50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It by Tom Butler-Bowdon

50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It
Title : 50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 185788504X
ISBN-10 : 9781857885040
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 228
Publication : First published February 21, 2008

Looking to discover the secrets to wealth and plenty? Find them now with 50 Prosperity Classics Tom Butler-Bowdon's 50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It- Wisdom from the Most Valuable Books on Wealth Creation and Abundance is the first book to highlight landmark titles in the ever-growing field of wealth creation. Tom Butler-Bowdon brings together fundamental works on entrepreneurship, personal finance, investing, economics, and philanthropy, providing guidance and support in the quest to develop a millionaire mindset, become a wealth creator, make wise investment decisions and give a little back. Rhoda Byrne's The Secret has led many people to discover this field of writing that goes back a century, and Butler-Bowdon presents the most influential of these books, covering the psychological aspects of creating wealth, the nuts and bolts of personal finance, and the ins and outs of entrepreneurship and investing. With this single book, you can learn from the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Conrad Hilton, Suze Orman, and Donald Trump. 50 Prosperity Classics is about making your money work for you, not only for the creation of wealth but as a means of attaining personal fulfillment and peace of mind.

50 Prosperity Classics: Attract It, Create It, Manage It, Share It Reviews

  • Ramy

    تمت كتابة هذا السطر بعد الانتهاء من قراءة الكتاب كله ...يستحق 3.5 من 5 و الاقرب لعدم وجود انصاف نجوم 4 من 5

    المال هو نتيجة ل سبب اذا ركزت على النتيجة و اهملت السبب فستختفى النتيجة تدريجيا.... السطر دا بالكتاب كولو

    فى نهاية الكتاب قائمة ب 50 كتاب اخر عن نفس الموضوع
    ===== ريفيو ما قبل البدء بالقراءة=======

    فهرس طويل التنين به 50 عنوان و فى النهاية فصل به 50 عنوان اضافيين ...لاحظت ان العناوين الكتب ال 50 منها ما هو لا ينطبق على حالة تنمية الثروة الشخصية ..فهناك كتب ك بنك الفقراء و ثروة الامم كتب تتحدث عن الاقتصاد لا عن تنمية الثروة

    و هنا فعل مؤلف او مؤلفو الكتاب حركة احيهم عليها ... قد كتبت فى ريفيهواتى السابقة المتعلقة ب كتب تنمية الثروة ..عن ان هناك نوعين من الكتب دى " بناءا على كل ما قرات سابقا فى هذا المجال" ..
    (1)كتب تتناول نفسية من يريد تكوين او استمرار بناء او الحفاظ على ثروته"ما اسماه المؤلفق كتب جذب الثروة"
    (2)و كتب تتناول خطوات فعل ذلك بطرق عملية و مالية "جمع الثروة"

    زاد عليها المؤلف الله يستره فرعين اخرين
    (3) قصص حياة رجال الاعمال الكبار "ادارة الثروة"
    (4)و كتب عن كيفية التبرع و المنح و مساعدة الفقراء و المجتمع من تلك الثروة الخاصة "مشاركة الثروة"
    و بذلك تنقسم ال 50 عنوان الى عدة كتب كل منها تحت احدى القوائم الاربعة و بذلك وفر على الكثير من الوقت حيث سأعطى الاولوية للقوائم (2)(3)

    اول خدمة عملها لى المؤلف دا ان كتب المجموعة
    (4) (1)
    وفر عليا وقت قراءتها و الخوض فيها و عفانى من عدم الاستمتاع فى النهاية و انقذنى اضاعةا لوقت على الفاضى ...لذا ساقوم بتاخيرها فى قائمة ال want to read او قد احذفها تماما

    كنت قد قرا قبل ذلك كتاب مليونير كل دقيقة
    The One Minute Millionaire The Enlightened Way to Wealth وا لكتاب كان من نصفين كتاب و رواية و طبعا مقرتيش الجزء الرواية .... و اهتتمت اكثر ب الجزء الذى يخاطب النصف الايسر المنطقى من المخ و كذلك ب النسبة لكتابنا الحالى فسأهتم بقرأة الملخصات لل كتب "حوالى نصف ال 50 كتاب" الكتب التى تنضم للقائمتين 2-3
    =======ملخص ال 50 كتاب و ريفيو اثناء القراءة========
    ملحوظة كل ريفيوهات و تقييم الكتب القادمة هو بناء على وجهة نظر شخصية للكتب و الاهتمام ب مجالات محددة3-2 دون غيرها1-4 لكن الكتب الحاصلة على ريفيو ضئيل قد تكون مهمة و مفيدة و مسلية ل شخص اخر يرى ذلك المجال الاخر مسلى لذا ف وجب التنويه

    ================= ريفيو ما بعد الانتهاء من الكتاب==========

    اى كتاب يحصل على 7 فما فوق من 10 هو كتاب جيد او مهم - من وجهة نظرى المتواضعة -

    الكتاب القادم : حكايات الجوارى فى قصور الخلافة

  • Realini

    50 Prosperity Classics by Tom Butler-Bowdon

    After the 50 Psychology and the 50 Spiritual Classics, here I am finishing a third 50 classics book: the one on Prosperity. I read Butler-Bowdon with ups and downs: loved the 50 Psychology Classics, not so much the Spiritual Classics and liked very much the latest, 50 Prosperity Classics.

    The book is extremely interesting: even if one is not determined, or finds it rather late –I’ll be 50-classic-age- to get rich. Indeed, there is one book, I forgot which, where the author is explaining that you might not find it all that wonderful to become rich. Except for a few books, the absolute majority seem to contain very wise advice, sensible things and common sense: teach your kids frugality; once they learn the value of money and things, they appreciate it, as opposed to the situation when they get stuff and take everything for granted- Paris Hilton gets a mention…
    There are authors who connect riches with religion, without much appeal for me, except for the one on Protestantism and success: coming from a religion which, in my view is responsible for backward thinking in money and business matters.

    There are the stories of Branson, The Donald, Gates, Conrad Hilton, Barnum and more. From the short, nutshell description, many of the books listed here are well worth reading. The Millionaire Next Door for instance reveals some unexpected truths: the average millionaire in America is not flashy, has an American model car, quite a few years old, is frugal, lives in a decent neighborhood (hence the title), not in Beverly Hills, has married once and teaches his children…frugality. His spouse is even more frugal than him…having a hole in a big bucket doesn’t help filling it.
    Not what we‘d expect.

    Final word: I found this book so exciting, that I started reading some of the books mentioned inside, which, by the way, have been in the public domain in quite a few cases, and because plenty of the books listed are more than a hundred years old: Adam Smith, Barnum…

    there's the complete list:

    1. James Allen The Path to Prosperity (1905)
    2. Robert G Allen Multiple Streams of Income (2000)
    3. David Bach The Automatic Millionaire (2003)
    4. PT Barnum The Art of Money Getting (1885)
    5. Genevieve Behrend Your Invisible Power (1921)
    6. John C Bogle The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (2007)
    7. Richard Branson Losing My Virginity (1998)
    8. Warren Buffett The Essays of Warren Buffett (2001)
    9. Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
    10. Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1889)
    11. Felix Dennis How To Get Rich (2006)
    12. Peter Drucker Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985)
    13. T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005)
    14. Charles Fillmore Prosperity (1912)
    15. Joel Fleishman The Foundation (2007)
    16. Milton Friedman Capitalism and Freedom (1966)
    17. Thomas Friedman The World Is Flat (2005)
    18. Bill Gates Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (by Bill Wallace & Jim Erickson) (1992)
    19. Michael E Gerber The E-Myth Revisited (1995, 2001)
    20. Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor (1949)
    21. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen The One Minute Millionaire (2002)
    22. Paul Hawken Natural Capitalism (2000)
    23. Esther & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given: Leaning to Manifest Your Desires (2004)
    24. Napoleon Hill The Master Key to Riches (1964)
    25. Conrad Hilton Be My Guest (1964)
    26. Joe Karbo The Lazy Man's Way to Riches (1973)
    27. Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start (2004)
    28. Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom (1998)
    29. Peter Lynch One Up On Wall Street (1989)
    30. Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred Investing in Real Estate (5th edition, 2005)
    31. Jerrold Mundis How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (1990)
    32. William Nickerson How I Turned $1,000 into Three Million in Real Estate In My Spare Time (1969)
    33. Conor O'Clery The Billionaire That Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune (2007)
    34. Suze Orman Women and Money (2007)
    35. Paul Zane Pilzer God Wants You To Be Rich (1995)
    36. Catherine Ponder Open Your Mind To Prosperity (1982)
    37. John Randolph Price The Abundance Book (1987)
    38. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Revisited (2005)
    39. Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)
    40. Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money (1988)
    41. Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez Your Money or Your Life (1999)
    42. Anita Roddick Business As Unusual: My Entrepreneurial Journey with Profits and Principles (2005)
    43. Howard Schultz Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Step At a Time (1998)
    44. Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow (1987)
    45. Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations (1778)
    46. Thomas Stanley & William Danko The Millionaire Next Door (1996)
    47. Donald Trump The Art of The Deal (1987)
    48. Lynne Twist The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Life (2003)
    49. Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904)
    50. Muhammad Yunus Banker To the Poor: Microlending and the Battle Against World Poverty (2003)

  • Borbala Hidegh

    Excellent book presenting a huge number of ideas from different times of the history, and authors from all over the world. The book is centred around the idea of wealth, abundance vs scarcity, prosperity vs poor, charity vs loan,investing, saving, doing what you love, believing in yourself,etc.
    The authors present the idea of prosperity from economical, political, spiritual point of view, also whether this is something external to us, or internal and part of ourselves.
    Many of the authors highlight the same idea: the wealthy view the world as a place of abundance and possibilities, refusing the idea of limited resources. They believe there is enough for everybody, and if your mindset is on success, that is were your focus and your path are going to be.
    I enjoyed most the chapters on Richard Branson with the Virgin Story, Rhonda Byrne and the movie she made, T Harv Eker about the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Howard Schultz about building Starbucks, Anita Roddick and the principles behind The Body Shop...but most interesting was Joe Domingues & Vicki Robin on Your money or your life, which sets out the ways people think about money: as power, as security, as happiness, as evil...but Dominguez and Robin come up with another definition: it is something you trade your life energy for.

  • Void lon iXaarii

    Brilliant compilation. A very dense book which does brilliantly what it sets out to do. I love how it compiles so much wisdom, and though obviously as a fan of the books he still manages to retain a certain amount of objectivity. For example for the first time in a book I was happy to hear about the real life details of some authors as he presented it as a way to test the validity of their statements & beliefs! Very inspiring dense book!

    PS: i couldn't believe just how many of the wealthiest gurus had such amazingly inspiringly awesomely giving attitudes! Totally took me by surprise! How some of the most skilled business minds took that same skill to improving the world (and no, not just "after", but their whole life).

  • Javier

    I would give this book a 6 if I could. This was a fabulous book about a wide range of topics related to prosperity. It summarizes 50 best-selling books on topics such as real estate, stocks, savings, becoming debt-free, giving money away, entrepreneurship, economics,starting a business, etc, etc. Some of the books summarized here are the following: "Think and Grow Rich", "The Lazy Man Guide to Riches", "The Millionaire Next Door", "The Wealth of Nations", "The Art of Deal Making", "The E-myth revisited", "Banker to the Poor", "How I turned $1,000 into a $1,000,000 in real estate", "Financial Peace", "The Intelligent Investor", etc.

    This book definitely makes for a good read.

  • Shaeley Santiago

    This collection provides a summary, some quotes, and information about the authors for 50 selected books. Some are classics while others are newer books. While I have already read some of the books included in this one, it was a great review and preview of other titles I'd like to read.

  • Tetka

    Zgodna knjiga koja se definitivno isplati pročitati (ili, još bolje, poslušati). Sažetak najvažnijih, prema autorovom mišljenju, knjiga o ekonomiji, financijama, osobnom razvoju i, naravno, prosperitetu. Jedan značajan dio njih sam već pročitala, neke od njih odabrala za čitanje. Ako vas tema prosperiteta i kako do njega doći zanima, ovdje ćete naći svega onoga što bi vam, 'za prvu ruku' trebalo pomoći. Na listi je i nekoliko mojih osobnih favorita, kao što je 'The Millionaire Next Door'. Na žalost, na njoj nema nekih koje bi sigurno trebalo pročitati, jedna od njih je sigurno 'The Richest Man in Babylon'.

    Koga zanima, evo kompletne liste:

    1. James Allen The Path to Prosperity (1905)
    2. Robert G Allen Multiple Streams of Income (2000)
    3. David Bach The Automatic Millionaire (2003)
    4. PT Barnum The Art of Money Getting (1885)
    5. Genevieve Behrend Your Invisible Power (1921)
    6. John C Bogle The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (2007)
    7. Richard Branson Losing My Virginity (1998)
    8. Warren Buffett The Essays of Warren Buffett (2001)
    9. Rhonda Byrne The Secret (2006)
    10. Andrew Carnegie The Gospel of Wealth (1889)
    11. Felix Dennis How To Get Rich (2006)
    12. Peter Drucker Innovation and Entrepreneurship (1985)
    13. T Harv Eker Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (2005)
    14. Charles Fillmore Prosperity (1912)
    15. Joel Fleishman The Foundation (2007)
    16. Milton Friedman Capitalism and Freedom (1966)
    17. Thomas Friedman The World Is Flat (2005)
    18. Bill Gates Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire (by Bill Wallace & Jim Erickson) (1992)
    19. Michael E Gerber The E-Myth Revisited (1995, 2001)
    20. Benjamin Graham The Intelligent Investor (1949)
    21. Mark Victor Hansen & Robert G Allen The One Minute Millionaire (2002)
    22. Paul Hawken Natural Capitalism (2000)
    23. Esther & Jerry Hicks Ask and It Is Given: Leaning to Manifest Your Desires (2004)
    24. Napoleon Hill The Master Key to Riches (1964)
    25. Conrad Hilton Be My Guest (1964)
    26. Joe Karbo The Lazy Man's Way to Riches (1973)
    27. Guy Kawasaki The Art of the Start (2004)
    28. Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom (1998)
    29. Peter Lynch One Up On Wall Street (1989)
    30. Andrew McLean & Gary Eldred Investing in Real Estate (5th edition, 2005)
    31. Jerrold Mundis How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously (1990)
    32. William Nickerson How I Turned $1,000 into Three Million in Real Estate In My Spare Time (1969)
    33. Conor O'Clery The Billionaire That Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune (2007)
    34. Suze Orman Women and Money (2007)
    35. Paul Zane Pilzer God Wants You To Be Rich (1995)
    36. Catherine Ponder Open Your Mind To Prosperity (1982)
    37. John Randolph Price The Abundance Book (1987)
    38. Dave Ramsey Financial Peace Revisited (2005)
    39. Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)
    40. Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer Creating Money (1988)
    41. Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez Your Money or Your Life (1999)
    42. Anita Roddick Business As Unusual: My Entrepreneurial Journey with Profits and Principles (2005)
    43. Howard Schultz Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Step At a Time (1998)
    44. Marsha Sinetar Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow (1987)
    45. Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations (1778)
    46. Thomas Stanley & William Danko The Millionaire Next Door (1996)
    47. Donald Trump The Art of The Deal (1987)
    48. Lynne Twist The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship With Money and Life (2003)
    49. Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904)
    50. Muhammad Yunus Banker To the Poor: Microlending and the Battle Against World Poverty (2003)

  • Kanske Svartfors

    This is the forth book that I have now read from Tom Butler-Bowdon. 50 Prosperity Classics is the weakest so far because there is a lot of repetition in the books it covers; multiple law-of-attraction type books that basically have the same commonsense idea of intention behind it, but masked in various different mystified ways.

    Nontheless, this book does a very good job by delivering what it aims to achieve.

    4/5 (4 basically because the existing material on the topic is not deepest bag of tricks, and would def need an update)

  • John

    Just a bunch of mini-capsules on the writers and the books they wrote. I only knew some of them. But they were the best, anyway.

  • Andre

    Summaries of 50 popular books on prosperity. Few talks about skills; mentality seems to be a major theme for most of the books.

  • Arroma Assada

    كتاب جميل يضم خلاصة 50 كتابا عن الرخاء. فيه الكثير من الأفكار التي تغير المنظور تجاه المال و تساعد على جذبه. أنصح بقراءته

  • Renzo Salvador

    Great summary of prosperity classics.

  • James

    Great summary of 50 books.

    Honestly this is an easy way to knock off titles you want a summary of but not actually read.

  • JK

    1 Minute Book Summary In English, हिन्दी & ગુજરાતી


    ● Prosperity is not just about making money, but about the freedom to live the way you want. ~ Milton Friedman
    ● समृद्धि का अर्थ केवल पैसा बनाना नहीं है, बल्कि अपने हिसाब से जिंदगी जीने की आज़ादी हैं । ~ मिल्टन फ्रीडमैन
    ● સમૃદ્ધિનો મતલબ માત્ર પૈસા કમાવવાનું જ નથી, પરંતુ પોતાની મરજી મુજબની જીંદગી જીવવાની આઝાદી છે. ~ મિલ્ટન ફ્રીડમેન

  • Ashok Rao

    This book contains wealth of knowledge on how to become prosperous. Advice will come from nook and corner of this book and it's for you to decide which ones the best for you. What makes this book interesting is, although each and every book talks about prosperity, you will learn something new from each one of them. The first book selected here is James Allen's 'The Path of Prosperity.' It talks about how you can be truly prosperous by disciplining your mind. 'Multiple Streams of Income' tells us that the prosperous do not depend on only one source of income, but grow orchards of "money trees." I can just go on. You may not be able to read all the books mentioned here but reading this one book can make a big difference to the way you think about money.

  • Wendy

    I really enjoyed his other book, 50 Success Classics, so I gave this one a shot. This one is not nearly as good. It seems like the author has a "save the earth" agenda, and chose to include many books with that angle to them. The heavy guilt fails to inspire. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting. It is still a good resource and gives a good overview of 50 different books. The short biographies of the authors are interesting.

  • أزبكية

    موقع ازبكيه هو موقع متخصص فى بيع الكتب المستعمله, كما يوفر لك ازبكيه قاعده بيانات بالكتب التى يمتلكها مدعمه بصوره عن حاله الكتاب وسعره تساعدك فى حال قررت شراء الكتاب مع خدمه التوصيل و الدفع عند الاستلام كما نقدم ايضا خدمه طلب كتاب لنبحث لك عما تريدأزبكيه تنقب لك عن كنوز لا تقدر بثمن

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    صفحتنا على الفيس بوك

  • Lindsey

    I liked the fact that this book focused on how scores of different millionaires and business men and women made their fortunes so gave alot of different ideas and perspectives on making it rich. Didn't read like the average 'how to make a fortune in 10 easy steps' books.

  • Carlos Effio

    Read all of Butler-Bowdon's books. They will help you find your purpose in life by helping you choose the most appropriate books for your quest from the 250 he summarizes. If not, you at least become familiar with 250 books you should have read anyways.

  • Cj Sime

    While it was a good list of books on wealth creation, the complete set up was disjointed.

  • Risto Kärkkäinen

    The 50 Psychology classics included abstracts from the authors like Edward the Bono and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. This one included people like Warren Buffet and Thomas Friedman

  • Casey Vaughan

    Great place to find other books to read. Also great summaries of books that have impacted society.

  • Gerry

    Great little book, read it!

  • Lawanda

    I listened to the audio version. This book is a genius way to build a reading list.