Title | : | Coleen: Forever (Waking Forever, #5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1311640940 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 178 |
Publication | : | First published June 25, 2015 |
Coleen has seen war, famine, death, love, magic, and centuries of seduction. But for all of her wandering, experience, and living, it's not just her past that catches up with her... it's the present.
Faced with the challenge of finding a new companion, Coleen must choose between love and tradition. She will be forced to break her own rules, and ideals she has held for centuries will be pushed aside as she struggles to reconcile the person she has been, and the one she must become to survive.
Coleen: Forever (Waking Forever, #5) Reviews
Brilliant! The lead: a witty,independent,headhunter and topper with good fighting skills,i also admired the way the author wrote her with this take no prisoners attitude and very mouthy...then there was isla,who was the opposite and had a much better kinder gentler attitude..that's why they both had so much chemistry and drove each other crazy at times...was a wonderful written book and highly recommend to all...awesome series!
Great way to end.
I wasn't sure what to expect in this book. In most books like these the character like Coleen you get just bit of their history. This one you got all her history. I love how the series ends with her finding love like everyone else. I would definitely recommend this book. -
Rivals first book…
I am not really sure which love story is my favorite…Rachel and Sara or Coleen and Isla. I didn’t think it was possible, but I think I actually like Coleen the most of all the characters. I like Coleens rawness and honesty. She is actually passionate, crude, and rude. And I loved throughout series…her play for all the women at some point. Rachel’s personally has some of the best banter and wittiness that made her and Sara perfect for one another. Emma was brilliant beyond belief. And I love how she would spill out facts and trivia at anytime, especially at weird or uncomfortable ones. I see why Emma intrigued and excited Coleen for decades. Coleen was just as studied and bright.
If you go the series each vampire fell for a human. As times are changing, I believe it was time for Coleen to do so as well. Rayven and her were wrong from the start. She dominated Rayven, even though Rayven dispensed verbal and physical punishment to this circle of vampire friends. Rayven was cruel for cruelties sake. Coleen was because for 2500+ years existence you’ve seen and heard it all. But she could not dominate, manipulate, force, coerce, or just take Isla. It was Isla’s rejection that finally tamed the beast. Even Emma couldn’t do that.
So, I think this is my favorite book in the series that we may never have had. -
I found this book rather anti climatic. Coleen has been such a presence in the other books in this series and her story should have been the peak. Unfortunately we see her have a complete personality transplant and become somewhat insipid. I also didn't feel the chemistry between her and Isla as much as I did the other couples in the series.
Still a fun enough read but I bit of a let down nonetheless -
I loved getting a peek into how Coleen came to be. Also it was nice to know that Coleen had to stumble through dating after the stress she put the previous couples through. I couldn't give it five stars because it was too short for a character that was thousands of years older than the vampires in previous works. But it was still a good read. -
This was an amazing series and Coleen story was the perfect ending.
I loved this series.
love this series
loved the whole series of books! couldn't put them down! fast paced and beautifully written. fantastic characters and fast pace. perfect.