Title | : | パーフェクトワールド 7 (Perfect World, #7) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | Japanese |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 192 |
Publication | : | First published April 13, 2018 |
パーフェクトワールド 7 (Perfect World, #7) Reviews
I already surmised this volume would be good when I started to read it (as volume 6 had ended on such a cliffhanger). Luckily, this volume didn’t let me down. I was very relieved because I was growing bored by the story line of the previous volumes. In contrast, this installment was quite thrilling with the tension of having to rescue Ayukawa and furthermore with the ramifications of the earthquake. I was literally racing through because I was so curious, excited and nervous. When things slowly settled, I loved the emotional moments and how the characters began to question themselves and their decisions. It was simply a very interesting read and I hope the next volume will be at least as good.
The end itself gives me high hopes and I’ll definitely pick up volume 8 as soon as I can!
Now I want to address exactly two problems I had with this installment:
1) Some of the conversations seemed forced and unnatural. I had this problem with a few scenes in the previous chapters but in this volume, to me, it felt even worse. One of the moments was when Nagasawa explained Kawana how dangerous the situation is for Ayukawa. I think this might be a problem with the translation but maybe it’s also caused by the placement, context and content of the speeches.
2) As in the previous volume, some difficulties which Ayukawa had to face because of his disability appeared over-dramatized and just too much “in the face”. I am aware, there are more problems and obstacles he has to get over but I don’t like how it’s always so very much in the center of attention while on the other side, I have problems to understand his reactions. I think, he should have been more tired after that long day in his wheelchair. I think, he should have been more troubled by the situation of being abandoned and helpless in the flat for hours. I think, he should not laugh everything off as if it’s okay. I know, this story isn’t told from his POV, so we can’t tell what truly is going on in his head...but I really think, Ayukawa’s emotional state should be considered as well. Not only his physical condition. -
Phew, this was the volume I needed and I'm so excited to see what happens next!
Also, her parents are so incredibly selfish and cruel. I love that the MC is started to question their opinions and is starting to think for herself more. I can definitely see that character growth. There's a scene where her dad just says to his wife, "What if those two end up hurting each other again?" and I immediately though: if ya'll weren't assholes the first time, maybe they wouldn't have hurt each other in the first place? I think it was in the last issue where she was finally starting to question her mom's comments about what "normal" meant.
I'm just happy she's finally growing a backbone.
Happy reading! -
Esta obra me tiene siempre en un sin vivir 😭
"There are some things you have to protect no matter what happens. And if you can keeps those things safe, maybe that’s all you need to tackle any challenges life throws at you."
After the earthquake, Tsugumi and her friend practically do everything in their power to get to Itsuki ‘cause he could literally die if no one help him escape from his shattered room.
When they get to him, tears and relief come from all parties involved and they quickly go to the hospital, where people are gathering to stay safe. Truth be told, he was passed out after screaming his lungs out, begging for help but no one came. An earthquake is no joke and for someone in a wheelchair is a far more risking event.
Itsuki and Tsugumi, though they’re not in a romantic relationship anymore, they still care for each other and share a beautiful, heartbreaking scene in the back of a van due to lack of mats.
Later on Tsugumi sees her young friend, the girl who used to date a guy her same age and she finds out they broke up yet remained friends. And perhaps this is the next step to Itsuki and Tsugumi herself. I mean, we clearly see they still love each other but maybe their relationship can only remain as platonic.
Don’t get me wrong, I want them all to be happy. Koreda truly cares for Tsgumi and I kinda hope she gives him a chance, but I also want Tsugumi and Itsuki to be happy in their own way. This volume ends with her being at Itsuki’s door so, what would she say to him?
This volume contains chapter 30 – 34.
Volume 1 |
Volume 2 |
Volume 3 |
Volume 4 |
Volume 5 |
Volume 6 -
That ending tho >.<
I’m never getting over them
Amo que este manga siempre me ponga en perspectiva lo mucho que el mundo no está pensado para las personas con discapacidad. Hoy, un sismo; mañana, quién sabe. Llorando le doy gracias a Rie Aruga y le digo: otro tomo, por favor.
Hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen! Ich mag die Entwicklung wieder und hoffe, dass sie diesmal auch so bleibt xD
J'ai attendu ce tome avec impatience, surtout après le final du sixième, qui m'avait laissée avec la peur au ventre quant à la suite. Je me suis jetée sur ce tome à sa sortie et n'en peux déjà plus d'attendre le prochain....
Suite aux événements de la fin du Tome 6, Ayukawa se retrouve dans une situation difficile. En effet, ce tome soulève un certain nombre de nouveaux problèmes liés aux personnes en situation de handicap, notamment en ce qui concerne les structures mises en place lors de catastrophes naturelles. Ces espaces de survie ne sont souvent pas adaptés pour des personnes en fauteuil roulant et montrent les grandes lacunes encore existantes dans ce domaine.
Ayukawa et Kawana sont, plus que jamais deux personnages forts qui apprennent à évoluer l'un sans l'autre tout en continuant à se cotoyer. Mais ils finiront malgré tout par se rapprocher à nouveau. Il faut dire que ce tome est très nostalgique et emplit de leurs souvenirs de lycée. D'autres questionnements voient le jour du côté de Koré-éda et Nagasawa, qui se trouvent loin de la situation que vivent les deux protagonistes principaux.
L'histoire et les personnages de Perfect World ne cessent de gagner toujours plus en maturité. De plus, ce tome nous offre un nouveau cliffhanger haut en couleurs : la mangaka est très douée pour ce genre de choses et laisse avec une certaine appréhension quant à ce qu'il va se produire dans le prochain tome. Cette série est un véritable régal ! -
It took me a few days but I finally finished this volume.
Tsugumi worries for Itsuki during the earthquake. When they make it to the shelter, there is only one bed left, but Itsuki gives it to an older woman, and is able to sleep in someone's van. Itsuki joins him where she draws something in a sketchbook that she finds in the van.
Tsugumi meets with Haruto and Maika once the earthquake is over and things have settled. The two have broken up and have new significant others, but are still close friends and have no regrets. This causes Tsugumi to think back to Itsuki and that she does have regrets. I don't think she has emotionally moved on. While the two are in different relationship, months after their relationship has ended, and the two seems to have moved on, I feel there is more that is not being said.
Let alone the time she spent in the van. She cant emotionally moved forward with her boyfriend because she still looks Itsuki. -
I'm not sure how to feel about this volume. I just wish all of them realized their thoughts and feeling soon since they know they're not where they want or feel exactly happy/satisfied yet but they need time to figure things out for themselves and maybe be less stubborn, while here I am as a reader getting impatient lol.
In the aftermath of the quake Tsugumi has a hand in getting to Ayukama to check on him after not being able to reach him. This series keeps tearing at my heart-strings and I just reeeeeeeally hope that they both end up happy.
I feel like this series doesn't pull its punches when it comes to the important things! Love this story! Need physical prints in the US!
I want so many more people to read this! Its so important! -
questo letto stra veloce bellissimo vi prego tornate insieme non state a illudere persone a caso⛔⛔⛔
3.5 stars
Honestly I read quite a few of these and haven't kept up with reviews so they've all blurred together. All I know is they got heavy on the love triangle trope which I hate. This is a very dramatic series and I think that's what draws me in but it's also VERY contrived.
I think in this one Tsugumi makes some new friends who are of course looking to build a barrier free house so she ends up reuniting with Ayukawa and working on the interior design of the house. I love the inclusion of the new couple though as a foil to Tsugumi and Ayukawa. -
Dieser Band hat mir wieder besser gefallen, wenn auch Tsugumi und Itsuki nur einen Minischritt aufeinander zugemacht haben...Es geht jedoch in die richtige Richtung...
I really cannot wait for this story to reach its conclusion, it feels like we've been going around in circle for ages. It's still good, just redundant.
Il terremoto che ha colpito la cittadina di Matsumoto sarà l'evento che metterà in moto il colpo di scena più citofonato della storia, portando al definitivo riavvicinamento tra Tsugumi e Itsuki, con la prima che correrà in soccorso del ragazzo, rimasto solo in casa durante la scossa di terremoto.
Ancora una volta, ci viene fatto vedere come una situazione già di per sé molto complicata, diventi ancora più difficile per una persona con disabilità: infatti, oltre alle inevitabili conseguenze fisiche, il povero Itsuki dovrà penare un po' prima di trovare un posto adatto a lui e alle sue esigenze. Tsugumi gli starà sempre al fianco. E siccome gli altri non sono tutti fessi, hanno capito che qualcosa bolle in pentola. Lo stesso Koreeda lo sa e finirà per essere piantato.
Ora per i due protagonisti è tempo di superare i rimpianti per come si è conclusa la loro storia...certo, dubito che i genitori di lei siano molto entusiasti della cosa, ma facciamo finta di niente. -
Vu la fin du tome précédent, je suis contente d’avoir pu enchaîner directement avec celui-ci ! Nous retrouvons nos personnages juste après le violent séisme qui a touché la région de Matsumoto. Kawana et Ayukawa s’y trouvaient chacun de leur côté pour le projet de construction de la maison de Kaede et Keigo.
Kawana va beaucoup s’inquiéter n’ayant pas de nouvelles de son ami. Elle va donc décider de partir à sa recherche pour s’assurer qu’il ne lui est rien arrivé.
Ce tome est plutôt intéressant puisqu’on voit les répercussions de la catastrophe sur la population en général et plus particulièrement sur le petit groupe de personnes que l’on suit !
Comme à son habitude, Rie Aruga nous laisse sur un suspense. Je n’ai pas encore trouvé la date de parution du tome 8 mais j’espère qu’il ne tardera pas trop !!! ♥
http://www.gamesofbooks.com/2018/08/1... -
Avis intégralité :
Un manga super intéressant les comportements des personnage collent à une réalité pas de sur jeu pas de comédie juste du réel quand revoir son amour de jeunesse réveille la flamme qui était en vous mais que découvrir qu’il est en fauteuil remet forcement vos sentiments en doute.
Ce qui est intéressant c’est que on va rencontrer un couple plus âgé ( de l’age de leur parents) ou la aussi l’un d’eux est en fauteuil ce qui permet à notre duo d’avoir une vision de leur relation dans l’avenir car un couple avec un en fauteuil ne sera pas du tout la meme aventure que avec 2 personnes valides. Puis on rencontrera un jeune couple d’étudiants donc cela nous montre aussi la version jeunesse . bref un manga très bien développé.
Le seul gros défaut du manga c’est que l’on a pas de notion de temps alors que nous suivons leur vie sur envions 9 ans. -
Overall (vol. 1-9) thoughts:
I prefer light-hearted mangas, and while this series has its happier moments, it’s also very real with the discussions and events that take place. It’s heart wrenching at times, frustrating at others, and I just want them to be happy. *sniffs* This series has given me a lot to think about (mainly volumes 1,2 & 9), but I don’t know if I’ll be continuing with any more future releases, I think vol. 9 ended it well enough for me.
(Thought on this volume: I'm emotional.)
1 star due to taking God's name in vain and other issues.
Content for this Volume-
Six 'Thank God's, a 'God', a 'd*mned', a 'd*mn it', a 'stupid', a 'what the hell';
Mentions of blood & injuries; A couple mentions of wine; A kiss; Mentions of crushes, dating, dates, girlfriends/boyfriends, & breakups. -
Almost back to the I-love-this-manga-so-much level that existed with the first four volumes. Almost. While there was good plot movement in this one, I cringed at the “lay it on thick” drama of possible danger to Ayukawa following the earthquake. I know manga has limited pages to convey some big ideas. I know there are dangers that people with physical disabilities face that are far more acute and dire than people without disabilities. But I would have preferred this danger to have been conveyed through Ayukawa himself rather than through the panic of Kawana and Nagadawa. I really wanted Ayukawa to yell “Would you two STOP coddling me?!” I am so thrilled to see disability representation in manga though that I will support this story all the way to the end…which better give me my Hollywood-happy-ending!
Una història d'amor hetero plena de drama, anades i vingudes i amb un protagonista que va amb cadira de rodes per culpa d'un accident. Trobo que és una sèrie que retrata molt bé les lesions medul·lars i totes les possibles afectacions en la vida diària així com el repte que suposa tenir parella quan es pateix una discapacitat en el context de la societat japonesa. M'ha sorprès (i molestat força, la veritat) com l'entorn de la parella principal es creu en el dret d'intervenir i jutjar-los. A la trama té massa protagonisme la família i els "enemics/rivals", s'estira massa el xiclet i hi ha aspectes de la parella que es podrien haver aprofundit més. Com a punt a millorar, em sembla que la història és massa vainilla i que el tema de la sexualitat només es toca de puntetes. En general, una història d'amor diferent i refrescant, però amb un ritme irregular.
I really want Tsugumi to be with Ayukawa, but Koreeda has been so good for her and to her, always supporting her and helping her, and...I don't know, it just seems to me like Tsugumi is being really selfish in all of this. :C I mean, staying with someone you don't have feelings for isn't any good either, but it had seemed like she DID have feelings for him, so...I don't know what I'm supposed to think about all this. Also, literally PROMISING Koreeda that she and Ayukawa would never get back together, then going to see him like that isn't great either.
Ugh, it's all just a mess and this is why stories with love triangles that are so completely centered around the romance instead of anything else frustrate me! X'D -
I feel weird because I really enjoyed this series when I got started. Then I took a break and returned to the series with this volume and I didn’t expect that I would rate this lower. I still really think this is an important manga to read. But I find myself not really being pulled into the romance of these two characters. The struggle that both go through is difficult but they are both stuck with trying to figure things out. That weight is overwhelming to the point where it is all encompassing. I feel like I don’t know who these characters are outside their struggle? I’m not sure if I’m making sense, but I’ll stop here for now.
3.5 ⭐️
Honestly the whole the one not knowing the other one likes them shenanigans is really annoying. Like why can’t you guys just be together already.
There wasn’t much that happened in this volume, it just felt like a transition book in between big events. But the ending makes me feel like she’s gonna try to confess and he won’t accept or some other event is gonna make it impossible yet again for them to be together.
Also the breakup of the other younger couple feels like foreshadowing for our main couple... hopefully it’s not. -
the ending!! finally some progress 😵💫 the drama was just,,,vexing to read abt🙃
yknow what i kind of feel bad for koreda but at the same time, i dont. actually, i don’t care for him much at all lol. at the same time tho, i also believe tsugumi shouldn’t have gotten into a relationship with him either, being in the state she was,,not vry fair to him. :/
(honestly the problem i have w/ such plotlines is the fact that im just… restless (?) during them. like ok, speed it along. i don’t rlly get attached to them)