so bitter. He's not really annoying (although I hated him at first), but he's just so different from her I don't see how it ever happened. Not to mention he was in love with another cat first.
2. A love triangle. These books have insta-love AND a love triangle, both of which I hate? And it still got four stars? How?? Because I love the Warriors saga too dang much. These things only apply to
Twilight and
Sunset anyways. Anyway, the love triangle is fought over a female character that I hate so I have to wonder how she got two intelligent and decent guy cats fighting for her. Rejection also turns one cat into an ass, and why, why, why did that have to happen?
3. Squirrelpaw. This little bitch needs a slap. And a hard one. So at first, she was only a minor nuisance. Course I will claw- geez, I'm talking like the warriors now- anyone who disagrees with my Brambleclaw, who I have a sort of crush on (I know, it's sort of messed up cause he's a cat). So maybe that's why I didn't like her, because she was always picking fights with Brambleclaw. But on the journey, she proves her worth with her strength, her loyalty and her bravery. In
Dawn, I definitely respected her a bit, just a bit more.
Starlight happened. And she got extremely possessive over Brambleclaw, which made me start to hate her. You see, Squirrelpaw was convinced that Hawkfrost, who is Brambleclaw's half-brother, cannot be trusted and he's just like their evil dad Tigerclaw. Even though there's absolutely no evidence for this except for her and her sister Leafpaw's gut feelings. Squirrelpaw constantly judges Hawkfrost. Brambleclaw, who is interested in having a relationship with his kin, also faces Squirrelpaw's judgement and anger because she feels that because Hawkfrost is untrustworthy, then Brambleclaw is untrustworthy too just because he spends time with Hawkfrost (I know, it's a lot of angst and drama).And it pissed me off beacuse hey, Squirrelpaw, you have no right ot tell him who he can and cannot be friends with. Brambleclaw is an adult and can take care of himself. What irks me even more was that . And then Brambleclaw just goes crawling back to her. I just feel he deserves more, someone better than her.
And that's really it. Trust me, the good does outweigh the bad, so I do highly recommend this for Warriors fans. You may not be bothered by what bothered me. Overall an excellent series of books. Happy reading!
Because there are so MANY books in the Warriors saga, here is the list (in order) of all the books in the main arc. This does not include the Dawn of the Clans books, or the Super Editions (which can be read independently of the main books.
Also, please note that you can stop reading after the sixth book in each sub-series and you won't miss anything
Order of Books:
Warriors 1: Into the Wild
Warriors 2: Fire and Ice
Warriors 3: Forest of Secrets
Warriors 4: Rising Storm
Warriors 5: A Dangerous Path
Warriors 6: The Darkest Hour
(Warriors: New Prophecy)
Warriors: New Prophecy 1: Midnight
Warriors: New Prophecy 2: Moonrise
Warriors: New Prophecy 3: Dawn
Warriors: New Prophecy 4: Starlight
Warriors: New Prophecy 5: Twilight
Warriors: New Prophecy 6: Sunset
(Warriors: Power of Three)
Warriors: Power of Three 1: The Sight
Warriors: Power of Three 2: Dark River
Warriors: Power of Three 3: Outcast
Warriors: Power of Three 4: Eclipse
Warriors: Power of Three 5: Long Shadows
Warriors: Power of Three 6: Sunrise
(Warriors: Omen of the Stars)
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 1: The Fourth Apprentice
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 2: Fading Echoes
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 3: Night whispers
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 4: Sign of the Moon
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 5: The Forgotten Warrior
Warriors: Omen of the Stars 6: The Last Hope -
Re-reading this reminds me why this is my least favorite of the Warriors series.
I hate Squirrelpaw. If there were at least some legitimate reason why she was a jerk the whole time then I could at least tolerate her, but there is absolutely no reason for her behavior. I'm sorry if I can't relate or sympathize with a character who yells at everyone for no reason, has no respect for anyone, constantly talks backs, and gets herself into dangerous situations after being warned and then acts like it's their fault. There is no way I could ever root for a character like that. What makes it worse is that I feel as the author wants me to think what a great character she is and how wonderful and brave and strong she is... nope.
Then there's the whole traveling aspect of the book. The Erins aren't really good at writing them. They kind of drag. I could easily skim them and not miss much of anything. And considering that it takes up the vast majority of the book there really isn't much to actually read.
I'm determined to re-read the rest of these books though. It's just going to be a struggle for the next few of them. -
4,5 stars
This series has always been one of my favorites, so I love to go back and reread it every few years. This mini series has always been one of my least favorites, it's not as quick paced as the first set, and I don't like all of the characters as much. I did still enjoy this, it just took me a bit longer to get through because it is mainly the cats wandering across the land. I'm excited to continue rereading this series and catch up on all of the books I missed!
This book was good. Not great, kind of boring at times. It held my interest enough, and it did the job it needed to do. It is a bridge between the first warrior cats series and the second. It does a great job at adjusting the focus from Firestar to Brambleclaw, Squirrelpaw, and Leafpaw.
I love that the old characters are still included, and that the stories are the same, we are just seeing the story unfold later on down the timeline. I have high hopes for the fur-ocious adventures to come.
Nothing really happened in this book it seems, but I’m not mad about it. It seemed necessary, and set up the rest of the series for success. I’m excited to see what is coming. -
Vier katten, één van elke clan, krijgen dezelfde droom, hen gezonden door de Sterrenclan. Ze moeten op reis gaan, want groot onheil gaat over het woud komen, dat alle clans in gevaar zal brengen. Geen van hen vertelt iets aan hun leiders. Dus gaan Braamklauw, Taanpels, Kraaipoot en Vederstaart op weg. er zijn ook nog twee andere katten die meegaan, Stormvacht, omdat hij zijn zusje Vederstaart niet alleen wil laten gaan, en Kwikpoot, een nieuwsgierige leerling die achter het plan gekomen is en mee wil met Braamklauw.
Het eerste deel van het boek gaat over de onzekerheid van de katten, of ze hun droom wel correct begrepen hebben, en hoe moeilijk ze het hebben met deze beslissing, en om het geheim te houden, en om alle vier samen te komen, omdat ze tenslotte elk van een andere clan zijn.
Dan begint wat je het tweede deel zou kunnen noemen, de eigenlijke reis. De katten moeten zich op totaal onbekend gebied begeven, wat de nodige gevaren met zich meebrengt. Gelukkig komen ze na een tijd een oude kat tegen, Snorre, die de weg weet naar de zinkendezon plaats. Hij vergezelt hen een hele tijd en, het belangrijkste, hij kan hen door de tweebeenplaatsen leiden.
En als ze eindelijk hun bestemming gevonden hebben, ontmoeten ze Middernacht, die hun vertelt welk gevaar er dreigt en wat de enige manier is om hieraan te ontkomen.
Ik had in verschillende recensies gelezen dat vele lezers dit het slechtste boek uit de reeks vonden, maar ik vond dit niet. Eerlijk gezegd heb ik mij veel meer geërgerd aan boek 5 (met de depressie van Blauwster). Inderdaad, je zou kunnen zeggen dat er niet veel gebeurt in dit boek. Zoals in een recensie stond: ze moeten op reis gaan, oh ze moeten op reis gaan, ja ze gaan op reis, een lange reis, ze krijgen een boodschap, en ze moeten terug.
Het gaat hier echter om veel meer. De katten van de verschillende clans krijgen een sterke onderlinge band, wat nodig zal zijn om alle clans te overtuigen eens ze terug zijn. En op hun reis leren ze nog veel andere dingen. Ik heb dit boek om zo te zeggen in één ruk uitgelezen. -
Van te voren wist ik al dat we in serie 2 niet meer door de ogen van Vuurster kijken, maar door andere katten in de DonderClan. Waar ik verbaasd en blij over was, is dat je door de ogen van twee verschillende katten kijkt. Terwijl er eigenlijk drie katten de hoofdrol hebben.
De meeste tijd kijk je door de ogen van Braamklauw, hij is inmiddels krijger bij de DonderClan. Andere delen van het boek zie je door de ogen van Loofpoot, een van de dochters van Vuurster. De derde hoofdpersoon in het boek is Kwikpoot, de andere dochter van Vuurster. Kwikpoot en Braamklauw lijken een haat-liefde verhouding te hebben. Ze kunnen niet met en niet zonder elkaar. Als Kwikpoot de enige is die weet van het geheim van Braamklauw, is ze niet van het idee af te brengen om mee te gaan op missie. Loofpoot blijft achter in het DonderClan kamp, maar kan op een bepaalde manier contact leggen met haar zusje, althans dat probeert ze.
Middernacht is het eerste deel van de tweede serie. Ik heb voor het eerst een Warrior Cats boek 4 sterren gegeven. Er gebeurde namelijk heel erg weinig in dit boek. Alsof het de inleiding was van de rest van de serie. Wat er verteld werd, was hartstikke goed, maar er gebeurde heel weinig.
Het was erg leuk om over de nieuwe generatie katten te lezen, terwijl de andere katten nog niet dood zijn. Ik ben benieuwd wat er nog meer gaat gebeuren in serie 2. -
While relatively slow, this book seems like a perfect launchpad for the second arc in the Warriors series. It was so cool to see the four chosen cats from each clan come together and go on the journey to 'Midnight' without anyone else having a clue as to where they are. One of my favorite parts of this book was seeing the interaction between these new cats (Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Leafpaw, etc.) and the 'original' cats from the first arc (Firestar, Graystripe, Cinderpelt, etc.). It's almost as if we somewhat grew up WITH those older cats.
Not a spoiler, but I got chill bumps reading the prologue- seeing the respective cats of the past select the chosen four to go on the journey to save the Clans. You'll just have to read it to understand! Oh, and Ravenpaw's brief interaction with Brambleclaw on pages 94-95 was truly EPIC and heartwarming.
I'm not a HUGE fan of the book switching and going back-and-forth between different cat's points of view, but that provided an alternative twist that was intriguing. Overall, it was awesome being introduced to the new generation of Warriors and following them on their journey. This book was so much fun and, as I mentioned earlier, did a GREAT job setting up the rest of the arc! I don't necessarily remember this second arc as much as the first, so I am greatly looking forward to re-reading it and seeing what happens next! -
I felt like this book was set to be a bit of a letdown; after the ending to the first Warriors series, I really don't see how anything could compare. This definitely felt like an introduction, but still kept some of the same aspects and situations as the first series so as not to scare long time readers. There are also more 'travel' scenes, reminiscent of all the camping that goes on in 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. You know they're all headed towards something, and you can't wait to get there with them.
I love the new characters, and the fleshing out of some old names. Firestar reads like Simba in the second Lion King movie, I've even got that song that plays when Kovu is chased from th pridelands stuck in my head now! -Deception, Disgrace, evil as clear as the scar on his faaaace!-
I am a fairly easy to please reader, and I don't really try books I know I'm not going to like (like that isn't obvious from my rating average) I don't mind reader filler scenes and introductions so long as there is action somewhere, and from this ending you can tell the series will pick up. I will be there to follow the journey, I know I have the next few books. Look out for new reviews is the coming days! -
EPIC! Yeah, it's time to follow the next generation of warriors! This is the first book of the 2nd arc, The New Prophecy, WARRIORS. Several peaceful moons (6 months) have passed since the last book - The Darkest Hour. Lot's of exciting stuff happens and we learn a lot, as new characters come into this series. It may be strange to have new main characters at first but you quickly get to love them just as much as Firestar and Graystripe. The book alternated between different viewpoints which is good, as it propels the story forward and they always start at a different viewpoint when something really exciting happens. This means it's really hard to put the book down and makes it more enjoyable in my opinion. Full of thrilling suspence, gasps and overall a really enjoyable book. We follow The Chosen Cats from Thunderclan, Shadowcaln, Windclan and Riverclan on a JOURNEY.... Friendships are made, new places are discovered and new problems arise. AWESOME - :)
this book is really good because i'm he kind of person who loves books about animals. This book has lots of adventure in it it's really really good. It makes you want to keep on reading and reading forever.
The start of the second series. A new prophecy seems to be leading the cats out of the forest as it is about to be destroyed by humans. New set of POVs with younger cats taking the limelight. Remains very readable.
In a bit of a reading slump so re-reading my fav series from middle school…And it’s WORKING
Midnight (Warriors: The New Prophecy, #1) by Erin Hunter (Pages: 3 or 400.)
I loved this book because this time the main character wasn't Firestar, it happened to have 2 main characters! The 2 main characters this time are Brambeclaw and a new medicine cat apprentice (AKA: Firestars daughter) Leafpaw. Leafpaw is having visions of her sister, Squirrelpaw and what she faces while Brambleclaw got a new prophecy: Darkness, Air, Water, And sky will shake the forest to its roots. Nobody knows what it means (Well, Brambleclaw doesn't since he didn't tell anybody at all about this dream.)
Also, atleast 4 cats from each clan got a dream. These cats are: Brambleclaw, his sister: Tawnypaw, Crowpaw, and Feathertail. They each got a dream from old starclan members that there was danger coming. (But Firestars other daughter, Squirrelpaw and another Riverclan warrior, Stormfur, came for extra protection on a long journey to a place that is very dangerous.) The 6 cats are all going on an adventure to a sun-drown-place, when the sun goes down, it is red and the water is salty and there is a huge cave with sharp teeth. Brambleclaw had a dream of this and he decided Starclan wanted them to go there. So now all 6 cats are going on an adventure to somewhere no forest cat has really been before!
I believe everyone should read this book cause there is some events that nobody would of experienced in the first series: The prophecies begin. -
Este libro me daba un poco de cosilla por si fuera demasiado infantil para mí, pero la verdad es que la historia engancha y se lee en seguida, el libro es muy fácil de leer y nos adentramos en los clanes junto a los gatos mientras cazan y resuelven sus disputas.
El libro es bastante introductorio, podemos conocer a gatos del Clan del trueno y del río , mientras que los otros clanes quedan un poco relegados.
Me ha gustado mucho la personalidad de Zarzoso y Esquirolina, él es un gato responsable y quien ha sido elegido para descubrir la profecía y ayudar a los clanes, Esquirolina es una gata traviesa, desobediente y aventurera que no se deja pisotear por nadie, será quien acompañe a Zarzoso en su aventura por cabezonería.
Luego tenemos a dos hermanos del clan del río, Plumosa y Borrascoso, a Corvino del clan del viento y a Trigueña, la hermana de Zarzoso, quien está en el clan de la sombra, juntos tendrá que descubrir cuál es la profecía y enfrentarse a peligros para poder llegar a su destino. -
Second read - September 2 2020
3 stars. buddy read
I completely forgot what happened since the first time I read this book. Compared to the first read, it was a bit lackluster. It was an introduction back into the world and building up the plot, so it was a bit slow. I liked how Hunter came up with new names for the cats instead of repeating them endlessly. Even though I have ranked this book a bit low compared to the others, I feel like it will get better in time.
4/5 stars - Nov. 27 2013
*** spoiler review ***
I have to say, I honestly doubted Hunter since she changed the POV to Brambleclaw from Firestar. Also, how Firestar seemed like a closeminded cat and pushing Squirrelpaw from Brambleclaw, which didn't work out ...
The journey to the sun-down place was interesting. From meeting Purdy, having milk, the rat encounter, the plains, to the sun-down place. I also liked Midnight, I did not expect that and it changed my whole thinking of the book.
Can't wait to buy the next one! -
Creo que una idea general de lo que va el libro ya se encuentra en la sinopsis por eso mejor dejaré unas opiniones. Este primer libro de la segunda saga me tenía nerviosa y emocionada por lo perfecta que es la primera saga. Me va gustado casi tanto como la anterior y se puede comenzar a leer sin leer la primera porque explican lo necesario. Los personajes que más me gustaron son la gata Esquirolina y en solitario Puma. Casi al final el libro se vuelve algo lento y tedioso, honestamente ahí pensé en no continuar leyendo, pero en el momento perfecto té inyectan la dosis necesaria de adrenalina y siento que incluso lo difícil que se había sido seguir el hilo del libro es para sentirte más identificado con los personajes. No puedo decir más sin soltar spoilers pero definitivamente vale la pena darle una oportunidad a esta historia.
Adventure is on almost every page!! This book is only a little sad, and very happy. It's filled with adventure and i always want to know what happens. I want to give this book a million stars!
Super carte .
Estos libros tienen la habilidad de engancharme sin que me de cuenta, cuando menos lo espero ya voy a más de la mitad. Ahora me arrepiento de no haberlo leído antes.Al inicio fue complicado por los personajes nuevos y el cambio de voces protagonistas, pero Zarzoso, Hojarasca, Esquirolina y hasta Puma se metieron ya en mi morado corazón igual que lo hicieron Látigo Gris, Carbonilla y Estrella de Fuego en su momento.
El libro puede sentirse lento porque nos cuenta como cuatro gatos, uno de cada clan, son elegidos por el clan Estelar para realizar un viaje que les mostrará un gran peligro que amenaza al bosque y qué hacer para salvar a los clanes. El hecho de que los capítulos se alteren entre lo que pasa con los gatos que hacen está expedición y lo que sucede en el clan del Trueno gracias a la conexión de Esquirolina con Hojarasca es demasiado especial.
Y ese final, ya lo veía venir, el giro de "Medianoche" es de esos detalles únicos que nos regalan las autoras, ahora,para variar, ya quiero iniciar con el siguiente libro, aunque debo confesar que solo de imaginar lo que viene, tengo ya sentimientos encontrados. -
Okay, this one didn't quite have the magic that the first series held for me. But I still enjoyed stepping back into the world of the cat Clans just the same!
Compared to the first series, this book was rather slow. In fact, nothing really happened. There was a lot of talk about prophecy, a lot of traveling, and not much action. There were only a few scenes where the cats were in any danger. I think the bar was set too high by the last series, which delivered tons of action, harrowing danger, and heartbreak; this book had none of that. It felt like a very long prequel to set up the prophecy. I'm hoping the second book picks up a bit!
I'm so happy that Brambleclaw turned out okay, despite his father. It was cool to read from his point of view, even though I do miss Firestar's POV a lot. (Side note: He and Sandstorm finally had kits! Squeeee!!!) I loved meeting Firestar's daughters, and love the connection they share together. Do I sense a possible romance brewing between Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw?! -
This is the first book of the second Warrior Cats - series.
At first, I was surprised that it wasn't about Firestar anymore. I had to adjust on missing my favorit cat! Although this book was well written and it had the necessary suspence, it kept a bit dragging. The jouney to the 'sinking sun place' took very long with not much happening.
I liked to book, but not as the others. I kept waiting on something massive to happen or something really intense, but no. The book felt like one build - up to the the next book.
Also, some of the characters, like Squirrelpelt could've been less annoying. But the annoyence of Crawpaw I liked. -
This was the first warrior cat book I ever read, and it's kind of amazing that I got as into this as I did, because while this is a good, necessary book that not only sets up the rest of this series but the rest of the series after this one, it is s l o w. But I'm pumped to keep going--and tbh, little Brambleclaw, tiny aggressive Crowpaw , and also Jesus-lover-Feathertail... good times.
This series is different from the first. I liked having leafpaw's point of view but I would have liked to have squirrelpaw's instead of brambleclaw's. It makes more sense since they are Firestar's kits. Overall wonderful book and I can't wait to read the next!
Ce livre est passionnant