Josei no hinkaku: yosooi kara ikikata made by Bando Mariko

Josei no hinkaku: yosooi kara ikikata made
Title : Josei no hinkaku: yosooi kara ikikata made
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 4569657052
Format Type : Kindle , Hardcover , Paperback , Audiobook & More
Number of Pages : 225
Publication : First published September 16, 2006

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Josei no hinkaku: yosooi kara ikikata made Reviews

  • MameYakko

    Title: Josei no Hinkaku (Dignity of women)
    I respect the author for daring to write this kind of guidebook on how Japanese women should be like.
    And I agree that women should be able to cook (not only women but men also!) and shoud know some Japanese classic literature as , and should not have flab.