Out of Avalon: An Anthology of Old Magic \u0026 New Myths by Jennifer Roberson

Out of Avalon: An Anthology of Old Magic \u0026 New Myths
Title : Out of Avalon: An Anthology of Old Magic \u0026 New Myths
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0451458311
ISBN-10 : 9780451458315
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 336
Publication : First published January 1, 1998


Avalon. Mist-shrouded, wrapped in magic. The legendary island of the Goddess, resting place of Arthur. This mystical island's legacy has remained strong over the centuries, becoming a symbol of hope and wonder.

Out of Avalon presents fifteen original stories of magic, adventure, and romance from an era lost to history - yet always remembered by those with imagination...

Out of Avalon: An Anthology of Old Magic \u0026 New Myths Reviews

  • Arthurianmaiden

    The only way I can write a review for this collection of stories is writing mini reviews for each story because the quality is very different. So there will be some spoiler! If you don't want spoiler jump to the end!

    There were some very good stories and some very bad stories.
    In particular I'd say that The Heart of the Hill, Me and Galahad and The Mouse’s Soul were quite bad. Truly bad.
    The Castellan, Marwysgafn (Deathbed Song), Avalonia, Finding the Grail, A Lesser Working were okay.
    The Fourth Concealment of the Island of Britain, The Mooncalfe, Prince of Exiles were quite good and with some nice twists.
    Instead Lady of the Lake, The Secret Leaves and Grievous Wounds were the real starts of the collection. In particular, Grevous Wounds was TRULY good and, in my opinion, worth the all collection.

  • Kara

    Excellent collection of King Arthur stories in all shapes and sizes, some funny, some sad, and most with so very cool twists to the tales.

    Loved, loved, loved, seeing all the writers take the exact same cast of characters and all present them completely differently.

  • Kythe42

    Out of Avalon edited by Jennifer Roberson is a collection of Arthurian short stories by various authors. One story entitled The Heart of the Hill is set in Marion Zimmer Bradley's version of Avalon and takes place sometime in the middle of The Mists of Avalon during Morgaine's training to be a priestess. This story was the sole reason I purchased this book and I definitely enjoyed reading it. It should be noted that none of the other stories in this collection have anything to do with Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon, which I was aware of before reading this collection. Many of the other stories are retellings of familiar Arthurian tales, though sometimes the focus is on original characters within those tales. Other stories are merely inspired by Arthurian legends and that particular time period.

    Of course some stories I enjoyed more than others, but I would rate most of them as three or four stars. Besides The Heart of the Hill, I also particularly enjoyed The Secret Leaves which is about a young girl that becomes Myrddin's(Merlin's) apprentice and lover, and The Mooncalfe which is about a child with strange abilities born of a human mother and an otherworldly father. The only story that I really didn't care for at all was Me and Galahad which was a search for the holy grail story taking place in an American Western setting. I enjoyed this collection overall, but at times it was a bit confusing just because the stories were all written by different authors, and as such there were many details that were inconsistent from story to story. It was mostly things like differences in character's names and differences in how characters were related to each other, but of course there were even plot details that varied from story to story. After the first few stories though, it was easier for me to go with the flow and not worry so much about the details. I'd definitely recommend this collection to fans of Arthurian or medieval fantasy.

  • Brenda

    I only read the story by Diana Gabaldon in this book of 15 short stories. Hers is called The Castellan. This is proof she CAN write a short story. LOL. Only 26 pages. I did like it. She can write magical dragon stories too.

  • Carla

    This review is only for Diana Gabaldon's story (The Castellan). I really enjoyed this story. It was interesting to see what she can do in a different genre. I think it is really cool that she wrote this story with her son, Sam--he has since been published on his own under the pen name Samuel Sykes.

  • Angie Curtis

    Great book new myths created from the old. There is even a story about Morgaine ( from MZB Mists of Avalon). It takes place in she is still in training, her relationship with raven and a new trainee. I really enjoyed the book and I hope others will too.

  • Georgene

    An anthology of short stories all based on the myths and legends of King Arthur. Some were better than others as is almost always true of anthologies. It kept my attention and I enjoyed the stories and the views of the different authors.

  • Dana

    Includes stories by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana Gabaldon, among other writers. Enjoyable, particularly for medieval/fantasy/King Arthur buffs.

  • Abigail

    Short story compilations. *sigh* Some were pretty good others were horrible. At least it was entertaining. Would make an excellent airplane book.

  • Kim

    Such a lovely anthology of stories! I loved almost all of them! The authors, for the most part, did really well, and Roberson chose well in how she put the collection together.

  • Dena

    Enjoyable, bunch of short stories about Avalon mainly from a female perspective.

  • Jeri

    I feel utterly bereft of words to properly describe my complete delight in this book.

  • Rita

    Good stories. I like the 'wild west' story.

  • Katerina

    Out of Avalon è una raccolta di quindici racconti, scritta da vari autori che includono Marion Zimmer Bradley e Diana Gabaldon.
    Dare un voto ad una raccolta non è mai semplice, perché per sua natura questo tipo di libro ha una qualità altalenante visto che non viene scritto da un'unica persona, e poiché alcuni racconti mi sono piaciuti molto più degli altri ho finito per dargli tre stelline.

    Ho dato la caccia a questo libro per anni: costava sempre moltissimo (a quanto pare è fuori catalogo nel mondo intero), per cui quando alla fine sono riuscita a trovarlo ad un prezzo accettabile l'ho preso subito, e pazienza se si vede che ha circa mille anni.
    Ovviamente avevo alte aspettative, che sono state in parte disattese non perché il libro non sia bello ma appunto perché le raccolte di racconti non sono proprio il mio genere preferito.
    La cosa più interessante è che i vari autori hanno approfittato di questo progetto per andare ad esplorare gli episodi meno conosciuti del mito arturiano, momenti della vita degli eroi che però non si sono mai visti prima. C'è persino un personaggi inventato, che a rigor di logica avrei dovuto detestare perché sul serio ma quando mai... eppure è stato uno dei racconti che mi sono piaciuti di più perché, tanto per cominciare, tramite i suoi occhi si vedeva tutta l'ambientazione storica e mistica di questo particolare mito, ma soprattutto perché riusciva nella rara impresa di essere interessante per i fatti suoi e - allo stesso tempo - mostrare a pieno la crudele ambiguità di uno dei personaggi più conosciuti (Merlino, per la precisione).
    Si tratta di un volume che riesce ad essere molto classico e, allo stesso tempo, fonte di quindici retelling (anche se quello di Marion Zimmer Bradley è più che altro una novella de Le Nebbie di Avalon con protagonista Margana ai tempi del suo addestramento ad Avalon) che è già un successo di per sé, ma ci tengo a sottolineare che a mio avviso si sente in pieno quando è stato scritto: al di là dei nomi coinvolti, è proprio il tipo di storie, lo stile di scrittura, a renderlo perfettamente identificabile come un prodotto della fine degli anni '90- inizio 2000, e suppongo sia per questo che è finito fuori cataologo: non essendo i retelling dedicati ad Artù un filone di grido, questo librino qui è destinato a diventare una piccola chicca per noi appassionati più che qualcosa da tenere negli scaffali sperando che faccia il botto.
    È il classico libro che puoi trovare nella libreria della nonna, che per me non è una descrizione negativa (fosse solo per i ricordi che mi tornano alla mente) ma quella che uso per i libri un po' antiquati, che hanno vissuto il loro tempo metaforicamente e fisicamente, che però trovo tanto bellini e che mi lasciato tante belle sensazioni.

    Insomma, Out of Avalon non è un capolavoro e - a mio modesto avviso - neanche una lettura imperdibile. Ma se come me siete dei fan del ciclo arturiano, può rivelarsi una piacevole sorpresa... oltre che un buon recupero nella lista dei fuori catalogo.

  • Amélie

    In "Lady of the Lake" by Michelle Sagara West a lord wishing to have a child rapes young women. Merlin gathers them and bring them to the Isle of the Lake.

  • Freyja

    All of the short stories are engaging and hard to put down. This will be another re-read. This had so many takes on Camelot, Avalon, and magic.

  • Ginger Vampyre

    A collection of stories focusing around Avalon and mostly Merlin. Instead of retelling of the common stories, these authors are showing their alternative ideas featuring characters from the common mythos. It was interesting reading various AUs of Merlin, Camelot, and the families, I found them to be a little too modern romance for the way I think about Camelot. Not bad, but not really to my taste.

  • Kayleigh

    A very bad book.
    Some stories are lovely others are just strange.
    Still I love the cover. ;)

  • Kendra

    Short stories based out of Arthurian myth.

  • Heide

    Years ago

  • Edina Ribeiro

    Gostei muito

  • Patrick Bättig

    Roman von Ihr wird weitergesponnen