Pars, le vent se lève by Han Kang

Pars, le vent se lève
Title : Pars, le vent se lève
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 2367270147
ISBN-10 : 9782367270142
Language : French
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 356
Publication : First published January 1, 2015

Quelle est la frontière entre la vérité et le mensonge, le présent et les souvenirs qui s’entrechoquent ? Lorsque sa meilleure amie, une jeune femme peintre, meurt dans un accident de voiture, Jeong-hee, la narratrice, est confrontée à un critique d’art qui prétend que la jeune femme, en réalité, s’est suicidée. Jeong-hee ne croit pas à ce suicide et découvre au cours d’une enquête parfois dangereuse et digne d’un détective, la fragilité de son amie et la souffrance dans laquelle elle a vécu.

Cette recherche nous emmène à travers Séoul, dans l’hiver coréen, dans l’intimité du milieu artistique et le lecteur pénètre, par petites touches, dans une société à la fois proche et lointaine.

Pars, le vent se lève est un livre plein de poésie et de tendresse, par lequel l’auteure nous dit que le plus important, c’est de vivre.

Pars, le vent se lève Reviews

  • saïd

    『바람이 분다, 가라』 par Han Kang (한강). Traduction française par Lee Tae-Yeon (이태연) et Geneviève Roux-Faucard.

  • Nat⁷

    i'd love if anyone replied to me to talk about this book!!
    si quelqu'un a envie de me parler concernant ce livre, n'hésitez pas de répondre :)
    책을 촣아했어요? 나 써 주세요 ㅜㅜ

    [work in progress, finished reading oct 19th]

    [ah yes, chapter 8 where i thought i would want to write a full review in French.. no]
    le français n'est pas ma première langue et ce manière non-lineaire the raconter l'histoire d'In-ju et jeonghee et leur enfance et encore leur situation maintenant.. un peu difficile de suivre pour moi :(
    quelqu'un peut m'expliquer la point de vue du 8ème chapitre..? c'est qui ? "je suis un vieille homme fatigué" uhh? ah, c'est l'homme qu'elle est allé voir, lui avec le photo de Misiryeong ? [oui] IL AVAIT ENVIE D'EMBRASSER JEONGHEE ?? now why tf is this old ass dude talking about the sexual fantasies of his math student about the student's young english teacher I DONT WANT TO KNOW [he did bc it was a 40yr time jump and he was young which isnt much better tbh]
    la femme professeur reçoit 4000won pour tutoyer le fils? c'est 3€???
    même en 1980 ce n'est pas beaucoup, non ? Oh, en fait c'est équivalent à 20k won maintenant.. d'accord..
    attendez.. la femme professeur.. est-elle la mère d'In-ju ?! ....est-il le père d'In-Ju :o [il n'est pas, non ? elle vraiment avait un fiancé ?]

    je ne comprends rien.. est qu'il est allé chez elle ? Est qu'elle a un fiancé où pas ?

    tous les trois, ils sont bizarres.. et leurs vendredis..

    now this creep stalks her?? Monsieur Ryu
    what the fuck is wrong w him
    did he kill her mom [no but he did encourage her alcoholism so maybe in a way yes]

    the actual assault and later rape fantasies damn i didnt expect this [maybe i shouldve]
    but whyd he plead guilty and went to prison, he didnt even drive the car?? he was not in the car?!
    [i really really didnt get that part. i thought the student drove the car into the white coat man at the hospital and then into a wall. why did the psych go to prison for it. also who was that man]

    chapter 9 etc etc, different guy and different car accident now, the one where inju died, turns out kang seokwon was in the car and injured. and ONLY NOW we find out abt inju in the car, all doors closed from the inside? isnt that.. relevant info for the beginning of the book?? like all this time we didnt know how she died, only speculations, but there were facts, jeonghee just didnt tell us?
    oh and a few pages earlier: am i reading that right? did i miss it earlier or am i only finding out 20 pages before the end that the three years she spent sitting in here house staring at a wall was not bc of the death of her uncle, but a sports injury that she nearly fully recovered from within 6 months?!?
    [and i have so many questions about kang, why does he care this much, why is he this deranged, huhhhh?? it's all already fuzzy in my mind ah :( i wish i had an easy way to just look up the plot and character summaries]

    oh.. okay? uh the end.. okay? at least she's alive okay [why is kang so violent]

    last thing: please, for the love of fuck, choose once, what that little dot means, or maybe a second different paragraph break symbol and stick to it.. sometimes it's a 40yr time jump, sometimes not even minutes and just to show the end of a thought, sometimes back and forth, sometimes to the pov of letters and messages of other characters? i think full pov changes were only at chapter breaks, but it would be nice to tell us whose thoughts those are and not let the reader guess..

    very fascinating plot idea, love the art and space focus of the first third, the middle third got a bit dull, cluttered and complicated, love the revelations of the last third

    a nice challenge to read but i wouldnt trust myself to explain what happens in this 🥴

    nice character study! i am not any of those! what is up with kang!!? not like the others were fine or sane but he did half kill two people