Harry Potter Colouring Book by Scholastic Inc.

Harry Potter Colouring Book
Title : Harry Potter Colouring Book
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1783705485
ISBN-10 : 9781783705481
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 96
Publication : First published November 24, 2015

Packed with stunning pieces of artwork from the Warner Bros. archive, this deluxe coloring book gives fans the chance to color in the vivid settings and beloved characters of J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world. Containing intricate line drawings used in the making of the Harry Potter films, this coloring book includes fan-favorite scenes, creatures, and characters: from Dobby and baby Norbert to Quidditch games and the unforgettable final battle between Harry and Lord Voldemort.

Unique and interactive, Harry Potter: The Official Coloring Book is a perfect collector’s item for all fans of the blockbuster saga--whether it's for those who grew up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, or those who are discovering the magic for the very first time.

From back cover:

From the heraldry of the four Hogwarts houses to the extravagant wares of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, the world of Harry Potter overflows with radiant colour. Filled with intricate illustrations and elaborate designs used in the making of the Harry Potter films, this book invites you to imbue the wizarding world with colour in your own explorations of Hogwarts castle, the Forbidden Forest, and much more. You will also find pages of magical creatures and iconic scenes from the films, from the Sorting Ceremony in Harry's first year, to the unforgettable final battle between Harry and Lord Voldermort, as well as some of the marvelous props used in the movies, such as The Quibbler, Quidditch World Cup posters, and the Triwizard Cup.

Harry Potter Colouring Book Reviews

  • Darth J

    Very magic. Much accio crayons!

    Also comes with these stickers:

  • Suraya (thesuraya)

    i really want to have this but i suck so bad at colouring that even ron wouldnt want me to colour him so yeah

  • GoldGato

    Harry Potter is gold so adding a coloring book to the collection seems to provide a way to be a part of the Potter universe. Even if one can't draw or differentiate between crayons.

    With a drawer full of pencils and pens and other creative utensils, it was time to put said objects to work and a coloring book was the appropriate vehicle. I put the book next to my front room table so that when I was tired of reading, watching old movies, or talking to indifferent cats, I could simply pull out a coloured pencil and get to work. Alas, poor Yorick, I am not an artist by any effort of the imagination.


    Sad, I know. But at least I made an effort. If you want to see true artistry from someone who did a much better job,
    check this out.

    The book itself is quite jolly, filled with different scenes from the world of Harry Potter along with the actual movie stills in the back so one has an idea of what each page should really look like. The pencils are happy, anyway.

    Book Season = Year Round (rounds of boredom)

  • Lucy Colouring In The Midst Of Madness

    This review is taken from my blog where I review adult colouring books from a mental health perspective. More images from inside the book can be found at
    Before I get on with the rest of the review I need to mention the paper in this book. According to Amazon UK, the paper for this book is supplied by multiple sources meaning some copies have white pages and others have off-white pages. The paper thickness apparently varies too. This means that my review will not be representative of all copies. Sorry about this but there’s nothing I can do about it as I can’t get all of the different types of copies. Amazon state that you cannot choose which type of paper you’ll get so it’s pot luck. I’d suggest, if you’re bothered about paper colour and quality to get your copy from a book shop if you possibly can, if like me, you’re housebound, I’m afraid you’ll be at the mercy of random luck. My copy is ‘off-white’, in reality it’s very yellowy and the paper is thin and smooth. Water-based pens bleed through on my copy so this is definitely a pencil only book and Amazon suggest this too.

    Now that issue has been addressed, I can get on with the review in the usual way. Grab your time-turner, set it spinning and go back in time to relive all of the books and films from the very first one. This book is paperback with a glossy accented cover and a gold spine, it’s A4 in size and has a glue-bound spine meaning that a little of each image is lost into the spine. The images are a mixture of single and double-page spreads with many of the single pages having a thin border meaning that they’re not lost into the spine. The book contains 96 pages which are printed double-sided and, as mentioned before, the paper (at least in my copy) isn’t suitable for water-based pens and only suits pencils. However, it’s great paper for pencils and despite having almost no tooth, I found it really easy to blend and shade using my coloured pencils. You may not fancy the off-white, yellowy colour and neither did I but actually it looks quite like parchment so it’s less of a disappointment than you’d expect.

    The images themselves include many stills from the films which are drawn very realistically so it’s very obvious who each character is and they look just like the actors in costume playing them. A number of poster-style images are included of adverts for the Quidditch World Cup and for The Quibbler. There are also lots of images of objects and magical creatures as well as references to each of the houses including their crests and emblematic animals. Some of the images are scenes, others are patterns, and others are random collections of objects like a double page spread showing Harry’s scarf, scar and glasses. All of the main characters are included, from Harry, Ron and Hermione, to Dumbledore, Hagrid and Snape, and notable baddies including Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew and the most notorious of them all – He Who Must Not Be Named – Oh go on then, Lord Voldermort. Lots of the most loved magical creatures are pictured too including, Buckbeak, Fluffy the three-headed dog, Dobby the house elf, Fawkes the Phoenix, and some of the less loved creatures including the dementors, pixies, mermaids and trolls. A few iconic scenes are illustrated from Harry and Ron driving the flying car, to Harry running from the Basilisk, Harry battling to get to the Golden Snitch before Draco Malfoy, to Harry’s final battle with Lord Voldermort. At the end of the book are a number of full colour pages of the images included in the book meaning you can either copy the colour schemes in those or pick your own, they’re also great for helping you re-live the magic of the films and get yourself back into the world of Hogwarts – as if any of us ever left! A few other images worth mentioning is a double-page spread of the main characters’ wands, a picture of Quidditch paraphernalia, a double-page spread of Dumbledore’s army and a lovely spread filled with Golden Snitches which will really get you practising and honing your blending and shading skills.

    In terms of mental health, this book doesn’t have an awful lot of impact on it unless you’re a Harry Potter Mega Fan in which case it’s likely to considerably lift your mood and give you hours and hours of distraction and enjoyment. The images take a long time to colour if you want them to look realistic so you will need fairly good levels of concentration. The line thickness varies from very thin to thick but mostly it remains thin so you will definitely need good vision and fine motor control to get the most out of this book. The best part of this book is that it has coloured pages at the back which can be used to copy or give inspiration for colour schemes, you can also easily google the scenes, objects or creatures to find images of them from the films to work out exactly how to colour them so they look true to the film, or you can go it alone and try out your own colour schemes with bright pink robes, purple trolls and sparkly green dementors – it doesn’t have to be realistic, remember it’s a magical world! Some of the illustrations are very intricate and detailed and others are much simpler with larger open spaces so this book does have a variety of difficulty levels to accommodate your good and bad days.

    All in all, the paper quality isn’t ideal but is great for pencils and does look like parchment in the off-white copies. I would recommend it for any Harry Potter fans but do look at the images below so you can see if you’ll like it. A number of people have stated online that they were deeply disappointed with the content and I have to say I was a little disappointed myself, I expected more scenes and few, if any, patterned or object-focused images but as long as you’re aware of this and are ok with it, you’re sure to love it! The only thing I noticed was missing was a really good image of Hogwarts, there is a double-page spread of it being shown through some trees but it’s a shame that it’s not a full page spread so that you can really get your teeth into it. Hop on your broomstick and fly straight to Hogwarts and get colouring the magical world.

  • Dana Al-Basha |  دانة الباشا

    It's really amazing to color a story (movie and book) you love... and this one is amazing and it has a few colored images in the last pages.

  • Dimitra

    A truly magical coloring book!
    Beautiful collection of blank drawings to fill them with any colors you want!
    Even if you don't want to color them it is still a great book for any Harry Potter fan!

  • Natha

    Ahhhhh, cakep banget bukunya!
    Sayang banget buat diwarnain. :(
    Alhasil berakhir dengan disayang-sayang di dalam lemari cuma buat dipandang-pandang dan kepuasan tersendiri saja. Habisnya sayang kalau diwarnain. Agak lama nih btw, buat pengiriman BookDep yang kali ini, tapi buku satunya malah lebih parah, belum sampai sama sekali di tangan, padahal sudah diorder sejak November 2015 kemarin. >.<

  • Anaïs

    Un entretenimiento genial para todo potterhead. Los dibujos están muy bien y el precio es asquible. La única pega son los dibujos de los personajes, que no se han currado demasiado la faena.

    Reseña completa aquí:

  • Annabelle

    This is perfect.

    I love how you can create your own version of Harry Potter or use the beautifully drafted guides at the back. The pieces are detailed and hours can be spent colouring them in. Really, really well done. I love it.

  • Victoria

    Amazing. Stunning pictures from the movies. Good quality paper. Love it!

  • Yulia

    didn't read it obviously...

  • Kat

    This colouring book is amazing and the pictures are done really well.. I am a big fan of harry potter movies and books

  • Rylee

    This book was a way to bring the color of Harry Potter into your home.

  • Hailey Wawrzyniak

    I Love Harry Potter So Freaking Much❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🔒🔏🔐😘🔥

  • Shivantika

    This was great, but I was a little annoyed that only one picture had Ginny in it, and that had, like, the whole crew of characters so it doesn't count.
    But the reason why it was four stars was cuz it didn't have the WOW factor most Harry Potter stuff has.

  • Jessica Van horn

    Just like the images from the big screen ready to color.

  • Carolyn

    Loved this and gave it as a gift to my daughter!

  • Rebekah

    Це гарна книга. House crests and movie posters in Cyrillic were fun details, even for beginners.

  • Agustina Paz

    Lo tengo hace un montón pero me da mucho miedo pintarlo y arruinarlo 😭😭. De todas formas es hermoso y me encanta.

  • Katrina

    Vita Vinculum

  • Fahri Rasihan

    Trend mewarnai mulai populer di seluruh dunia dengan sebutan Art Therapy, trend ini juga mulai populer di Indonesia dengan begitu banyaknya penerbit buku yang berlomba-lomba untuk menerbitkan buku-buku mewarnai. Salah satu penerbit yang konsisten untuk menerbitkan buku-buku mewarnai adalah Gramedia Pustaka Utama dengan karya-karya hasil ilustrator lokal maupun luar negeri. Ketika saya mengetahui bahwa Gramedia akan menerbitkan buku mewarnai Harry Potter di Indonesia, saya sangat excited untuk segera memilikinya. Apa lagi untuk para pengemar Harry Potter, buku mewarnai ini wajib untuk dimiliki, selain itu buku mewarnai Harry Potter ini juga sangat populer di kalangan bookstagram sehingga membuat saya semakin penasaran dengan gambar-gambar yang terdapat didalamnya.

    Melihat harganya bisa dikatakan buku mewarnai Harry Potter ini cukup mahal, tetapi itu semua sebanding dengan isinya yang penuh dengan gambar-gambar yang sangat mendetail, mulai dari tokoh-tokoh, adegan-adegan dalam film, makhluk-makhluk ajaib hingga permainan dan benda-benda ajaib yang terdapat di Harry Potter. Selain itu terdapat juga beberapa foto daru adegan-adegan yang terdapat dalam film untuk memberikan perbandingan warna ketika akan memulai mewarnai. Mungkin akan ada sedikit kesulitan untuk mewarnai beberapa halaman karena tertekuk ke tengah tapi jika berhati-hati ketika melipat sedikit halamannya, kertas yang dilipat juga tidak akan sobek atau terlepas karena selain menggunakan lem buku ini juga dijahit menggunakan benang untuk merekatkan setiap halamannya agar tidak mudah terlepas atau sobek.

    Buku mewarnai Harry Potter ini sangat cocok untuk semua umur dan kalangan karena gambar-gambar yang disajikan sangat jelas dengan detail-detail kecilnya. Salah satu solusi untuk mengistirahatkan otak dari berbagai macam pikiran dan untuk menghindari stress, dimana kita diajak berpetualang ke dalam dunia sihir Harry Potter yang ajaib dan penuh warna.

  • Vlasta

    Když loni vypukl boom omalovánek, samozřejmě jsem se i já zapojila. Tehdy jsem si ještě o trendech v literatuře (byť omalovánky moc ke čtení nejsou) udržovala přehled a nebylo tak těžké pořídit si omalovánky a začít vybarvovat. Takhle jsem vybarvila několikery mandaly a omalovánky Cizinka. Pak jsem, v dobách, kdy jsem ležela doma s nemohoucí nohou, započala Mudlovské omalovánky. Vypadalo to s nimi nadějně, ale pak přišel květen, tak nějak nový životní styl a na omalovánky na poličce se začalo prášit. Během roku jsem sice ještě několik stránek vybarvila, ale už mě to ani nebaví, protože to dělám převážně s pocitem “musím, měla bych”, ne pro radost. Tímto článkem tak možná na nějakou dobu sérii omalovánek a “kreativní činnosti v oboru kreslení” ukončuji, minimálně do léta, kdy se snad pustím do Čurbesu, konečně znovu. Nechť se ta polovina vybarveného z Mudlovských omalovánek líbí. 🙂


  • Heather

    Doing exactly what it says on the tin, this is a great addition to your Potter collection full of page after page of magical colouring in.

    OK sound that sounds a little cheesy but as a fan of the whole adult colouring book craze, which is lasting and lasting, I was made up when my awesome cousin got this for my birthday last year.

    I have been dabbling with a few pages and this one below is my current work in progress - The Quibbler!

    There are pictures of Harry and pals, scenes from the film and really great themed pages with snitches and owls, plenty for you to work through.

    The paper is good and thick, I am using gel based Sakura pens as you will see in the pic above and there is no bleed through.

    Great fun!

    http://redheatherduff.blogspot.com/20... for my pic!

  • Book

    „Harry Potter Coloring Book“ prepared by Scholastic is another piece on market that tries to make money using the known name that manages to sell (almost) everything.

    And though I’m not fully disappointed with this coloring book, honestly I expected a bit more, both when it comes to quality and style – what you will get inside for the most part are stills from the movies and the paper quality seems not too expensive due to its thickness and yellow color.

    Therefore, though your young Harry Potter fan will certainly have more than a few great hours coloring these 100 pages, hopefully the next edition that is going to carry HP name would be of better quality.

  • Lee

    Being the Potterhead that I am, I was beyond excited when this gem turned up in my Christmas stocking. Going through the art, I found that I absolutely loved the details on the inanimate objects (like the page of golden snitches) and the magical creatures (Dobby!). I found the illustrations of people less impressive, but not awful. What's extra special about this colouring book, is the inclusion of full colour film stills and concept art included at the back. These were meant to be used as references, but I just love looking at them.

    Overall, this is a great addition to my ever-growing collection of colouring books.

  • Alisha Brook

    Title: Harry Potter - The Official Colouring Book
    Series: Harry Potter Colouring Books (#1)
    Author: Warner Bros & J.K. Rowling
    Genre: Colouring Book
    Rating: 3.5 stars

    I have to admit, I was so excited to hear about a Harry Potter colouring book for adults!

    Although, I was hoping for something a little better than the produced product, I'm still happy that was made available. I haven't yet started colouring my copy because I want a perfect finished product, but I'm excited to start. I'm really glad that I have added this piece to my colouring book collection :)

  • Amanda

    Does it get better than this? I don't think so. Adult coloring books are huge right now and who doesn't love Harry Potter? This is perfect for everyone! I had to buy 2 for myself so I can keep one clean and the other colored. The pages are breathtaking and I love the opportunity of creating the characters to look how I want them to look. There's so much opportunity on this pages! Perfect for any coloring fan!