Title | : | In Search of the Castaways; or the Children of Captain Grant (Captain Nemo, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1406923117 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781406923117 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 432 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1867 |
In Search of the Castaways; or the Children of Captain Grant (Captain Nemo, #1) Reviews
In Search of the Castaways; or the Children of Captain Grant (Extraordinary Voyages #5), Jules Verne
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: هشتم اکتبر سال 1970 میلادی
عنوان: فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت؛ اثر ژول ورن؛ مترجم: جواد محبی؛ تهران،انتشارات گوتنبرگ؛ چاپ دوم 1347؛ در 671 ص؛
عنوان: فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت؛ اثر: ژول ورن؛ مترجم: مسعود گلزاری؛ تهران، دادجو، 1387، در 156 ص؛ شابک: 9789642621538؛
داستان غرق شدن کشتی کاپیتان گرانت و اسیر شدن او به دست بومیان است. خلاصه متن داستان نیز در اینترنت هست
ا. شربیانی -
در روز ۲۶ ژوئیه ۱۸۶۴ میلادی، یك كشتی تفریحی بسیار زیبا به نام “دونجان” كه متعلق به “لرد گلناروان”، یك اصیلزاده اسكاتلندی بود، اولین سفر دریایی خود را در کانال شمال به سمت بندر گلاسکو آغاز كرد. بر فراز بلندترین دكل كشتی پرچم انگلیس در اهتزاز بود و در آن لرد گلناروان و همسر جوان او “هلن” و دوستانش قرار داشتند. آنها به طور اتفاقی یک كوسهماهی را به قلاب انداختند و صید كردند. در شكم حیوان دریایی یك بطری پیدا كردند كه درون آن سه نوشته به زبان های انگلیسی، فرانسه و آلمانی قرار داشت كه حامل پیامی از یك حادثه بسیار وحشتناک بود.
پیام از این قرار بود كه كشتی “بریتانیا” در سواحل “پاتاگونیا” در نیمكره جنوبی غرق شد. دو ملوان و “كاپیتان گرانت” به طرف خشكی رفتند و سعی كردند؛ در آنجا لنگر بیندازند، ولی به وسیله سرخپوستان بیرحم دستگیر شدند. در آن كاغذها سندی مبنی بر نقشه جغرافیایی آن منطقه، به همراه طلب كمك برای آزادی آنها درج شده بود. این پیام در واقع درخواستِ کمک شخصی به نام كاپیتان “هری گرانت” بود كه بیش از دو سال پیش همراه با كشتی “بریتانیا” در سواحل آمریكای جنوبی مفقود شده بود.
لرد گلناراوان و همسرش به محض اطلاع از این موضوع خود را به لندن می رسانند و از طریق یک آگهی در مورد کاپیتان گرانت در روزنامه با ��مری” و “روبرت”، فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت ارتباط برقرار می کنند. دولت از انجام هرگونه عملیات امداد و نجات برای کاپیتان مفقود شده خودداری می نماید. اما لرد گلناراوان و همسرش با دیدن وضعیت فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت، تصمیم می گیرند خود به تنهایی برای پیدا کردن و نجات او اقدام کنند. لرد گلناراوان و همسرش به همراه فرزندان کاپیتان گرانت و خدمه کشتی دونجان عازم آمریکای جنوبی می شوند؛ در حالی که تنها راهنمای آنها متن رنگ و رو رفته یک پیام است که به سه زبان و به صورت نامفهوم نوشته شده است … -
The end of the journey for this third volume, and a third country, since after overcoming the dangers of the Andes and betrayal in Australia, the dispossessed Duncan and his loyal crew companions continue their search for Captain Grant in New Zealand. Again many adventures and twists await them, and death is very close to them. A final in apotheosis for this trilogy, always marked with the seal of quality at the graphic level. Note the copies of parchment maps detailing the history of New Zealand and the ornate imitation frames, which further enhance the quality of the layout if necessary. It was a real pleasant surprise for the whole trilogy.
Un ¡BOOM!, resuena en la cabeza al querer recordar todo lo que ha sucedido en el libro. Tiene más de 700 páginas y viajan del oeste al este recorriendo casi 360º de longitud. Todo para buscar a un buque naufragado y en especial al padre de dos hermosas criaturas que pidieron ayuda a todo un caballero, y que se echa la expedición a sus hombros y cartera.
Es el libro más valorado de Verne, y uno de los menos conocidos por no tener su toque de ciencia ficción y de predicción futura. Ocurre absolutamente todo lo posible que a un lector le puede atraer (viaje, peleas, amores, aventuras, terror…) salvo lo comentado. -
I read this one as a little girl and I remember I loved it! I want to read it again.
Nonostante le difficoltà riscontrate nella lettura, mi è piaciuto. Da piccola lo avrei adorato (ovviamente non una versione integrale come questa!). Per chi voglia approcciarsi a Verne, questo non è sicuramente il libro da cui partire. Consiglio opere più brevi come "Viaggio al centro della terra" (bellissimo!).
От тази история помня, че:
- е най-лошо да сбъркаш кораб - следващата спирка може да е отвъд екватора;
- в Андите има кондори и индианци - представители на две благородни, но преследвани раси;
- португалският и испанският са различни езици;
- в Нова Зеландия мисионерите през 19-ти век са преподавали бабини трънкини суеверия на “диваците”, за да ги убедят във величието на Бог. Затова някак логично ми се видя маорите да не искат да влязат в християнското лоно. Това с канибализма беше ужасно, макар в много племена по света той да се е практикувал до късно поне ритуално.
И да, географията е важна. Защото ще те отведе, където пожелаеш, а не където те тикат разни доктрини. -
Навремето така съм я издирвала да я чета! Много интересна книга, препрочитана.
Тази година се навършват 150 години от издаването на „Децата на капитан Грант” на недостижимия Жул Верн. А такъв кръгъл юбилей е прекрасен повод да си припомним и без това незабравимия пети роман от поредицата „Необикновени пътешествия“ и едно от най-забележителните произведения в приключенската литература. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле":
https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/201... -
I hate to do this, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to give my beloved Jules Verne a mere 2 stars for this book. I have been huge fan of "The Mysterious Island" since I was probably 10 or 12, and when I found out this book was a prequel to "The Mysterious Island" I thought "why have I never heard of this book??!!". Well, now I know why. Not every book every successful author writes is worthwhile.
The premise of "Captain Grant's Children" (also published under "In Search of the Castaways") is a mysterious message found in a bottle. The message was thrown into the sea by Captain Grant who has been shipwrecked and presumably marooned somewhere. The latitude is the only number legible, so a search along the 37th parallel south is begun. Lord and Lady Glenarvan fund the expedition and provide the yacht, bringing Mary and Robert Grant, the children of Captain Grant, with them.
Sounds like the beginning of a fairly good adventure, yes? Well, alas there are complications. The characters are rather wooden and unnatural, and some of the situations are frankly absurd. We began reading this book aloud after I had asked for it as a Christmas present. We had to halt our readings when we got to the point where the party is hiking in Patagonia along the 37th parallel. Huddled in a hut (I said that on purpose for literary emphasis), half frozen because they have been forced to hike very high in the Andes, an earthquake suddenly turns the very ground into a moving avalanche of gravel and skree. The search party almost "ski" down the mountainside with the rubble from the earthquake. (absurd situation #1) When they reach the bottom of the mountain, they discover young lad Robert is missing while all the rest of them have somehow survived with only scratches (absurd situation #2). Searching for him they eventually see a large condor flying while carrying something. You guessed it.... the condor has young lad Robert gripped in its nasty talons!!! (absurd situation #3) Hoots of derision begin among the listeners, and then become howls of laughter when a native southern American named Thulcave sees poor young Robert and shoots the condor in flight (absurd situation #4) and the dead condor then continues to hold young lad Robert in his nasty pesky talons and falls like a parachute to the ground (absurd situation #5) delivering a stunned but otherwise safe young lad Robert to his friends (absurd situation #6). All this in about 10 pages. Up until Thulcave arrived on the scene, we had been rooting for the condor because young lad Robert was so annoying!
Poor Jules Verne was trying out a theme that he developed more successfully in "Around the World in 80 Days" (published in 1873) and then also later in "The Mysterious Island" (published in 1874). But in this particular book, it just isn't really worth it. Read "The Mysterious Island" to find out about Ayrton and how he came to be on Tabor island. -
Have you ever liked something simply because it was loved by someone you love?
"Captain Grant's Children" got that much going for it at the start of my reading, because some 50 years ago it was loved by three young, adventurous boys who would grow up to be my father and uncles.
After an adventurous summer hiking trip, I was feeling adventurous, myself- I wanted to read a good, solid, old-school adventure novel.
I really liked the premise, the beginning and the ending caught my attention, some tricky situations were resolved in a really clever manner, there were quite a few interesting tidbits, but...
But the 19th-century blend of an adventure novel and literary documentary didn't work for me.
There was a plot, definitely, but slowed down by numerous descriptions of curious local weather conditions, peculiarities of flora and fauna, inventories of the ship's many sails...
On the one hand, reading all this extra information was truly fascinating, especially when a reader reminds himself there was no Wiki, no internet, no television in Jules Verne's time. Gathering information, plotting and writing the thing must have been exhausting! A brilliant undertaking!
On the other hand, it was... all... just... too... much. :/ I might have been too millenial for it.
So, I can appreciate it, but I didn't truly enjoy it. -
Lettura di gruppo E&L: classico di settembre
Nonostante ci abbia impiegato un mese a leggerlo, e nonostante alcune descrizioni un pò troppo lunghe che mi facevano dimenticare cosa stavo leggendo, il libro mi è piaciuto e mi sono anche divertita.
Forse non era il momento giusto per la lettura di questo classico, che per il poco tempo a disposizione, ho letto spezzetato, allungandolo così ulteriormente. Però non ho mai avuto l'idea di interromperlo, perchè mi ha comunque incuriosito e volevo sapere di più su questo avventuroso viaggio alla ricerca del Capitano Grant.
E poi ho sempre visto il film della Wat Disney ed ero curiosa di leggere il libro.
Certo si sente che è scritto poco più di un secolo fa, e ci sono alcune affermazioni un pò sessiste e razziste, ma non mi hanno infastidito più del dovuto. Anche perchè ho contestualizzato il libro nel periodo in cui è stato scritto.
Il voto però non supera le 3 stelle, perchè quando impiego troppo a leggere i libri, sono sempre un pò provata, e secondo me perdono un pò del loro fascino. Io sono più da "tutto in una volta sola"
E' il primo di una trilogia. Adesso sono curiosa di scoprire che cosa si inventerà Verne per i prossimi ^^ -
GDL con Edicola & Libreria: le nostre passioni...
Purtroppo per me, credo di averlo letto troppo tardi per poterlo apprezzare.
Mi è piaciuto, come sempre in questi casi, lo stile necessariamente retrò.
Mi ha divertito quell’ingenuità di un tempo passato che avevo già riscontrato in libri quali
John Carter di Marte e
Robin Hood: Il Principe dei Ladri
Però ci sono quelli che per me sono dei difetti.
Capisco che è stato scritto nel 1867 e che aveva uno scopo didattico/educativo che adesso è per forza di cose sorpassato, ma ho trovato gran parte del libro pesante; non c'è niente da fare, io e le descrizione fatte ad elenco, non andiamo d'accordo e, mi spiace dirlo, ho attivato l'avanzamento veloce.
Non potevo sopravvivere all'elenco degli oltre 56 esploratori dell'Australia e di cosa hanno esplorato, e a tutte le descrizioni, elenchi di cui è infarcito.
Per un attimo, il pensiero di abbandonarlo mi ha colpito (e per una volta ho rimpianto di non avere la versione ridotta).
È anche vero che pensavo che la soluzione dell'olio durante l'uragano fosse inverosimile, invece è vera ^^
Poi ci sono i concetti del 1800 diventati anacronistici e fastidiosi.
In un epoca dove le donne vanno nello spazio, leggere che venivano considerate debole e fragile e che venivano portate in braccio per non farle bagnare i piedi …
Per non parlare delle considerazioni che c’erano sugli indigeni … per esempio leggere la storia del bambino aborigeno sapendo della “Generazione Rubata” di bambini australiani aborigeni, mi ha lasciato un po’ così, però capisco che è un libro figlio della sua epoca per cui sono riuscita a passarci sopra, come alle altre cose.
L’unica cosa invariata sono i contrasti scozzesi/inglesi :P
Ci sono state anche alcune parti scorrevoli, con divertenti avventure esageratamente eccessive.
Mi ha ricordato un programma televisivo per ragazzi anni ' 70, un po' surreale e un po' ingenuo: Saturnino Farandola
e che, leggo adesso da Wikipedia, è tratto da un romanzo
Viaggi straordinarissimi di Saturnino Farandola nelle 5 o 6 parti del mondo e in tutti i paesi visitati e non visitati da Giulio Verne, e che lo scrittore s'ispirò proprio a Verne ^^
Comunque, perché I figli del capitano Grant? I figli non sono per niente i protagonisti. -
Kапитан Грант се крие добре:
Както всички, които са чели този знаков приключенски детски роман, знаят, то проследява околосветското търсене на капитан Грант, който е корабокруширал някъде по тридесет и седмия паралел. И това в общи линии е единственото сигурно сведение от писмото в бутилка, което бива открито от лорд Гленарван, докато е на борда на своята яхта “Дънкан”. Писмото, написано на три езика, е силно повредено, и неяснотите в него всъщност движат сюжета на романа и го разтягат до един мащабен пътепис за Южна Америка, Австралия и Нова Зеландия (и само се благодарях, че Азия и Африка са извън сметките).
http://knigolandia.info/book-review/d... -
Isaac Dunaevsky, Overture to "The Children of Captain Grant" movie
Lord Glenarvan, his new-wed wife, McNabb and Paganel agreed to go ahead
And sail on board the "Duncan" yacht, to help the kids of captain Grant to find their missing Dad.
This quest lead them around the Globe in search of Scottish sailor.
They risked their lives so many times, yet kept their will and valor
They knew "Britannia" shipwrecked at 37th parallel of south latitude ...
From Glasgow "Duncan" put up sails to Chile's shore on route.
Across the Andes they moved eastward, through snow and ice on foot,
Though no trace of Grant was found there, they kept search attitude.
Via Atlantic they've sailed away to "down under" land,
The rugged wilderness - with jumpy kangaroo and snappy crocodiles.
In false belief that captain's search comes near happy end,
To no use they have traversed few hundred humid, hot Australian miles.
Being tricked by Ayrton, in his hope to seize the ship - with help of pirates band,
By hand of fate the travelers were sent to land on shore of distant New Zealand
Just to be captured by the tribe of violent Maori.
But don't worry, since we all know "a priori",
That in the middle of the book,
To keep the readers stay on hook,
No matter how things went bad,
Main heroes never will be dead.
And here we go, in the near escape,
Our heroes noticed their yacht, miraculously anchored off the cape,
Where evil man has been disarmed and kept under arrest.
With all the troubles put aside, good guys took time to rest.
And finally, just passing by, on hardly noticed island,
James Grant, alive and healthy, suddenly was found.
The happy father reunited with his son and daughter,
And yacht has rushed back home to dock at peaceful Scottish harbor water.
This book was clearly my first admired boyhood's read.
And it has planted in my brains romantic wisdom's seed -
About courage and Jule Verne's good cause adventure creed,
Without selfish treasure hunting weed - that spoiling purpose, driven by the greed.
1. Memorable 5
2. Social Relevance 1
3. Informative 4
4. Originality 5
5. Thought Provoking 3
6. Expressiveness 3
7. Entertaining 5
8. Visualization 5
9. Sparks Emotion 3
10. Life Changing (Pivotal, crucial, determining, defining, momentous, fateful, consequential, climacteric, transformational) 1
5,1,4,5,3,3,5,5,3,1 ======>> 35/10 = 3.5
http://www.goodreads.com/poll/show/51... -
I found this absorbing and exciting, and on par with the three other Jules Verne novels I liked. (The Mysterious Island, Around the World in Eighty Days, and Journey to the Center of the Earth; I thought Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea was boring.)
Paganel, the conceited, big-hearted, absentminded, eccentric French geographer, is my favorite character so far in all of Verne's works. The relationship and repartee between him and Major McNabbs is highly entertaining (there wasn't enough of it!). The rest of the cast are individual and enjoyable as well, especially Lord Glenarvan, Lady Helena, and Robert Grant. I wish Mary Grant and John Mangles had been better developed, but in a novel of this immensity, I suppose deep character development, as well as a few other things, had to be sacrificed for other details. I appreciated that Verne had the ladies along on this voyage, though like Aouda in Around the World, they weren't as prominent in the story as the men. (Though that's understandable, considering the type of story it is.)
Of course, many of the adventures that the searchers encountered were quite fantastical, but they were mixed with enough facts to feel at least somewhat plausible as I breathlessly read or listened to the story. This book was stuffed full ... it felt like it could have been two novels at least ... but never boring as the characters crossed continents and islands. The global voyaging appealed to my love of travel. I really wish I could have read this in paperback with footnotes. -
As ever, it is quite an adventure to read a Jules Verne’s book. It always amazes me how much he knew about geography, zoology, history and botany, considering the time he wrote his books. I really liked the characters, which seems to be what I enjoy most about his books. And although I feel this book could have been a little bit shorter, I really enjoy it.
Me gustan mucho los libros de Verne por toda la aventura que tienen, y nunca deja de asombrarme todo lo que sabía el hombre para la época en que escribió sus libros. Este libro en particular me pareció que podría haber sido un poco más corto. Algunos capítulos eran más descriptivos de lo necesario en mi opinión, pero sin embargo me gustó mucho. Lo que más disfruté fueron los personajes, y si mal no recuerdo es lo que suelo disfrutar más en sus libros. -
Well, I have loved the Disney movie for years so it was fun to read the book it's based on.
Also, having read The Mysterious Island, it was fun to see the author toying with ideas that he ended up using in that book. Also, there were some great quotes in this book.
Yet, there were several things I didn't like about this book.
~ The racism in this book was pretty ugly at times. I can see why this book is hard to find a print copy of. Many of the racial slurs were very bothersome.
~ The plot often got bogged down. At times, it felt like the author was lost or bored.
~ Some of the violence and imparticular the descriptions of cannibalistic practices were gross and a bit disturbing.
~ While more typical of the time, for some reason the age difference between John and Mary bugged me.
All in all, I would say this is one of those very rare cases where the movie was better. I probably won't be rereading this story. -
Daniel: Este libro trata de los hijos del capitán Grant, que quieren rescatarle de un naufragio en algún lugar del paralelo 37 sur, al encontrar unos documentos en una botella. Les ayudan Lord y Lady Glenarvan, John Mangles, MacNabbs y Paganel, un geógrafo francés que se sube al barco pensando que va a la India. En su viaje encontrarán amigos y enemigos. ¿Podrán rescatar al capitán Grant?
Geras paauglystėje skaitytos knygos prisiminimas.
I'll admit, the movie was/is one of my all-time childhood (and lets face it, adulthood too) favorites. So, I went into this book with certain expectations. Most were met, and it was engaging, exciting, and a very entertaining read. And about 3/4 of it (or more) had nothing in common with the movie, so I did not know exactly what was going to happen as I read it.
My major complaints are few, and really not that major. Some of the slang was unknown to me; the verbiage was at times difficult to get through during the longer paragraphs and monologues. Overall, I'd say it felt pretty winded and could have used some additional editing/polishing.
A more personal annoyance was the level at which religion was highlighted in the book, savages as groups were all described in generalities (hugely insulting ones), the women were largely useless and meek (and everyone spoke of this as though it was the right thing), and how on one line the characters talk about the native wildlife, and how it is about to go extinct, and in the next line they are desperately trying to hunt the elusive and rare creatures. Oh, also, Mary Grant's love interest is 30 (she is 16). These, I intellectually understand, are just products of the time period. But it doesn't make it any more enjoyable for me to spend hours reading about.
But, as I always do with reviews, I am focusing on the negatives. The book really is great, and despite these regular little irritants, it is extremely enjoyable and generally well written. The characters (most of them) are well developed, and the relationships among them develop believably and naturally. Of note, the repartee between Paganel and McNabb is always great, and everyone's love and respect for young Robert (they never overtly pity or patronize him) is truly touching.
In short, it made me want to travel around the world...all along the 37th parallel of course! -
Il 26 Luglio 1864 sul "Duncan", il panfilo del trentaduenne Lord Glenarvan, dalla pancia di un pesce pescato durante una battuta di pesca viene estratta una bottiglia con all’interno una richiesta di aiuto scritta due anni prima dal Capitano Grant naufragato con il suo "Britannia" durante un viaggio nei mari del sud.
Da quel momento Lord Glenarvan avrà come unico scopo quello di salvare Grant e sul suo panfilo, assieme ai figli dello sventurato capitano (Mary e Robert), di sua moglie Lady Elena, dello skypper John Mangles, del maggiore Mac Nabbs, del marinaio Tom Austin, del "maestro di casa" Olbinet e sua moglie e del geografo Paganel (imbarcatosi sulla nave per errore) viaggeranno attraverso gli oceani e i continenti alla ricerca dei naufraghi ma durante il loro peregrinare incontreranno sul loro cammino l’infido Ayrton, marinaio ammutinato del vecchio "Britannia" che con scaltrezza avrà come unico obiettivo quello di derubare i nostri eroi del meraviglioso panfilo.
Un racconto questo, capostipite della trilogia che vede farne parte anche "Ventimila leghe sotto i mari" e "L’isola misteriosa", ben scritto ma purtroppo lontano per "respiro" e dovizia di particolari rispetto ai due libri seguenti, in alcune parti così scarno da apparire quasi come un semplice diario di viaggio, colpevole errore, per me, è la poca caratterizzazione dei personaggi, non sufficentemente approfonditi per permettere di creare empatia con il lettore.
Il racconto, di terra e di mare, ci accompagnerà attraverso Cile, Argentina, Australia e Nuova Zelanda dove i nostri eroi si confronteranno con predoni, frane, montagne da scalare, deserti, naufragi, tifoni, inondazioni e persino cannibali.
Un romanzo piacevole alla lettura, scorrevole e con una buona dose di azione, meravigliosa ed emozionante, per me, la parte in cui viene trattata la popolazione Maori. -
Câu chuyện kể về hai người con đi tìm cha của mình, là thuyền trưởng Grant người đã gặp nạn cũng với các thủy thủ khi đang trên đường thám hiểm.
Grant là người Scotland yêu nước, không cam chịu để nước Anh nô dịch quê hương Scotland của mình. Ông đã thành lập một vùng di dân Scoland trên một hòn đảo ở Thái Bình Dương, để được hưởng quyền độc lập tự do. Chính phủ Anh đã ngăn trở việc làm của ông. Tuy nhiên thuyền trưởng Grant đã lựa chọn một đoàn thủy thủ và ra đi thực hiện ý đồ của mình.
Huân tước Glenarvan, một ngưòi cùng chí hướng với thuyền trưởng Grant, tình cờ lượm được trên biển một bức thư để trong chai báo tin tàu của thuyền trưởng Grant bị đắm và yêu cầu được cứu giúp. Vốn là những người nhân hậu và độ lượng, vợ chồng huân tước Glenarvan đã quyết định đưa chiếc tàu Duncan của mình đi tìm cứu thùy trưởng Grant.
Cùng với sự góp mặt đầy trớ trêu của nhà bác học địa lý Paganet, song lại vô cùng quan trọng trong cuộc tìm kiếm.
Một cuốn sách nhẹ nhàng, không quá hồi hộp. Nhưng chứa đựng nhiều bài học.
Lòng dũng cảm, tình yêu của những người con dành cho Cha của chúng, người phải kể đến là vợ huân tước Glenarvan đã yêu thương những đứa trẻ bất hạnh và thuyết phục huân tước mau chóng lên đường.
Cuối cùng, trải qua nhiều sóng gió, nguy hiểm họ đã tìm thấy thuyền trưởng Grant.
Cuốn sách là một chuyến thám hiểm đầy thú vị trên đại dương. -
Ansiklopedik tarza bilgilerinin aşırı derecede olması nedeniyle kitaptan çok fazla koptum. Bu yüzden Bir "Buzlar Sfenksi" veya "Denizler Altında 20000 Fersah" seviyesinde değil ama kitapta kısım kısım çok iyi yerler vardı.
Ах, страхотна първа книга на Жул Верн, която чета. В дъното на душата си приключенска, много добре написана, всичките персонажи са живи и цветни, а историята сама по себе си е чудесна.
One of the books of my childhood ( I remember reading it time and again, everytime when I was short of "fresh" options), so there are a lot of fond memories about . It was very probably perfectly fit for young ages, as science-fiction elements are less pregnant, in favor of pure adventure, travels and some humor, not to mention the happy-end.
I wonder how much I would value this novel as a mature reading, so maybe I'll try one of these days... -
Hasta el momento, es la más larga aventura de Verne que haya leído: tiene unas 700 páginas.
Tiene todo lo que vengo encontrando en las anteriores:
*Un protagonista heroico e infatigable (chequeado)
*Aventuras increíbles de hombre vs. naturaleza (check)
*Giros argumentales dramáticos
*Crueldad contra animales varios
*Descripciones interminables de paisaje, fauna y flora
*Un toquecito de racismo colonialista (un poco menos en este libro que en anteriores de la serie, e incluso habla bien de algunos indígenas)
*un personaje francés pintoresco
*una premisa un tanto inverosímil (dudo mucho que alguien se haga a la mar para buscar unos náufragos así como así y lleve mujeres y niños en la expedición)
*partes de relleno donde cita una por una todas las expediciones que intentaron atravesar Australia, o todas las especies comestibles de helechos del cono sur, o el nombre de todos los infortunados misioneros que fueron devorados por los maoríes, y cosas similares. Además se supone que debemos creer que todos esos detalles son recordados por uno de los personajes. A decir verdad parecen copiadas textualmente de una enciclopedia. Denso, muy denso.
*el viejo truco del náufrago en la isla desierta, y además cita a Robinson Crusoe todo el tiempo.
Esas partes se podrían haber acortado por lo menos en 100 páginas, creo yo.
Lo que más me gustó fue que hay una parte importante del libro, al principio, que transcurre en la Patagonia y la provincia de Buenos Aires, cerca de Tandil. Me gustó ver la idea de Verne acerca de mi patria y que se parece bastante a la pampa argentina real, aún 150 años después (tomarse un mate bajo un ombú incluido, aunque Tandil ya tiene bastante más de 4000 habitantes)
Por todo esto, no puedo darle más de 3 o 3.5 estrellas: interesante, pero innecesariamente largo y no muy original con respecto a otros libros del autor, además me simpatizan los maoríes y no los trata muy bien. Curiosamente creo que es el libro de Verne con mejor valoración en GR. Seguiremos con el próximo! -
Por diversos avatares, mi yo niño nunca llegó a leer ninguna novela de Verne. Y casi me alegro. Tildar esta novela de literatura juvenil es realmente desacertado. Se trata de un catálogo geográfico y etnográfico camuflado entre las peripecias de los protagonistas. Habrá quien considere que tiene pasajes tediosos por ser excesivamente descriptivos y habrá quien se escandalice con los sucesivos comentarios racistas y sexistas, que pueden ofender al lector actual, pero que hay que situar en el marco mental en el que fue escrito. Me explico. Uno de los alicientes de esta novela (más allá de las aventuras, que son muy entretenidas en América y en Nueva Zelanda, pero un tanto rutinarias en Australia) es ser un documento de la cosmovisión propia de la Europa occidental del siglo XIX, imbuida por ese afán "civilizador" y eurocéntrico, con unos escoceses y un francés moralmente impolutos y unos indígenas irracionales o despiadados (a excepción de Thalcave, personificación del topos del buen salvaje). Criticar la obra por esto me parece anacrónico, pero sí que es un argumento para que sea leída con el espíritu crítico que un niño de 10 años quizás todavía no ha podido desarrollar. Por otro lado, pese al espíritu del siglo XIX que sobrevuela la obra, Verne se permite criticar el modo en el que esa colonización es llevada a cabo por Inglaterra (conflicto materializado en el sentimiento nacional escocés).
En resumen, he disfrutado de la lectura, especialmente del estilo y de ese afán enciclopedista tan decimonónico, a pesar de que a veces me dolían los ojos por los injustos prejuicios que se transmiten y de la mayor carencia de la obra, que es la ausencia de unos personajes realmente interesantes (más allá del geógrafo Jacques Paganel), ya que la mayoría son planos, estereotipados y sin matices. -
Quando a pagina 7 ho incontrato il primo refuso, ho storto un po' il naso; ma i refusi sono cose che capitano e ho ingenuamente pensato che questo sarebbe stato l'unico in duecentoquaranta pagine di romanzo e non era il caso di condannare tutta l'edizione per quell'unico refuso.
Quando sono arrivata a pagina 16, i refusi sono saliti a sei, decisamente troppi per un libro dal prezzo di copertina di € 7,90 con una qualche pretesa di dignità.
Ma il peggio non è nemmeno questo.
Il peggio è che, durante la lettura, mi ha assalito un dubbio atroce. Sono riuscita a procurarmi una versione originale in francese da mettere a confronto e ho scoperto che l'intera struttura dei capitoli è stata alterata e che interi periodi sono stati opportunamente rimaneggiati e tagliati. Non so quale sia il concetto di "edizione integrale" che ha la Crescere Edizioni, ma intimerei loro di rivederlo il prima possibile.
La mancanza di professionalità mostrata in questa edizione è tale che in futuro baderò a stare lontana da qualsiasi prodotto edito da questa casa editrice.