Title | : | Wolf Lake (Dave Gurney, #5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 161902733X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781619027336 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 375 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2015 |
Police zero in quickly on Richard Hammond, a controversial psychologist who conducts hypnotherapy sessions at a spooky old Adirondack inn called Wolf Lake Lodge. It seems that each of the victims had gone there to meet with Hammond shortly before turning up dead.
Troubled by odd holes in the official approach to the case, Gurney begins his own investigation — an action that puts him in the crosshairs of not only an icy murderer and the local police but the darkest corner of the federal government. As ruthless as the blizzard trapping him in the sinister eeriness of Wolf Lake, Gurney’s enemies set out to keep him from the truth at any cost — including an all-out assault on the sanity of his beloved wife Madeleine.
With his emotional resources strained to the breaking point, Gurney must throw himself into a deadly battle of wits with the most frightening opponent he has ever faced.
Wolf Lake is the page-turning new work by a writer hailed by the New York Times as “masterly” — and it furthers the adventures of Dave Gurney, a detective reviewers have compared to Sherlock Holmes.
Wolf Lake (Dave Gurney, #5) Reviews
3.5 Is it possible to hypnotize four different men, in different parts of the country, a dream of wolves and a dagger, that will cause them all to commit suicide? This is the case that Jack Hardwick brings to Dave Gurney, a case that will send he and his wife to the Wolf Lodge in the picaresque Adirondacks. A case that unbeknownst to Gurney will invoke some painful memories for his wife, bringing her back to the summers she spent there and the death of a young man.
This series are one in a chain of what I call puzzle mysteries. They are not written in a style to provide pulse pounding suspense. I consider them something of a hybrid between the British police procedural, the assembling of clues by investigative tactics and talking to knowledgeable experts, and the US thriller genre. There is plenty of action, murder and mayhem but plenty of the former as well. Homophobia rears its ugly head, hypnotism and what it can and cannot accomplish, several others with hidden agendas and many who are not what they seem.
This one, however, I found a bit cluttered, almost too much jammed into this story, things that set the case off into too many different directions. What is going on with his wife is another added distraction, though it was interesting, but I am not sure it was at all necessary. Still I enjoy reading this series very much, like the characters and realized when I started reading this, that somehow or another I skipped the last one. Will have to rectify that oversight, so I can stay up to date. -
Dave Gurney, is a retired NYPD homicide detective (probably because of Madeleine). They now live on a farm in the Catskills (probably because of Madeleine). It's an idyllic life for Madeleine, but Dave's most pressing problem for today is trying to figure out why a porcupine is walking back and forth on a tree branch. Yeah, Dave's bored.
Dave's pal, Jack Hardwick, asks for help on a case. Again. Usually passive-aggressive Madeleine has a fit because Dave agrees to help. I guess Madeleine doesn't realize that Dave the Husband and Dave the Cop are the same person.
In this book, Dave and Madeleine are set to go on a ski vacation in Vermont. Jack suggests they could stop at Wolf Lake in the Adirondacks on the way to do some investigating. Before Dave can answer, Madeleine agrees. OK, who are you and what have you done with Madeleine?!
The case involves a hypnotherapist and whether he planted the idea of suicide in four men's heads. The men all had the same recurring nightmare and killed themselves with the same type of weapon. Some believe this; some, including Dave, don't.
The story seemed far-fetched, contrived, and convoluted to me. There was a sub-plot involving Madeleine that was weird. Dave asked a lot of questions and kept telling Jack to check this and that out. There was a scary guy talking about a hawk and wolves. I got tired of the action constantly moving between two rooms, Dave constantly lighting fires in fireplaces, music constantly playing to hide conversations, and Madeleine constantly taking hot baths and showers. That woman has got to look like a prune!
So, at the end of the book, Madeleine has seen Dave the Cop in action first hand and has seen some pretty gruesome things that Dave spent years seeing on the job. Maybe she'll cut him some slack in the next book. Riiiiight. Can you tell Madeleine irritates the heck out of me? Happens with every John Verdon book. -
To those yet to catch up with Verdon’s solver of complex crimes, I’ll simply say that Dave Gurney is a retired NYPD detective who reputedly had the best crimes solved record in the department’s history. He’s now retired in upstate New York where he’s sometimes cajoled into casting his wise eye over current unsolved cases by an ex-colleague. In this episode he’s tempted to take a look at the suicide of four people who took their own lives having been haunted by the same horrific dream. It seems that each had been recently hypnotised by a controversial psychologist. Could it be that the hypnotism created the dream and consequently the desire in each of the deceased to kill themselves? As unlikely as this seems this is exactly the path the local law enforcement chief seems to be striding down.
An off-putting element early on was the discovery that one of the deaths was of a man who had taken control over a family business following the death of his father. The deceased is survived by his brother who now has sole control over the business. It’s clear that there had been a degree of antipathy between the two brothers for some time. Now hang on a minute, didn’t just this chain of events crop up in another book I read recently? Oh yes, Verdon’s last book Peter Pan Must Die! Fortunately, this seems the only significant similarity in the two stories. Phew, had me worried for a moment there!
In my view, the author’s greatest gift is his ability to write brilliant dialogue. It’s my favourite element in these stories: intelligent, thought provoking and amusing too. And it’s probably just as well here as otherwise it’s a pretty bony tale. In effect, all of Gurney’s adventures comprise a complex riddle which the man is driven to solve; much doesn’t make sense but the answer is there, if only it can be found. A logical approach and a dedication to sweating the detail always gets him there. The other thing Dave tends to do is to find a way of confronting the main culprit in a do or die scenario at the end of the story. Yes, he’s a taker of significant risks even when the situation doesn’t seem to demand the same. It’s an exciting way to end the story, even if it doesn’t really add credence to what gone before.
It’s not Verdon’s best but the atmosphere is interestingly creepy throughout and it did manage to keep me amused for the time it took me to work through it. -
John Verdon is back for another well-grounded and deeply psychological thriller that will keep readers up well into the night, gripping pillow and covers alike. Tired and ready for a break, former NYPD Detective David Gurney and his wife, Madeleine, are preparing to head out for some solitude in snowy, rural Vermont. Days before they are to leave, they receive a somewhat unwanted visitor, Jane Hammond, who seeks Gurney's help to clear her brother's name. Dr. Robert Hammond is a hypnotherapist whose name has been associated with a number of dramatic suicides over the past few months, now the latest fodder for media outlets and a number of police departments throughout the country. These suicide victims sought the assistance of Dr. Hammond to stop smoking, but soon after their intense session, each complained of severe nightmares, identical in nature. These nightmares proved so troubling that the men were found with their wrists slit, soon thereafter. Each encounter took place at an exclusive lodge off Wolf Lake, where Hammond had been living while under contract with the lodge. Hesitantly, David and Madeleine agree to visit Wolf Lake on their way up to Vermont, if only to learn a little more and perhaps meet with Dr. Hammond. When they arrive, the Gurneys are met by some of the local unsavoury folk, who add a little spook to the local legends and keep them on their toes. Gurney does what he does best, turning over some rocks and asking poignant questions, but succeeds in irritating the State police, who want him to resume his retired status and leave the policing to those with active credentials. The deeper Gurney digs, the more the mysteries pile up, as all the victims have a connection from their youth at a nearby camp for boys. Additionally, Madeleine has some of her own revelations about Wolf Lake from her past, things that stun Gurney. Could Dr. Hammond actually have implanted these suicidal thoughts into the minds of his patients, as well as vivid nightmares? Is there legal precedent to try someone who offered hypnotic suggestion of an act and is such a suggestion akin to accessory to murder? Gurney is certain there is something more going on and that Dr. Hammond is in someone's crosshairs. Like the wolf, this individual is prepared to stalk its prey in the shadows, pouncing only when least expected. Verdon offers up another stellar piece of writing that is nothing short of brilliant in its execution.
Verdon has created yet another winner with this novel that pulls David Gurney away from retired life and into the thick of things. While no one could know what he had in mind, the expectations were surely high as his past work proved amazing. Verdon is able to use a strong protagonist in Gurney, whose style is neither brash nor neutral, while still offering new and tantalising layers to lure the reader a little deeper. Some of the revelations, as they relate to Madeleine keep the reader stunned while also demanding more information. The intricate plot is held together by significant backstories on key characters, as well as constant action that forces the reader outside their comfort zone. Verdon knows no limits with his narrative abilities, as he pulls the unsuspecting reader into the story and then refuses to let them out. Once hooked, the reader must learn more and turns to Gurney to ask the necessary questions at just the right moment. Just when the reader might think that there is nothing else Verdon could do with Gurney, more comes to the surface, heightening the demand for 'just one more book'. How Gurney has Jessica Fletcher Syndrome, always in the vicinity of a crime that begs his attention, surely baffles all but the mastermind, John Verdon. As always, yet another wonderful piece of work that will keep bookclubs and water coolers buzzing for the foreseeable future.
Kudos, Mr. Verdon for this brilliant work. I could not stop myself from plunging deep into the story, your characters, and the nuanced traps you lay for the unsuspecting reader throughout.
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http://pecheyponderings.wordpress.com/ -
Πέμπτο βιβλίο της σειράς και κάπου εδώ το χάσαμε…
Προσωπικά, ότι είχε φτιάξει για 4 βιβλία, το χάλασε εδώ. Ειλικρινά από ένα σημείο και μετά απλά το διάβαζα για να το ολοκληρώσω... Δεν μου αρέσει όταν βάζω κακές βαθμολογίες σε βιβλία (ειδικά σε βιβλία που έχω διαβάσει τα προηγούμενα της σειράς) αλλά πραγματικά ήταν αγγαρεία.
Ενώ είχε μία καλή ιδέα, δεν κατάφερε να με πείσει. Ούτε ο Γκάρνει, ούτε η Μάντλιν, ούτε ο Χάρντγουικ ούτε κανένας από τους χαρακτήρες. Δεν είχε ιδιαίτερη αγωνία και δεν με τράβηξε στο να θέλω να μάθω ποιος το έκανε και γιατί. Απλά ήθελα να τελειώσει…
Οπότε καλώς ή κακώς, τέλος ο Verdon για εμένα. Πάμε για άλλα τώρα! -
El temor crece en la oscuridad. Solo entreabre una puerta y deja que imagine lo que podría haber del otro lado.
¡Al fin apareció el quinto de la serie! Apenas me enteré de que ya estaba disponible, lo empecé a leer. Y como no podía ser de otra manera, lo devoré. Es, al igual que sus predecesores, sumamente adictivo y está lleno de giros y misterios esparcidos tan estratégicamente como solo Verdon puede hacerlo.
Controlaré tus sueños aborda un cuádruple crimen que desafía todo lo que damos como imposible; una vez más el detective Gurney va a tener que enfrentarse a un caso que lo dejará entre creer en lo inconcebible o luchar por la verdad, aunque eso pueda costarle la vida a él y a quienes lo rodean.
¿De qué se trata el caso? Cuatro personas aparecen muertas con las muñecas cortadas en diferentes puntos de Estados Unidos. Suicidio, no caben dudas. Más tarde se descubre que esas personas estaban siendo atormentadas por la misma pesadilla. ¿Es posible algo así, que un sueño pueda ser compartido y que arrastre a alguien al suicidio?
La investigación avanza y sale a la luz que las víctimas coincidieron en un lúgubre hotel en el que se dejaron atender por un prestigioso hipnotista, Richard Hammond. Todo adquiere sentido, las piezas cuajan y el rompecabezas al fin se termina de armar. Hammond fue quien les implantó el infame sueño. Excepto que la hermana del hipnotista, Jane Hammond, jura que él no es el culpable y logra convencer a los detectives Jack Hardwick y David Gurney para que desarmen el rompecabezas y encuentren la verdad detrás de lo absurdo.
Gurney se hospedará junto con su mujer en el antiguo hotel para descubrir al culpable, en una zona helada con vientos afilados como navajas, entre cumbres que rozan las nubes y un lago que no tiene fondo. Y va a tener que desafiar al asesino más brillante e implacable con el que se haya enfrentado.
Lo que más me gustó de este nuevo tomo es que es oscuro. Y con oscuro me refiero a terrorífico. Este libro no es solo una novela negra, sino que también es de terror. Y me encantó que haya sido así. Otro aspecto que me encantó es que Madeleine, la esposa de Gurney, esta vez lo acompaña en la investigación, y Verdon nos muestra que ella también esconde secretos y que estos pueden poner en peligro su cordura y el bienestar del matrimonio.
Libro muy recomendable, para todos aquellos que busquen un buen misterio en un marco de terror y desesperación. -
Retired NYPD detective Dave Gurney solves another intriguing mystery arriving at his doorstep.
This time there are four victims who all had the same nightmare and reported suicidal thoughts before they were found dead. At first, it appears as a suicide, but then how did all of them had the same dream right before their death? The link is a known hypnotist who met with all the victims the days before it happened. But can you really drive a man into suicide? And How four different people dream the exact same nightmare?
John Verdon uses his talent and creativity to lead us from the impossible to the possible! -
La idea con la que parte la trama es fantástica y Verdon consigue volver a poner contra las cuerdas al detective Gurney, pero la quinta estrella se me cae en un desenlace que esperaba un poco más redondo.
En cualquier caso, lo disfruté muchísimo y estoy deseando leer Arderás en la tormenta. -
Η ευχάριστη έκπληξη ήρθε από τον John Verdon στο 5ο βιβλίο του με τις περιπέτειες του συνταξιούχου -στα χαρτιά μόνο,όπως φαίνεται!- ντετέκτιβ Ντέιβιντ Γκάρνεϊ.
Μετά από 4 αμφιλεγόμενα βιβλία (κουραστικά και με περιττό μπλα μπλα για κάποιους) ο Verdon επιχειρεί να ανανεώσει το συγγραφικό του μοτίβο - και τα καταφέρνει. Για πρώτη φορά η δράση εξελίσσεται μακριά από τη μόνιμη βάση του Γκάρνεϊ,το κτήμα του στα προάστια της Νέας Υόρκης. Και μάλιστα το σκηνικό είναι ιδανικό: ένα απομονωμένο πανδοχείο μέσα στο δάσος,περιτριγυρισμένο από χιονισμένα βουνά και παγωμένες λίμνες. Λίγοι χαρακτήρες,που όλοι τους είναι πιθανοί ύποπτοι. Ένας ιδιαίτερα παράξενος γρίφος κι ένας άκρως επικίνδυνος δολοφόνος. Πολλοί κίνδυνοι παραμονεύουν,αφού εκτός από τον δολοφόνο αυτήν τη φορά ο ήρωας απειλείται και από τα μεγάλα κεφάλια των μυστικών υπηρεσιών των ΗΠΑ. Και ένα προσωπικό δίλημμα,που για πρώτη φορά θα τον αναγκάσει να ψάξει τις ισορροπίες του ανάμεσα στην αγάπη του για το επάγγελμά του και τη γυναίκα του.
Η ιστορία είναι από μόνη της ενδιαφέρουσα και οι σελίδες σε κρατάνε. Ο χαρακτήρας του Ντέιβιντ έχει εξελιχθεί ελάχιστα,όπως θα ήταν λογικό με το πέρασμα του χρόνου,αλλά σε γενικές γραμμές είναι ο ίδιος που έχουμε γνωρίσει από τα προηγούμενα βιβλία. Αυτό που ξεχωρίζει εδώ και κερδίζει πιστεύω τον αναγνώστη είναι ακριβώς αυτή η αλλαγή περιβάλλοντος που ανέφερα παραπάνω. Τη βρήκα τρομερά αναζωογονητική! Ο συγγραφέας όχι απλά τοποθέτησε την πλοκή της νέας του ιστορίας σε ένα εντελώς καινούριο πλαίσιο,αλλά και έπλασε ένα απίστευτα ατμοσφαιρικό σκηνικό (για τέτοιου είδους μυθιστόρημα). Ο χειμώνας,τα σκοτάδια,το κρύο,η χιονοθύελλα που πλησιάζει και απειλεί να εγκλωβίσει τους πάντες σε μια τοποθεσία επικίνδυνη κι ερημική, 'αγκαλιάζουν' θερμά το ούτως ή άλλως καλογραμμένο στόρυ και στηρίζουν ακόμα και τις σκηνές εκείνες που ίσως κάποιος βρει περιττές. Είναι τόσο σφιχτοδεμένο και καλοδουλεμένο το όλο background,που προσφέρει την καλύτερη στήριξη στην ιστορία.
5 αστεράκια λοιπόν,γιατί για μένα ο Verdon έδειξε πως δεν επαναπαύεται και απέδειξε πως ο τολμών νικά. Φαντάζομαι πως στα επόμενα βιβλία ο Γκάρνεϊ θα επιστρέψει στη βάση του,όμως αυτό εδώ αναμφισβήτητα αποτέλεσε μια φρέσκια παρένθεση/πνοή αλλαγής,που ήταν παραπάνω από καλοδεχούμενη!
Διαβάστε την ολοκληρωμένη άποψή μου για το βιβλίο στο site "Book City":
Η λίμνη των λύκων -
🧊 Christmas 2019 🧊
Петата книга се очертава като най-мрачната от цялата поредица, за което огромна роля играе и самата атмосфера на хотелския комплекс „Вълчето езеро“, зимата, снегът и късите дни. Като усещане е много близо до „Намисли си число“. А неща��а стават още по-зловещи, когато Мадлин (съпругата на детектив Дейв Гърни) вижда във ваната в хотелския им апартамент „призрака“ на свой познат… -
For a Verdon that's a Gurney, this one is long. For me, because I particularly like psychological thrillers more than just the standard mystery who-dun-it, the beginning and quite into the core- it was nearly a five. I had hopes it would be. Certainly the tension of the first 150 pages was to the "can't stop reading" levels.
And then it wasn't. Because the Wolf Lake Lodge itself got so ridiculously unusual and Madeleine (Mrs. Dave Gurney) became even more passive aggressive irritating than average for the series. If that could be possible, because IMHO, she is right up there on that scale from the get-go. No, her personality is not a favorite. Dave himself is obsessive preoccupied for 50% of his waking hours, at that. But once in awhile he actually does like to eat. But believe me, this marriage is not a smiley and giggling lightness, regardless of the weather or work plan. Maybe never was. But it does seem solid. And rather deserving for each other at that. Both are long hikers, far along on a particularly "sad sack" and morosely introverted trail.
So why was it 4? Great premise and good plot. Scrumptious upstate NY mountain isolation and ice pellet mood. And the fact that we have a few very odd but gifted characters. One who seems to be able to cure addictions and other pathways of depressive reaction. Or maybe not!
The tech aspects pile more on this length and detail than other Verdon of this series. MUCH more.
Which two "entities" are doing the spying? Who has the measures or methods to control moods and minds? Are the 4 suicides real suicides. Who is the Wolf, in our foursome of nick-names? And when can a Barbie doll cost $10,000?
Also a crazy janitor/ caretaker who warns in poems and who wears a tall fur hat is rather a throw back in time.
Complicated reveal! The kind with 3 different peaks of answers, all stained red and dripping over the period of more than a few hours and an entire night. Exactly the kind of great last 25 minutes for a movie/film but not as convincing in print, I must admit. Because it also holds more than 2 or 3 tremendous visuals. And of course it is during a blizzard when all the vehicles have been disabled and the generators off.
Not my favorite Verdon is still better than average, and also an extremely entertaining read.
The governmental and copper feeds (more than a few individuals in this one) are all nasty bad in this novel. I wonder if he is trying to reflect his own disdain for government or the USA citizens' within the Snowden era. Regardless, it was somewhat cheesy in that regard to plotting- not crisp at all. Quite a scope to random stereotype without a lot of depth in those two fields of characters here. Flat to knowledge about their motives- like sit. com. bad guys who only appear near the ending in a combat scene. I'd rather my horrific perps be much more explained as he did in earlier Gurney. Finally to the plot, I guessed exactly how the last meanie and evil arrogant "know it all" got his, three pages before the evidence blew. Reminded me a little of "Fargo" too- that's probably why.
So, what started as a 5, ends up a 3.5 rounded up to 4 star. There's enough physical and tech sleuthing to fill two books. But the premise is key. It hasn't been handled that well since The Manchurian Candidate did such an excellent job of it, so many years ago.
Hopefully, as his retirement gets into his 3rd and 4th years, Dave will ditch the wife for at least a partial portion of some case or interest he holds next. One that doesn't include her nagging to go mountain climbing, or hiking in the Southwestern deserts or something. And that he can locate at least one beef sandwich. -
This was an unusual mystery for Dave and friends. There were some suicides, and all of the victims had been treated by a noted hypnotherapist, who was coming more and more under scrutiny as a possible cause of these deaths. At first, Dave thought this was an unlikely way to kill someone, but he began wondering after he learned more. It was strange that some of these people would do this, as they didn't seem to be suicidal at all. It's pretty hard to solve a mystery such as this, where there is no physical evidence, but pretty hard is a walk in the park for Dave Gurney - or perhaps in this case, a walk around the lake - Wolf Lake, an isolated resort with lots of shining snow. The Shining. Hmmm... and there was a crazy guy involved at the lodge.
I enjoyed this story, perhaps more than some of the previous ones, probably because it was so different with a lot to think about, like can a hypnotist force someone to do something they would not normally want to do? Supposedly not, but who knows? -
Άλλο ένα ωραίο βιβλίο από τον Verdon. Πέρα από τις πρωτότυπες αστυνομικές ιστορίες του, που μου αρέσουν, αυτό που πραγματικά με ξετρελαίνει είναι οι περιγραφές των τοπίων που εξελίσσονται αυτές οι ιστορίες! Έχω κάνει τόσα μαγικά ταξίδια και έχω πλάσει αμέτρητες μαγικές εικόνες στην φαντασία μου με αφορμή τις περιγραφές του.
Another excellent installment in this engrossing series, involving a lodge high up in the snowy mountains of northern New York. This was very creepy, lots of dark recurring symbols, grayness, iciness, wolves, hypnosis, storms, insanity, even an axe murderer. And Dave Gurney is not quite as grumpy as usual! Great read.
This is the fifth Dave Gurney book. Other than the fact that a retired NYPD would be drawn into such complex cases is a little far-fetched, the stories are very interesting and well plotted. I like the tension that Verdon has created between Gurney and his wife, this is something one would expect for a couple that is continually drawn back to a life they have given up.
I look forward to the next Dave Gurney book.
This review was originally posted on The Pfaeffle Journal -
3,5 ⭐ Audiolibro
Dave Gurney ya retirado se encuentra en su casa con su mujer cuando un amigo le pide que vea un caso muy extraño, resulta que cuatro hombres que no se conocen al parecer han tenido la misma pesadilla, y luego de ello son encontrados muertos. Hay un culpable, un terapeuta al cual los cuatro personajes muertos acudieron, pero el dice que es inocente y que no buscará abogados ni nadie que lo defienda porque confía en su total inocencia, pero su hermana desesperada va en busca de un detective privado para que lo ayude.
El personaje de Dave Gurney me gusta mucho, porque por lo general es muy recurrente tirarle mil flores al detective y por lo general nunca hace mucho, pero en este caso nuestro protagonista si es bastante inteligente y logra dilucidar muchas de las incógnitas que envuelven los casos en los cuales decide participar, aunque siempre con ayuda, tanto de su mujer o de amigos cercanos que trabajan con el, lo cual me parece mucho mas verosímil.
Escuchar el audiolibro fue una muy buena experiencia, ya que es una historia intrigante y con buen desarrollo, pero en algunos momentos sentí que le faltó un poco de dinamismo.
El caso actual es bastante complejo, sobre todo porque se crea una historia paralela en donde está involucrada la esposa de Gurney, por ende nuestro detective privado se siente un poco afectado personalmente y esto influye en la investigación.
Las historias de Dave Gurney me gustan mucho, aunque no las he leído en orden (no es necesario) ya que son todos casos diferentes, pero hay personajes que se repiten y muchas veces ya tienen una historia de fondo, así que quizás sería recomendable leerlas por orden de publicación. -
Wolf Lake is the latest installment in the Dave Gurney series. This is a novel with a great hook. Imagine four strangers living in four different parts of the country who all apparently committed suicide after having the same nightmare. The one thing these four strangers share in common is that each of the victims prior to their death met with a controversial psychologist, Richard Hammond, at a thousand-dollar-a-night resort. Verdon really weaves a fantastic story even if at times it mixes elements of supernatural, paranoia and even terrorism. The plot has several twists and the ending did not disappoint. I wished I had read the previous books in the series in order to get better acquainted with Gurney and more familiar with his turbulent relationship with his wife. Overall, kudos to the mind of John Verdon for coming up with this intense, intrinsic and exciting psychological thriller.
I’d like to thank Edelweiss for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. -
Wolf Lake (Dave Gurney #5) by John Verdon
This is the 5th book in a 6 book series
“Wolf Lake is the page-turning new work by a writer hailed by the New York Times as “masterly” — and it furthers the adventures of Dave Gurney, a detective reviewers have compared to Sherlock Holmes”
Another great series. Dave Gurney’s style of writing is easy to enjoy, with action packed dialogue, and varied storylines
Sleuthing at it best with words that beckon you to read on -
Favori yazarım John Verdon'dan yeni çıkan kitabı Kurt Gölü için Tam Puan!!! Tek kelime ile mükemmeldi. Dozahını çok iyi verdiği heyecan ve sakinleştirici detayları ile satılar hızla eriyor. Umarım bir sonraki kitabı için çok beklemem.
A good enough Dave Gurney mystery.
In that, since it's Dave Gurney, that's enough for me to read it. I love his character - former NYPD homicide detective, retired now and living in upstate New York with his nature- (and chicken-) loving wife, Madeline. Of course, Dave gets into all sorts of predicaments, and in this one, he's trying to sort out who, how or why young men are committing suicide after having the same identical, creepy - with wolves! - dream. The atmospherics are perfection: isolated private hotel in the Adirondacks complete with fog, ice, snow, blizzards, you-name-it, and in which Dave, his wife, and one other person are the only guests. (It's off season! Shades of SK's the Shining!) There is a small staff and a creepy accountant, plus up the road is the brother of the (dead) owner of the huge estate, as well as a psychologist who holds the secrets to making you do things you might rather not do. (Though HE insists he's an innocent in all of this and has NOT used a form of trance-induced suggestion to make the murder victims kill themselves.)
If this wasn't a John Verdon book you might be tempted to think, oh, it's one of those mysteries with some supernatural-ness thrown in. It isn't. Verdon's books are matter-of-fact and based in the real world. However, having said that, it doesn't preclude his getting involved in some weird goings-on.
I also liked that Madeline gets more than a few off-hand lines while she reads a 900+ page book, worries about her chickens and makes remarks about husband Dave supposedly being retired. I do hate it when the wife is just there to be snide, catty, and/or difficult. Good old Maddy has a few secrets of her own in this one.
It's also a fairly short book for the type of story and dense layering going on. At any rate, a great read and essential for the J. Verdon aficionados out there. -
This is the 5th book in the Dave Gurney series by author John Verdon.
Former NYPD homicide detective Dave Gurney is asked to solve another complex case. Four people who appear to have little in common are reported to have had the same nightmare and then subsequently committed suicide by cutting their wrists with a wolf's head dagger. Police immediately focus on psychologist Richard Hammond who had met each victim shortly before their deaths.
I do enjoy the intriguing plots in this series of books but for me this one wasn't as good as the previous books. Still entertaining although a little drawn out and muddled at times. 3.5 stars rounded up. -
Ένα πολύ δυνατό αστυνομικό που αποδίδει υπεροχα το χειμωνιάτικο κλίμα και τους περίπλοκους φόνους που μέχρι και τις τελευταίες σελίδες δε ξερεις πως,που,ποιος γιατί. Καταπληκτικος Verdon για άλλη μια φορά.❤️
Η Λίμνη των Λύκων, του John Verdon
Ακόμα μια φορά, ο συγγραφέας παίζει με το δίπτυχο περίπλοκη υπόθεση/απλούστατη απάντηση. Γεμάτο βιβλίο και στιβαρή ιστορία, χωρίς χαλαρές άκρες που αφήνουν ερωτηματικά.
Τι μου άρεσε:
Από πλευράς έκδοσης λάτρεψα τον τίτλο και το εξώφυλλο. Επίσης, η μετάφραση ήταν πάρα πολύ καλή.
Το περιβάλλον στο οποίο εκτυλίσσεται η ιστορία είναι ειδυλλιακό και το ιδανικότερο κατά τη γνώμη μου. Άγρια βουνά, χιόνι, καταιγίδες, μια λίμνη που κουβαλάει κατάρες, δεισιδαιμονίες και πικρές αναμνήσεις , παρέα με τον «τρελό του χωριού» αλλά και τον φανατικό που δολοφονεί αθώους ανθρώπους, συνθέτουν το back stage για μια υπέροχη παράσταση.
Ακόμη, μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ που καταπιάστηκε με το θέμα όνειρα/ψυχολογία/υπνωτισμός, ωστόσο θα ήθελα κι άλλο. Ήταν λίγο.
Επίσης, για πρώτη φορά βλέπουμε το μέχρι πρότινος πολωμένο ζευγάρι Ντέιβιντ και Μάντλιν να έρχονται κοντά, να παλεύουν παρέα για να νικήσουν τα δαιμόνια που τους κυριεύουν αλλά και να προστατευτούν από την οργή του παρανοϊκού δολοφόνου.
Τέλος, μου άρεσε το γεγονός ότι ο Βέρντον άπλωσε ελαφρώς τα «πλοκάμια» του στο θέμα των κατασκόπων, των μυστικών υπηρεσιών και της συνωμοσιολογίας.
Τι δε μου άρεσε:
Λίγο πολύ, σε αυτά που μου άρεσαν, υπήρχαν πράγματα τα οποία με χάλασαν. Πχ, το γεγονός ότι από όλα τα βουνά της Αμερικής και από όλες τις λίμνες της, έτυχε η ιστορία να εξελιχθεί στο βουνό και στην λίμνη όπου η Μάντλιν είχε ζήσει ένα γεγονός, το οποίο την σημάδεψε για την υπόλοιπη ζωή της. Επίσης, έχοντας έναν δολοφόνο να παίζει με τα τσεκούρια πάνω από το κεφάλι σου κυρά μου, Ε, δεν βγαίνεις έξω κυρά μου, μόνη σου, για να… σκεφθείς! Χωρίς κεφάλι σκέψη δεν υπάρχει (και δεν είσαι κι άντρας, να έχεις κι εφεδρεία :-P ).
Όπως προείπα σε αυτά που μου άρεσαν, θα ήθελα να ασχοληθεί περισσότερο και βαθύτερα με το θέμα όνειρα/ψυχολογία/υπνωτισμός. Να εμβαθύνει. Να κάνει την ιστορία πιο μυστηριώδη. Κάτι δηλαδή σαν κι αυτό που έκανε στο «σκέψου έναν αριθμό», που μια ολόκληρη υφήλιος σπαζοκεφάλιαζε για το πως έγινε αυτό. Θεωρώ ότι έπιασε μόνο τον αφρό, στοχεύοντας περισσότερο στην αστυνομική έρευνα και στα θέματα εσωτερικής κατανάλωσης του ζευγαριού.
Επίσης, ναι μεν απλώθηκε στην διεθνή κατασκοπία ο συγγραφέας, το έκανε ωστόσο με ελαφρώς άτσαλο και ερασιτεχνικό τρόπο κατά την ταπεινή μου γνώμη, ο οποίος δεν δικαιολογείται για έ��αν συγγραφέα του διαμετρήματος του Βέρντον. Λες και δεν έκανε καθόλου έρευνα ένα πράγμα... Θέλει να το δουλέψει αρκετά το θέμα για να μην είναι τόσο προβλέψιμος και να δημιουργεί αυτό το μυστηριώδες κλίμα που υπάρχει σε κάθε ιστορία κατασκοπίας.
Σε γενικές γραμμές πάντως, το βιβλίο μου άρεσε. Δεν το άφηνα εύκολα από τα χέρια μου αλλά σίγουρα οι Αριθμοί και ο Πίτερ Παν εξακολουθούν να είναι τα καλύτερά του για μένα.
Βαθμολογία από μένα 8/10.
Καλή ανάγνωση! -
Θέλεις να φτιάξεις ένα νόστιμο γεύμα ανάλογο των προτιμήσεων σου. Στην αγορά βλέπεις πολλά ωραία, φρέσκα υλικά. Τα αγοράζεις όλα. Στον πάγκο παρατηρείς πως δεν ταιριάζουν όλα στο πιάτο σου αλλά τα πήρες και δε θέλεις να τα βάλεις στο ψυγείο μήπως ξεχαστούν και σαπίσουν. Ξεκινάς με καλή διάθεση την προετοιμασία και σκέφτεσαι τα μετέπειτα βήματα, αυτό όμως σε κουράζει, νευριάζεις που πρέπει να συνδυάσεις τα υλικά σου, χωρίζοντας τη διαδικασία σε επιμέρους αυτόνομες ενέργειες. Σαν το cake που δε βλέπεις γιατί να χωρίσεις τους κρόκους απ' τ' ασπράδια, αφού όλα τελικά θα χρησιμοποιηθούν. Κόβεις δρόμο μα μετά αναρωτιέσαι μήπως δε βγει καλό και προσθέτεις κάτι άλλο, επιμένεις σε μία αχρείαστη λεπτοδουλειά. Στο τέλος κι αφού μαγείρεψες το φαγητό λίγο περισσότερο, έχεις παραπάνω απ' όσο θες να φας, από ένα πιάτο που έχει λάδι και βούτυρο, ξύδι και λεμόνι, γάλα και γιαούρτι, ψάρι, οστρακοειδή και κρέας. Όμως έχει μία κομψότητα, κάποια νοστιμάδα αλλά ενώ είναι πολύ, είναι και λίγο.
Review: WOLF LAKE by John Verdon
What a deep, compelling, and riveting mystery! I consumed with avidity. Although this is the fifth in the series, it's the first I've read (although I own the first, THINK OF A NUMBER). Author John Verdon delivers the equivalent of a multitude of locked-room mysteries: not just one, but four suspicious deaths, of seemingly unrelated individuals in different geographic regions. Then the single known connection is a genius, neurotic, paranoid, hypnotherapist. His development of certain "impossible" techniques has hooked the attention of certain covert government sectors. Although the solution seems obvious, if impossible, there are layers upon layers upon layers of secrets and manipulations. A wonderfully thought-provoking mystery. -
Creo que es el que menos me ha gustado de los 5. También soy más exigente que cuando sacó el primero. Aún así creo que incluso los personajes mismos están ya cansados. Le ha dado demasiadas vueltas al misterio de este caso, para intentar ocultar algo bastante previsible y lo ha enrevesado demasiado para tal final, que no me ha gustado. No he simpatizado esta vez tanto con Gurney y con esta nueva Madeleine desquiciada. Prometía el tema y la ambientación pero...
'Wolf Lake' is another solid effort by John Verdon, but it's unfortunately marred by a conclusion that's a bit too far out there for me. It's definitely a page-turner once it gets going, though....
"Retired" NYC super-detective Dave Gurney is the star of this series and this is yet another instance where we realize that 'retired' means different things to different people. Dave lives with his wife, Madeleine, out in the sticks in upstate New York. Prior to leaving for a few days to snowshoe in Vermont, he's visited by his old work buddy, Jack Hardwick and a woman who is the sister of a hypnotherapist, Dr. Richard Hammond. They cajole him into investigating the suicides of 4 young men who'd been treated by Hammond and who'd reported identical dreams prior to killing themselves with identical tools and techniques. The police are more than interested in hanging the deaths of the men on the doctor, insisting that his therapy resulted in their taking their own lives. Gurney, oddly with his wife's agreement, decides to meet the doctor at his office in a resort high in the Adirondacks, and the investigation begins.
Verdon's writing and dialogue are fine in Wolf Lake, there's enough action to move the story along, and the characters and location kept it interesting. The solution was on the incredibly tricky side (the Occam's Razor principle didn't apply here, that's for sure), the ending was unnecessarily bloody, but what bothered me most is (SPOILER ALERT) the fact that the people using ultra sophisticated technology to spy on Gurney and his wife also almost certainly had the capability to intercept phone conversations, messages, and emails as well and that wasn't acknowledged or taken into account. -
ο αγαπημενος Βερντον. Μου αρεσουν πολυ οι ιστοριες του και οι περιγραφες των τοπων δρασης των μυθιστορημάτων του